3,753 research outputs found

    A Monolithic Time Stretcher for Precision Time Recording

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    Identifying light mesons which contain only up/down quarks (pions) from those containing a strange quark (kaons) over the typical meter length scales of a particle physics detector requires instrumentation capable of measuring flight times with a resolution on the order of 20ps. In the last few years a large number of inexpensive, multi-channel Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) chips have become available. These devices typically have timing resolution performance in the hundreds of ps regime. A technique is presented that is a monolithic version of ``time stretcher'' solution adopted for the Belle Time-Of-Flight system to address this gap between resolution need and intrinsic multi-hit TDC performance.Comment: 9 pages, 15 figures, minor corrections made, to appear as JINST_008

    Remarks on a Paper of Leighton

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    Counterexamples to theorems for zeros of solutions of second order linear differential equation

    TARGET: toward a solution for the readout electronics of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    TARGET is an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) designed to read out signals recorded by the photosensors in cameras of very-high-energy gamma-ray telescopes exploiting the imaging of Cherenkov radiation from atmospheric showers. TARGET capabilities include sampling at a high rate (typically 1 GSample/s), digitization, and triggering on the sum of four adjacent pixels. The small size, large number of channels read out per ASIC (16), low cost per channel, and deep buffer for trigger latency (~16 μ\mus at 1 GSample/s) make TARGET ideally suited for the readout in systems with a large number of telescopes instrumented with compact photosensors like multi-anode or silicon photomultipliers combined with dual-mirror optics. The possible advantages of such systems are better sensitivity, a larger field of view, and improved angular resolution. The two latest generations of TARGET ASICs, TARGET 5 and TARGET 7, are soon to be used for the first time in two prototypes of small-sized and medium-sized dual-mirror telescopes proposed in the framework of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) project. In this contribution we report on the performance of the TARGET ASICs and discuss future developments.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    An imaging time-of-propagation system for charged particle identification at a super B factory

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    Super B factories that will further probe the flavor sector of the Standard Model and physics beyond will demand excellent charged particle identification (PID), particularly K/pi separation, for momenta up to 4 GeV/c, as well as the ability to operate under beam backgrounds significantly higher than current B factory experiments. We describe an Imaging Time-of-Propagation (iTOP) detector which shows significant potential to meet these requirements. Photons emitted from charged particle interactions in a Cerenkov radiator bar are internally reflected to the end of the bar, where they are collected on a compact image plane using photodetectors with fine spatial segmentation in two dimensions. Precision measurements of photon arrival time are used to enhance the two dimensional imaging, allowing the system to provide excellent PID capabilities within a reduced detector envelope. Results of the ongoing optimization of the geometric and physical properties of such a detector are presented, as well as simulated PID performance. Validation of simulations is being performed using a prototype in a cosmic ray test stand at the University of Hawaii.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures, submitted to TIPP09 proceeding

    Hanohano:A Deep Ocean Antineutrino Observatory

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    This paper presents the science potential of a deep ocean antineutrino observatory being developed at Hawaii and elsewhere. The observatory design allows for relocation from one site to another. Positioning the observaory some 60 km distant from a nuclear reactor complex enables preecision measurement of neutrino mixing parameters, leading to a determination of neutrino mass hierarchy and theta_13. At a mid-Pacific location, the observatory measures the flux of uranium and thorium decay series antineutrinos from earth's mantle and performs a sensitive search for a hypothetical natural fission reactor in earth's core. A subequent deployment at another mid-ocean location would test lateral homogeneity of uranium and thorium in earth's mantle. These measurements have significance for earth energy studies.Comment: Poster presented at ICHEP08, Philadelphia, USA, July 2008. 3 pages. PD

    Probing the isovector transition strength of the low-lying nuclear excitations induced by inverse kinematics proton scattering

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    A compact approach based on the folding model is suggested for the determination of the isoscalar and isovector transition strengths of the low-lying (ΔS=ΔT=0\Delta S=\Delta T=0) excitations induced by inelastic proton scattering measured with exotic beams. Our analysis of the recently measured inelastic 18,20^{18,20}O+p scattering data at Elab=30E_{\rm lab}=30 and 43 MeV/nucleon has given for the first time an accurate estimate of the isoscalar β0\beta_0 and isovector β1\beta_1 deformation parameters (which cannot be determined from the (p,p') data alone by standard methods) for 21+^+_1 and 31−3^-_1 excited states in 18,20^{18,20}O. Quite strong isovector mixing was found in the 21+^+_1 inelastic 20^{20}O+p scattering channel, where the strength of the isovector form factor F1F_1 (prototype of the Lane potential) corresponds to a β1\beta_1 value almost 3 times larger than β0\beta_0 and a ratio of nuclear transition matrix elements Mn/Mp≃4.2M_n/M_p\simeq 4.2.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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