104 research outputs found

    Creating and maintaining play connection in a toddler peer group

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    This study explores how one and two year old peers (henceforth toddlers) participate in joint play activities in a natural group-care setting. We focus on joint play activity between three toddler peers during one full day-care day in a Finnish toddler classroom. Questions guiding the analysis concern the sequential understanding of how play emerges within peer interaction and how toddler peers are able to build sustained co-participation in their joint play during the day. The analysis showed that joint play was fragmented and organized in short segments of dyadic or triadic interaction. Re-establishments of joint play and accumulation of significant play signals during the day were important practices for toddlers to constitute social organization and sustained co-participation in their multi-party peer play. The results strengthen our understanding of very young children as both more and less competent play companions in their peer groups and guide adults’ practice in relation to peer play in toddler classrooms.Peer reviewe

    GEWEX water vapor assessment (G-VAP): final report

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    Este es un informe dentro del Programa para la Investigación del Clima Mundial (World Climate Research Programme, WCRP) cuya misión es facilitar el análisis y la predicción de la variabilidad de la Tierra para proporcionar un valor añadido a la sociedad a nivel práctica. La WCRP tiene varios proyectos centrales, de los cuales el de Intercambio Global de Energía y Agua (Global Energy and Water Exchanges, GEWEX) es uno de ellos. Este proyecto se centra en estudiar el ciclo hidrológico global y regional, así como sus interacciones a través de la radiación y energía y sus implicaciones en el cambio global. Dentro de GEWEX existe el proyecto de Evaluación del Vapor de Agua (VAP, Water Vapour Assessment) que estudia las medidas de concentraciones de vapor de agua en la atmósfera, sus interacciones radiativas y su repercusión en el cambio climático global.El vapor de agua es, de largo, el gas invernadero más importante que reside en la atmósfera. Es, potencialmente, la causa principal de la amplificación del efecto invernadero causado por emisiones de origen humano (principalmente el CO2). Las medidas precisas de su concentración en la atmósfera son determinantes para cuantificar este efecto de retroalimentación positivo al cambio climático. Actualmente, se está lejos de tener medidas de concentraciones de vapor de agua suficientemente precisas para sacar conclusiones significativas de dicho efecto. El informe del WCRP titulado "GEWEX water vapor assessment. Final Report" detalla el estado actual de las medidas de las concentraciones de vapor de agua en la atmósfera. AEMET ha colaborado en la generación de este informe y tiene a unos de sus miembros, Xavier Calbet, como co-autor de este informe

    The EC-Earth3 Earth system model for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6

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    The Earth system model EC-Earth3 for contributions to CMIP6 is documented here, with its flexible coupling framework, major model configurations, a methodology for ensuring the simulations are comparable across different high-performance computing (HPC) systems, and with the physical performance of base configurations over the historical period. The variety of possible configurations and sub-models reflects the broad interests in the EC-Earth community. EC-Earth3 key performance metrics demonstrate physical behavior and biases well within the frame known from recent CMIP models. With improved physical and dynamic features, new Earth system model (ESM) components, community tools, and largely improved physical performance compared to the CMIP5 version, EC-Earth3 represents a clear step forward for the only European community ESM. We demonstrate here that EC-Earth3 is suited for a range of tasks in CMIP6 and beyond

    Quantitative responses of lake phytoplankton to eutrophication in Northern Europe

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    Based on the currently largest available dataset of phytoplankton in lakes in northern Europe, we quantified the responses of three major phytoplankton classes to eutrophication. Responses were quantified by modelling the proportional biovolumes of a given group along the eutrophication gradient, using generalized additive models. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) was chosen as a proxy for eutrophication because all classes showed more consistent responses to Chl-a than to total phosphorus. Chrysophytes often dominate in (ultra-) oligotrophic lakes, and showed a clear decrease along the eutrophication gradient. Pennate diatoms were found to be most abundant at moderate eutrophication level (spring-samples). Cyanobacteria often dominate under eutrophic conditions, especially in clearwater lakes at Chl-a levels >10 μg l−1 (late summer samples). We compare the relationships among types of lakes, based on the lake typology of the northern geographic intercalibration group, and among countries sharing common lake types. Significant differences were found especially between humic and clearwater lakes, and between low- and moderately alkaline lakes, but we could not identify significant differences between shallow and deep lakes. Country-specific differences in response curves were especially pronounced between lakes in Norway and Finland, while Swedish lakes showed an intermediate pattern, indicating that country-specific differences reflect large-scale geographic and climatic differences in the study area

    Localized Primary Amyloidosis of the Ureter

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