89 research outputs found
Penetapan Rasio Bagi Hasil Akad Mudharabah dan Musyarakah (Studi Kasus di Bni Syariah)
This study is a descriptive case study analysis in PT. Bank BNI Syariah using primary data and secondary data. This study rejects the results of research Mawardi (2005) and Vustany (2006) which states that the granting of a return to the Islamic banking results are influenced by interest rates. The interest rate is only a reference in determining the level of expected return for the customer to determine the ratio of the results. Calculation of profit sharing between users and customers BNI Syariah funds made by the actual return earned business profits, and distribution of the proceeds among the owners BNI Syariah customer funds carried with the actual return earned by the bank. Determination of the ratio between BNI Syariah results with user customer funds made by setting the level of expected return and the bank's expected return rate of user client funds. Bank's expected return level is calculated based customer's of fund provider's expected return estimation, the estimated overhead cost, estimation of risk level, and the expected net profit of the bank. While the level of expected return customers entrepreneur is the difference between the projected benefit the customer's business and the expected return rate of the bank
Efektivitas Pemungutan Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan Untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (Studi Pada Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kota Malang)
: Effectiveness of Tax Collection Earth And Building To Increase Revenue (Case Study of Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kota Malang). On occasion of reception of land and building taxes are still many things that are inside them usually in pulling PBB also still found empty house, the presence of SPPT (notification letter payable) also the presence of a taxpayer that the disobedient. The effectiveness of earth and building tax revenues in 2008 up to year 2012 is said to be very effective with an average percentage 106,25%. Where effectiveness highest happen in 2012 with a percentage 118,72%. According to the poll effectiveness land and building taxes can be concluded that Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kota Malang has managed in realizing land and building taxes or more than target specified last 5 (five) years which means has run job so very effectively. The level of contributions land and building tax against the original income area (PAD) in 2008 until year 2012 reached with the criteria of good enough that is the percentage of criteria above 30,10% to 40%. The average tax contribution of the earth and building as big as 31,63% according to criteria mean good enough
Thermal expansion of composites using Moire interferometry
An experimental technique for precise measurement of the thermal response of fiber-reinforced composite materials uses moire interferometry with fringe multiplication which yield a sensitivity of 833 nm (32.8 mu in.) per fringe. Results from the technique are compared with those obtained from electrical resistance strain gages, and also those predicted from classical lamination theory. Temperature dependent coefficients of thermal expansion for composite materials subjected to thermal cycling in the temperature range of 297 K (75 F) to 422 K (300 F) were determined for four laminate configurations (0, 90, 0/ + or - 45/90 sub s and 0/90/ + or - 45 sub s) of T300/5208 graphite epoxy, and ranged from -0.107 mu epsilon K/1 (-0.059 mu epsilon deg F/-) for the 0 laminate to 32.18 mu epsilon K/1 (17.88 mu epsilon F/1) for the 90 laminate. Moisture was found to greatly influence the thermal response of a quasi-isotropic laminate, resulting in hysteresis and residual compressive strain as the moisture content was reduced. Comparisons between moire and strain gage measurements were inconclusive with both techniques giving consistent but systematically different results. Differences of as much as 29% were observed
This study aid to describe the advantages of herbal mouthwash therapy in Oral Lichen Planus (OLP). This systematic review was carried out using PRISMA methods. The selected articles were published in the last five years from PubMed and Google Scholar with the keywords mouthwash, mouth rinse, and Oral Lichen Planus was conducted in June 2022. The assessment of the risk of bias uses the Oxford Scoring System. A total of 2225 journals were found, and seven articles were obtained through screening. After the risk of bias assessment, six articles of high-range quality and one article of low-range quality were obtained. The six journals are randomized clinical trials of herbal mouthwashes and synthetic mouthwashes. Three articles on herbal mouthwash, two articles on synthetic mouthwash, and one article comparing herbal and synthetic mouthwashes. These articles show differences in the time, size, and pain of using herbal and synthetic mouthwashes; they also found side effects when using synthetic mouthwashes compared to herbal mouthwashes. Herbal mouthwash has fewer side effects than synthetic mouthwash, although clinically, synthetic mouthwash is more effective than herbal mouthwash
Analisis Pengaruh Return On Asset (ROA), Biaya Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO), Suku Bunga, Financing To Deposits Ratio (FDR) dan Non Performing Financing (NPF) terhadap Tingkat Bagi Hasil Deposito Mudharabah (Studi Empiris pada Bank Um
Level of profit sharing given by Islamic Banks which is one factor public appeal to save funds in the products of Islamic Banks but in level of profit sharing for giving of Islamic Banks still refers to the rate of Conventional Banks. Still referring to Conventional Bank interest rates make people still think that the same Islamic Banks with Conventional Banks. This research purpose to analyze the effect of financial ratios and interest rate to the level of profit sharing of mudharabah deposits Islamic Banks in Indonesia. The population used is the quarterly financial statements throughout Islamic Banks in Indonesia 2011-2013. Selection of the samples tested in this study using purposive sampling method, 6 selected Islamic Banks. Analysis tools in this study is used multiple regression analysis using SPSS 19.0 software. The variables used in this study are Return On Asset (ROA), BOPO, Interest Rate, Financing To Deposits Ratio (FDR) and Non Performing Financing (NPF) as the independent variable, and level of profit sharing mudaraba deposits as the dependent variable. Partial results show that Return On Asset (ROA) and Financing To Deposits Ratio (FDR) significant positive effect on level of profit sharing mudaraba deposits while the BOPO, Interest Rate and Non Performing Financing (NPF) have no effect.DOI: 10.15408/ess.v5i1.233
