222 research outputs found

    Quantum phases in a resonantly-interacting Bose-Fermi mixture

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    We consider a resonantly-interacting Bose-Fermi mixture of 40^{40}K and 87^{87}Rb atoms in an optical lattice. We show that by using a red-detuned optical lattice the mixture can be accurately described by a generalized Hubbard model for 40^{40}K and 87^{87}Rb atoms, and 40^{40}K-87^{87}Rb molecules. The microscopic parameters of this model are fully determined by the details of the optical lattice and the interspecies Feshbach resonance in the absence of the lattice. We predict a quantum phase transition to occur in this system already at low atomic filling fraction, and present the phase diagram as a function of the temperature and the applied magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    New highway development in the Netherlands: A residents’ perspective

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    This study investigates the impacts of new highway development from a residents’ perspective. Data were collected by questionnaire in two residential areas, Son and Uden, both situated along the new A50 highway in the Netherlands. The objectives of this study are: 1) to analyse the extent to which highway development has impacted the residents’ self-reported residential satisfaction through the use of Structural Equation Modeling, and 2) to explore residential self-selection, by comparing characteristics of the original population with those who have relocated into the area during and after highway development using Multinomial Logistic Regression. The results indicate that a small majority of the residents perceived an increase in residential satisfaction due to the highway development. Living in the sampled area in Son (compared to Uden), living on close proximity to the A50 highway, having a low preference for car accessibility, and a strong preference for environmental quality were negatively associated with the change in residential satisfaction, mostly via a negative association with the perceived change in liveability or accessibility. The findings of our second analysis show that residents who had relocated into the area after the highway development have a slightly more ‘highway-oriented’ profile than the original population, i.e. a marginally higher preference for car accessibility and lower preference for environmental quality. The study sheds light on the importance of accounting for the perceptions of the wider residential population and reveals how the impacts of new highway development differ between and within residential areas

    Afsluitdijk: Second opinion kKBA en advies bestuurlijke proces

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    In dit rapport worden een aantal ‘richtlijnen’ gegeven over hoe de mKBA, die aan het eind van de verkenningsfase wordt gemaakt, ‘slim’ - efficiënt en effectief - kan worden ingezet bij het Afsluitdijkproject. Tevens is een advies opgesteld over hoe in het voorgestelde proces tot een voorkeursbesluit kan worden gekomen

    Afsluitdijk: Second opinion kKBA en advies bestuurlijke proces

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    Understanding Resident Satisfaction with Involvement in Highway Planning: In-depth interviews during a highway planning process in the Netherlands

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    This study investigates resident satisfaction with provided involvement activities during highway planning processes, with particular attention given to the planned Southern Ring Road highway project in Groningen, the Netherlands. In-depth interviews with 38 residents living in the project area reveal important themes contributing to satisfaction. Satisfaction with passive information activities is motivated by the extent to which information addresses concerns, but (dis)trust in government and other information sources also plays a role. For residents preferring to obtain additional information, perceived access to such information and the extent to which it reduces concerns are also important to satisfaction. Finally, for residents who would rather participate actively, satisfaction is motivated by their perceived access to participation activities and the sense of being heard. Study results show how residents’ evaluations of the themes underpinning involvement satisfaction are based on their perceptions of actual project team activities and contextual factors
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