39 research outputs found

    Assessing the Role of Inhibition in Stabilizing Neocortical Networks Requires Large-Scale Perturbation of the Inhibitory Population

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    Neurons within cortical microcircuits are interconnected with recurrent excitatory synaptic connections that are thought to amplify signals (Douglas and Martin, 2007), form selective subnetworks (Ko et al., 2011) and aid feature discrimination. Strong inhibition (Haider et al., 2013) counterbalances excitation, enabling sensory features to be sharpened and represented by sparse codes (Willmore et al., 2011). This balance between excitation and inhibition makes it difficult to assess the strength, or gain, of recurrent excitatory connections within cortical networks, which is key to understanding their operational regime and the computations they perform. Networks that combine an unstable high-gain excitatory population with stabilizing inhibitory feedback are known as inhibition-stabilized networks (ISNs; Tsodyks et al., 1997). Theoretical studies using reduced network models predict that ISNs produce paradoxical responses to perturbation, but experimental perturbations failed to find evidence for ISNs in cortex (Atallah et al., 2012). We re-examined this question by investigating how cortical network models consisting of many neurons behave following perturbations, and found that results obtained from reduced network models fail to predict responses to perturbations in more realistic networks. Our models predict that a large proportion of the inhibitory network must be perturbed to robustly detect an ISN regime in cortex. We propose that wide-field optogenetic suppression of inhibition under promoters targeting a large faction of inhibitory neurons may provide a perturbation of sufficient strength to reveal the operating regime of cortex. Our results suggest that detailed computational models of optogenetic perturbations are necessary to interpret the results of experimental paradigms.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTMany useful computational mechanisms proposed for cortex require local excitatory recurrence to be very strong, such that local inhibitory feedback is necessary to avoid epileptiform runaway activity (an "inhibition-stabilized network" or "ISN" regime). However, recent experimental results suggest this regime may not exist in cortex. We simulated activity perturbations in cortical networks of increasing realism, and found that in order to detect ISN-like properties in cortex, large proportions of the inhibitory population must be perturbed. Current experimental methods for inhibitory perturbation are unlikely to satisfy this requirement, implying that existing experimental observations are inconclusive about the computational regime of cortex. Our results suggest that new experimental designs, targeting a majority of inhibitory neurons, may be able to resolve this question

    The emergence of functional microcircuits in visual cortex.

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    Sensory processing occurs in neocortical microcircuits in which synaptic connectivity is highly structured and excitatory neurons form subnetworks that process related sensory information. However, the developmental mechanisms underlying the formation of functionally organized connectivity in cortical microcircuits remain unknown. Here we directly relate patterns of excitatory synaptic connectivity to visual response properties of neighbouring layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in mouse visual cortex at different postnatal ages, using two-photon calcium imaging in vivo and multiple whole-cell recordings in vitro. Although neural responses were already highly selective for visual stimuli at eye opening, neurons responding to similar visual features were not yet preferentially connected, indicating that the emergence of feature selectivity does not depend on the precise arrangement of local synaptic connections. After eye opening, local connectivity reorganized extensively: more connections formed selectively between neurons with similar visual responses and connections were eliminated between visually unresponsive neurons, but the overall connectivity rate did not change. We propose a sequential model of cortical microcircuit development based on activity-dependent mechanisms of plasticity whereby neurons first acquire feature preference by selecting feedforward inputs before the onset of sensory experience--a process that may be facilitated by early electrical coupling between neuronal subsets--and then patterned input drives the formation of functional subnetworks through a redistribution of recurrent synaptic connections

