16,028 research outputs found

    New Measurements of Venus Winds with Ground-Based Doppler Velocimetry at CFHT

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    operations with observations from the ground using various techniques and spectral domains (Lellouch and Witasse, 2008). We present an analysis of Venus Doppler winds at cloud tops based on observations made at the Canada France Hawaii 3.6-m telescope (CFHT) with the ESPaDOnS visible spectrograph. These observations consisted of high-resolution spectra of Fraunhofer lines in the visible range (0.37-1.05 μm) to measure the winds at cloud tops using the Doppler shift of solar radiation scattered by cloud top particles in the observer's direction (Widemann et al., 2007, 2008). The observations were made during 19-20 February 2011 and were coordinated with Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC) observations by Venus Express. The complete optical spectrum was collected over 40 spectral orders at each point with 2-5 seconds exposures, at a resolution of about 80000. The observations included various points of the dayside hemisphere at a phase angle of 67°, between +10° and -60° latitude, in steps of 10° , and from +70° to -12° longitude relative to sub-Earth meridian in steps of 12°. The Doppler shift measured in scattered solar light on Venus dayside results from two instantaneous motions: (1) a motion between the Sun and Venus upper cloud particles; (2) a motion between the observer and Venus clouds. The measured Doppler shift, which results from these two terms combined, varies with the planetocentric longitude and latitude and is minimum at meridian ΦN = ΦSun - ΦEarth where the two components subtract to each other for a pure zonal regime. Due to the need for maintaining a stable velocity reference during the course of acquisition using high resolution spectroscopy, we measure relative Doppler shifts to ΦN. The main purpose of our work is to provide variable wind measurements with respect to the background atmosphere, complementary to simultaneous measurements made with the VMC camera onboard the Venus Express. We will present first results from this work, comparing with previous results by the CFHT/ESPaDOnS and VLT-UVES spectrographs (Machado et al., 2012), with Galileo fly-by measurements and with VEx nominal mission observations (Peralta et al., 2007, Luz et al., 2011). Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge support from FCT through projects PTDC/CTE-AST/110702/2009 and PEst-OE/FIS/UI2751/2011. PM and TW also acknowledge support from the Observatoire de Paris. Lellouch, E., and Witasse, O., A coordinated campaign of Venus ground-based observations and Venus Express measurements, Planetary and Space Science 56 (2008) 1317-1319. Luz, D., et al., Venus's polar vortex reveals precessing circulation, Science 332 (2011) 577-580. Machado, P., Luz, D. Widemann, T., Lellouch, E., Witasse, O, Characterizing the atmospheric dynamics of Venus from ground-based Doppler velocimetry, Icarus, submitted. Peralta J., R. Hueso, A. Sánchez-Lavega, A reanalysis of Venus winds at two cloud levels from Galileo SSI images, Icarus 190 (2007) 469-477. Widemann, T., Lellouch, E., Donati, J.-F., 2008, Venus Doppler winds at Cloud Tops Observed with ESPaDOnS at CFHT, Planetary and Space Science, 56, 1320-1334

    The geochemistry of iodine and bromine in sediments of the Panama Basin

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    The areal and vertical distribution of iodine, bromine and organic carbon has been examined in a suite of sediment cores from the Panama Basin. Both halogens are approximately correlative with organic carbon in surface sediments. The concentrations of all three elements vary sympathetically but considerably with depth, especially in equatorial carbonate oozes where a distinct mid-depth (40-80 cm) concentration maximum is observed...

    The ac-Driven Motion of Dislocations in a Weakly Damped Frenkel-Kontorova Lattice

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    By means of numerical simulations, we demonstrate that ac field can support stably moving collective nonlinear excitations in the form of dislocations (topological solitons, or kinks) in the Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) lattice with weak friction, which was qualitatively predicted by Bonilla and Malomed [Phys. Rev. B{\bf 43}, 11539 (1991)]. Direct generation of the moving dislocations turns out to be virtually impossible; however, they can be generated initially in the lattice subject to an auxiliary spatial modulation of the on-site potential strength. Gradually relaxing the modulation, we are able to get the stable moving dislocations in the uniform FK lattice with the periodic boundary conditions, provided that the driving frequency is close to the gap frequency of the linear excitations in the uniform lattice. The excitations have a large and noninteger index of commensurability with the lattice (suggesting that its actual value is irrational). The simulations reveal two different types of the moving dislocations: broad ones, that extend, roughly, to half the full length of the periodic lattice (in that sense, they cannot be called solitons), and localized soliton-like dislocations, that can be found in an excited state, demonstrating strong persistent internal vibrations. The minimum (threshold) amplitude of the driving force necessary to support the traveling excitation is found as a function of the friction coefficient. Its extrapolation suggests that the threshold does not vanish at the zero friction, which may be explained by radiation losses. The moving dislocation can be observed experimentally in an array of coupled small Josephson junctions in the form of an {\it inverse Josephson effect}, i.e., a dc-voltage response to the uniformly applied ac bias current.Comment: Plain Latex, 13 pages + 9 PostScript figures. to appear on Journal of Physics: condensed matte

    Weak Gravitational Lensing by a Sample of X-ray Luminous Clusters of Galaxies -- III. Serendipitous Weak Lensing Detections of Dark and Luminous Mass Concentrations

