84 research outputs found

    Cultivar features of polyphenolic compounds and ascorbic acid accumulation in the cherry fruits (Prunus cerasus L.) in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

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    Received: June 1st, 2022 ; Accepted: September 26th, 2022 ; Published: October 14th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] is a popular and widespread fruit crop in many European countries. Significant areas of its plantation are located in the Southern Steppe subzone of Ukraine. Modern biochemical research aims to determine the amplitude of cherries varietal difference within the studied species and determine selection possibilities for the most important chemical components. In this regard, the study of fruits biochemical composition of different cherries cultivars is relevant. The aim of the research was to build a mathematical model based on Multiple linear regression method, which reveals the degree of weather factors influence on the dynamics of polyphenolic compounds and ascorbic acid accumulation in cherries fruits in the Southern Steppe subzone of Ukraine and in regions with similar hydrothermal parameters. The cultivar ‘Ihrushka’ was characterized by the lowest variability in the concentration of polyphenolic compounds with the value of the variation coefficient of 9.9%. The optimal average concentration of polyphenolic compounds at the level of 224.6 mg 100 g-1 had fruits of the cherry cultivar ‘Siianets Turovtsevoi’ (Vp – 12.8%). Fruits of the ‘Vstrecha’ cultivar were characterized by the optimal average concentration of ascorbic acid at the level of 9.6 mg 100 g-1 and variability of the indicator 14.0%. The dominant influence of varietal characteristics on the polyphenolic compounds accumulation in cherry fruits has been established. The share of the factor impact B was 41.3%. It was determined that weather conditions with a share of influence of 69.2% are crucial for the formation of the ascorbic acid. The correlation analysis showed the presence of a linear correlation between seven weather factors (Хі, i = 1..7) and the concentration of polyphenolic compounds (Y1) and ascorbic acid (Y2) in cherry fruits. The values of the pairwise correlation coefficients rY1Xi , rY2Xi i = 1. .7 were within the interval [-0.55; 0.55], which showed the presence of an impact between these weather factors and the studied indicators. The average monthly precipitation in June became decisive for the accumulation of polypolyphenolic compounds (∆X2 = 35.2%). The average monthly amount of precipitation in May was determined to be the most important for the formation of the ascorbic acid level (∆X1 = 37.1%)

    Современные подходы к оценке эффективности и безопасности лекарственных средств растительного происхождения в России и за рубежом

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    For the purpose of prevention and treatment of various diseases, herbal medicinal products are used along with a wide range of small molecule drugs. Herewith herbal preparations are not only herbs and combined herbal products, but also various galenic and new galenic preparations and individual biologically active compounds derived from plants. The growth of demand for herbal medicinal product, the changing requirements of the regulatory system to their safety and effectiveness during the procedure of registration puts certain tasks to improve this procedure. The article provides an overview of the literature data on contemporary requirements for safety and efficacy assessment of herbal preparations. Analysis of approaches to conducting preclinical and clinical studies of herbal preparations in Russia and the international community led to certain conclusions on the degree of their harmonization and possible unification.Для профилактики и лечения различных заболеваний, наряду с широким спектром синтетических лекарственных средств, применяются лекарственные средства растительного происхождения. При этом в качестве лекарственных средств растительного происхождения используются не только лекарственные растения и сборы, но и различные галеновые и новогаленовые препараты, индивидуальные биологически активные соединения, выделенные из растений. Рост востребованности лекарственных растительных препаратов, меняющиеся требования регуляторной системы к их эффективности и безопасности при прохождении процедуры регистрации ставят определенные задачи по ее совершенствованию. Проведен обзор данных литературы, посвященных современным требованиям, предъявляемым к оценке безопасности и эффективности лекарственных средств растительного происхождения. Анализ подходов к проведению доклинических и клинических испытаний лекарственных средств растительного происхождения в России и странах мирового сообщества позволил сделать определенные выводы по степени их гармонизации и возможности унификации


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    The aim of the present investigation was development of an efficient technology for obtaining powders from fresh broccoli; determination of the possibility of using domestic production of broccoli as an import-substituting product; development of regulatory documentation for broccoli powders for the food industry. The research was carried out jointly with the representatives of the Federal Scientific cen-ter of vegetable production on an experimental basis in 2016. The domestic Tonus variety of broccoli (Federal Scientific center of vegetable production) and the Maraton F1 hybrid (France), differing in appearance, vegetative period, biochemical and physical characteristics were chosen. Technology of broccoli powder production from domestic and imported products was developed using two methods of drying convection and lyophilization. The gentle drying conditions of broccoli freeze drying compared to convective drying technology provided higher content of both vitamin C and polyphenols in the final powder. Comparative studies of organoleptic and physico-chemical properties of powders obtained from domestic and imported broccoli demonstrated close quality parameters, indicating the possibility of effective domestic broccoli utilization and import substitution. For the first time in the Russian Federation, the "Organization Standard" was developed for regulation of the quality parameters of broccoli powders intended for use in the food industry.Цель данных исследований заключалась в разработке эффективной технологии получения порошков из свежей капусты брокколи; установлении возможности использования брокколи отечественного производства как импортозаме-щающего продукта; разработке нормативной документации на порошки брокколи для использования в пищевой промыш-ленности. Исследования проводили совместно с представителями ФГБНУ ВНИИССОК на экспериментальной базе в посевной период 2016 года. К исследованиям принята капуста брокколи: отечественный сорт Тонус (селекции ФГБНУ ВНИИССОК) и гибрид Маратон F1 (производитель Франция), различающиеся по внешним признакам, продолжительности вегетации, биохимическим и физическим характеристикам. Технология порошков брокколи из сырья отечественного и импортного производств осуществлена с применением двух способов сушки – конвективной и лиофильной. Щадящие условия высушивания свежего продукта при лиофильной сушке обеспечивали повышенное содержание в конечном порошке как витамина С, так и полифенолов по сравнению с порошками конвективной сушки. Сравнительными исследованиями органолептических и физико-химических свойств порошков, полученных из сырья разного происхождения, установлены близкие показатели качества, что является обоснованием для использования отечественного сырья в качестве импортозамещающего. Впервые в Российской Федерации разработан «Стандарт организации», призванный регламентировать показатели качества порошков брокколи, предназначенных для использования в пищевой промышленности

