315 research outputs found

    Kupfer- und andere Schwermetalle in Hopfen- und Weinbergsböden und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Bodenzönose

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    Copper and other heavy metals in hop and vineyard soils and their effects on soil coenosisZusammenfassungHintergrund des Projektes sind Forderungen der EU, verlässliche Daten über das Ausmaß der Kupferbelastung in Sonderkulturböden zu generieren, um über eine weitere Zulassung kupferhaltiger Pflanzenschutzmittel im ökologischen Landbau zu entscheiden. Bei der Beprobung von 85 Reb- und 13 Hopfenlagen an konventionell und ökologisch bewirtschafteten Standorten wurden 2522 Einzelbodenproben von Prüf-, Referenz- (Brachen, wo früher Kupfer angewendet wurde) und Kontrollflächen, ohne anthropogen zugeführtes Kupfer zur Analyse der Kupfer-Gesamtgehalte im Königwasserextrakt und der pflanzenverfügbaren Kupfergehalte im NH4NO3-Extrakt entnommen. Zusätzlich wurden Bodenparameter wie pH-Wert, C/N-Verhältnis, Bodenart etc. untersucht. Die Korrelation zwischen pflanzenverfügbaren und Gesamtkupfergehalten ist nicht sehr hoch, eventuell wegen der Vielzahl an Einfluss nehmenden Faktoren wie z.B. unterschiedliche Bodenparameter oder Kulturmaßnahmen. Ein aktuell laufendes Regenwurmmonitoring soll Aufschluss über mögliche Schädigungen des Bodenlebens geben. Stichwörter: pflanzenverfügbares Kupfer, Sonderkulturen, Wein, Hopfen, Schwermetallanalyse, Risikoabschätzung, MonitoringAbstractBackground of the project are claims of the EU regulation to generate reliable data considering the extent of copper contaminations in soils of specialized crops in order to decide about copper restrictions in organic farming. 2522 single soil samples were collected on 85 vineyard and 13 hop areas with different management histories. Samples were taken from sites presently under cultivation, formerly cultivated sites and sites without anthropogenic copper contamination as control, indicating natural background values. In addition to Aqua Regia extraction for determining total copper contents, plant available copper contents were analyzed in NH4NO3 extraction. Soil parameters as pH-value, C/N ratio, soil type etc. were also analyzed. The correlation between plant available and total copper contents is not very high probably due to the broad range of relevant values e.g. soil parameters or cultivation measurements. An ongoing biological survey about the present status of earthworm populations will give information about possible impairments of soil coenosis.Keywords: plant available copper, specialized crops, vine, hop, heavy metal analysis, risk assessment, monitorin

    Searching for solar-like oscillations in pre-main sequence stars using APOLLO

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    In recent years, our understanding of solar-like oscillations from main sequence to red giant stars has improved dramatically thanks to pristine data collected from space telescopes. One of the remaining open questions focuses around the observational identification of solar-like oscillations in pre-main sequence stars. We aim to develop an improved method to search for solar-like oscillations in pre-main sequence stars and apply it to data collected by the Kepler K2 mission. Our software APOLLO includes a novel way to detect low signal-to-noise ratio solar like oscillations in the presence of a high background level. By calibrating our method using known solar-like oscillators from the main Kepler mission, we apply it to T Tauri stars observed by Kepler K2 and identify several candidate pre-main sequence solar-like oscillators. We find that our method is robust even when applied to time-series of observational lengths as short as those obtained with the TESS satellite in one sector. We identify EPIC 205375290 as a possible candidate for solar-like oscillations in a pre-main sequence star with νmax242μ\nu_\mathrm{max} \simeq 242\,\muHz. We also derive EPIC 205375290's fundamental parameters to be TeffT_\mathrm{eff} = 3670±\pm180 K, log gg = 3.85±\pm0.3, vvsinii = 8 ±\pm 1 km s1^{-1}, and about solar metallicity from a high-resolution spectrum obtained from the Keck archive.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Characterization of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates from Austrian companion animals and horses

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    Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate the genetic relatedness and the antimicrobial resistance profiles of a collection of Austrian Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates from companion animals and horses. A total of 12 non-repetitive isolates presumptively identified as S. pneumoniae were obtained during routinely diagnostic activities between March 2009 and January 2017. Results: Isolates were confirmed as S. pneumoniae by bile solubility and optochin susceptibility testing, matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry and sequence analysis of a part recA and the 16S rRNA genes. Isolates were further characterized by pneumolysin polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and genotyped by multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed and resistance genes were detected by specific PCR assays. All isolates were serotyped. Four sequence types (ST) (ST36, ST3546, ST6934 and ST6937) and four serotypes (3, 19A, 19F and 23F) were detected. Two isolates from twelve displayed a multidrug-resistance pheno- and genotype. Conclusions: This study represents the first comprehensive investigation on characteristics of S. pneumoniae isolates recovered from Austrian companion animals and horses. The obtained results indicate that common human sero- (23F) and sequence type (ST36) implicated in causing invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) may circulate in dogs. Isolates obtained from other examined animals seem to be host-adapted

