2,130 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Produksi Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Nelayan LongLine di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap Jawa Tengah

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    Kabupaten Cilacap merupakan salah satu pesisir selatan Jawa Tengah dan memiliki potensi perikanan melimpah. Tingkat kesejahteraan nelayan sangat ditentukan oleh produksi hasil tangkapan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor produksi apa saja yang mempengaruhi hasil tangkapan dan yang paling berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan nelayan Longline di PPSC. Penelitian ini bersifat penelitian survei yang menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan model regresi linier berganda. Hasil analisis penelitian diperoleh persamaan regresi Y= -0,030 + 0,176 X1+ 0,360 X2 + 0,319X5. Pengaruh faktor produksi terhadap hasil tangkapan nelayan Longline sebesar 44,4% sisanya sebesar 55,6% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan nelayan Longline yaitu biaya operasional (X1), jumlah tenaga kerja (X2), dan jumlah tangkapan ikan (X5), sedangkan variabel lama melaut (X3), dan ukuran kapal (X4), tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap hasil tangkapan nelayan Longline. Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi pendapatan nelayan Longline adalah tenaga kerja (X2) sebesar 36%

    Kajian Laboratorium Pengaruh Penambahan Konsentrasi “Lignosulfonat”, “Halad 22a” dan “R-21ls” sebagai Retarder Semen Kelas G, terhadap Thickening TIME, Compressive Strength Danrheology Bubur Semen

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    Operasi penyemenan merupakan suatu hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kegiatan eksploitasi minyak dan gas serta eksploitasi energi panasbumi. Operasi penyemenan terhadap suatu sumur minyak, gas bumi atau sumur panasbumi, diharapkan akan menghasilkan suatu kondisi dimana casing yang disemen terhadap lubang bor dapat berfungsi sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Proses penyemenan sendiri dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa tahap, dari proses pembuatan slurry semen, proses pemompaan,hingga proses menunggu semen mengering atau disebut juga proses waiting on cement (WOC). Salah satu parameter yang perlu diperhatikan dalam proses penyemenan adalah lamanya waktu semen masih dapat dipompakan atau thickening time, dimana thickening time ini tidak boleh melebihi lamanya proses pemompaan semen, karena jika semen mengeras sebelum waktu pempompaan selesai akan menghambat bahkan bisa menghentikan proses penyemenan, di satu sisi waktu pengeringan juga tidak boleh terlalu lama, idealnya setelah proses pemompaan semen, diharapkan semen sudah mengering sempurna, karena jika terlalu lama otomatis akan menambah biaya operasional. Namun Kenyataanya di lapangan sangat susah untuk mencapai kondisi ideal ini. Untuk mengatasi masalah diatas dapat kita tambahkan additive ke dalam semen, baik berupa accelerator untuk mempercepat proses pengeringan maupun retarder untuk memperlambat proses pengeringan. Dalam tulisan ini dilakukan suatu studi laboratorium untuk mengetahui kinerja atau hasil dari additive yang digunakan pada variasi temperature dan juga konsentrasi tertentu. Hal ini untuk mengetahui kinerja yang sebenarnya dari additive yang ditambahkan, dan juga dapat digunakan untuk membandingkan kinerja additive yang satu dengan yang lain. Sehingga diharapkan kita bisa mengetahui additive mana yang paling efektif dan juga yang paling efisien untuk digunakan

    Pengukuran Dan Analisa Kinerja Jaringan HSDPA Di Kota Banda Aceh

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    Banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitasdan kestabilan koneksi HSDPA. Dalam penelitian inidifokuskan pada pengukuran dan analisa kinerja jaringanHSDPA dengan parameter-parameter user data throughput,round trip time, dan packet loss. Dari hasil pengukuran dananalisa data diperoleh nilai user data throughput rata-ratasebesar 600,46 kbps dan maksimum sebesar 1262,40 kbps.Nilai round trip time rata-rata yang diperoleh yaituindosatm2 sebesar 332,15 ms, Google sebesar 192,90 ms, danYahoo sebesar 342,88 ms. Nilai packet loss tertinggi terjadipada sore dan malam hari yaitu masing-masing sebesar6,35% dan 6,40%. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pembebananjaringan pada waktu-waktu tersebut sangat padatdibandingkan waktu-waktu lainnya

    Sengketa Pulau Kuril antara Rusia dan Jepang Ditinjau dari Hukum Internasional

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    Japan is one country that is quite influential in the Asia-Pacific because the Japanese have a tremendous economic power. Asia and even the world economy is almost dominated by the Japanese-made products such as electronic goods and automotive. However, despite having a fairly strong economic power, Japan is one country in the world that military power is dependent on other countries the United States. Formulation of the research problem is: How can the setting status of the islands of territory in International law. How does the conflict between Russia and the Kuril islands Japan. How Kuril Islands Dispute Resolution in International Law. This type of research used in this study is normative. Normative legal research is a research method that refers to the legal norms contained in laws and court decisions. The setting of the sovereignty and maritime jurisdiction in a comprehensive manner the efforts of the four 1958 Geneva Conventions governing the territorial sea and contiguous zone, fishing and conservation of living resources in the high seas, the continental shelf and the open sea. However, the range of the 1970 convention began to be considered no longer adequate and emerging demands to review the contents of the convention. Ownership of the Kuril Island conflict between Russia and Japan, the Kuril islands were taken over by the Soviet Union (the old name of Russia) between 28 August to 5 September 1945, after Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Allies on August 15. In 1951 the San Francisco Security Treaty stated that Japan must surrender all claim to the Kuril islands to the allies. This agreement also does not recognize the sovereignty of the Soviet Union. So the demands of the Soviet Union over the Kuril islands is also not the case. The Soviet Union finally use the results of Yalta agreement as a legal basis. Kuril Island dispute resolution according to International law, the Kuril Islands dispute between Japan and Russia are based on International law and the principles used in resolving disputes islands claimed by Japan, these solutions include: Arbitration, Settlement through the diplomatic track, the International Court Resolution through referendu

