147 research outputs found


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    Im Bereich der Altbausanierung und der Bestandserfassung im Bauwesen ist es häufig notwendig, bestehende Pläne hinsichtlich des Bauwerkszustandes zu aktualisieren oder, wenn diese Pläne nicht (mehr) zugänglich sind, gänzlich neue Planunterlagen des Ist-Zustandes zu erstellen. Ein komfortabler Weg, diese Bauwerksdaten zu erheben, eröffnet die Technologie der Laservermessung. Der vorliegende Artikel stellt in diesem Zusammenhang Ansätze zur Teilautomatisierung der Generierung eines dreidimensionalen Computermodells eines Bauwerkes vor. Als Ergebnis wird ein Volumenmodell bereitgestellt, in dem zunächst die geometrischen und topologischen Informationen über Flächen, Kanten und Punkte im Sinne eines B-rep Modells beschrieben sind. Die Objekte dieses Volumenmodells werden mit Verfahren aus dem Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz analysiert und in Bauteilklassen systematisch kategorisiert. Die Kenntnis der Bauteilsemantik erlaubt es somit, aus den Daten ein Bauwerks-Produktmodell abzuleiten und dieses einzelnen Fachplanern – etwa zur Erstellung eines Energiepasses – zugänglich zu machen. Der Aufsatz zeigt den erfolgreichen Einsatz virtueller neuronaler Netze im Bereich der Bestandserfassung anhand eines komplexen Beispiels

    The Crisis of Finance-Dominated Capitalism in the Euro Area, Deficiencies in the Economic Policy Architecture, and Deflationary Stagnation Policies

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    * For a more detailed elaboration on the macroeconomic theory of finance-dominated capitalism, see the respective chapters in my book The Macroeconomics of Finance-dominated Capitalism – and Its Crisis (Hein 2012a). The present paper is based on this theory, and it extends and updates the analysis of the euro crisis I have presented in Hein (2012b). I would like to thank Achim Truger for his helpful comments and Matthias Mundt for his valuable research assistance. The Levy Economics Institute Working Paper Collection presents research in progress by Levy Institute scholars and conference participants. The purpose of the series is to disseminate ideas to and elicit comments from academics and professionals. Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, founded in 1986, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, independently funded research organization devoted to public service. Through scholarship and economic research it generates viable, effective public policy responses to important economic problems that profoundly affect the quality of life in the United States and abroad

    Backward bending structure of Phillips Curve in Japan, France, Turkey and the U.S.A.

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    This work aims to analyse the cointegration and the causality relationship between inflation and unemployment by using nonlinear A.R.D.L. and two popular nonlinear causality tests for the period from 1960 to 2016 in Japan, Turkey, the U.S.A. and from 1970 to 2016 in France. This study complements the previous empirical papers. However, it differs from the existing literature with simultaneous use of nonlinear A.R.D.L. and causality methods. Nonlinear A.R.D.L. determined that there is a long run relationship between inflation and unemployment; between economic growth and unemployment for Japan, France, the U.S.A. and Turkey

    UnterstĂĽtzung kommunalplanerischer Prozesse mit CityGLM-basierter Anbindung Modelica-getriebener Quartierssimulationen

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    Eine integrale Planung städtischer (Energie-)Systeme bedarf einer planungsbegleitenden Unterstützung durch IT-basierte Planungs- und Simulationswerkzeuge. Die durchgängige Anwendung dieser digitalen Planungshilfsmittel wird allerdings bislang insbesondere durch den sehr hohen Aufwand bei der Spezifizierung und Erfassung benötigter Datengrundlagen sowie eine mangelhafte Interoperabilität zwischen den Systemen gehemmt. Im Rahmen eines Forschungsverbundprojektes wird dieses Problemfeld mittels praxisbezogener Prozessanalysen genauer spezifiziert und die technische und fachliche Integration durch die prozessbezogene Spezifikation relevanter Informationsbedarfe sowie die Entwicklung einer darauf aufbauenden, bidirektionalen Schnittstelle auf Basis des etablierten virtuellen Stadtmodellstandards CityGML verbessert. Als exemplarisches Anwendungsszenario innerhalb kommunaler Planungsprozesse wurde die Ausweisung von Vorranggebieten der Fernwärmenutzung basierend auf einer räumlichen Analyse des Wärmebedarfs für verschiedene Entwicklungsszenarien mittels einer bidirektionalen standard-basierten Koppelung von CityGML und Modelica ausgearbeitet

