2,803 research outputs found

    On linear H∞ equalization of communication channels

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    As an alternative to existing techniques and algorithms, we investigate the merit of the H∞ approach to the linear equalization of communication channels. We first give the formulation of all causal H∞ equalizers using the results of and then look at the finite delay case. We compare the risk-sensitive H∞ equalizer with the MMSE equalizer with respect to both the average and the worst-case BER performances and illustrate the improvement due to the use of the H∞ equalizer

    Searching for Galactic White Dwarf Binaries in Mock LISA Data using an F-Statistic Template Bank

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    We describe an F-statistic search for continuous gravitational waves from galactic white-dwarf binaries in simulated LISA Data. Our search method employs a hierarchical template-grid based exploration of the parameter space. In the first stage, candidate sources are identified in searches using different simulated laser signal combinations (known as TDI variables). Since each source generates a primary maximum near its true "Doppler parameters" (intrinsic frequency and sky position) as well as numerous secondary maxima of the F-statistic in Doppler parameter space, a search for multiple sources needs to distinguish between true signals and secondary maxima associated with other, "louder" signals. Our method does this by applying a coincidence test to reject candidates which are not found at nearby parameter space positions in searches using each of the three TDI variables. For signals surviving the coincidence test, we perform a fully coherent search over a refined parameter grid to provide an accurate parameter estimation for the final candidates. Suitably tuned, the pipeline is able to extract 1989 true signals with only 5 false alarms. The use of the rigid adiabatic approximation allows recovery of signal parameters with errors comparable to statistical expectations, although there is still some systematic excess with respect to statistical errors expected from Gaussian noise. An experimental iterative pipeline with seven rounds of signal subtraction and re-analysis of the residuals allows us to increase the number of signals recovered to a total of 3419 with 29 false alarms.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures; submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    FIR H∞ equalization

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    We approach FIR equalization problem from an H∞ perspective. First, we formulate the calculation of the optimal H∞ performance for a given equalization setting as a semidefinite programming (SDP) problem. H∞ criterion provides a set of FIR equalizers with different optimality properties. Among these, we formulate the calculation of risk sensitive or minimum entropy FIR filter as the constrained analytic centring problem and mixed H2/H" problem as another SDP. We provide an example to il- lustrate the procedures we described

    On robust signal reconstruction in noisy filter banks

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    We study the design of synthesis filters in noisy filter bank systems using an H∞ estimation point of view. The H∞ approach is most promising in situations where the statistical properties of the disturbances (arising from quantization, compression, etc.) in each subband of the filter bank is unknown, or is too difficult to model and analyze. For the important special case of unitary analysis polyphase matrices we obtain an explicit expression for the minimum achievable disturbance attenuation. For arbitrary analysis polyphase matrices, standard state-space H∞ techniques can be employed to obtain numerical solutions. When the synthesis filters are restricted to being FIR, as is often the case in practice, the design can be cast as a finite-dimensional semi-definite program. In this case, we can effectively exploit the inherent non-uniqueness of the H∞ solution to optimize for an additional criteria. By optimizing for average performance in addition to the H∞ criteria, we obtain mixed H^2/H∞ optimal FIR synthesis filters. Alternatively, if the additional criteria is concerned with penalizing occasional occurrence of large values of reconstruction errors more than frequent occurrence of small to moderate ones, we obtain risk-sensitive FIR synthesis filters. Numerical examples and comparisons with existing methods are also included

    H^∞ equalization of communication channels

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    As an alternative to existing techniques and algorithms, we investigate the merit of the H-infinity approach to the equalization of communication channels. We first look at causal H-infinity equalization problem and then look at the improvement due to finite delay. By introducing the risk sensitive property, we compare the average performance of the central H-infinity equalizer with the MMSE equalizer in equalizing minimum phase channels

    Changes in Lumbo-Pelvic Coordination of Individuals with and without Low Back Pain when Wearing a Hip Orthosis

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    Individuals with low back pain demonstrate an abnormal lumbo-pelvic coordination compared to back-healthy individuals. This abnormal coordination presents itself as a reduction in lumbar contributions and an increase in pelvic rotations during a trunk forward bending and backward return task. This study investigated the ability of a hip orthosis in correcting such an abnormal lumbo-pelvic coordination by restricting pelvic rotation and, hence increasing lumbar contributions. The effects of the hip orthosis on the lumbo-pelvic coordination were investigated in 20 low back pain patients and 20 asymptomatic controls. The orthosis reduced pelvic rotation by 12.7° and increased lumbar contributions by 11%. Contrary to our expectation, orthosis-induced changes in lumbo-pelvic coordination were smaller in patients; most likely because our relatively young patient group had smaller unrestricted pelvic rotations compared to asymptomatic individuals. Considering the observed capability of a hip orthosis in causing the expected changes in lumbo-pelvic coordination when there is a relatively large pelvic contribution to trunk motion, application of a hip orthosis may provide a promising method of correcting abnormal lumbo-pelvic coordination, particularly among patients who demonstrate larger pelvic rotation, that warrants further investigation

    A template bank to search for gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries: II. Phenomenological model

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    Matched filtering is used to search for gravitational waves emitted by inspiralling compact binaries in data from ground-based interferometers. One of the key aspects of the detection process is the deployment of a set of templates, also called a template bank, to cover the astrophysically interesting region of the parameter space. In a companion paper, we described the template-bank algorithm used in the analysis of LIGO data to search for signals from non-spinning binaries made of neutron star and/or stellar-mass black holes; this template bank is based upon physical template families. In this paper, we describe the phenomenological template bank that was used to search for gravitational waves from non-spinning black hole binaries (from stellar mass formation) in the second, third and fourth LIGO science runs. We briefly explain the design of the bank, whose templates are based on a phenomenological detection template family. We show that this template bank gives matches greater than 95% with the physical template families that are expected to be captured by the phenomenological templates.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure