242 research outputs found

    The Moyal-Lie Theory of Phase Space Quantum Mechanics

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    A Lie algebraic approach to the unitary transformations in Weyl quantization is discussed. This approach, being formally equivalent to the ⋆\star-quantization, is an extension of the classical Poisson-Lie formalism which can be used as an efficient tool in the quantum phase space transformation theory.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, to appear in J. Phys. A (2001

    Quantization with maximally degenerate Poisson brackets: The harmonic oscillator!

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    Nambu's construction of multi-linear brackets for super-integrable systems can be thought of as degenerate Poisson brackets with a maximal set of Casimirs in their kernel. By introducing privileged coordinates in phase space these degenerate Poisson brackets are brought to the form of Heisenberg's equations. We propose a definition for constructing quantum operators for classical functions which enables us to turn the maximally degenerate Poisson brackets into operators. They pose a set of eigenvalue problems for a new state vector. The requirement of the single valuedness of this eigenfunction leads to quantization. The example of the harmonic oscillator is used to illustrate this general procedure for quantizing a class of maximally super-integrable systems

    SUq(2)SU_q(2) Lattice Gauge Theory

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    We reformulate the Hamiltonian approach to lattice gauge theories such that, at the classical level, the gauge group does not act canonically, but instead as a Poisson-Lie group. At the quantum level, it then gets promoted to a quantum group gauge symmetry. The theory depends on two parameters - the deformation parameter λ\lambda and the lattice spacing aa. We show that the system of Kogut and Susskind is recovered when λ→0\lambda \rightarrow 0, while QCD is recovered in the continuum limit (for any λ\lambda). We thus have the possibility of having a two parameter regularization of QCD.Comment: 26 pages, LATEX fil

    Wigner Trajectory Characteristics in Phase Space and Field Theory

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    Exact characteristic trajectories are specified for the time-propagating Wigner phase-space distribution function. They are especially simple---indeed, classical---for the quantized simple harmonic oscillator, which serves as the underpinning of the field theoretic Wigner functional formulation introduced. Scalar field theory is thus reformulated in terms of distributions in field phase space. Applications to duality transformations in field theory are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex2

    Flatness-based control of open-channel flow in an irrigation canal using SCADA

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    Open channels are used to distribute water to large irrigated areas. In these systems, ensuring timely water delivery is essential to reduce operational water losses. This article derives a method for open-loop control of open channel flow, based on the Hayami model, a parabolic partial differential equation resulting from a simplification of the Saint-Venant equations. The open-loop control is represented as infinite series using differential flatness. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the approach by applying the open-loop controller to a real irrigation canal located in South of France

    On quantum deformation of conformal symmetry: Gauge dependence via field redefinitions

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    The effective action in gauge theories is known to depend on a choice of gauge fixing conditions. This dependence is such that any change of gauge conditions is equivalent to a field redefinition in the effective action. In this sense, the quantum deformation of conformal symmetry in the N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory, which was computed in 't Hooft gauge in hep-th/9808039 and hep-th/0203236, is gauge dependent. The deformation is an intrinsic property of the theory in that it cannot be eliminated by a local choice of gauge (although we sketch a field redefinition induced by a nonlocal gauge which, on the Coulomb branch of the theory, converts the one-loop quantum-corrected conformal transformations to the classical ones). We explicitly compute the deformed conformal symmetry in R_\xi gauge. The conformal transformation law of the gauge field turns out to be \xi-independent. We construct the scalar field redefinition which relates the 't Hooft and R_\xi gauge results. A unique feature of 't Hooft gauge is that it makes it possible to consistently truncate the one-loop conformal deformation to the terms of first order in derivatives of the fields such that the corresponding transformations form a field realization of the conformal algebra.Comment: 14 pages, latex, no figures; references and comments added, the final version to appear in PL

    Quantum Mechanics Another Way

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    Deformation quantization (sometimes called phase-space quantization) is a formulation of quantum mechanics that is not usually taught to undergraduates. It is formally quite similar to classical mechanics: ordinary functions on phase space take the place of operators, but the functions are multiplied in an exotic way, using the star product. Here we attempt a brief, pedagogical discussion of deformation quantization, that is suitable for inclusion in an undergraduate course.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Eur. J. Phy

    Mixed Weyl Symbol Calculus and Spectral Line Shape Theory

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    A new and computationally viable full quantum version of line shape theory is obtained in terms of a mixed Weyl symbol calculus. The basic ingredient in the collision--broadened line shape theory is the time dependent dipole autocorrelation function of the radiator-perturber system. The observed spectral intensity is the Fourier transform of this correlation function. A modified form of the Wigner--Weyl isomorphism between quantum operators and phase space functions (Weyl symbols) is introduced in order to describe the quantum structure of this system. This modification uses a partial Wigner transform in which the radiator-perturber relative motion degrees of freedom are transformed into a phase space dependence, while operators associated with the internal molecular degrees of freedom are kept in their original Hilbert space form. The result of this partial Wigner transform is called a mixed Weyl symbol. The star product, Moyal bracket and asymptotic expansions native to the mixed Weyl symbol calculus are determined. The correlation function is represented as the phase space integral of the product of two mixed symbols: one corresponding to the initial configuration of the system, the other being its time evolving dynamical value. There are, in this approach, two semiclassical expansions -- one associated with the perturber scattering process, the other with the mixed symbol star product. These approximations are used in combination to obtain representations of the autocorrelation that are sufficiently simple to allow numerical calculation. The leading O(\hbar^0) approximation recovers the standard classical path approximation for line shapes. The higher order O(\hbar^1) corrections arise from the noncommutative nature of the star product.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX 2.09, 1 eps figure, submitted to 'J. Phys. B.

    Features of Time-independent Wigner Functions

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    The Wigner phase-space distribution function provides the basis for Moyal's deformation quantization alternative to the more conventional Hilbert space and path integral quantizations. General features of time-independent Wigner functions are explored here, including the functional ("star") eigenvalue equations they satisfy; their projective orthogonality spectral properties; their Darboux ("supersymmetric") isospectral potential recursions; and their canonical transformations. These features are illustrated explicitly through simple solvable potentials: the harmonic oscillator, the linear potential, the Poeschl-Teller potential, and the Liouville potential.Comment: 18 pages, plain LaTex, References supplemente
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