519 research outputs found

    Substantiation Of Hot Smoking Parameters Based On Sensory Researches In Hot Fish Marinades Technology In The Jelly Pouring

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    Modern technologies of food products provide creation of healthy, tasty and safe products, characterized by high organoleptic properties, balance by main food factors and structural-mechanical parameters of a product.The main technological process in the technology of fish marinades and a jelly pouring is the hot smoking. Technological parameters of the hot smoking have been scientifically grounded on the base of the statistical processing of data of sensory studies. Organoleptic assessment of semi-products after the thermal processing was carried out by 5-point system corresponding to the elaborated scale. The quantitative assessment of organoleptic parameters of the quality of experimental samples was determined by the totality of all assessment points, taking into account chosen weight coefficients depending on the importance degree of a given parameter at forming consumer qualities of a product. The generalizing quality parameter was calculated as a sum of assessments of organoleptic parameters – taste, consistence and appearance. Individual assessments of separated quality parameters of products (in points) were put in degustation lists and statistically processed by the averaging method.The smoking process realization, according to scientifically grounded parameters allows to produce the new type of tasty, healthy and presentable culinary products of a perspective object of Ukrainian aquaculture – silver carp of a prolonged storage term

    Studi Tentang Pembelajaran Program Pendidikan Kesetaraan Paket B di Pkbm Handayani Desa Tanjuang Bungo Kecamatan Suliki Kabupaten 50 Kota

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    Abstrack : This study aims to determine equivalency education program learningpackages in PKBM Handayani Village Tanjuang Suliki Bungo District 50 District of theCity. This study was conducted Tanjuang Bungo village. This type of research isdescriptive qualitative research in the form of informant as much as 6 people. Dataobtained through observation, documentation, and interviews, and analyzed usingtriangulation techniques. The results showed the learning process in educationalequality in PKBM Handayani package is still not good

    Kelimpahan Bakteri Rizosfer Pada Sistem Pht-biointensif Serta Kemampuan Antagonismenya Terhadap Sclerotium Rolfsii Pada Kedelai

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    Abundance of rhizospheric bacteria on the IPM-Biointensive system and their antagonistic activities toward Sclerotium rolfsii on soybean. Abundance of beneficial microorganisms in the soil is one of the active soil indicators the success of integrated pests management (IPM) system. Some beneficial groups of microorganisms can be used as biocontrol agents. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of IPM-Biointensive by integrated application of resistant varieties, rice-straw mulch, and biocontrol agents on the abundance of rizospheric bacteria of soybean, also to evaluate the suppressiveness of the bacteria to the mycelial growth of S. rolfsii in vitro. Abundance of the bacteria was determined by isolation using serial dilution and plate-count techniques. Suppression to the fungus was evaluated using dual culture technique. Heat tolerant bacteria had the highest abundance (ranged 1011-1012 cfu/g soil), followed by non-fluorescence bacteria (1011 cfu/g soil), chitinolytic bacteria (106-109 cfu/g soil), and fluorescence bacteria with population range was 103-108 cfu/g soil. Gepak kuning variety grown with application of rice-straw mulch and PGPR (V2M1P1) caused the highest abundance of rizosphere bacteria. One of the heat tolerant bacteria, i.e. TP32, caused the highest suppression to the mycelial growth of S. rolfsii in vitro. Based on the morphology, physiology, and biochemical properties, the isolate was identified as Bacillus sp

    Keanekaragaman Diptera (Insecta) Di Gunung Kendeng Dan Gunung Botol, Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, Jawa Barat

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    Diptera is one of the four largest orders of insects (the three others are Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera).Presently, about 108 families of Diptera were recoqnized and over 150.000 species have been described worldwide.This study was conducted to explore the diversity of Diptera in Gunung Halimun National Park, West Java.Sampling of Diptera has been conducted in Mt. Kendeng (1.200 - 1.300 m asl) and mount Botol (1.650 and 1.750 m asl) using yellow pan traps, Malaise traps, light traps, and sweep nets. The diversity of Diptera were analyzed using Shannon's diversity index and evenness, and Jaccard's similarity index (Magurran 1987). In this study, we found 49 families of Diptera (12 families are Nematocera and 37 families are Brachycera). The diversity of Diptera in Mt. Kendeng was higher (Shannon diversity index; H' =2.92) than that in Mt. Botol (H' = 2.46). The similarity of Diptera in Mt. Kendeng and Mt. Botol was 60%(Jaccard's similarity index; Cj=0.6)

    Pelatihan Pengajaran English For Young Learners (Eyl) Bagi Para Pengajar Sekolah Alam Ngelmu Pring Batu

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan di Sekolah Alam Ngelmu Pring Kota Batu. Kegiatan tersebut berupa program pelatihan pengajaran EYL (Bahasa Inggris bagi Pembelajar Muda). Melalui program pelatihan ini, para pengajar di sekolah alam tersebut diharapkan bisa mengembangkan dan menerapkan materi atau bahan ajar yang sesuai untuk kelompok usia pembelajar muda, menggunakan teknik yang baik dalam proses pembelajaran, menerapkan aktifitas yang tepat, serta mengembangkan media ajar yang tepat yang dapat mendukung pelaksanaan pengajaran EYL di sekolah tersebut. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa peserta cukup antusias menjalani masa pelatihan dan menunjukkan semangat yang baik dalam belajar. Peserta telah dinilai mampu mendalami proses pengajaran yang baik dari segi teknik, materi dan penggunaan media. Tidak ada hambatan yang berarti mengingat peserta sudah memiliki latar belakang pengajaran bahasa Inggris di bangku perkuliahan. Pelatihan inidiharapkan dapat menjadi titik Perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik bagi proses pengajaran di sekolah alam Ngelmu Pring

    The Classification of Weld Seam Defects for Quantitative Analysis by means of Ultrasonic Testing

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    The paper describes effective quality assessment of spent nuclear fuel storage cask. The ultrasonic testing method is considered. The classification of possible defects with corresponding dimensions limits is proposed. The database of defects of the spent nuclear fuel storage cask was created in compliance with the nuclear energy industry regulatory documents

    “The missing lights of Nairobi”: Cyclists' Perceptions of safety by cycling after-dark in Nairobi, Kenya

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    Promotion of cycling is important to reach the goals for climate mitigation of the Paris Agreement and Goals ofthe Agenda 2030. Sustainable transport, both rural and urban, could contribute to at least seven of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (ITDP 2015). There is relatively little research on cycling in Africa, and there is also much less research on cycling at night. Some studies show the importance of road lighting for minimising the reduction in the numbers of cyclists after-dark and suggest 'only a minimal amount of lighting can promote cycling after-dark, making it an attractive mode of transport year-round' (Uttley at el. 2020). So far, these studies have little relation to the situation in developing countries, which is why a first study in Nairobi, Kenya, is carried out here as an example. ... [From: Introduction