131 research outputs found

    Analgesic Effects of GpTx-1, PF-04856264 and CNV1014802 in a Mouse Model of NaV1.7-Mediated Pain

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    Loss-of-function mutations of NaV1.7 lead to congenital insensitivity to pain, a rare condition resulting in individuals who are otherwise normal except for the inability to sense pain, making pharmacological inhibition of NaV1.7 a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of pain. We characterized a novel mouse model of NaV1.7-mediated pain based on intraplantar injection of the scorpion toxin OD1, which is suitable for rapid in vivo profiling of NaV1.7 inhibitors. Intraplantar injection of OD1 caused spontaneous pain behaviors, which were reversed by co-injection with NaV1.7 inhibitors and significantly reduced in NaV1.7βˆ’/βˆ’ mice. To validate the use of the model for profiling NaV1.7 inhibitors, we determined the NaV selectivity and tested the efficacy of the reported NaV1.7 inhibitors GpTx-1, PF-04856264 and CNV1014802 (raxatrigine). GpTx-1 selectively inhibited NaV1.7 and was effective when co-administered with OD1, but lacked efficacy when delivered systemically. PF-04856264 state-dependently and selectively inhibited NaV1.7 and significantly reduced OD1-induced spontaneous pain when delivered locally and systemically. CNV1014802 state-dependently, but non-selectively, inhibited NaV channels and was only effective in the OD1 model when delivered systemically. Our novel model of NaV1.7-mediated pain based on intraplantar injection of OD1 is thus suitable for the rapid in vivo characterization of the analgesic efficacy of NaV1.7 inhibitors

    Isolation of two insecticidal toxins from venom of the Australian theraphosid spider Coremiocnemis tropix

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    Β© 2016 Elsevier Ltd Sheep flystrike is caused by parasitic flies laying eggs on soiled wool or open wounds, after which the hatched maggots feed on the sheep flesh and often cause large lesions. It is a significant economic problem for the livestock industry as infestations are difficult to control due to ongoing cycles of larval development into flies followed by further egg laying. We therefore screened venom fractions from the Australian theraphosid spider Coremiocnemis tropix to identify toxins active against the sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina, which is the primary cause of flystrike in Australia. This screen led to isolation of two insecticidal peptides, Ct1a and Ct1b, that are lethal to blowflies within 24 h of injection. The primary structure of these peptides was determined using a combination of Edman degradation and sequencing of a C. tropix venom-gland transcriptome. Ct1a and Ct1b contain 39 and 38 amino acid residues, respectively, including six cysteine residues that form three disulfide bonds. Recombinant production in bacteria (Escherichia coli) resulted in low yields of Ct1a whereas solid-phase peptide synthesis using native chemical ligation produced sufficient quantities of Ct1a for functional analyses. Synthetic Ct1a had no effect on voltage-gated sodium channels from the American cockroach Periplanata americana or the German cockroach Blattella germanica, but it was lethal to sheep blowflies with an LD50 of 1687 pmol/g

    Epigenomic Profiling of Human CD4+ T Cells Supports a Linear Differentiation Model and Highlights Molecular Regulators of Memory Development

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    SummaryThe impact of epigenetics on the differentiation of memory T (Tmem) cells is poorly defined. We generated deep epigenomes comprising genome-wide profiles of DNA methylation, histone modifications, DNA accessibility, and coding and non-coding RNA expression in naive, central-, effector-, and terminally differentiated CD45RA+ CD4+ Tmem cells from blood and CD69+ Tmem cells from bone marrow (BM-Tmem). We observed a progressive and proliferation-associated global loss of DNA methylation in heterochromatic parts of the genome during Tmem cell differentiation. Furthermore, distinct gradually changing signatures in the epigenome and the transcriptome supported a linear model of memory development in circulating TΒ cells, while tissue-resident BM-Tmem branched off with a unique epigenetic profile. Integrative analyses identified candidate master regulators of Tmem cell differentiation, including the transcription factor FOXP1. This study highlights the importance of epigenomic changes for Tmem cell biology and demonstrates the value of epigenetic data for the identification of lineage regulators

    Role of urothelial cells in BCG immunotherapy for superficial bladder cancer

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    Intravesical instillation of Bacillus Calmette-GuΓ©rin (BCG) is used for the treatment of superficial bladder cancer, both to reduce the recurrence rate of bladder tumour and to diminish the risk of progression. Since its first therapeutic application in 1976, major research efforts have been directed to decipher the exact mechanism of action of the BCG-associated antitumour effect. Bacillus Calmette-GuΓ©rin causes an extensive local inflammatory reaction in the bladder wall. Of this, the massive appearance of cytokines in the urine of BCG-treated patients stands out. Activated lymphocytes and macrophages are the most likely sources of these cytokines, but at present other cellular sources such as urothelial tumour cells cannot be ruled out. Bacillus Calmette-GuΓ©rin is internalised and processed both by professional antigen-presenting cells and urothelial tumour cells, resulting in an altered gene expression of these cells that accumulates in the presentation of BCG antigens and secretion of particular cytokine

