34 research outputs found

    Bobot Relatif Saluran Pencernaan Ayam Broiler yang Diberi Tambahan Air Rebusan Kunyit dalam Air Minum

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan air rebusan kunyit dalam air minum terhadap bobot relatif saluran pencernaan ayam broiler. Ayam broiler umur satu hari (DOC) 200 ekor dengan bobot badan awal rata-rata 41,48±0,99 gram dialokasikan secara acak ke dalam 5 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan, dimana setiap ulangan terdiri 8 ekor. Lima perlakuan tersebut terdiri dari T0 (100% air minum), T1 (75% air minum : 25% air kunyit), T2 (50% air kunyit : 50% air minum), T3 (75% air kunyit : 25% air minum) dan T4 (100% air kunyit). Pakan komersial untuk broiler dan air minum perlakuan diberikan secara ad libitum. Parameter yang diamati yaitu bobot relatif dan panjang relatif saluran pencernaan ayam broiler umur 35 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan air kunyit dalam air minum tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap bobot hidup ayam broiler, bobot relatif tembolok, proventikulus, usus halus, hati, usus besar, serta panjang relatif jejenum, sekum dan usus besar. Perlakuan tersebut berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap bobot relatif sekum dan pankreas, serta panjang relatif duodenum dan ileum ayam broiler umur 35 hari. Penambahan air rebusan pada taraf 50-100% menurunkan baik bobot relatif sekum dan pankreas dan panjang relatif duodenum, dan pada taraf 25% bobot relatif sekum dan pankres dan panjang relatif duodenum dan ileum sama dengan kontrol tanpa pemberian air rebusan kunyit. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan air rebusan kunyit dalam air minum menurunkan bobot relatif sekum dan pankreas serta panjang relatif duodenum, maka dianjurkan untuk tidak menggunakan air rebusan kunyit dalam air minum

    Jumlah Coliform, BAL dan Total Bakteri Usus Halus Ayam Broiler yang Diberi Kunyit (Curcuma Domestica)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian air rebusan kunyit terhadap total bakteri coliform, bakteri asam laktat (BAL) dan total bakteri dalam usus halus ayam broiler. Materi yang digunakan yaitu 200 ekor ayam broiler DOC (Day Old Chick), strain Lohman, bobot badan rata-rata 41,48 ± 0,99 g. Ternak dipelihara selama 35 hari dan perlakuan pemberian air rebusan kunyit pada air minum mulai diberikan pada umur 11 hari. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan, setiap ulangan terdiri dari 8 ekor. Perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu T0 (100% air), T1 (25% air rebusan kunyit : 75% air), T2 (50% air rebusan kunyit : 50% air), T3 (75% air rebusan kunyit : 25% air), dan T4 (100% air rebusan kunyit). Parameter yang diamati yaitu jumlah coliform, BAL, dan total bakteri dalam usus halus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian air rebusan kunyit pada air minum ayam broiler berpengaruh nyata (p0,05) terhadap jumlah coliform. Keimpulannya, bahwa pemberian air rebusan kunyit tidak meningkatkan/menurunkan total bakteri coliform tetapi menurunkan total bakteri dan meningkatkan total BAL

    Pengaruh Pemberian Probiotik sebagai Aditif Pakan terhadap Kadar Kolesterol, High Density Lipoprotein (Hdl) dan Low Density Lipoprotein (Ldl) dalam Darah Ayam Kampung

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    Probiotic is a supllement feed mikrobia which beneficial for cattle to keep mikrobia balance in gut. Giving probiotic can keep the composition mikrobia in digestive tract of cattle to increase the power of gastrointestinal tract and keep healty of cattle. The aims of research was to measure the levels of cholesterol, HDL and LDL in blood of indigenous chicken with given as probiotics feed additive. This study used Day Old Chick (DOC) of 200 chicken with initial body weight of an average of 33.58 ± 0.8 grams, antikoagulen, EDTA, Vacuntainer, Centrifuge. Probiotics used which are the kind of mold. The composition of basal feed are metabolizable energy (ME) 2750 kcal, 20.9% crude protein, 6.260% fat. Experimental design used was completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments with 5 replicates, each experimental unit 20. The treatment was dose of probiotic T0 without probiotics addition, applied 0.25 g probiotic / 100 g (T1), 0.50 g probiotic / 100 (T2), 0.75 g probiotic / 100 g (T3). The results showed that addition of probiotics affected (P &lt;0.05) to the levels of Cholesterol, HDL, LDL. The average HDL levels each treatment T0, T1, T2 and T3 were 41,440; 45,920; 48,440 and 50,440 mg/dl respectively. The average LDL levels each treatment T0, T1, T2 and T3 were 78,089; 70,550; 45,677; and 47,011 mg/dl respectively. The average Cholesterol levels each treatment T0, T1, T2 and T3 were 163,529; 160,000; 132,941; and 131,764 mg/dl respectively. The emelutions the addition of probiotics increased levels of HDL, decreased levels of LDL and cholesterol in indigenous chickens

