748 research outputs found

    Investigating the impact of distinct contemplative mental trainings on daily life stress, thoughts and affect: Evidence from a nine-month longitudinal ecological momentary assessment study

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    Mindfulness-based mental training interventions have become a popular means to alleviate stress and stress-associated health risks. Previous scientific investigations emphasize the importance of exploring the effects of such interventions in naturalistic settings to evaluate their implementation into daily life. Therefore, the current study examined the effects of three distinct mental training modules on a range of measures of daily life experience in the scope of the ReSource Project, a 9-month longitudinal mental training study comparing modules targeting attention and interoception (Presence), socio-affective (Affect) or socio-cognitive abilities (Perspective). We used ecological momentary assessment (EMA) to repeatedly probe levels of stress and stress-coping efficacy combined with stress-reactive cortisol levels, and further explored arousal, affective states, and thought patterns in the daily lives of 289 healthy adults (172 women; 20–55 years). We found increased presence-focused thought and heightened arousal after a training duration of 3–6 months, independent of the type of prior training. Increased coping efficacy emerged specifically after socio-cognitive Perspective training, following 6–9 months of training duration. No training effects were found for subjective stress, stress-reactive cortisol levels, or daily life affect. Our findings corroborate and add ecological validity to previous ReSource findings by showing that they replicate in participants’ everyday environment. Regarding endocrine and subjective stress markers, our results suggest caution in generalizing acute laboratory findings to individuals’ everyday routines. Overall, the current study provides substantiated insights into how cultivating one’s mind through contemplative mental training translates to daily life experience, enhances stress-coping, and may ultimately aide in maintaining health

    Associations of social processing abilities with psychosocial stress sensitivity

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    Through the long-term activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, chronic psychosocial stress can compromise mental and bodily health. Psychosocial stress is determined by the perception of social interactions as ego-threatening, and thus strongly influenced by individual social processing capacities. In the current study, we investigated whether three key components of social processing are linked to how individuals respond to the experience of acute psychosocial stress exposure. Empathy, compassion, and Theory of Mind (ToM) were assessed using a state-of-the-art paradigm, the EmpaToM. Participants (N = 118) also underwent the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST), a standardized psychosocial laboratory stress test. Stress responses were measured in terms of salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase, heart-rate, high-frequency heart-rate variability (HF-HRV), and subjective stress experience. ToM performance correlated with different aspects of the acute psychosocial stress response. More specifically, higher levels of ToM were linked to increased alpha-amylase and reduced HF-HRV sensitivity to stress. Empathy and compassion levels had no influence on stress sensitivity. We conclude that ToM performance has a stable albeit contradictory association with acute psychosocial stress, while empathy and compassion tendencies appear to be largely unrelated. Overall, the relationship between EmpaToM-derived empathy, compassion, and ToM characteristics with stress sensitivity in the TSST is relatively weak

    Self-organized critical neural networks

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    A mechanism for self-organization of the degree of connectivity in model neural networks is studied. Network connectivity is regulated locally on the basis of an order parameter of the global dynamics which is estimated from an observable at the single synapse level. This principle is studied in a two-dimensional neural network with randomly wired asymmetric weights. In this class of networks, network connectivity is closely related to a phase transition between ordered and disordered dynamics. A slow topology change is imposed on the network through a local rewiring rule motivated by activity-dependent synaptic development: Neighbor neurons whose activity is correlated, on average develop a new connection while uncorrelated neighbors tend to disconnect. As a result, robust self-organization of the network towards the order disorder transition occurs. Convergence is independent of initial conditions, robust against thermal noise, and does not require fine tuning of parameters.Comment: 5 pages RevTeX, 7 figures PostScrip

    EEG revealed improved vigilance regulation after stress exposure under Nx4: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over trial

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    ObjectivesVigilance is characterized by alertness and sustained attention. The hyper-vigilance states are indicators of stress experience in the resting brain. Neurexan (Nx4) has been shown to modulate the neuroendocrine stress response. Here, we hypothesized that the intake of Nx4 would alter brain vigilance states at rest.MethodIn this post-hoc analysis of the NEURIM study, EEG recordings of three, 12 min resting-state conditions in 39 healthy male volunteers were examined in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over clinical trial. EEG was recorded at three resting-state sessions: at baseline (RS0), after single-dose treatment with Nx4 or placebo (RS1), and subsequently after a psychosocial stress task (RS2). During each resting-state session, each 2-s segment of the consecutive EEG epochs was classified into one of seven different brain states along a wake-sleep continuum using the VIGALL 2.1 algorithm.ResultsIn the post-stress resting-state, subjects exhibited a hyper-stable vigilance regulation characterized by an increase in the mean vigilance level and by more rigidity in the higher vigilance states for a longer period of time. Importantly, Nx4-treated participants exhibited significantly lower mean vigilance level compared to placebo-treated ones. Also, Nx4- compared to placebo-treated participants spent comparably less time in higher vigilance states and more time in lower vigilance states in the post-stress resting-state.ConclusionStudy participants showed a significantly lower mean vigilance level in the post-stress resting-state condition and tended to stay longer in lower vigilance states after treatment with Nx4. These findings support the known stress attenuation effect of Nx4