    Structure of the Nucleotide Radical Formed during Reaction of CDP/TTP with the E441Q-α2β2 of E. coli Ribonucleotide Reductase

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    The Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) catalyzes the conversion of nucleoside diphosphates to deoxynucleotides and requires a diferric-tyrosyl radical cofactor for catalysis. RNR is composed of a 1:1 complex of two homodimeric subunits: α and β. Incubation of the E441Q-α mutant RNR with substrate CDP and allosteric effector TTP results in loss of the tyrosyl radical and formation of two new radicals on the 200 ms to min time scale. The first radical was previously established by stopped flow UV/vis spectroscopy and pulsed high field EPR spectroscopy to be a disulfide radical anion. The second radical was proposed to be a 4′-radical of a 3′-keto-2′-deoxycytidine 5′-diphosphate. To identify the structure of the nucleotide radical [1′-[superscript 2]H], [2′-[superscript 2]H], [4′-[superscript 2]H], [5′-[superscript 2]H], [U−[superscript 13]C, [superscript 15]N], [U−[superscript 15]N], and [5,6 -[superscript 2]H] CDP and [β-[superscript 2]H] cysteine-α were synthesized and incubated with E441Q-α2β2 and TTP. The nucleotide radical was examined by 9 GHz and 140 GHz pulsed EPR spectroscopy and 35 GHz ENDOR spectroscopy. Substitution of [superscript 2]H at C4′ and C1′ altered the observed hyperfine interactions of the nucleotide radical and established that the observed structure was not that predicted. DFT calculations (B3LYP/IGLO-III/B3LYP/TZVP) were carried out in an effort to recapitulate the spectroscopic observations and lead to a new structure consistent with all of the experimental data. The results indicate, unexpectedly, that the radical is a semidione nucleotide radical of cytidine 5′-diphosphate. The relationship of this radical to the disulfide radical anion is discussed.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (GM29595)(EB002804)(EB002026

    Analysis of gas exchange in seedlings of Acer saccharum : integration of field and laboratory studies

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    In the field, photosynthesis of Acer saccharum seedlings was rarely light saturated, even though light saturation occurs at about 100 μmol quanta m -2 s -1 photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). PPFD during more than 75% of the daylight period was 50 μmol m -2 s -1 or less. At these low PPFD's there is a marked interaction of PPFD with the initial slope (CE) of the CO 2 response. At PPFD-saturation CE was 0.018 μmol m -2 s -1 /(μl/l). The apparent quantum efficiency (incident PPFD) at saturating CO 2 was 0.05–0.08 mol/mol. and PPFD-saturated CO 2 exchange was 6–8 μmol m -2 s -1 . The ratio of internal CO 2 concentration to external ( C i / C a ) was 0.7 to 0.8 except during sunflecks when it decreased to 0.5. The decrease in C i / C a during sunflecks was the result of the slow response of stomates to increased PPFD compared to the response of net photosynthesis. An empirical model, which included the above parameters was used to simulate the measured CO 2 exchange rate for portions of two days. Parameter values for the model were determined in experiments separate from the daily time courses being sumulated. Analysis of the field data, partly through the use of simulations, indicate that the elimination of sunflecks would reduce net carbon gain by 5–10%.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47755/1/442_2004_Article_BF00378907.pd


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    The aim of the present investigation was development of an efficient technology for obtaining powders from fresh broccoli; determination of the possibility of using domestic production of broccoli as an import-substituting product; development of regulatory documentation for broccoli powders for the food industry. The research was carried out jointly with the representatives of the Federal Scientific cen-ter of vegetable production on an experimental basis in 2016. The domestic Tonus variety of broccoli (Federal Scientific center of vegetable production) and the Maraton F1 hybrid (France), differing in appearance, vegetative period, biochemical and physical characteristics were chosen. Technology of broccoli powder production from domestic and imported products was developed using two methods of drying convection and lyophilization. The gentle drying conditions of broccoli freeze drying compared to convective drying technology provided higher content of both vitamin C and polyphenols in the final powder. Comparative studies of organoleptic and physico-chemical properties of powders obtained from domestic and imported broccoli demonstrated close quality parameters, indicating the possibility of effective domestic broccoli utilization and import substitution. For the first time in the Russian Federation, the "Organization Standard" was developed for regulation of the quality parameters of broccoli powders intended for use in the food industry