62 research outputs found

    Analisis Biaya, Pendapatan dan R/c Agroindustri Tempe (Studi Kasus pada Perajin Tempe di Desa Pananjung Kecamatan Pangandaran Kabupaten Pangandaran)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Besarnya rata-rata biaya yang digunakan pada agroindustri tempe dalam satu kali proses produksi di Desa Pananjung Kecamatan Pangandaran Kabupaten Pangandaran, (2) Besarnya rata-rata penerimaan dan rata-rata pendapatan yang diterima agroindustri tempe dalam satu kali proses produksi di Desa Pananjung Kecamatan Pangandaran Kabupaten Pangandaran, (3) Besarnya rata-rata R/C agroindustri tempe dalam satu kali proses produksi di Desa Pananjung Kecamatan Pangandaran Kabupaten Pangandaran. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Data yang dipergunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan kuesioner, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi pustaka, dinas dan instansi terkait. Jumlah responden sebanyak 3 perajin yang diperoleh secara sensus. Analisis yang digunakan adalah biaya, penerimaan, pendapatan, dan R/C. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1. Rata-rata biaya total agroindustri tempe di Desa Pananjung Kecamatan Pangandaran Kabupaten Pangandaran dalam satu kali proses produksi adalah Rp 870.154,65.2. Rata-rata penerimaan agroindustri tempe di Desa Pananjung Kecamatan Pangandaran Kabupaten Pangandaran dalam satu kali proses produksi adalah Rp 1.067.666,67; dan rata-rata pendapatan dalam satu kali proses produksi adalah sebesar Rp 197.512,02. 3. Rata-rata R/C dalam satu kali proses produksi adalah 1,21. Artinya setiap mengeluarkan biaya Rp. 1,00 akan menghasilkan penerimaan sebesar Rp. 1,21 dan pendapatan Rp. 0,21 sehingga USAha agroindustri tempe di Desa Pananjung Kecamatan Pangandaran KabupatenPangandaran menguntungkan dan layak untuk diusahakan

    Pеngаruh Syаriаh Mаrkеting Tеrhаdаp Kеpеrcаyааn Dаn Kеpuаsаn Nаsаbаh (Survеi Pаdа Nаsаbаh Bаnk Nеgаrа Indonеsiа Syаriаh Cаbаng Jаksа аGung Suprаpto Mаlаng)