    Pengaruh Penambahan Probiotik Rhizopus Oryzae Terhadap Total Mikroba Usus Halus Dan Seka Ayam Kampung Periode Grower (the Effect of Probiotic Rhizopus Oryzae Administrationon the Total Number of Microbes in the Small Intestine and Caeca of Kampoeng Chicke

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of probiotic Rhizopus oryzaeadministration on the total number of microbes in the smallintestine and caeca of kampoengchickens during the growerperiod. The study was conducted on 11 August to 11 October 2014 in the poultry farm at the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University.The materials used in this study were 100 Day Old Chick (DOC) (unsexed) with initial body weight of 37.90 ± 1,36 g.The experiment was set asCompletely Randomized Design (CRD).The treatments consisted of T0 (control), T1 (0.1% addition of probiotic Rhizopus oryzae to the diet) and T2 (0.2% addition of probiotic Rhizopus oryzae to the diet).The results showed that addition of probioticRhizopus oryzae in the diet did not affect (P&gt;0.05) the total number of microbesin the small intestine and caeca ofchicken during the grower period, but affected (P&lt;0.05) the daily gain of chicken within 0-9 weeks.The highest daily gain was observed in T1 which was not different (P&gt;0.05) from T2 but different (P&lt;0.05) from T0.The conclusion of this study was the administration of Rhizopus oryzae with a dose of 0.1 % and 0.2 % in the chicken dietdid not increase the total number of microbes in the small intestine and caeca of kampong chickensduring the grower period, but the additionof Rhizopus oryzae could increase the daily gain at 0-9 weeks of age,at which the highest impact was observed when Rhizopus oryzae was added at 0.1 %

    Isolation of Fungi From the Gastrointestinal Tract of Indigenous Chicken

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    Gastrointestinal tract of chicken is a place in which many kinds of fungi can be found. The aim ofthe research was to isolate fungi from the gastrointestinal tract of the indigenous chicken (AyamKampung). The chicken samples were four days, one week and two months old and were sampled fromchicken farm located in Yogyakarta. Potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium was used to grow the fungi.Fifty pure isolates of fungi were found from three different ages, those were four days, one week andtwo months old chicken were 5, 10 and 35 isolates respectively. The largest number of isolate was foundin ileum, then followed by caecum, jejenum and duodenum. The fifty isolate of fungi belonged to sevenspecies, those were Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus Niger, Chrysonilia crassa, Mucor circinelloides,Mucor sp, Rhizopus oligosporus and Rhizopus oryzae

    Effects of feeding cassava pulp fermented with Acremonium charticola on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and meat quality of broiler chicks

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    Cassava pulp is an energy-rich by-product of the tapioca industry, and is known as a good media for growing filamentous fungi. It may therefore be not only an alternative to maize in poultry diets, but also a carrier for beneficial fungi. This study aimed to investigate the effects of dietary inclusion of the fungus Acremonium charticola (grown in A. charticola-fermented cassava pulp) (AC-FCP), with or without antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs), on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and meat quality of broiler chicks. A total of 192 broiler chicks were assigned to one of four dietary treatments, including a control diet (maize-soybean-meal-based diet), control diet + AGPs (neomycin) (0.0003% of diet), AC-FCP diet (containing 16% of AC-FCP), and AC-FCP + AGPs. There was a tendency towards lower feed costs per kilogram live bodyweight (BW) gain in AC-FCP and AC-FCP + AGPs than in the control and control + AGPs birds. The birds fed the AC-FCP diet had greater spleen relative weight than the control and AC-FCP + AGPs birds. The birds fed diets containing AC-FCP and AC-FCP + AGPs had heavier ileum and caecum, and tended to have smaller livers than the control and control + AGPs birds. The 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) percentage inhibition values were lowest and highest in the AC-FCP and control birds, respectively. The breast meat of the control birds had lower crude protein content than that of other experimental groups. In conclusion, dietary inclusion of AC-FCP reduced the feed cost per kilogram live weight gain of broiler chicks. The fungus A. charticola (grown in AC-FCP) seems to play an important role in increasing the relative weight of spleen, ileum and caecum, alleviating oxidative stress, and increasing the protein content of breast muscle of broiler chicks.______________________________________________________________________________________Keywords: Acremonium charticola-fermented cassava pulp, broilers, digestibility, growth, meat characteristics, oxidative stres

