542 research outputs found

    VR/Urban: SMSlingshot

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    In this paper we describe the concept and design objectives of VR/Urban's media intervention tool SMSlingshot, which was presented at the Riga White Night Arts Festival 2009 for the first time

    VR/Urban: spread.gun - design process and challenges in developing a shared encounter for media façades

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    Designing novel interaction concepts for urban environments is not only a technical challenge in terms of scale, safety, portability and deployment, but also a challenge of designing for social configurations and spatial settings. To outline what it takes to create a consistent and interactive experience in urban space, we describe the concept and multidisciplinary design process of VR/Urban's media intervention tool called Spread.gun, which was created for the Media Façade Festival 2008 in Berlin. Main design aims were the anticipation of urban space, situational system configuration and embodied interaction. This case study also reflects on the specific technical, organizational and infrastructural challenges encountered when developing media façade installations

    Ground states of dipolar gases in quasi-1D ring traps

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    We compute the ground state of dipoles in a quasi-one-dimensional ring trap using few-body techniques combined with analytic arguments. The effective interaction between two dipoles depends on their center-of-mass coordinate and can be tuned by varying the angle between dipoles and the plane of the ring. For weak enough interactions, the state resembles a weakly interacting Fermi gas or an (inhomogeneous) Lieb-Liniger gas. A mapping between the Lieb-Liniger and the dipolar-gas parameters in and beyond the Born approximation is established, and we discuss the effect of inhomogeneities based on a local-density approximation. For strongly repulsive interactions, the system exhibits crystal-like localization of the particles. Their inhomogeneous distribution may be understood in terms of a simple few-body model as well as a local-density approximation. In the case of partially attractive interactions, clustered states form for strong enough coupling, and the dependence of the state on particle number and orientation angle of the dipoles is discussed analytically.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Cardiovascular correlates of motor vehicle accident related posttraumatic stress disorder and its successful treatment

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    Springer Open Choice ArticlePersons with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been shown to display elevated baseline cardiovascular activity and a heightened physiological reactivity to trauma-related stimuli. Study 1 examined differences in baseline heart rate (HR) and HR reactivity in 68 survivors of motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) and healthy controls without MVA. MVA survivors with PTSD (n=26), subsyndromal PTSD (n=22), traumatized controls without PTSD (non-PTSD with MVA, n=20) and healthy controls without MVA (HC, n=27) underwent measurement of HR during baseline and exposure to a neutral, positive, negative, and trauma-related picture. PTSD patients showed elevated baseline HR and increased HR reactivity only during exposure to the trauma-related picture. Study 2 investigated whether the elevated physiological responses observed in Study 1 normalized after cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). We conducted a randomized, controlled treatment trial comparing CBT (n=17) to a Wait-list condition (WLC, n=18). Results showed a greater decrease in HR reactivity for CBT than for WLC. The change in HR reactivity was associated with clinical improvement.This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (KA 1476/3

    A Realism Metric for Generated LiDAR Point Clouds

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    A considerable amount of research is concerned with the generation of realistic sensor data. LiDAR point clouds are generated by complex simulations or learned generative models. The generated data is usually exploited to enable or improve downstream perception algorithms. Two major questions arise from these procedures: First, how to evaluate the realism of the generated data? Second, does more realistic data also lead to better perception performance? This paper addresses both questions and presents a novel metric to quantify the realism of LiDAR point clouds. Relevant features are learned from real-world and synthetic point clouds by training on a proxy classification task. In a series of experiments, we demonstrate the application of our metric to determine the realism of generated LiDAR data and compare the realism estimation of our metric to the performance of a segmentation model. We confirm that our metric provides an indication for the downstream segmentation performance

    Binding between two-component bosons in one dimension

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    We investigate the ground state of one-dimensional few-atom Bose-Bose mixtures under harmonic confinement throughout the crossover from weak to strong inter-species attraction. The calculations are based on the numerically exact multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree method. For repulsive components we detail the condition for the formation of a molecular Tonks-Girardeau gas in the regime of intermediate inter-species interactions, and the formation of a molecular condensate for stronger coupling. Beyond a critical inter-species attraction, the system collapses to an overall bound state. Different pathways emerge for unequal particle numbers and intra-species interactions. In particular, for mixtures with one attractive component, this species can be viewed as an effective potential dimple in the trap center for the other, repulsive component.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Excitations of attractive 1-D bosons: Binding vs. fermionization

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    The stationary states of few bosons in a one-dimensional harmonic trap are investigated throughout the crossover from weak to strongly attractive interactions. For sufficient attraction, three different classes of states emerge: (i) N-body bound states, (ii) bound states of smaller fragments, and (iii) gas-like states that fermionize, that is, map to ideal fermions in the limit of infinite attraction. The two-body correlations and momentum spectra characteristic of the three classes are discussed, and the results are illustrated using the soluble two-particle model.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    A dipolar self-induced bosonic Josephson junction

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    We propose a new scheme for observing Josephson oscillations and macroscopic quantum self-trapping phenomena in a toroidally confined Bose-Einstein condensate: a dipolar self-induced Josephson junction. Polarizing the atoms perpendicularly to the trap symmetry axis, an effective ring-shaped, double-well potential is achieved which is induced by the dipolar interaction. By numerically solving the three-dimensional time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation we show that coherent tunneling phenomena such as Josephson oscillations and quantum self-trapping can take place. The dynamics in the self-induced junction can be qualitatively described by a two-mode model taking into account both s-wave and dipolar interactions.Comment: Major changes. Accepted for publication in EP

    Three strongly correlated charged bosons in a one-dimensional harmonic trap: natural orbital occupancies

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    We study a one-dimensional system composed of three charged bosons confined in an external harmonic potential. More precisely, we investigate the ground-state correlation properties of the system, paying particular attention to the strong-interaction limit. We explain for the first time the nature of the degeneracies appearing in this limit in the spectrum of the reduced density matrix. An explicit representation of the asymptotic natural orbitals and their occupancies is given in terms of some integral equations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, To appear in European Physical Journal