    Standardized and reproducible measurement of decision-making in mice

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    Progress in science requires standardized assays whose results can be readily shared, compared, and reproduced across laboratories. Reproducibility, however, has been a concern in neuroscience, particularly for measurements of mouse behavior. Here we show that a standardized task to probe decision-making in mice produces reproducible results across multiple laboratories. We designed a task for head-fixed mice that combines established assays of perceptual and value-based decision making, and we standardized training protocol and experimental hardware, software, and procedures. We trained 140 mice across seven laboratories in three countries, and we collected 5 million mouse choices into a publicly available database. Learning speed was variable across mice and laboratories, but once training was complete there were no significant differences in behavior across laboratories. Mice in different laboratories adopted similar reliance on visual stimuli, on past successes and failures, and on estimates of stimulus prior probability to guide their choices. These results reveal that a complex mouse behavior can be successfully reproduced across multiple laboratories. They establish a standard for reproducible rodent behavior, and provide an unprecedented dataset and open-access tools to study decision-making in mice. More generally, they indicate a path towards achieving reproducibility in neuroscience through collaborative open-science approaches

    Maturation of GABAergic Inhibition Promotes Strengthening of Temporally Coherent Inputs among Convergent Pathways

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    Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), a form of Hebbian plasticity, is inherently stabilizing. Whether and how GABAergic inhibition influences STDP is not well understood. Using a model neuron driven by converging inputs modifiable by STDP, we determined that a sufficient level of inhibition was critical to ensure that temporal coherence (correlation among presynaptic spike times) of synaptic inputs, rather than initial strength or number of inputs within a pathway, controlled postsynaptic spike timing. Inhibition exerted this effect by preferentially reducing synaptic efficacy, the ability of inputs to evoke postsynaptic action potentials, of the less coherent inputs. In visual cortical slices, inhibition potently reduced synaptic efficacy at ages during but not before the critical period of ocular dominance (OD) plasticity. Whole-cell recordings revealed that the amplitude of unitary IPSCs from parvalbumin positive (Pv+) interneurons to pyramidal neurons increased during the critical period, while the synaptic decay time-constant decreased. In addition, intrinsic properties of Pv+ interneurons matured, resulting in an increase in instantaneous firing rate. Our results suggest that maturation of inhibition in visual cortex ensures that the temporally coherent inputs (e.g. those from the open eye during monocular deprivation) control postsynaptic spike times of binocular neurons, a prerequisite for Hebbian mechanisms to induce OD plasticity

    GABA Expression and Regulation by Sensory Experience in the Developing Visual System

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    The developing retinotectal system of the Xenopus laevis tadpole is a model of choice for studying visual experience-dependent circuit maturation in the intact animal. The neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) has been shown to play a critical role in the formation of sensory circuits in this preparation, however a comprehensive neuroanatomical study of GABAergic cell distribution in the developing tadpole has not been conducted. We report a detailed description of the spatial expression of GABA immunoreactivity in the Xenopus laevis tadpole brain at two key developmental stages: stage 40/42 around the onset of retinotectal innervation and stage 47 when the retinotectal circuit supports visually-guided behavior. During this period, GABAergic neurons within specific brain structures appeared to redistribute from clusters of neuronal somata to a sparser, more uniform distribution. Furthermore, we found that GABA levels were regulated by recent sensory experience. Both ELISA measurements of GABA concentration and quantitative analysis of GABA immunoreactivity in tissue sections from the optic tectum show that GABA increased in response to a 4 hr period of enhanced visual stimulation in stage 47 tadpoles. These observations reveal a remarkable degree of adaptability of GABAergic neurons in the developing brain, consistent with their key contributions to circuit development and function

    Four-year PhDs in neuroscience: an assessment after four years.

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    In 1996, as an innovation for the UK, the Wellcome Trust set up two 'American style' four-year PhD programmes in neuroscience, with an initial year of broad training followed by a three-year PhD. Here, some of the first cohort of students, who are soon to graduate and the coordinators of the programmes, give their views on this experiment in neuroscience research training

    Emerging principles of spacetime in brains: Meeting report on spatial neurodynamics

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    How do neurons and networks of neurons interact spatially? Here, we overview recent discoveries revealing how spatial dynamics of spiking and postsynaptic activity efficiently expose and explain fundamental brain and brainstem mechanisms behind detection, perception, learning, and behavior