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    In the course of a weak gravitational lensing survey of 39 clusters of galaxies,covering a total sky area of ~1 square degree, we have serendipitously discovered mass concentrations in the fields of A1705 and A1722 which are most probably not associated with the main cluster target. By combining weak lensing information with two-color galaxy photometry in fields centered on our sample clusters, we identify a new cluster candidate at z~0.5 in the field of A1705. This cluster candidate also displays strong lensing in the form of a giant luminous arc. The new mass concentration in the field of A1722 also seems to be associated with an optically luminous cluster of galaxies at z~0.5, but in this case there is some evidence for additional structures along the line of sight that may contribute to the lensing signal. A third cluster, A959, has a dark sub-clump which shows interesting morphological evidence in the mass map for being associated with the main cluster. This is the first case where there is any significant evidence for a physical association between a dark sub-clump (discovered from weak lensing) and a normal cluster. Analysis of archival X-ray data shows that the three new mass concentrations are not firmly detected in X-rays and that they are X-ray underluminous.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, version accepted by ApJ. See http://www.nordita.dk/~dahle/paper3.ps.gz for a version with high-resolution figures and Fig.5 in colo

    Commuting self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators defined from the partial derivatives

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    We consider the problem of finding commuting self-adjoint extensions of the partial derivatives {(1/i)(\partial/\partial x_j):j=1,...,d} with domain C_c^\infty(\Omega) where the self-adjointness is defined relative to L^2(\Omega), and \Omega is a given open subset of R^d. The measure on \Omega is Lebesgue measure on R^d restricted to \Omega. The problem originates with I.E. Segal and B. Fuglede, and is difficult in general. In this paper, we provide a representation-theoretic answer in the special case when \Omega=I\times\Omega_2 and I is an open interval. We then apply the results to the case when \Omega is a d-cube, I^d, and we describe possible subsets \Lambda of R^d such that {e^(i2\pi\lambda \dot x) restricted to I^d:\lambda\in\Lambda} is an orthonormal basis in L^2(I^d).Comment: LaTeX2e amsart class, 18 pages, 2 figures; PACS numbers 02.20.Km, 02.30.Nw, 02.30.Tb, 02.60.-x, 03.65.-w, 03.65.Bz, 03.65.Db, 61.12.Bt, 61.44.B

    Observations of electron gyroharmonic waves and the structure of the Io torus

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    Narrow-banded emissions were observed by the Planetary Radio Astronomy experiment on the Voyager 1 spacecraft as it traversed the Io plasma torus. These waves occur between harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency and are the Jovian analogue of electrostatic emissions observed and theoretically studied for the terrestrial magnetosphere. The observed frequencies always include the component near the upper hybrid resonant frequency, (fuhr) but the distribution of the other observed emissions varies in a systematic way with position in the torus. A refined model of the electron density variation, based on identification of the fuhr line, is included. Spectra of the observed waves are analyzed in terms of the linear instability of an electron distribution function consisting of isotropic cold electrons and hot losscone electrons. The positioning of the observed auxiliary harmonics with respect to fuhr is shown to be an indicator of the cold to hot temperature ratio. It is concluded that this ratio increases systematically by an overall factor of perhaps 4 or 5 between the inner and outer portions of the torus

    Isomorphs in model molecular liquids

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    Isomorphs are curves in the phase diagram along which a number of static and dynamic quantities are invariant in reduced units. A liquid has good isomorphs if and only if it is strongly correlating, i.e., the equilibrium virial/potential energy fluctuations are more than 90% correlated in the NVT ensemble. This paper generalizes isomorphs to liquids composed of rigid molecules and study the isomorphs of two systems of small rigid molecules, the asymmetric dumbbell model and the Lewis-Wahnstrom OTP model. In particular, for both systems we find that the isochoric heat capacity, the excess entropy, the reduced molecular center-of-mass self part of the intermediate scattering function, the reduced molecular center-of-mass radial distribution function to a good approximation are invariant along an isomorph. In agreement with theory, we also find that an instantaneous change of temperature and density from an equilibrated state point to another isomorphic state point leads to no relaxation. The isomorphs of the Lewis-Wahnstrom OTP model were found to be more approximative than those of the asymmetric dumbbell model, which is consistent with the OTP model being less strongly correlating. For both models we find "master isomorphs", i.e., isomorphs have identical shape in the virial/potential energy phase diagram.Comment: 20 page

    Applying Chemometrics to Evaluate Mine Tailings’ Potential As Partial Cement Replacement

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    This study investigates the utilization of mine tailings, the by-product originating from metal- and mineral-based ore mining, as a new cement replacement material. This paper is based on the chemical and physical characteristics of 13 mine tailing samples. In this study, Chemometrics were applied to consider all parameters simultaneously and obtain a thorough screening of potential relations in the large data set. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) groups samples according to (dis)similar features and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) visualizes predominating variables and relations to samples. The application of HCA highlighted a clear grouping between mine tailings according to characteristics. Meanwhile, PCA identified the predominant chemical and physical characteristics in the mine tailing samples. Chemometrics therefore provided a thorough overview of mine tailings’ physical and chemical characteristics. Keywords: mine tailings, chemometrics, cement replacemen