755 research outputs found

    Heat flux instrumentation for HYFLITE thermal protection system

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    Tasks performed in this project were defined in a September 9, 1994 meeting of representatives of Vatell, NASA Lewis and Virginia Tech. The overall objective agreed upon in the meeting was 'to demonstrate the viability of thin film techniques for heat flux and temperature sensing in HYSTEP thermal protection systems'. We decided to attempt a combination of NASA's and Vatell's best heat flux sensor technology in a sensor which would be tested in the Vortek facility at Lewis early in 1995. The NASA concept for thermocouple measurement of surface temperature was adopted, and Vatell methods for fabrication of sensors on small diameter substrates of aluminum nitride were used to produce a sensor. This sensor was then encapsulated in a NARloy-Z housing. Various improvements to the Vatell substrate design were explored without success. The basic NASA and Vatell sensor layouts were analyzed by finite element modeling, in an attempt to better understand the effects of material properties, dimensions and thermal differential element location on sensor symmetry, bandwidth and sensitivity. This analysis showed that, as long as the thermal resistivity of the thermal differential element material is much larger (10X) than that of the substrate material, the simplest arrangement of layer is best. During calibration of the sensor produced in this project, undesirable side-effects of combining the heat flux and temperature sensor return leads were observed. The sensor did not cleanly separate the heat flux and temperature signals, as sensors with four leads have consistently done before. Task 7 and 8 discussed in the meeting will be performed with a continuation of funding in 1995. The following is a discussion of each of the tasks performed as outlined in the statement of work dated september 26, 1994. Task 1A was added to cover further investigation into the NASA sensor concept

    Green Currents for Meromorphic Maps of Compact K\"ahler Manifolds

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    We consider the dynamics of meromorphic maps of compact K\"ahler manifolds. In this work, our goal is to locate the non-nef locus of invariant classes and provide necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of Green currents in codimension one.Comment: Statement of Theorem 1.5 is slightly improved. Proposition 5.2 and Theorem 5.3 are adde

    Post-critical set and non existence of preserved meromorphic two-forms

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    We present a family of birational transformations in CP2 CP_2 depending on two, or three, parameters which does not, generically, preserve meromorphic two-forms. With the introduction of the orbit of the critical set (vanishing condition of the Jacobian), also called ``post-critical set'', we get some new structures, some "non-analytic" two-form which reduce to meromorphic two-forms for particular subvarieties in the parameter space. On these subvarieties, the iterates of the critical set have a polynomial growth in the \emph{degrees of the parameters}, while one has an exponential growth out of these subspaces. The analysis of our birational transformation in CP2 CP_2 is first carried out using Diller-Favre criterion in order to find the complexity reduction of the mapping. The integrable cases are found. The identification between the complexity growth and the topological entropy is, one more time, verified. We perform plots of the post-critical set, as well as calculations of Lyapunov exponents for many orbits, confirming that generically no meromorphic two-form can be preserved for this mapping. These birational transformations in CP2 CP_2, which, generically, do not preserve any meromorphic two-form, are extremely similar to other birational transformations we previously studied, which do preserve meromorphic two-forms. We note that these two sets of birational transformations exhibit totally similar results as far as topological complexity is concerned, but drastically different results as far as a more ``probabilistic'' approach of dynamical systems is concerned (Lyapunov exponents). With these examples we see that the existence of a preserved meromorphic two-form explains most of the (numerical) discrepancy between the topological and probabilistic approach of dynamical systems.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure

    Algebraic entropy and the space of initial values for discrete dynamical systems

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    A method to calculate the algebraic entropy of a mapping which can be lifted to an isomorphism of a suitable rational surfaces (the space of initial values) are presented. It is shown that the degree of the nnth iterate of such a mapping is given by its action on the Picard group of the space of initial values. It is also shown that the degree of the nnth iterate of every Painlev\'e equation in sakai's list is at most O(n2)O(n^2) and therefore its algebraic entropy is zero.Comment: 10 pages, pLatex fil

    Measurement of a surface heat flux and temperature

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    The Heat Flux Microsensor is a new sensor which was recently patented by Virginia Tech and is just starting to be marketed by Vatell Corp. The sensor is made using the thin-film microfabrication techniques directly on the material that is to be measured. It consists of several thin-film layers forming a differential thermopile across a thermal resistance layer. The measured heat flux q is proportional to the temperature difference across the resistance layer q= k(sub g)/delta(sub g) x (t(sub 1) - T(sub 2)), where k(sub g) is the thermal conductivity and delta (sub g) is the thickness of the thermal resistance layer. Because the gages are sputter coated directly onto the surface, their total thickness is less than 2 micrometers, which is two orders of magnitude thinner than previous gages. The resulting temperature difference across the thermal resistance layer (delta is less than 1 micrometer) is very small even at high heat fluxes. To generate a measurable signal many thermocouple pairs are put in series to form a differential thermopile. The combination of series thermocouple junctions and thin-film design creates a gage with very attractive characteristics. It is not only physically non-intrusive to the flow, but also causes minimal disruption of the surface temperature. Because it is so thin, the response time is less than 20 microsec. Consequently, the frequency response is flat from 0 to over 50 kHz. Moreover, the signal of the Heat Flux Microsensor is directly proportional to the heat flux. Therefore, it can easily be used in both steady and transient flows, and it measures both the steady and unsteady components of the surface heat flux. A version of the Heat Flux Microsensor has been developed to meet the harsh demands of combustion environments. These gages use platinum and platinum-10 percent rhodium as the thermoelectric materials. The thermal resistance layer is silicon monoxide and a protective coating of Al2O3 is deposited on top of the sensor. The superimposed thin-film pattern of all six layers is presented. The large pads are for connection with pins used to bring the signal out the back of the ceramic. In addition to the heat flux measurement, the surface temperature is measured with a platinum resistance layer (RTS). The resistance of this layer increases with increasing temperature. Therefore, these gages simultaneously measure the surface temperature and heat flux. The demonstrated applications include rocket nozzles, SCRAM jet engines, gas turbine engines, boiling heat transfer, flame experiments, basic fluid heat transfer, hypersonic flight, and shock tube testing. The laboratory involves using one of these sensors in a small combustion flame. The sensor is made on a 2.5 cm diameter piece of aluminum nitride ceramic

