4,766 research outputs found

    Phase fluctuations and first-order correlation functions of dissipative Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We investigate the finite lifetime effects on first-order correlation functions of dissipative Bose-Einstein condensates. By taking into account the phase fluctuations up to all orders, we show that the finite lifetime effects are neglible for the spatial first-order correlation functions, but have an important effect on the temporal correlations. As an application, we calculate the one-particle density matrix of a quasi-condensate of photons. Finally, we also consider the photons in the normal state and we demonstrate that the finite lifetime effects decrease both the spatial and temporal first-order correlation functions.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Schwinger-Keldysh theory for Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in a dye-filled optical microcavity

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    We consider Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in an optical cavity filled with dye molecules that are excited by laser light. By using the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism we derive a Langevin field equation that describes the dynamics of the photon gas, and in particular its equilibrium properties and relaxation towards equilibrium. Furthermore we show that the finite lifetime effects of the photons are captured in a single dimensionless damping parameter, that depends on the power of the external laser pumping the dye. Finally, as applications of our theory we determine spectral functions and collective modes of the photon gas in both the normal and the Bose-Einstein condensed phase

    Atmospheric effect on the ground-based measurements of broadband surface albedo

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    Ground-based pyranometer measurements of the (clear-sky) broadband surface albedo are affected by the atmospheric conditions (mainly by aerosol particles, water vapour and ozone). A new semi-empirical method for estimating the magnitude of the effect of atmospheric conditions on surface albedo measurements in clear-sky conditions is presented. Global and reflected radiation and/or aerosol optical depth (AOD) at two wavelengths are needed to apply the method. Depending on the aerosol optical depth and the solar zenith angle values, the effect can be as large as 20%. For the cases we tested using data from the Cabauw atmospheric test site in the Netherlands, the atmosphere caused typically up to 5% overestimation of surface albedo with respect to corresponding black-sky surface albedo values

    Grid computing and molecular simulations: the vision of the eMinerals Project

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    This paper discusses a number of aspects of using grid computing methods in support of molecular simulations, with examples drawn from the eMinerals project. A number of components for a useful grid infrastructure are discussed, including the integration of compute and data grids, automatic metadata capture from simulation studies, interoperability of data between simulation codes, management of data and data accessibility, management of jobs and workflow, and tools to support collaboration. Use of a grid infrastructure also brings certain challenges, which are discussed. These include making use of boundless computing resources, the necessary changes, and the need to be able to manage experimentation

    Phase diffusion in a Bose-Einstein condensate of light

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    We study phase diffusion in a Bose-Einstein condensate of light in a dye-filled optical microcavity, i.e., the spreading of the probability distribution for the condensate phase. To observe this phenomenon, we propose an interference experiment between the condensed photons and an external laser. We determine the average interference patterns, considering quantum and thermal fluctuations as well as dissipative effects due to the dye. Moreover, we show that a representative outcome of individual measurements can be obtained from a stochastic equation for the global phase of the condensate

    Interaction Effects on Number Fluctuations in a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Light

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    We investigate the effect of interactions on condensate-number fluctuations in Bose-Einstein condensates. For a contact interaction we variationally obtain the equilibrium probability distribution for the number of particles in the condensate. To facilitate comparison with experiment, we also calculate the zero-time delay autocorrelation function g(2)(0)g^{(2)}(0) for different strengths of the interaction. Finally, we focus on the case of a condensate of photons and discuss possible mechanisms for the interaction.Comment: 13 pages, version 3, 4 figure

    Het komkommervisje: Onopvallende spil in het IJsselmeer dreigt te verdwijnen

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    Het spieringbestand daalt al twee decennia gestaag. De spiering is geen gewaardeerde consumptievis, maar als schakel tussen plankton en predatoren wel een belangrijk onderdeel in het voedselweb. Mogelijke oorzaken die een rol spelen in de teruggang van de spiering zijn de temperatuurstijging en het helder worden van wateren. Nader onderzoek moet uitwijzen welke maatregelen deze vissoort er weer bovenop kunnen helpe

    ForceGen: atomic covalent bond value derivation for Gromacs

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    A large number of crystallographic protein structures include ligands, small molecules and post-translational modifications. Atomic bond force values for computational atomistic models of post-translational or non-standard amino acids, metal binding active sites, small molecules and drug molecules are not readily available in most simulation software packages. We present ForceGen, a Java tool that extracts the bond stretch and bond angle force values and equilibrium values from the Hessian of a Gaussian vibrational frequency analysis. The parameters are compatible with force fields derived using the second order tensor of the Hessian. The output is formatted with the Gromacs topology in mind. This study further demonstrates the use of ForceGen over the quantum mechanically derived structures of a small organic solvent, a naturally occurring protein crosslink derived from two amino acids following post-translational modification and the amino acid ligands of a zinc ion. We then derive Laplacian bond orders to understand how the resulting force values relate back to the quantum mechanical model. The parameterisation of the organic solvent, toluene, was verified using Molecular Mechanics simulations. The structural data from the simulation compared well with the quantum mechanical structure and the system density compared well with experimental values

    Physical theory for near-bed turbulent particle suspension capacity.

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    The inability to capture the physics of solid-particle suspension in turbulent fluids in simple formulas is holding back the application of multiphase fluid dynamics techniques to many practical problems in nature and society involving particle suspension. We present a force balance approach to particle suspension in the region near no-slip frictional boundaries of turbulent flows. The force balance parameter Γ contains gravity and buoyancy acting on the sediment and vertical turbulent fluid forces; it includes universal turbulent flow scales and material properties of the fluid and particles only. Comparison to measurements shows that Γ = 1 gives the upper limit of observed suspended particle concentrations in a broad range of flume experiments and field settings. The condition of Γ > 1 coincides with the complete suppression of coherent turbulent structures near the boundary in direct numerical simulations of sediment-laden turbulent flow. Γ thus captures the maximum amount of sediment that can be contained in suspension at the base of turbulent flow, and it can be regarded as a suspension capacity parameter. It can be applied as a simple concentration boundary condition in modelling studies of the dispersion of particulates in environmental and man-made flows
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