    Pengaruh Pemberian Probiotik Terhadap Trigliserida Darah, Lemak Abdominal, Bobot Dan Panjang Saluran Pencernaan Ayam Kampung

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    The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of probiotics in the ration on levels of serum triglycerides, abdominal fat weight, the weight and length of chicken digestive organs. The research was conducted in October through December 2011 in the poultry cage of Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University, Semarang.The material used in this study is Day Old Chick (DOC) of 200 chicken with initial body weight of an average of 33.58 ± 0.8 grams. Probiotics used are type of mold with each dose of 0.25 g, 0.50 g, and 0.75 g per 100 g ration. The feed used in this study has metabolizable energy (ME) 2750 kcal, 20.9% crude protein, 6.260% fat. Experimental design used was completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments with 5 replicates, each experimental unit 20. Treatment applied in this study is the addition of 0.25 g probiotic / 100 g ration for T1, the addition of 0.50 g probiotic / 100 g ration for T2, the addition of 0.75 g probiotic / 100 g ration for T3, and T0 without probiotics addition.The results showed that addition of probiotics in the ration significantly affected (P &lt;0.05) the levels of serum triglycerides. In treatment T3 was the lowest levels of serum triglycerides and significantly different from T0, T1, and T2. Abdominal fat weight in treatment T1, T2, T3 was not significantly different (P&gt; 0.05) to the control (T0). Digestive organ weights in treatment T0 significantly different (P &lt;0.05) for T2, but not significantly different from T1 and T3. The length of the digestive organs are not significantly different at T0 to T1, T2, and T3. The conclusion of this research is the use of probiotics in chicken rations is capable in lowering serum triglyceride levels but did not affect the weight of abdominal fat. Adding probiotics in chicken rations can increase the digestive organ weight, but not on the length of the organ. The lowest serum triglyceride levels obtained at the level probiotics 0.75 g/100 g (T3). Digestive organ weights obtained at the highest level of probiotics 0.50 g/100 g (T2)

    Growth Performance, Haematological Parameters, Intestinal Microbiology, and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens Fed Two-Stage Fermented Cassava Pulp during Finishing Phase

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of two-stage fermented cassava pulp (FCP) on growth, blood parameters, intestinal microbiology and carcass characteristics of broilers. Two hundreds Lohmann broiler chicks were used from days 22 to 38 and allotted to CONT (maize-soybean-meal-based finisher diet), FCP-10 (finisher diet containing 10% FCP), FCP-15 (15% FCP) and FCP-20 (20% FCP). FCP was included into finisher diet at the expense of maize. On day 38, one bird per replicate was blood sampled and slaughtered. Ileal and caecal digesta and duodenal, jejunal and ileal segments were obtained for intestinal microbiology and villi height measurements. Breast muscle was obtained for meat colour determination. FCP-10 had a higher (p≤0.05) body weight gain than CONT. Feed intake was highest (p≤0.05) in FCP-15 and the lowest (p≤0.05) in CONT. Feed conversion ratio was lowest and highest in FCP-10 and FCP-15, respectively (p≤0.05). FCP-20 had a lower (p≤0.05) abdominal fat than CONT and FCP-10. CONT had lower (p≤0.05) serum total triglycerides than FCP-15 and FCP-20. Duodenal villi height for FCP-20 was higher (p≤0.05) than that for CONT and FCP-15. The ileal villi height for FCP-20 was lower (p≤0.05) than that for CONT and FCP-15. The wings relative weight was higher (p≤0.05) in FCP-20 than in FCP-10 and FCP-15. FCP-15 and FCP-20 had higher (p≤0.05) L* (lightness) values than CONT. In conclusion, feeding two-stage FCP up to 20% had no deleterious effect on growth, haematological parameters, intestinal microbiology and carcass characteristics. Feeding two-stage FCP at a level of 20% reduced the abdominal fat content and increased duodenal villi height of broilers