    Active flow control systems architectures for civil transport aircraft

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    Copyright @ 2010 American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsThis paper considers the effect of choice of actuator technology and associated power systems architecture on the mass cost and power consumption of implementing active flow control systems on civil transport aircraft. The research method is based on the use of a mass model that includes a mass due to systems hardware and a mass due to the system energy usage. An Airbus A320 aircraft wing is used as a case-study application. The mass model parameters are based on first-principle physical analysis of electric and pneumatic power systems combined with empirical data on system hardware from existing equipment suppliers. Flow control methods include direct fluidic, electromechanical-fluidic, and electrofluidic actuator technologies. The mass cost of electrical power distribution is shown to be considerably less than that for pneumatic systems; however, this advantage is reduced by the requirement for relatively heavy electrical power management and conversion systems. A tradeoff exists between system power efficiency and the system hardware mass required to achieve this efficiency. For short-duration operation the flow control solution is driven toward lighter but less power-efficient systems, whereas for long-duration operation there is benefit in considering heavier but more efficient systems. It is estimated that a practical electromechanical-fluidic system for flow separation control may have a mass up to 40% of the slat mass for a leading-edge application and 5% of flap mass for a trailing-edge application.This work is funded by the Sixth European Union Framework Programme as part of the AVERT project (Contract No. AST5-CT-2006-030914

    Rapid volumetric brain changes after acute psychosocial stress

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    Stress is an important trigger for brain plasticity: Acute stress can rapidly affect brain activity and functional connectivity, and chronic or pathological stress has been associated with structural brain changes. Measures of structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be modified by short-term motor learning or visual stimulation, suggesting that they also capture rapid brain changes. Here, we investigated volumetric brain changes (together with changes in T1 relaxation rate and cerebral blood flow) after acute stress in humans as well as their relation to psychophysiological stress measures.Sixty-seven healthy men (25.8±2.7 years) completed a standardized psychosocial laboratory stressor (Trier Social Stress Test) or a control version while blood, saliva, heart rate, and psychometrics were sampled. Structural MRI (T1 mapping / MP2RAGE sequence) at 3T was acquired 45 min before and 90 min after intervention onset. Grey matter volume (GMV) changes were analysed using voxel-based morphometry. Associations with endocrine, autonomic, and subjective stress measures were tested with linear models.We found significant group-by-time interactions in several brain clusters including anterior/mid-cingulate cortices and bilateral insula: GMV was increased in the stress group relative to the control group, in which several clusters showed a GMV decrease. We found a significant group-by-time interaction for cerebral blood flow, and a main effect of time for T1 values (longitudinal relaxation time). In addition, GMV changes were significantly associated with state anxiety and heart rate variability changes.Such rapid GMV changes assessed with VBM may be induced by local tissue adaptations to changes in energy demand following neural activity. Our findings suggest that endogenous brain changes are counteracted by acute psychosocial stress, which emphasizes the importance of considering homeodynamic processes and generally highlights the influence of stress on the brain

    You turn me cold: evidence for temperature contagion

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    Introduction During social interactions, our own physiological responses influence those of others. Synchronization of physiological (and behavioural) responses can facilitate emotional understanding and group coherence through inter-subjectivity. Here we investigate if observing cues indicating a change in another's body temperature results in a corresponding temperature change in the observer. Methods Thirty-six healthy participants (age; 22.9±3.1 yrs) each observed, then rated, eight purpose-made videos (3 min duration) that depicted actors with either their right or left hand in visibly warm (warm videos) or cold water (cold videos). Four control videos with the actors' hand in front of the water were also shown. Temperature of participant observers' right and left hands was concurrently measured using a thermistor within a Wheatstone bridge with a theoretical temperature sensitivity of <0.0001°C. Temperature data were analysed in a repeated measures ANOVA (temperature × actor's hand × observer's hand). Results Participants rated the videos showing hands immersed in cold water as being significantly cooler than hands immersed in warm water, F(1,34) = 256.67, p0.1). There was however no evidence of left-right mirroring of these temperature effects p>0.1). Sensitivity to temperature contagion was also predicted by inter-individual differences in self-report empathy. Conclusions We illustrate physiological contagion of temperature in healthy individuals, suggesting that empathetic understanding for primary low-level physiological challenges (as well as more complex emotions) are grounded in somatic simulation

