4,591 research outputs found

    Supply Chains and Porous Boundaries: The Disaggregation of Legal Services

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    The economic downturn has had significant effects on law firms, and is causing many of them to rethink some basic assumptions about how they operate. In important respects, however, the downturn has simply intensified the effects of some deeper trends that preceded it, which are likely to continue after any recovery that may occur. This paper explores one of these trends, which is corporate client insistence that law firms “disaggregate” their services into discrete tasks that can be delegated to the least costly providers who can perform them. With advances in communications technology, there is increasing likelihood that some of these persons may be located outside the formal boundaries of the firm. This means that law firms may need increasingly to confront the make or buy decision that their corporate clients have regularly confronted for some time. The potential for vertical disintegration is a relatively recent development for legal services, but is well-established in other sectors of the global economy. Empirical work in several disciplines has identified a number of issues that arise for organizations as the make or buy decision becomes a potentially more salient feature of their operations. Much of this work has focused in particular on the implications of relying on outsourcing as an integral part of the production process. This paper discusses research on: (1) the challenges of ensuring that work performed outside the firm is fully integrated into the production process; (2) coordinating projects for which networks of organizations are responsible; (3) managing the transfer of knowledge inside and outside of firms that are participants in a supply chain; and (4) addressing the impact of using contingent workers on an organization’s workforce, structure, and culture. A review of this research suggests considerations that law firms will need to assess if they begin significantly to extend the process of providing services beyond their formal boundaries. Discussing the research also is intended to introduce concepts that may become increasingly relevant to law firms, but which currently are not commonly used to analyze their operations. Considering how these concepts are applicable to law firms may prompt us to rethink how to conceptualize these firms and what they do. This paper therefore is a preliminary attempt to explore: (1) the extent to which law firms may come to resemble the vertically disintegrated organizations that populate many other economic sectors and (2) the potential implications of this trend for the provision of legal services,the trajectory of legal careers, and lawyers’ sense of themselves as members of a distinct profession

    Renovation of Nitrogenous Wastewater Via Land Application

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    Removal of inorganic and organic nitrogen from wastewater prior to recharge of ground and surface waters can be accomplished by judicious land application. This study focused attention upon the feasibility of using sprinkler irrigation as the wastewater delivery system with coastal bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.,var. coastal) pasture as the wastewater sink. One site was located on a Sawyer soil near El Dorado, while the other was located on a Savannah soil near Malvern. This report is limited to the renovation of surface waters. Results revealed that nitrogen concentration in runoff water from rainfall was substantially less than nitrogen concentration of the wastewater applied to the soil and similar to background levels. Such results support the consideration of land application as a viable wastewater disposal method

    Characterization of 40-Gbit/s pulses generated using a lithium niobate modulator at 1550 nm using frequency resolved optical gating

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    The characteristics of 40-Gbit/s pulses generated by exploiting the nonlinear characteristics of a Mach-Zender Lithium Niobate modulator are presented. A high spectral resolution frequency resolved optical gating apparatus has been developed to allow for the complete characterization of the intensity and phase of these pulses. The use of these measurements to simplify the design and optimization of an 80-Gbit/s pulse source, based on this 40-Gbit/s source followed by a nonlinear fiber compressor and multiplexer, is also demonstrated

    Optimization of optical data transmitters for 40-Gb/s lightwave systems using frequency resolved optical gating

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    The measurement technique of frequency resolved optical gating has been used to optimize the phase of a 40-GHz train of optical pulses generated using a continuous-wave laser gated with an external modulator. This technique will be vital for optimization of optical transmitters to be used in systems operating at 40 Gb/s and beyond, as standard measurement techniques will not suffice to optimize such high-speed systems

    Multiply Folded Graphene

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    The folding of paper, hide, and woven fabric has been used for millennia to achieve enhanced articulation, curvature, and visual appeal for intrinsically flat, two-dimensional materials. For graphene, an ideal two-dimensional material, folding may transform it to complex shapes with new and distinct properties. Here, we present experimental results that folded structures in graphene, termed grafold, exist, and their formations can be controlled by introducing anisotropic surface curvature during graphene synthesis or transfer processes. Using pseudopotential-density functional theory calculations, we also show that double folding modifies the electronic band structure of graphene. Furthermore, we demonstrate the intercalation of C60 into the grafolds. Intercalation or functionalization of the chemically reactive folds further expands grafold's mechanical, chemical, optical, and electronic diversity.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures (accepted in Phys. Rev. B

    Observations of the Crab Nebula at energies 4.10(11)

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    Since the development of gamma-ray astronomical telescopes, the Crab Nebula has been a prime target for observations. From 100 to 1000 MeV, the pulsar PSR0531 is the dominant source with a light-curve similar to that seen at lower energies; there is also some evidence for longterm amplitude variations but none for emission from the Nebula itself. In the very high energy gamma-ray region there have been reported detections of pulsed emission with longterm time variations from minutes to months. Recently a pulsed flux has been reported that resisted over a long time interval. The detection of a flux from the Nebula at the 3 sigma level at energies of 3x1011eV was reported; there was no evidence of periodic emissions on any time scale during the three years of observations. A new measurement of very high energy gamma rays from the Crab Nebula is reported using the imaging system on the Whipple Observatory 10m reflector

    The Priming Function of In-car Audio Instruction

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    Studies to date have focused on the priming power of visual road signs, but not the priming potential of audio road scene instruction. Here, the relative priming power of visual, audio and multisensory road scene instructions were assessed. In a lab-based study, participants responded to target road scene turns following visual, audio or multisensory road turn primes which were congruent or incongruent to the primes in direction, or control primes. All types of instruction (visual, audio, multisensory) were successful in priming responses to a road scene. Responses to multisensory-primed targets (both audio and visual) were faster than responses to either audio or visual primes alone. Incongruent audio primes did not affect performance negatively in the manner of incongruent visual or multisensory primes. Results suggest that audio instructions have the potential to prime drivers to respond quickly and safely to their road environment. Peak performance will be observed if audio and visual road instruction primes can be timed to co-occur

    Very Luminous Carbon Stars in the Outer Disk of the Triangulum Spiral Galaxy

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    Stars with masses in the range from about 1.3 to 3.5 Mo pass through an evolutionary stage where they become carbon stars. In this stage, which lasts a few Myr, these stars are extremely luminous pulsating giants. They are so luminous in the near-infrared that just a few of them can double the integrated luminosity of intermediate-age (0.6 to 2 Gyr) Magellanic Cloud clusters at 2.2 microns. Astronomers routinely use such near-infrared observations to minimize the effects of dust extinction, but it is precisely in this band that carbon stars can contribute hugely. The actual contribution of carbon stars to the outer disk light of evolving spiral galaxies has not previously been morphologically investigated. Here we report new and very deep near-IR images of the Triangulum spiral galaxy M33=NGC 598, delineating spectacular arcs of carbon stars in its outer regions. It is these arcs which dominate the near-infrared m=2 Fourier spectra of M33. We present near-infrared photometry with the Hale 5-m reflector, and propose that the arcs are the signature of accretion of low metallicity gas in the outer disk of M33.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Revised version submitted to A&A Letter