Prevalensi Karies dan Indeks D E F pada Murid-murid Kelas I, II, dan III Sekolah Dasar yang Berada di Sekitar Klinik Kerja Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi UNPAD
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum tentang statuskesehatan gigi dan mulut pada murid-murid kelas I, II, dan III Sekolah Dasaryang berada di sekitar Klinik Kerja Mahasiswa FKG Unpad dengan melihatprevalensi karies dan indeks def-nya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif.Sampel penelitian sebanyak 333 orang murid, yaitu murid-murid kelas I, II, danIII dari 4 buah Sekolah Dasar diambil secara acak, yang berlokasi di sekitar klinikkerja mahasiswa FKG Unpad. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi kariesadalah sebesar 99,9% yang berarti hampir semua anak pada penelitian inimenderita karies, sedangkan indeks def adalah 10,2 artinya pada setiap anakyang diperiksa terdapat 10,2 gigi yang mengalami karies, ditambal, dan sudahdicabut atau diindikasikan untuk pencabutan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwakeadaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut murid-murid kelas I, II, dan III Sekolah Dasaryang berada di sekitar klinik kerja mahasiswa FKG Unpad adalah buruk
Do internal software quality tools measure validated metrics?
Internal software quality determines the maintainability of the software
product and influences the quality in use. There is a plethora of metrics which
purport to measure the internal quality of software, and these metrics are
offered by static software analysis tools. To date, a number of reports have
assessed the validity of these metrics. No data are available, however, on
whether metrics offered by the tools are somehow validated in scientific
studies. The current study covers this gap by providing data on which tools and
how many validated metrics are provided. The results show that a range of
metrics that the tools provided do not seem to be validated in the literature
and that only a small percentage of metrics are validated in the provided
State estimation of chemical engineering systems tending to multiple solutions
A well-evaluated state covariance matrix avoids error propagation due to divergence issues and, thereby, it is crucial for a successful state estimator design. In this paper we investigate the performance of the state covariance matrices used in three unconstrained Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) formulations and one constrained EKF formulation (CEKF). As benchmark case studies we have chosen: a) a batch chemical reactor with reversible reactions whose system model and measurement are such that multiple states satisfy the equilibrium condition and b) a CSTR with exothermic irreversible reactions and cooling jacket energy balance whose nonlinear behavior includes multiple steady-states and limit cycles. The results have shown that CEKF is in general the best choice of EKF formulations (even if they are constrained with an ad hoc clipping strategy which avoids undesired states) for such case studies. Contrary to a clipped EKF formulation, CEKF incorporates constraints into an optimization problem, which minimizes the noise in a least square sense preventing a bad noise distribution. It is also shown that, although the Moving Horizon Estimation (MHE) provides greater robustness to a poor guess of the initial state, converging in less steps to the actual states, it is not justified for our examples due to the high additional computational effort
Protocol of a Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial Assessing Transperineal Prostate Biopsy to Reduce Infectiouscomplications
Introduction Approximately one million prostate biopsies are performed annually in the USA, and most are performed using a transrectal approach under local anaesthesia. The risk of postbiopsy infection is increasing due to increasing antibiotic resistance of rectal flora. Single-centre studies suggest that a clean, percutaneous transperineal approach to prostate biopsy may have a lower risk of infection. To date, there is no high-level evidence comparing transperineal versus transrectal prostate biopsy. We hypothesise that transperineal versus transrectal prostate biopsy under local anaesthesia has a significantly lower risk of infection, similar pain/discomfort levels and comparable detection of non-low-grade prostate cancer.
Methods and analysis We will perform a multicentre, prospective randomised clinical trial to compare transperineal versus transrectal prostate biopsy for elevated prostate-specific antigen in the first biopsy, prior negative biopsy and active surveillance biopsy setting. Prostate MRI will be performed prior to biopsy, and targeted biopsy will be conducted for suspicious MRI lesions in addition to systematic biopsy (12 cores). Approximately 1700 men will be recruited and randomised in a 1:1 ratio to transperineal versus transrectal biopsy. A streamlined design to collect data and to determine trial eligibility along with the two-stage consent process will be used to facilitate subject recruitment and retention. The primary outcome is postbiopsy infection, and secondary outcomes include other adverse events (bleeding, urinary retention), pain/ discomfort/anxiety and critically, detection of non-low-grade (grade group ≥2) prostate cancer.
Ethics and dissemination The Institutional Review Board of the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York approved the research protocol (protocol number #18-02-365, approved 20 April 2020). The results of the trial will be presented at scientific conferences and published in peer-reviewed medical journals.
Trial registration number NCT04815876
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