135 research outputs found

    Immunolocalization of dually phosphorylated MAPKs in dividing root meristem cells of Vicia faba, Pisum sativum, Lupinus luteus and Lycopersicon esculentum

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    Key message In plants, phosphorylated MAPKs display constitutive nuclear localization; however, not all studied plant species show co-localization of activated MAPKs to mitotic microtubules. Abstract The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway is involved not only in the cellular response to biotic and abiotic stress but also in the regulation of cell cycle and plant development. The role of MAPKs in the formation of a mitotic spindle has been widely studied and the MAPK signaling pathway was found to be indispensable for the unperturbed course of cell division. Here we show cellular localization of activated MAPKs (dually phosphorylated at their TXY motifs) in both interphase and mitotic root meristem cells of Lupinus luteus, Pisum sativum, Vicia faba (Fabaceae) and Lycopersicon esculentum (Solanaceae). Nuclear localization of activated MAPKs has been found in all species. Colocalization of these kinases to mitotic microtubules was most evident in L. esculentum, while only about 50 % of mitotic cells in the root meristems of P. sativum and V. faba displayed activated MAPKs localized to microtubules during mitosis. Unexpectedly, no evident immunofluorescence signals at spindle microtubules and phragmoplast were noted in L. luteus. Considering immunocytochemical analyses and studies on the impact of FR180204 (an inhibitor of animal ERK1/2) on mitotic cells, we hypothesize that MAPKs may not play prominent role in the regulation of microtubule dynamics in all plant species

    Eculizumab exposure in children and young adults: indications, practice patterns, and outcomes—a Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium study

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    Background: Eculizumab is approved for the treatment of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS). Its use off-label is frequently reported. The aim of this study was to describe the broader use and outcomes of a cohort of pediatric patients exposed to eculizumab. Methods: A retrospective, cohort analysis was performed on the clinical and biomarker characteristics of eculizumab-exposed patients < 25 years of age seen across 21 centers of the Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium. Patients were included if they received at least one dose of eculizumab between 2008 and 2015. Traditional summary statistics were applied to demographic and clinical data. Results: A total of 152 patients were identified, mean age 9.1 (+/−6.8) years. Eculizumab was used “off-label” in 44% of cases. The most common diagnoses were aHUS (47.4%), Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli HUS (12%), unspecified thrombotic microangiopathies (9%), and glomerulonephritis (9%). Genetic testing was available for 60% of patients; 20% had gene variants. Dosing regimens were variable. Kidney outcomes tended to vary according to diagnosis. Infectious adverse events were the most common adverse event (33.5%). No cases of meningitis were reported. Nine patients died of noninfectious causes while on therapy. Conclusions: This multi-center retrospective cohort analysis indicates that a significant number of children and young adults are being exposed to C5 blockade for off-label indications. Dosing schedules were highly variable, limiting outcome conclusions. Attributable adverse events appeared to be low. Cohort mortality (6.6%) was not insignificant. Prospective studies in homogenous disease cohorts are needed to support the role of C5 blockade in kidney outcomes

    Ebola virus epidemiology, transmission, and evolution during seven months in Sierra Leone

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    The 2013-2015 Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic is caused by the Makona variant of Ebola virus (EBOV). Early in the epidemic, genome sequencing provided insights into virus evolution and transmission and offered important information for outbreak response. Here, we analyze sequences from 232 patients sampled over 7 months in Sierra Leone, along with 86 previously released genomes from earlier in the epidemic. We confirm sustained human-to-human transmission within Sierra Leone and find no evidence for import or export of EBOV across national borders after its initial introduction. Using high-depth replicate sequencing, we observe both host-to-host transmission and recurrent emergence of intrahost genetic variants. We trace the increasing impact of purifying selection in suppressing the accumulation of nonsynonymous mutations over time. Finally, we note changes in the mucin-like domain of EBOV glycoprotein that merit further investigation. These findings clarify the movement of EBOV within the region and describe viral evolution during prolonged human-to-human transmission

    Genomic epidemiology reveals multiple introductions of Zika virus into the United States

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) is causing an unprecedented epidemic linked to severe congenital abnormalities. In July 2016, mosquito-borne ZIKV transmission was reported in the continental United States; since then, hundreds of locally acquired infections have been reported in Florida. To gain insights into the timing, source, and likely route(s) of ZIKV introduction, we tracked the virus from its first detection in Florida by sequencing ZIKV genomes from infected patients and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. We show that at least 4 introductions, but potentially as many as 40, contributed to the outbreak in Florida and that local transmission is likely to have started in the spring of 2016-several months before its initial detection. By analysing surveillance and genetic data, we show that ZIKV moved among transmission zones in Miami. Our analyses show that most introductions were linked to the Caribbean, a finding corroborated by the high incidence rates and traffic volumes from the region into the Miami area. Our study provides an understanding of how ZIKV initiates transmission in new regions

    Genome-wide association study identifies human genetic variants associated with fatal outcome from Lassa fever