    Detection and characterization of 3D-signature phosphorylation site motifs and their contribution towards improved phosphorylation site prediction in proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Phosphorylation of proteins plays a crucial role in the regulation and activation of metabolic and signaling pathways and constitutes an important target for pharmaceutical intervention. Central to the phosphorylation process is the recognition of specific target sites by protein kinases followed by the covalent attachment of phosphate groups to the amino acids serine, threonine, or tyrosine. The experimental identification as well as computational prediction of phosphorylation sites (P-sites) has proved to be a challenging problem. Computational methods have focused primarily on extracting predictive features from the local, one-dimensional sequence information surrounding phosphorylation sites.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We characterized the spatial context of phosphorylation sites and assessed its usability for improved phosphorylation site predictions. We identified 750 non-redundant, experimentally verified sites with three-dimensional (3D) structural information available in the protein data bank (PDB) and grouped them according to their respective kinase family. We studied the spatial distribution of amino acids around phosphorserines, phosphothreonines, and phosphotyrosines to extract signature 3D-profiles. Characteristic spatial distributions of amino acid residue types around phosphorylation sites were indeed discernable, especially when kinase-family-specific target sites were analyzed. To test the added value of using spatial information for the computational prediction of phosphorylation sites, Support Vector Machines were applied using both sequence as well as structural information. When compared to sequence-only based prediction methods, a small but consistent performance improvement was obtained when the prediction was informed by 3D-context information.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>While local one-dimensional amino acid sequence information was observed to harbor most of the discriminatory power, spatial context information was identified as relevant for the recognition of kinases and their cognate target sites and can be used for an improved prediction of phosphorylation sites. A web-based service (Phos3D) implementing the developed structure-based P-site prediction method has been made available at <url>http://phos3d.mpimp-golm.mpg.de</url>.</p

    The Dichotomy in Degree Correlation of Biological Networks

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    Most complex networks from different areas such as biology, sociology or technology, show a correlation on node degree where the possibility of a link between two nodes depends on their connectivity. It is widely believed that complex networks are either disassortative (links between hubs are systematically suppressed) or assortative (links between hubs are enhanced). In this paper, we analyze a variety of biological networks and find that they generally show a dichotomous degree correlation. We find that many properties of biological networks can be explained by this dichotomy in degree correlation, including the neighborhood connectivity, the sickle-shaped clustering coefficient distribution and the modularity structure. This dichotomy distinguishes biological networks from real disassortative networks or assortative networks such as the Internet and social networks. We suggest that the modular structure of networks accounts for the dichotomy in degree correlation and vice versa, shedding light on the source of modularity in biological networks. We further show that a robust and well connected network necessitates the dichotomy of degree correlation, suggestive of an evolutionary motivation for its existence. Finally, we suggest that a dichotomous degree correlation favors a centrally connected modular network, by which the integrity of network and specificity of modules might be reconciled

    The International Human Epigenome Consortium: A Blueprint for Scientific Collaboration and Discovery

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    The International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) coordinates the generation of a catalog of high-resolution reference epigenomes of major primary human cell types. The studies now presented (see the Cell Press IHEC web portal at http://www.cell.com/consortium/IHEC) highlight the coordinated achievements of IHEC teams to gather and interpret comprehensive epigenomic datasets to gain insights in the epigenetic control of cell states relevant for human health and disease

    The integrated analysis of metabolic and protein interaction networks reveals novel molecular organizing principles

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    Background: The study of biological interaction networks is a central theme of systems biology. Here, we investigate the relationships between two distinct types of interaction networks: the metabolic pathway map and the protein-protein interaction network (PIN). It has long been established that successive enzymatic steps are often catalyzed by physically interacting proteins forming permanent or transient multi-enzymes complexes. Inspecting high-throughput PIN data, it was shown recently that, indeed, enzymes involved in successive reactions are generally more likely to interact than other protein pairs. In our study, we expanded this line of research to include comparisons of the underlying respective network topologies as well as to investigate whether the spatial organization of enzyme interactions correlates with metabolic efficiency. Results: Analyzing yeast data, we detected long-range correlations between shortest paths between proteins in both network types suggesting a mutual correspondence of both network architectures. We discovered that the organizing principles of physical interactions between metabolic enzymes differ from the general PIN of all proteins. While physical interactions between proteins are generally dissortative, enzyme interactions were observed to be assortative. Thus, enzymes frequently interact with other enzymes of similar rather than different degree. Enzymes carrying high flux loads are more likely to physically interact than enzymes with lower metabolic throughput. In particular, enzymes associated with catabolic pathways as well as enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of complex molecules were found to exhibit high degrees of physical clustering. Single proteins were identified that connect major components of the cellular metabolism and may thus be essential for the structural integrity of several biosynthetic systems. Conclusion: Our results reveal topological equivalences between the protein interaction network and the metabolic pathway network. Evolved protein interactions may contribute significantly towards increasing the efficiency of metabolic processes by permitting higher metabolic fluxes. Thus, our results shed further light on the unifying principles shaping the evolution of both the functional (metabolic) as well as the physical interaction network

    Changes in Lysozyme Flexibility upon Mutation Are Frequent, Large and Long-Ranged

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    We investigate changes in human c-type lysozyme flexibility upon mutation via a Distance Constraint Model, which gives a statistical mechanical treatment of network rigidity. Specifically, two dynamical metrics are tracked. Changes in flexibility index quantify differences within backbone flexibility, whereas changes in the cooperativity correlation quantify differences within pairwise mechanical couplings. Regardless of metric, the same general conclusions are drawn. That is, small structural perturbations introduced by single point mutations have a frequent and pronounced affect on lysozyme flexibility that can extend over long distances. Specifically, an appreciable change occurs in backbone flexibility for 48% of the residues, and a change in cooperativity occurs in 42% of residue pairs. The average distance from mutation to a site with a change in flexibility is 17–20 Γ…. Interestingly, the frequency and scale of the changes within single point mutant structures are generally larger than those observed in the hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) ortholog, which shares 61% sequence identity with human lysozyme. For example, point mutations often lead to substantial flexibility increases within the Ξ²-subdomain, which is consistent with experimental results indicating that it is the nucleation site for amyloid formation. However, Ξ²-subdomain flexibility within the human and HEWL orthologs is more similar despite the lowered sequence identity. These results suggest compensating mutations in HEWL reestablish desired properties
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