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    This rеsеаrch аims to dеscribе thе influеncе of Shаriа Mаrkеting to customеr trust, Influеncе of thе Customеr trust to Customеr Sаtisfаction аnd influеncе of Shаriа Mаrkеting to customеr sаtisfаction through customеr trust . This typе of rеsеаrch usеd is еxplаnаtory rеsеаrch with quаntitаtivе аpproаch. Sаmplеs wеrе sеt аt 121 rеspondеnts using purposivе sаmpling tеchniquе. Rеspondеnts аrе Customеrs Bаnk Nеgаrа Indonеsiа Syаriаh Brаnch of Jаksа Аgung Suprаpto, who hаvе sаvings in BNI Syаriаh. This study usеs dаtа collеction by distributing quеstionnаirеs dirеctly in Bаnk Nеgаrа Indonеsiа Syаriаh аt Jаksа Аgung Suprаpto 48. Dаtа wеrе аnаlyzеd using dеscriptivе аnаlysis аnd pаth аnаlysis. Thе rеsults showеd thаt: vаriаblе Shаriа Mаrkеting dirеct аnd significаnt impаct on thе Customеr Trust vаriаblеs; Customеr Trust vаriаblе dirеct аnd significаnt еffеct on thе vаriаblе Customеr Sаtisfаction; аnd Shаriа Mаrkеting vаriаblе indirеct еffеct аnd significаntly аffеct thе vаriаblе Customеr Sаtisfаction through Customеr Trust vаriаblеs. Thus, BNI Syаriаh is еxpеctеd to dеvеlop аnd mаximizе thе four indicаtors Shаriа Mаrkеting givеn thе lеvеl of customеr trust cаn bе аltеrеd by thе prеsеncе of vаrious kinds of intеrnаl аnd еxtеrnаl fаctors, аs wеll аs BNI Syаriаh is аlso еxpеctеd to еnhаncе thе sеrvicе аnd аttеntion to products thаt offеrеd thаt customеrs cаn bеttеr undеrstаnd thе product in аccordаncе with Islаmic shаriа. Kеywords: Shаriа Mаrkеting, Sаtisfаction, Trust АBSTRАK Pеnеlitiаn ini bеrtujuаn untuk mеnjеlаskаn pеngаruh Syаriаh Mаrkеting tеrhаdаp kеpuаsаn pеlаnggаn, pеngаruh Kеpеrcаyааn Nаsаbаh tеrhаdаp Kеpuаsаn Nаsаbаh dаn pеngаruh syаriаh mаrkеting tеrhаdаp kеpuаsаn nаsаbаh mеlаlui kеpеrcаyааn nаsаbаh. Jеnis pеnеlitiаn yаng digunаkаn dаlаm аdаlаh еxplаnаtory rеsеаrch dеngаn pеndеkаtаn kuаntitаtif. Populаsi dаlаm pеnеlitiаn ini аdаlаh Nаsаbаh Bаnk Nеgаrа Indonеsiа Syаriаh Cаbаng Jаksа Аgung Suprаpto yаng mеmiliki tаbungаn BNI Syаriаh. Sаmpеl yаng ditеtаpkаn sеbаnyаk 121 rеspondеn mеnggunаkаn tеknik Purposivе Sаmpling.. Pеnеlitiаn ini mеnggunаkаn mеtodе pеngumpulаn dаtа dеngаn mеnyеbаrkаn аngkеt sеcаrа lаngsung di Bаnk Nеgаrа Indonеsiа Syаriаh Jl. Jаksа Аgung Suprаpto No. 48. Tеknik аnаlisis dаtа mеnggunаkаn аnаlisis dеskriptif dаn аnаlisis jаlur (pаth аnаlysis). Hаsil pеnеlitiаn mеnunjukkаn bаhwа : vаriаbеl Syаriаh Mаrkеting bеrpеngаruh lаngsung dаn signifikаn tеrhаdаp vаriаbеl Kеpеrcаyааn Nаsаbаh; vаriаbеl Kеpеrcаyааn Nаsаbаh bеrpеngаruh sеcаrа lаngsung dаn signifikаn tеrhаdаp vаriаbеl Kеpuаsаn Nаsаbаh; dаn vаriаbеl Syаriаh Mаrkеting bеrpеngаruh sеcаrа tidаk lаngsung dаn signifikаn tеrhаdаp vаriаbеl Kеpuаsаn Nаsаbаh mеlаlui vаriаbеl Kеpеrcаyааn Nаsаbаh. BNI Syаriаh dihаrаpkаn mеngеmbаngkаn dаn mеmаksimаlkаn еmpаt indikаtor Syаriаh Mаrkеting mеngingаt tingkаt kеpеrcаyааn nаsаbаh dаpаt bеrubаh dеngаn аdаnyа bеrbаgаi mаcаm fаktor intеrnаl mаupun еkstеrnаl, sеrtа BNI Syаriаh jugа dihаrаpkаn mеnyеmpurnаkаn pеlаyаnаn dаn mеmpеrhаtikаn produk yаng ditаwаrаn аgаr nаsаbаh bisа lеbih pаhаm dеngаn produk yаng sеsuаi dеngаn syаriаh Islаm. Kаtа Kunci: Syariah Marketing, Kеpuаsаn, Kеpеrcаyаа

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dan Dampaknya terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pengguna Iphone (Survei pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya Malang)

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    The research is done because the product quality in iPhone is very impressing if compared with other smartphone. Someone decided to buy smartphone especially iPhone based on several reasons such as product quality, it will impact to the satisfaction felt by consumer. Market share of iPhone increases each year and only decrease once in 2016. It become the reason to do research about buying decision. The used research is exploratory research with quantitative approach. The research location at the Administrative Faculty of Brawijaya University. The population of research all students of Administrative Faculty, Brawijaya University Malang that use iPhone and 104 respondents become the samples of research. The data collection done by distributing questionnaires data analysis by Path analysis. The research results show that product quality significant to customer satisfaction with the value of (p = 0,000 < 0,05) and value of 0,381 the coefficients, product quality significant of the decision a purchase with the value of (p = 0,000< 0,05) and value of 0,477 the coefficients, then decision the purchase significant to customersatisfaction with the value of (p = 0,000< 0,05) and value of 0,428 the coefficients

    Analisis Segmentation, Targeting, Dan Positioning Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Daya Saing Melalui Strategi Pemasaran Di Toko Pia Cap Mangkok Cabang Semeru

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    This research was conducted based on the number of Pia Mangkok's competitors which are growing rapidly so that it takes a marketing strategy which is able to maintain Pia Cap Mangkok Semeru's competitiveness. For making a marketing strategy, it needs the introduction of STP and marketing mix as well.Researcher used method of descriptive qualitative, focused on the analysis of STP, which will be suited with the marketing strategy of pia mangkok.. The data collection technique was by interview, observation and documentation. The data analysis used was interactive model from Miles and Huberman. Meanwhile, for the data validation, the researcher used a source triangulation. Based on the 30 consumers' survey, the market segments have diverse characteristics and needs. The dominant market segments have characteristics: (1)women, adult, married, private employees, revenues of more than Rp 5.000.000,00,-; first bachelor degree, Moslem, indigenous race (demographics); (2)domiciled in Malang (geographic); (3)culinary hobby, the upper middle class (psychographic); (4)buying Pia Mangkok products for personal gifts, green beans filling and 5 pieces' packaging as consumer's favorite. If concluded, pia mangkok has some goodness like its taste; packaging; and affordable price