    Financialization and Corporate Investments: The Indian Case

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    Financialization creates space for the financial sector in economies, and in doing so helps to raise the share of financial assets in the portfolios held by market participants. Largely driven by deregulation, the process works to make financial assets relatively attractive as compared to other assets, by offering both better returns and potential capital gains. Both the trend toward a more financialized economy and the expected returns on financial investments have provided incentives to corporate managers to invest larger sums in financial assets, resulting in growth of the share of financial assets relative to other assets held in portfolios. Assets held in the financial sector, however, failed to generate asset growth for the corporates. The need to obtain resources by borrowing in order to meet current liabilities reflects a pattern of Ponzi finance on their part. This paper traces the above pattern in corporate holdings of assets and its implications, with emphasis on the Indian economy

    Minsky and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis: The Financial Instability Hypothesis in the Era of Financialization

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    The aim of this paper is to develop a structural explanation of the subprime mortgage crisis, grounded on the combination of two apparently incompatible financial theories: the financial instability hypothesis by Hyman P. Minsky and the theory of capital market inflation by Jan Toporowski. Our thesis is that, once the evolution of the financial market is taken into account, the financial Keynesianism of Minsky is still a valid framework to understand the events leading to the crisis

    Description of two measles outbreaks in the Lazio Region, Italy (2006-2007). Importance of pockets of low vaccine coverage in sustaining the infection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite the launch of the national plan for measles elimination, in Italy, immunization coverage remains suboptimal and outbreaks continue to occur. Two measles outbreaks, occurred in Lazio region during 2006-2007, were investigated to identify sources of infection, transmission routes, and assess operational implications for elimination of the disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were obtained from several sources, the routine infectious diseases surveillance system, field epidemiological investigations, and molecular genotyping of virus by the national reference laboratory.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall 449 cases were reported, sustained by two different stereotypes overlapping for few months. Serotype D4 was likely imported from Romania by a Roma/Sinti family and subsequently spread to the rest of the population. Serotype B3 was responsible for the second outbreak which started in a secondary school. Pockets of low vaccine coverage individuals (Roma/Sinti communities, high school students) facilitated the reintroduction of serotypes not endemic in Italy and facilitated the measles infection to spread.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Communities with low vaccine coverage represent a more serious public health threat than do sporadic susceptible individuals. The successful elimination of measles will require additional efforts to immunize low vaccine coverage population groups, including hard-to-reach individuals, adolescents, and young adults. An enhanced surveillance systems, which includes viral genotyping to document chains of transmission, is an essential tool for evaluating strategy to control and eliminate measles</p

    Income Distribution and Economic Crises

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    This paper analyzes the relationship between income distribution and the severity of economic crises, where the severity is measured by the length and the depth of the recessions. Using an extensive panel dataset on income distribution and employing an event study framework, we find significant evidence that there is a negative association between the prevailing degree of income inequality and the severity of the recessions. In the case of high income countries that have bad income distribution, however, recessions are observed to be longer than the average. This observation is likely to result from the combination of the strong status-quo bias of the financially powerful income groups and the available means to redistribute towards the poor so as to help mitigate the pressures for reforms to improve income distribution via creative destruction. The longer period of recessions observed in developed countries than in less developed countries in the aftermath of the Great Recession is in support of this argument. The findings also reveal that recessions tend to be longer during the decade of the 1990s than the rest of the period studied. The evidence regarding the corrective effect on the recessions of accommodative fiscal or monetary policy stance, measured by the size of the government and the inflation rate, is observed to be only barely significant on average. Wirh regard to the impact of recessions on income distribution, the evidence in the paper indicates that the post-crises income distribution worsens significantly with the length but improves with the depth of the preceding recession. We also note that, in addition to the persistence effect, the lack of monetary discipline worsens income distribution in the postcrises period significantly
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