    Perlindungan Hukum Pekerja Rumah Tangga Indonesia Ditinjau Dari Konvensi Ilo No. 189

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    Theresia Rizka Ully Situmorang* Dr. Chairul Bariah, S.H., M.Hum** Arif, S.H., M.Hum*** The domestic worker is a job that provides services to a family to do some chores such as cooking, clean the house, wash clothes and others. However, because there is often a difference in degree between employers and workers and the absence of clear legal protection to domestic workers, it is a lot of violence against domestic workers. Based on this, the formulation of the problem in this research is: How will the International domestic workers? How are the domestic workers in Indonesia? How Indonesia's role in the implementation of ILO Convention No. 189? By using normative juridical, which combine both legal norms derived from national law or International law. Normative juridical research method is a scientific procedure to find the truth based on the logic of the scientific laws of the normative and the nature of the research is descriptive analysis, which illustrates and describes the norms of national law and the norms of International law, relating to the protection of the law against domestic worker. Based on this study it can be concluded that the regulation of the law on domestic workers has been set in ILO Convention No. 189 on Decent Work For Domestic Workers. Furthermore, the position of the ILO as an International labor organization is as a maker of International labor standards. The legal protection of domestic workers has been regulated in International law. As the ILO International labor organizations have issued legal regulations governing the protection of domestic workers. And the ILO has helped eradicate violence against domestic workers. However, Indonesia has not ratified ILO Conventions 189 and Indonesia does not have legislation to protect workers tang. The government should establish laws or regulations to protect domestic workers and to combat violence against domestic workers

    Pembajakan Kapal di Laut Lepas Ditinjau dari Hukum Internasional (Studi Kasus Kapal Mv Jahan Moni)

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    Piracy on the high seas either conducted by foreign vessels, as well as by domestic vessels in International waters lately been causing anxiety for International shipping. Repression high seas piracy is a crime, based on the force of International law relating to the high seas piracy. A ship M.V. Jahan Moni Bangladesh flagged off the Indian coast in the Arabian Sea was hijacked by the Somali people. The Somali piracy began to board the ship after chasing MV Jahan Moni in the Arabian Sea. Problems posed in this study is how the arrangement piracy on the high seas under International law, how the hijacking of the MV Jahan Moni and how efforts in addressing the problem of piracy on the high seas in cases of MV Jahan Moni? The method of research conducted with normative legal research or legal research library is done by researching the literature, and empirical legal research. Research the applicable law is normative or legal research is also called study of literature (library research) with the acquisition of secondary data sourced cider magazines, books, journals, newspapers, online websites, and other library documents. Based on the explanations that have been described in previous chapters, it can be concluded following a piracy action on the high seas and in general initially were motivated by economic factors. But in its development and in the present situation, the phenomenon of piracy in the context of acts of violence on the high seas wider. This is considering the possibility of the threat of terrorism in the background of both the Strait of non-economic issues (ideological), where it is possible that these actions are also carried out on the high seas, as well as ships at sea. Setting piracy on the high seas under International law that is based on the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Geneva Convention is also in line with Article 105 of UNCLOS which states in the high seas, or in every other place outside the jurisdiction of any State every State may seize a ship or aircraft piracy or a ship or aircraft taken by piracy and under the control of piracy and arrest the people who seized the goods on board. Changes or reconsideration (revision) can be done by expanding International jurisdictions with additional protocol, adding protocol in the United Nations Convention On The Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982) regarding the mechanisms to prosecute pirates, UNCLOS in 1982 through amendments to the provisions of article 311 adds piracy in Sea as one of the offenses that can be prosecuted in the International Criminal Court or the International Criminal Court (ICC) and establish special courts that deal with piracy at sea


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    Rice stalks can be one of the potential alternative energy resources by converting it into oil by thermochemical liquefaction in the hot compressed water. This research was intended to find a temperature and a pressure which produce a maximum yield of oil, and the contained substances in the oil. A 100 ml cylindrical autoclave used in the experiment was loaded with 5 g dry powdered rice stalks, 2 g catalyst (sodium carbonate) and 70 ml water. After having blown with Nitrogen, the autoclave was heated in the tube furnace until the desired temperature, and then kept at this temperature for 10 min. The liquid product was extracted with n-hexane and the extract was distillated to obtain oil. The results showed that the maximum yield was 29.8% at 280 o C, 6.42 MPa. The oil mostly contained hydrocarbon compounds from C-19 to lower. The main compound was n-octadecane by 6.16% weight. Keywords: liquefaction, hot compressed water, rice stal
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