9,757 research outputs found

    Interior Estimates for Generalized Forchheimer Flows of Slightly Compressible Fluids

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    The generalized Forchheimer flows are studied for slightly compressible fluids in porous media with time-dependent Dirichlet boundary data for the pressure. No restrictions on the degree of the Forchheimer polynomial are imposed. We derive, for all time, the interior L∞L^\infty-estimates for the pressure and its partial derivatives, and the interior L2L^2-estimates for its Hessian. The De Giorgi and Ladyzhenskaya-Uraltseva iteration techniques are used taking into account the special structures of the equations for both pressure and its gradient. These are combined with the uniform Gronwall-type bounds in establishing the asymptotic estimates when time tends to infinity

    CPA for charge ordering in the extended Hubbard model

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    We study charge ordering in the extended Hubbard model with both on-site and nearest neighbor Coulomb repulsion (U and V, respectively) within the Coherent potential approximation (CPA). The phase boundary between the homogeneous and charge ordered phase for the square lattice is obtained for different values of U. It is shown that at quarter filling for all values of U the charge ordering exists only if the inter-site Coulomb repulsion V exceeds certain critical value which is of the order of the kinetic energy t. At finite temperature a reentrant transition is found in some region of V.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Evolution of structure of SiO2 nanoparticles upon cooling from the melt

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    Evolution of structure of spherical SiO2 nanoparticles upon cooling from the melt has been investigated via molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations under non-periodic boundary conditions (NPBC). We use the pair interatomic potentials which have weak Coulomb interaction and Morse type short-range interaction. The change in structure of SiO2 nanoparticles upon cooling process has been studied through the partial radial distribution functions (PRDFs), coordination number and bond-angle distributions at different temperatures. The core and surface structures of nanoparticles have been studied in details. Our results show significant temperature dependence of structure of nanoparticles. Moreover, temperature dependence of concentration of structural defects in nanoparticles upon cooling from the melt toward glassy state has been found and discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    A family of steady two-phase generalized Forchheimer flows and their linear stability analysis

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    We model multi-dimensional two-phase flows of incompressible fluids in porous media using generalized Forchheimer equations and the capillary pressure. Firstly, we find a family of steady state solutions whose saturation and pressure are radially symmetric and velocities are rotation-invariant. Their properties are investigated based on relations between the capillary pressure, each phase's relative permeability and Forchheimer polynomial. Secondly, we analyze the linear stability of those steady states. The linearized system is derived and reduced to a parabolic equation for the saturation. This equation has a special structure depending on the steady states which we exploit to prove two new forms of the lemma of growth of Landis-type in both bounded and unbounded domains. Using these lemmas, qualitative properties of the solution of the linearized equation are studied in details. In bounded domains, we show that the solution decays exponentially in time. In unbounded domains, in addition to their stability, the solution decays to zero as the spatial variables tend to infinity. The BernsteinComment: 33 page

    Stabilization Control of the Differential Mobile Robot Using Lyapunov Function and Extended Kalman Filter

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    This paper presents the design of a control model to navigate the differential mobile robot to reach the desired destination from an arbitrary initial pose. The designed model is divided into two stages: the state estimation and the stabilization control. In the state estimation, an extended Kalman filter is employed to optimally combine the information from the system dynamics and measurements. Two Lyapunov functions are constructed that allow a hybrid feedback control law to execute the robot movements. The asymptotical stability and robustness of the closed loop system are assured. Simulations and experiments are carried out to validate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed approach.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1611.07112, arXiv:1611.0711

    The Capillary Pumped Loop Flight Experiment (CAPL): A pathfinder for EOS

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    The CAPL shuttle flight experiment will provide microgravity verification of the prototype capillary pumped loop (CPL) thermal control system for EOS. The design of the experiment is discussed with particular emphasis on the new technology areas in ammonia two-phase reservior design and heat pipe heat exchanger development. The thermal and hydrodynamic analysis techniques and results are also presented, including pressure losses, fluid flow, and non-orbit heat rejection capability. CAPL experiment results will be presented after the flight, presently planned for 1993

    Properties of Generalized Forchheimer Flows in Porous Media

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    The nonlinear Forchheimer equations are used to describe the dynamics of fluid flows in porous media when Darcy's law is not applicable. In this article, we consider the generalized Forchheimer flows for slightly compressible fluids and study the initial boundary value problem for the resulting degenerate parabolic equation for pressure with the time-dependent flux boundary condition. We estimate L∞L^\infty-norm for pressure and its time derivative, as well as other Lebesgue norms for its gradient and second spatial derivatives. The asymptotic estimates as time tends to infinity are emphasized. We then show that the solution (in interior L∞L^\infty-norms) and its gradient (in interior L2−δL^{2-\delta}-norms) depend continuously on the initial and boundary data, and coefficients of the Forchheimer polynomials. These are proved for both finite time intervals and time infinity. The De Giorgi and Ladyzhenskaya-Uraltseva iteration techniques are combined with uniform Gronwall-type estimates, specific monotonicity properties, suitable parabolic Sobolev embeddings and a new fast geometric convergence result.Comment: 63 page

    Phase Transition in Dimer Liquids

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    We study the phase transition in a system composed of dimers interacting with each other via a nearest-neighbor (NN) exchange JJ and competing interactions taken from a truncated dipolar coupling. Each dimer occupies a link between two nearest sites of a simple cubic lattice. We suppose that dimers are self-avoiding and can have only three orientations which coincide with the xx, yy or zz direction. The interaction JJ is attractive if the two dimers are parallel with each other at the NN distance, zero otherwise. The truncated dipolar interaction is characterized by two parameters: its amplitude DD and the cutoff distance rcr_c. Using the steepest-descent method, we determine the ground-state (GS) configuration as functions of DD and rcr_c. We then use Monte Carlo simulations to investigate the nature of the low-temperature phase and to determine characteristics of the phase transition from the ordered phase to the disordered phase at high temperatures at a given dimer concentration. We show that as the temperature increases, dimers remain in the compact state and the transition from the low-TT compact phase to the disordered phase where dimers occupy the whole space is of second order when DD is small, but it becomes of first order for large enough DD, for both polarized and non polarized dimers. This transition has a resemblance with the unfolding polymer transition. The effect of rcr_c is discussed
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