    Фінансова статистика. Методичні рекомендації до організації самостійної роботи для студентів заочної форми навчання освітньо-професійної програми підготовки бакалаврів галузі знань 0305

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    Методичні матеріали призначено для самостійної роботи студентів галузі знань 0305 Економіка і підприємництво напряму підготовки 6.030508 Фінанси і кредит під час підготовки до екзамену з варіативної дисципліни «Фінансова статистика». Подано методичні рекомендації до розв’язку типових навчальних задач з виконання розрахунків статистичних показників, що характеризують функціонування й розвиток різних напрямів фінансової сфери, за допомогою статистичних моделей описання тенденцій та закономірностей розвитку фінансової сфери як на макро-, так і на мікрорівнях, виявлення та оцінки впливу окремих факторів на явище чи процес, що досліджується, складання обґрунтованого прогнозу подальшого розвитку досліджуваної фінансової сфери. Наведено критерії оцінювання виконання практичних завдань. Рекомендації орієнтовано на активізацію виконавчого етапу навчальної практичної діяльності студентів.Фінансова статистика. Методичні рекомендації до організації самостійної роботи для студентів заочної форми навчання освітньо-професійної програми підготовки бакалаврів галузі знань 0305 Економіка і підприємництво напряму підготовки 6.030508 Фінанси і кредит / Л.Г. Соляник. – Д. : Національний гірничий університет, 2013. – 65 с

    Fertility and gonadal function in female survivors after treatment of early unfavorable Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) within the German Hodgkin Study Group HD14 trial

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    Background In the HD14 trial, 2× BEACOPPescalated+2× ABVD (2+2) has improved the primary outcome. Compared with 4× ABVD, this benefit might be compromised by more infertility in women. Therefore, we analyzed gonadal function and fertility. Patients and methods Women ≤45 years in ongoing remission at least 1 year after therapy were included. Hormone parameters, menopausal symptoms, measures to preserve fertility, menstrual cycle, pregnancies, and offspring were evaluated. Results Three hundred and thirty one of 579 women addressed participated (57.2%) and 263 per-protocol treated patients qualified (A=ABVD: 137, B=2+2: 126, mean time after therapy 42 and 43 months, respectively). Regular menstrual cycle after treatment (A: 87%, B: 83%) and time to recovery (≤12 months) were not different. Follicle-stimulating hormone and anti-Muellerian hormone were significantly better in arm A. However, pregnancies after therapy favored arm B (A: 15%, B: 26%, P=0.043) and motherhood rates were equivalent to the German normal population. Multivariate analysis revealed prophylactic use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues as highly significant prognostic factor for preservation of fertility (odds ratio=12.87, P=0.001). Severe menopausal symptoms were frequent in women ≥30 years (A: 21%, B: 25%). Conclusions Hormonal levels after 2+2 indicate a reduced ovarian reserve. However, 2+2 in combination with GnRH analogues does not compromise fertility within the evaluated observation tim

    Assessment of reward-related brain function after a single-dose of oxytocin in autism: A randomized controlled trial

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    Background Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by difficulties in social communication and interaction, which have been related to atypical neural processing of rewards, especially in the social domain. Since intranasal oxytocin has been shown to modulate activation of the brain’s reward circuit, oxytocin might ameliorate the processing of social rewards in ASD and thus improve social difficulties. Methods In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover fMRI study, we examined effects of a 24 IU dose of intranasal oxytocin on reward-related brain function in 37 men with ASD without intellectual impairment and 37 age- and IQ-matched control participants. Participants performed an incentive delay task that allows the investigation of neural activity associated with the anticipation and receipt of monetary and social rewards. Results Non-significant tests suggested that oxytocin did not influence neural processes related to the anticipation of social or monetary rewards in either group. Complementary Bayesian analyses indicated moderate evidence for a null model, relative to an alternative model. Our results are inconclusive regarding possible oxytocin effects on amygdala responsiveness to social rewards during reward consumption. There were no significant differences in reward-related brain function between the two groups under placebo. Conclusions Our results do not support the hypothesis that intranasal oxytocin generally enhances activation of reward-related neural circuits in men with and without ASD