8,281 research outputs found

    Direct Calculation of the Boundary SS Matrix for the Open Heisenberg Chain

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    We calculate the boundary SS matrix for the open antiferromagnetic spin 1/21/2 isotropic Heisenberg chain with boundary magnetic fields. Our approach, which starts from the model's Bethe Ansatz solution, is an extension of the Korepin-Andrei-Destri method. Our result agrees with the boundary SS matrix for the boundary sine-Gordon model with β2→8π\beta^2 \rightarrow 8\pi and with ``fixed'' boundary conditions.Comment: 29 pages, plain TEX, UMTG-17

    An entropic approach to local realism and noncontextuality

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    For any Bell locality scenario (or Kochen-Specker noncontextuality scenario), the joint Shannon entropies of local (or noncontextual) models define a convex cone for which the non-trivial facets are tight entropic Bell (or contextuality) inequalities. In this paper we explore this entropic approach and derive tight entropic inequalities for various scenarios. One advantage of entropic inequalities is that they easily adapt to situations like bilocality scenarios, which have additional independence requirements that are non-linear on the level of probabilities, but linear on the level of entropies. Another advantage is that, despite the nonlinearity, taking detection inefficiencies into account turns out to be very simple. When joint measurements are conducted by a single detector only, the detector efficiency for witnessing quantum contextuality can be arbitrarily low.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, minor mistakes correcte

    Hoffmann-Infeld Black Hole Solutions in Lovelock Gravity

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    Five-dimensional black holes are studied in Lovelock gravity coupled to Hoffmann-Infeld non-linear electrodynamics. It is shown that some of these solutions present a double peak behavior of the temperature as a function of the horizon radius. This feature implies that the evaporation process, though drastic for a period, leads to an eternal black hole remnant. Moreover, the form of the caloric curve corresponds to the existence of a plateau in the evaporation rate, which implies that black holes of intermediate scales turn out to be unstable. The geometrical aspects, such as the absence of conical singularity, the structure of horizons, etc. are also discussed. In particular, solutions that are asymptotically AdS arise for special choices of the parameters, corresponding to charged solutions of five-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Revtex4. References added and comments clarified; version accepted for publicatio

    Universality of liquid-gas Mott transitions at finite temperatures

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    We explain in a consistent manner the set of seemingly conflicting experiments on the finite temperature Mott critical point, and demonstrate that the Mott transition is in the Ising universality class. We show that, even though the thermodynamic behavior of the system near such critical point is described by an Ising order parameter, the global conductivity can depend on other singular observables and, in particular, on the energy density. Finally, we show that in the presence of weak disorder the dimensionality of the system has crucial effects on the size of the critical region that is probed experimentally.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Penilaian Degradasi Lahan dan Dampak Sedimentasi terhadap Perencanaan Bangungan Air di Daerah Aliran Sungai Wai Ruhu, Kota Ambon

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    Land degradation is the reduction in the ability of land to generate benefits from certain land uses under special treatment from land management. Land degradation usually indicates deterioration in the production capacity of the land either temporarily or permanently. A further consequence of the land degradation process is the emergence of unproductive areas called critical lands. Quantitative and qualitative determination of erosion in a watershed area could be identified through observation of real damage indicators that had occurred in the field. This is based on this study results combined with the method of determining soil degradation in the field, namely the Field Assessment Tools, indicators of soil damage due to erosion obtained in the area of this this study area. These included pedestals, exposed plant roots / tree roots and exposed building foundations as an indication of land degradation due to sheet erosion, channel indicators as channel erosion and trench indicators as trench erosion. The classification of land degradation due to erosion found in the Wai Ruhu watershed showed that the level of land degradation could be classified as light erosion, moderate erosion, heavy erosion and very heavy erosion, with the range of erosion varying from 4.40 tons/ha/year to 675,62 tons/ha/year. Meanwhile, from the results of direct measurements, the overall average sediment concentration was 98,06 mg/L. During the rainy season, the average sediment concentration produced was 107,43 mg/L, higher than during the dry season of 88.69 mg/L. The Wai Ruhu watershed had a fairly large discharge. Although during the dry season the river was not dry completely, the discharge was very small. The basic material found along the Wai Ruhu watershed indicated that there had been intensive degradation processes in the upstream area. Excessive deposition along the river would result in reduced capacity of the river channel. Keywords: Ambon, discharge, land degradation, sedimentation, Wai Ruhu Watershed   ABSTRAK Degradasi lahan adalah berkurangnya kemampuan lahan untuk menghasilkan manfaat dan keuntungan dari penggunaan lahan tertentu di bawah perlakuan khusus dari pengelolaan lahan kerusakan lahan biasanya menandakan kemunduran kapasitas produksi dari lahan baik secara temporer maupun secara permanen. Akibat lanjut dari proses degradasi lahan adalah timbulnya areal-areal yang tidak produktif yang disebut lahan kritis. Penentuan besar erosi secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif pada suatu wilayah DAS dapat diidentifikasi melalui pengamatan terhadap indikator-indikator kerusakan yang nyata terjadi di lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan ini, yang dipadukan dengan metode penentuan degradasi tanah di lapangan berupa Field Assessment Tools, maka indikator-indikator kerusakan tanah akibat erosi yang didapatkan di daerah penelitian. Itu terdiri dari pedestal, akar tanaman/akar pohon terekspos dan fondasi bangunan terekspos sebagai indikasi degradasi lahan akibat erosi lembar, indikator alur sebagai erosi alur dan indikator parit sebagai erosi parit. Klasifikasi degradasi lahan akibat erosi yang ditemukan di DAS Wai Ruhu menunjukkan bahwa tingkat degradasi lahan tergolong erosi ringan, erosi sedang, erosi berat dan erosi sangat berat, dengan kisaran besar erosi yang bervariasi antara 4,40 ton/ha/tahun sampai 675,62 ton/ha/tahun. Sedangkan dari hasil pengukuran langsung secara keseluruhan konsentrasi sedimen rata-rata adalah sebesar 98,06 mg/L. Untuk saat hujan konsentrasi sedimen rata-rata yang dihasilkan adalah sebesar 107,43 mg/L, lebih tinggi daripada saat kemarau sebesar 88,69 mg/L. DAS Wai Ruhu mempunyai debit yang cukup besar. Meskipun pada saat kemarau aliran sungai tidak kering sama sekali, tetapi debitnya sangat kecil. Material dasar yang terdapat di sepanjang saluran DAS Wai Ruhu menggambarkan bahwa telah terjadi proses-proses degradasi yang intensif di daerah hulu. Pengendapan yang berlebih di sepanjang sungai akan akan mengakibatkan berkurangnya kapasitas saluran sungai. Kata kunci: Ambon, DAS Wai Ruhu, debit air, degradasi lahan, sedimentas

    Gaugino CP phases and EDMs in the extended gauge mediation SUSY breaking

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    We study phenomenological aspects of the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters in a model with the extended gauge mediation supersymmetry breaking. In this model gaugino masses can be non-universal and as its result physical CP-phases remain in the gaugino sector even after the R-transformation. These phases contribute to the electric dipole moment (EDM) of an electron and a neutron. We show that their experimental bounds can be satisfied even for the situation such that there exist the order one CP-phases and the masses of superpartners are of the order of 100 GeV.Comment: LaTeX, 26 pages, 6 figure

    Binding threshold for the Pauli-Fierz operator

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    For the Pauli-Fierz operator with a short range potential we study the binding threshold as a function of the fine structure constant α\alpha and show that it converges to the binding threshold for the Schr\"odinger operator in the small α\alpha limit
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