1,322 research outputs found

    Forbidden Dark Matter

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    Dark Matter (DM) may be a thermal relic that annihilates into heavier states in the early Universe. This Forbidden DM framework accommodates a wide range of DM masses from keV to weak scales. An exponential hierarchy between the DM mass and the weak scale follows from the exponential suppression of the thermally averaged cross section. Stringent constraints from the cosmic microwave background are evaded because annihilations turn off at late times. We provide an example where DM annihilates into dark photons, which is testable through large DM self-interactions and direct detection.Comment: 6 Pages, 3 Figures; Version published in PR

    A Fourth Exception in the Calculation of Relic Abundances

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    We propose that the dark matter abundance is set by the decoupling of inelastic scattering instead of annihilations. This coscattering mechanism is generically realized if dark matter scatters against states of comparable mass from the thermal bath. Coscattering points to dark matter that is exponentially lighter than the weak scale and has a suppressed annihilation rate, avoiding stringent constraints from indirect detection. Dark matter upscatters into states whose late decays can lead to observable distortions to the blackbody spectrum of the cosmic microwave background.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. V3: figure adde

    Bilangan Dominasi Eksentrik Terhubung Pada Graf

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    . Given a graph , comprising a set of vertices and a set of edges. A set is a dominating set of , if every vertex in is adjacent to at least one vertex in . The cardinality of minimum dominating set of it's domination number and is denoted by . A set is a eccentric dominating set if is an dominating set of and for every in there exist at least one eccentric point of in . The cardinality of minimum eccentric dominating set of it's eccentric domination number and is denoted by . A set is a connected eccentric dominating set if is an eccentric dominating set of and the induced subgraph is connected. The cardinality of minimum connected eccentric dominating set of it's connected eccentric domination number and is denoted by . In this paper we discuss connected eccentric dominating set and connected eccentric domination number on special graphs which are complete graph, star graph, complete bipartite graph, cycel graph and wheel graph

    Aplikasi Handphone Pengingat Waktu Sholat Menggunakan Java 2 Micro Edition

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    Praying five times a day is an obligation of worship for Muslims in the world. Praying five times a timetable that has been determined according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, praying five times where the schedule varies according to position on the earth's surface area. J2ME software capabilities that support the creation of applications on mobile phones inspiration to make the application prayer time schedule stored in the mobile phone making it easier for users to be able to know the timeline of prayer according to the selected city name. Prayer time schedules are included in the mobile applies to 86 major cities in Indonesia. Testing the application using the NetBeans IDE emulator, emulator Nokia S40 6th edition and apply it on a mobile phone that supports Java applications micro. Application timetable for prayers that are stored in the phone can be used anywhere in the area although there is no network signal carrie

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Media Promosi Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kuningan Berbasis Web

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    This research was made with the goal of producing an app to promote tourism and culture in Kuningan Regency based web. The problem in this research is the need to build a web based application media campaign to increase the number of tourists visiting the Kuningan Regency. The research objective to be achieved is the application of media promotion of tourism and culture that attract web based and can accessed using the Internet. With the application of promotional media is expected to increase the number of tourists visiting the Kuningan Regency. This study will discuss how to design and develop application Kuningan Regency tourism and culture based web. With this application, the tourists can get information about the existence of diversity of tourism in the Kuningan Regency. In the process of making this application used the methodology of system design and cultural tourism application is built using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. These applications can be run via a browser connected to the Internet

    Strategi Pemerintah Kota Tangerang dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) dari Sektor Pajak pada Badan Pengolaan Keungan Daerah (Bpkd) Kota Tangerang

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan strategi Pemerintah Kota Tangerang dalam meningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) dari sektor pajak. Strategi Pemerintah Daerah Kota Tangerang dalam meningkatan Pandapatan Asli Daerah dilakukan oleh BPKD melalui aspek kelembagaan dan ketatalaksanaan pengelolaan PAD telah berjalan dengan baik, dengan penataan kelembagaan dan ketatalaksanaan Pengelolaah PAD, efesiensi dan efektivitas pengelolaan pajak serta peningkatan kualitas SDM pengelolaa pajak. Faktor-foktor ysng mendukung dalam pengelolaan pajak di Kota tangerang adalah adanya dasar hukum berupa Peraturan Daerah tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah sebagai otoritas penuh dalam mengelola keuangan dan kekayaan daerah, dan adanya staf BPKD yang cukup memadai, sedangkan faktor yang menghambat  adalah kurangnya SDM khususnya staf dilapangan, kurangnya kesadaran hukum wajib pajak dari masyarakat dan kurangnya penegakan hukum terhadap pelanggaran terkait pajak daerah. Untuk mengatasi hal ini perlu sekiranya melakukan pengawasan secara internal tentang kinerja petugas pajak, seperti dalam pelaksanaan tugas kerja harus disertai dengan formulir tentang isian pajak  yang harus dibayarkan, sehingga pada saat ke objek pajak tidak ada lagi komppromi mengenai besarnya pajak yang harus dibayarkan oleh wajib pajak. Dengan keterbatasan SDM, maka perlu dicarikan jalan keluar secepatnya, apakah melakukan kerjasama dengan pihak ketiga dalam pemungutanpajak atau memberdayakan personel tingkat kelurahan dan kecamatan pada masa penagihan pajak, terutama untuk pajak-pajak yang sifatnya rutin. Perlunya lebih mengintensifkan sosialisasi ataupun penyuluhan pentingnya pajak serta memberikan penghargaan pada wajib pajak yang taat dalam membayar pajak. Kata Kunci : Peningkatan PAD, Sektor Paja

    Faktor-faktor Penentu Kualitas Hubungan dalam Pemberian Layanan Kredit Perbankan Kepada USAha Kecil Serta Dampaknya terhadap Kepuasan dan Komitmen Nasabah

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    Almost half of Indonesian Gross National Product (GNP) is provided by small enterprises. In this case, small enterprises can create competition with the banks to offer their credit services. Some research found that good relationship can increase added value to banks customer of small enterprises owner. In turn, it also increases satisfaction and commitment. This study describes the factors determining relationship quality on banking credit services and small enterprises and its impact to customers satisfaction and commitment. Questionnaires were distributed to 135 small enterprises in Surabaya. The data were analyzed using statistic descriptivemethods to see the factors determining relationship quality, and SEM was employed to analyze the relationship between variables being researched. It shows both kinds of interactions such as service interpersonnel and service environment have a direct positive impact on relationship quality, service environmen consisting of ambience, credit policy and warranty are factors that determined the most relationship quality. The study incorporates the important notion of warranty to the construct of interaction quality between customers and the service environment. Thus, it also supports the hypothesis that factors determining relationship quality show its positivesignificant impact on satisfaction and commitment
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