    Bioactive Compounds Isolated From Lignin of Empty Bunch Palm Fiber and Their Effects on in Vitro Rumen Fermentation

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    The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of bioactive compounds isolated from purified lignin formacell (PLF) of empty bunch palm fiber as natural antimicrobes and their effects on in vitro rumen fermentation. The first experiment was inhibition test of 11 bioactive compounds isolated from PLF, using disc diffusion method against the growth of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus. Four of the most potential bioactive compounds were then used in the second experiment, which was an in vitro test using fresh rumen liquid of Ongole grade beef cattle, to study their effects on rumen fermentation. Six treatments with 3 replications were applied in a completely randomized block (CRB) design. The treatments were R0= 0.5 g basal diet; R1= R0 + 0.3 mg Rumensin®; R2= R0 + 0.3 mg syringaldehyde; R3= R0 + 0.3 mg p-hydroxybenzoic acid; R4= R0 + 0.3 mg m-hydroxybenzoic acid; and R5= R0 + 0.3 mg oxybenzene. Isolate fraction of CC-2 (syringaldehyde), CC-3 (m-hydroxybenzoic acid), VLC-5 (oxybenzene), and VLC-9 (p-hydroxybenzoic acid) exhibited antimicrobes activity against all tested bacteria. Other isolated fractions exhibited antimicrobes activity only against 1 or 2 tested bacteria. The use of syringaldehyde, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, m-hydroxybenzoic acid, and oxybenzene improved ammonia concentration, microbial protein synthesis, and nutrients digestibility. Bioactive compounds had no effect on rumen pH but reduced total VFA concentration as well as the estimate of methane production

    Uji Disolusi Dan Penetapan Kadar Meloxicam Supositoria X Dan Meloxicam Supositoria Y Menggunakan Metode Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (Kckt)

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    Dissolution tests were conducted and the assay of meloxicam suppository X and Y using the method of meloxicam suppository High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The purpose of this study to determine the dissolution rate of meloxicam suppository X and Y. Both samples received the same treatment that is performed at a temperature of 37 0C + 0.5 0C using 900 mL of dissolution media phosphate buffer pH 7.5 + 0.5. 10 mL samples were taken at minute 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, and 60. Each sampling was replaced with the same volume. Performed using the HPLC assay at λ 361 nm with a maximum 2.21 minute retention time and flow rate 1 mL/min. Regression equation obtained by y = 18401.7x + 6253.9 with a correlation coefficient (r) = 0.9937. The dissolution profiles showed that there was no significant difference in dissolution rate of meloxicam suppository X and Y. Key words: dissolution test, meloxicam, suppositories, HPLC

    Analisys Of Lead (Pb) And Chromium (Cr) Content In The Roots Of Seagrass (Enhalus Acoroides) In Waters Of Waai And Tulehu Village Central Maluku Regency

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    The research has been done with the aim to determine the content of heavy metals Pb  and Cr on the roots of seagrasses (Enhalus acoroides) by using Spektrofotometry Atomic Absorption (SSA). Samples have been taken from the waters of Waai and Tulehu village. The result show that the content of Pb on the roots of seagrasses in the waters of Waai village and Tulehu village is 26,262 mg/Kg; 18,491mg/Kg; 16,272 mg/Kg dan 12,272 mg/Kg. While the content of Cr on the roots of seagrasses in the waters of Waai village ang Tulehu village 33,066 mg/Kg; 7,752 mg/Kg; 109,535 mg/Kg; 22,464 mg/Kg. The result of this study can be used as a reference for the claim that the roots of seagrasses in the Waters of Waai village and Tulehu village contain metals Pb and Cr quite high

    Analisys Of Lead (Pb) And Chromium (Cr) Content In The Roots Of Seagrass (Enhalus Acoroides) In Waters Of Waai And Tulehu Village Central Maluku Regency

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    The research has been done with the aim to determine the content of heavy metals Pb  and Cr on the roots of seagrasses (Enhalus acoroides) by using Spektrofotometry Atomic Absorption (SSA). Samples have been taken from the waters of Waai and Tulehu village. The result show that the content of Pb on the roots of seagrasses in the waters of Waai village and Tulehu village is 26,262 mg/Kg; 18,491mg/Kg; 16,272 mg/Kg dan 12,272 mg/Kg. While the content of Cr on the roots of seagrasses in the waters of Waai village ang Tulehu village 33,066 mg/Kg; 7,752 mg/Kg; 109,535 mg/Kg; 22,464 mg/Kg. The result of this study can be used as a reference for the claim that the roots of seagrasses in the Waters of Waai village and Tulehu village contain metals Pb and Cr quite high