    A Protocol for the Administration of Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback Training

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    Neurologic disorders are characterized by abnormal cellular-, molecular-, and circuit-level functions in the brain. New methods to induce and control neuroplastic processes and correct abnormal function, or even shift functions from damaged tissue to physiologically healthy brain regions, hold the potential to dramatically improve overall health. Of the current neuroplastic interventions in development, neurofeedback training (NFT) from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) has the advantages of being completely non-invasive, non-pharmacologic, and spatially localized to target brain regions, as well as having no known side effects. Furthermore, NFT techniques, initially developed using fMRI, can often be translated to exercises that can be performed outside of the scanner without the aid of medical professionals or sophisticated medical equipment. In fMRI NFT, the fMRI signal is measured from specific regions of the brain, processed, and presented to the participant in real-time. Through training, self-directed mental processing techniques, that regulate this signal and its underlying neurophysiologic correlates, are developed. FMRI NFT has been used to train volitional control over a wide range of brain regions with implications for several different cognitive, behavioral, and motor systems. Additionally, fMRI NFT has shown promise in a broad range of applications such as the treatment of neurologic disorders and the augmentation of baseline human performance. In this article, we present an fMRI NFT protocol developed at our institution for modulation of both healthy and abnormal brain function, as well as examples of using the method to target both cognitive and auditory regions of the brain

    Self-directed down-regulation of auditory cortex activity mediated by real-time fMRI neurofeedback augments attentional processes, resting cerebral perfusion, and auditory activation

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    In this work, we investigated the use of real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with neurofeedback training (NFT) to teach volitional down-regulation of the auditory cortex (AC) using directed attention strategies as there is a growing interest in the application of fMRI-NFT to treat neurologic disorders. Healthy participants were separated into two groups: the experimental group received real feedback regarding activity in the AC; the control group was supplied sham feedback yoked from a random participant in the experimental group and matched for fMRI-NFT experience. Each participant underwent five fMRI-NFT sessions. Each session contained 2 neurofeedback runs where participants completed alternating blocks of “rest” and “lower” conditions while viewing a continuously-updated bar representing AC activation and listening to continuous noise. Average AC deactivation was extracted from each closed-loop neuromodulation run and used to quantify the control over AC (AC control), which was found to significantly increase across training in the experimental group. Additionally, behavioral testing was completed outside of the MRI on sessions 1 and 5 consisting of a subjective questionnaire to assess attentional control and two quantitative tests of attention. No significant changes in behavior were observed; however, there was a significant correlation between changes in AC control and attentional control. Also, in a neural assessment before and after fMRI-NFT, AC activity in response to continuous noise stimulation was found to significantly decrease across training while changes in AC resting perfusion were found to be significantly greater in the experimental group. These results may be useful in formulating effective therapies outside of the MRI, specifically for chronic tinnitus which is often characterized by hyperactivity of the primary auditory cortex and altered attentional processes. Furthermore, the modulation of attention may be useful in developing therapies for other disorders such as chronic pain

    On the complexity of some birational transformations

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    Using three different approaches, we analyze the complexity of various birational maps constructed from simple operations (inversions) on square matrices of arbitrary size. The first approach consists in the study of the images of lines, and relies mainly on univariate polynomial algebra, the second approach is a singularity analysis, and the third method is more numerical, using integer arithmetics. Each method has its own domain of application, but they give corroborating results, and lead us to a conjecture on the complexity of a class of maps constructed from matrix inversions

    The solid-state photo-CIDNP effect

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    The solid-state photo-CIDNP effect is the occurrence of a non-Boltzmann nuclear spin polarization in rigid samples upon illumination. For solid-state NMR, which can detect this enhanced nuclear polarization as a strong modification of signal intensity, the effect allows for new classes of experiments. Currently, the photo- and spin-chemical machinery of various RCs is studied by photo-CIDNP MAS NMR in detail. Until now, the effect has only been observed at high magnetic fields with 13C and 15N MAS NMR and in natural photosynthetic RC preparations in which blocking of the acceptor leads to cyclic electron transfer. In terms of irreversible thermodynamics, the high-order spin structure of the initial radical pair can be considered as a transient order phenomenon emerging under non-equilibrium conditions and as a first manifestation of order in the photosynthetic process. The solid-state photo-CIDNP effect appears to be an intrinsic property of natural RCs. The conditions of its occurrence seem to be conserved in evolution. The effect may be based on the same fundamental principles as the highly optimized electron transfer. Hence, the effect may allow for guiding artificial photosynthesis