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    Infection with Lassa virus (LASV) can cause Lassa fever, a haemorrhagic illness with an estimated fatality rate of 29.7%, but causes no or mild symptoms in many individuals. Here, to investigate whether human genetic variation underlies the heterogeneity of LASV infection, we carried out genome-wide association studies (GWAS) as well as seroprevalence surveys, human leukocyte antigen typing and high-throughput variant functional characterization assays. We analysed Lassa fever susceptibility and fatal outcomes in 533 cases of Lassa fever and 1,986 population controls recruited over a 7 year period in Nigeria and Sierra Leone. We detected genome-wide significant variant associations with Lassa fever fatal outcomes near GRM7 and LIF in the Nigerian cohort. We also show that a haplotype bearing signatures of positive selection and overlapping LARGE1, a required LASV entry factor, is associated with decreased risk of Lassa fever in the Nigerian cohort but not in the Sierra Leone cohort. Overall, we identified variants and genes that may impact the risk of severe Lassa fever, demonstrating how GWAS can provide insight into viral pathogenesis

    Virus genomes reveal factors that spread and sustained the Ebola epidemic.

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    The 2013-2016 West African epidemic caused by the Ebola virus was of unprecedented magnitude, duration and impact. Here we reconstruct the dispersal, proliferation and decline of Ebola virus throughout the region by analysing 1,610 Ebola virus genomes, which represent over 5% of the known cases. We test the association of geography, climate and demography with viral movement among administrative regions, inferring a classic 'gravity' model, with intense dispersal between larger and closer populations. Despite attenuation of international dispersal after border closures, cross-border transmission had already sown the seeds for an international epidemic, rendering these measures ineffective at curbing the epidemic. We address why the epidemic did not spread into neighbouring countries, showing that these countries were susceptible to substantial outbreaks but at lower risk of introductions. Finally, we reveal that this large epidemic was a heterogeneous and spatially dissociated collection of transmission clusters of varying size, duration and connectivity. These insights will help to inform interventions in future epidemics

    Genome sequencing reveals Zika virus diversity and spread in the Americas

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    Although the recent Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic in the Americas and its link to birth defects have attracted a great deal of attention, much remains unknown about ZIKV disease epidemiology and ZIKV evolution, in part owing to a lack of genomic data. Here we address this gap in knowledge by using multiple sequencing approaches to generate 110 ZIKV genomes from clinical and mosquito samples from 10 countries and territories, greatly expanding the observed viral genetic diversity from this outbreak. We analysed the timing and patterns of introductions into distinct geographic regions; our phylogenetic evidence suggests rapid expansion of the outbreak in Brazil and multiple introductions of outbreak strains into Puerto Rico, Honduras, Colombia, other Caribbean islands, and the continental United States. We find that ZIKV circulated undetected in multiple regions for many months before the first locally transmitted cases were confirmed, highlighting the importance of surveillance of viral infections. We identify mutations with possible functional implications for ZIKV biology and pathogenesis, as well as those that might be relevant to the effectiveness of diagnostic tests

    Draft of water policy of the state and diagnosis of a status of water economy

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    Stwierdzenie, że gospodarka wodna jest najważniejszym działem gospodarki narodowej, jest oczywiste nawet dla niespecjalistów. Wywoła ono sprzeciw, co najmniej kilku innych, kluczowych obszarów działalności, jak chociażby rolnictwa czy budownictwa, ale odcięcie im dostępu do wody, całkowicie paraliżuje ich technologie wytwarzania. Trudno chyba znaleźć drugi obszar nauki i działalności, skupiający tak wiele dyscyplin od podstawowych, jak biologia, chemia czy fizyka, przez bezpośrednio związane z wodą, jak hydrologia czy hydraulika, do wywodzących się z innych dziedzin, jak budownictwo wodne, ekonomika wodna czy prawo wodne. Obok głównych, wspomnianych obszarów gospodarki również liczne dalsze, jak przemysł, a w nim głównie energetyka czy górnictwo, transport wodny czy balneotechnika, tracą podstawy działalności bez dostępu do zasobów wodnych.It is hard to find other area of science and business, bringing together so many disciplines from basic like biology, chemistry and physics, by directly involving water, such as hydrology and hydraulics, for coming from other areas as hydraulic engineering, water economics and water law. Apart from the main, mentioned areas of the economy there are also many more, such as industry, including mainly energy and mining industry, water transport or balneotechnology, which are losing basics of their functioning without access to water resources. A governance of water economy in Poland as a part of the national economy has been - since the beginning of 90s a period of political and economic transition - in a process of a permanent reforming changes. With the decision to join the European Union and especially after the accession (2004) this process became an obligatory due to the Water Framework Directive. The paper is presenting the pending process of reforming of a current water management system in Poland by presenting some draft documents on that issue and discussing their main proposals. The draft of water policy assumed non-public funds as the main source of funding for state water management. It is difficult to agree with this assumption. After all public funds may be spent only on: financing of public expenditure, financing of expenditures of the state budget or the budgets of local government units. The draft of state water policy assumes that investments in water management, in the period 2011-2030, will amount to 262 billion PLN and will come mainly from non-public funds. This means that for the management of water average of 13 billion PLN will be allocated annually for the whole period covered by this document, and 10.3 in the period to year 2016. It seems that the state water policy framework is based on unrealistic financial instruments, which undermines the feasibility of implementation of planned projects