    Light emission from direct band gap germanium containing split-interstitial defects

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    The lack of useful and cost-efficient group-IV direct band gap light emitters still presents the main bottleneck for complementary metal-oxide semiconductor-compatible short-distance data transmission, single-photon emission, and sensing based on silicon photonics. Germanium, a group-IV element like Si, is already widely used in silicon fabs. While the energy band gap of Ge is intrinsically indirect, we predict that the insertion of Ge-Ge split-[110] interstitials into crystalline Ge can open up a direct band gap transmission path. Here, we calculate from first principles the band structure and optical emission properties of Ge, Sb, and Sn split-[110] interstitials in bulk and low-dimensional Ge at different doping concentrations. Two types of electronic states provide the light-emission enhancement below the direct band gap of Ge: a hybridized L-Γ state at the Brillouin zone center and a conduction band of Δ band character that couples to a raised valence band along the Γ-X direction. Majority carrier introduced to the system through doping can enhance light emission by saturation of nonradiative paths. Ge-Sn split interstitials in Ge shift the top of the valence band towards the Γ-X direction and increase the Γ character of the L-Γ state, which results in a shift to longer emission wavelengths. Key spectral regions for datacom and sensing applications can be covered by applying quantum confinement in defect-enhanced Ge quantum dots for an emission wavelength shift from the midinfrared to the telecom regime.FWN – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide

    YY1 haploinsufficiency causes an intellectual disability syndrome featuring transcriptional and chromatin dysfunction

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    Yin and yang 1 (YY1) is a well-known zinc-finger transcription factor with crucial roles in normal development and malignancy. YY1 acts both as a repressor and as an activator of gene expression. We have identified 23 individuals with de novo mutations or deletions of YY1 and phenotypic features that define a syndrome of cognitive impairment, behavioral alterations, intrauterine growth restriction, feeding problems, and various congenital malformations. Our combined clinical and molecular data define "YY1 syndrome" as a haploinsufficiency syndrome. Through immunoprecipitation of YY1-bound chromatin from affected individuals' cells with antibodies recognizing both ends of the protein, we show that YY1 deletions and missense mutations lead to a global loss of YY1 binding with a preferential retention at high-occupancy sites. Finally, we uncover a widespread loss of H3K27 acetylation in particular on the YY1-bound enhancers, underscoring a crucial role for YY1 in enhancer regulation. Collectively, these results define a clinical syndrome caused by haploinsufficiency of YY1 through dysregulation of key transcriptional regulators.Michele Gabriele, Anneke T. Vulto-van Silfhout, Pierre-Luc Germain, Alessandro Vitriolo, Raman Kumar, Evelyn Douglas, Eric Haan, Kenjiro Kosaki, Toshiki Takenouchi, Anita Rauch, Katharina Steindl, Eirik Frengen, Doriana Misceo, Christeen Ramane J. Pedurupillay, Petter Stromme, Jill A. Rosenfeld, Yunru Shao, William J. Craigen, Christian P. Schaaf, David Rodriguez-Buritica, Laura Farach, Jennifer Friedman, Perla Thulin, Scott D. McLean, Kimberly M. Nugent, Jenny Morton, Jillian Nicholl, Joris Andrieux, Asbjørg Stray-Pedersen, Pascal Chambon, Sophie Patrier, Sally A. Lynch, Susanne Kjaergaard, Pernille M. Tørring, Charlotte Brasch-Andersen, Anne Ronan, Arie van Haeringen, Peter J. Anderson, Zöe Powis, Han G. Brunner, Rolph Pfundt, Janneke H.M. Schuurs-Hoeijmakers, Bregje W.M. van Bon, Stefan Lelieveld, Christian Gilissen, Willy M. Nillesen, Lisenka E.L.M. Vissers, Jozef Gecz, David A. Koolen, Giuseppe Testa, Bert B.A. de Vrie

    ZC4H2, an XLID gene, is required for the generation of a specific subset of CNS interneurons

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    Miles-Carpenter syndrome (MCS) was described in 1991 as an XLID syndrome with fingertip arches and contractures and mapped to proximal Xq. Patients had microcephaly, short stature, mild spasticity, thoracic scoliosis, hyperextendable MCP joints, rocker-bottom feet, hyperextended elbows and knees. A mutation, p.L66H, in ZC4H2, was identified in a XLID resequencing project. Additional screening of linked families and next generation sequencing of XLID families identified three ZC4H2 mutations: p.R18K, p.R213W and p.V75in15aa. The families shared some relevant clinical features. In silico modeling of the mutant proteins indicated all alterations would destabilize the protein. Knockout mutations in zc4h2 were created in zebrafish and homozygous mutant larvae exhibited abnormal swimming, increased twitching, defective eye movement and pectoral fin contractures. Because several of the behavioral defects were consistent with hyperactivity, we examined the underlying neuronal defects and found that sensory neurons and motoneurons appeared normal. However, we observed a striking reduction in GABAergic interneurons. Analysis of cell-type-specificmarkers showed a specific loss of V2 interneurons in the brain and spinal cord, likely arising from mis-specification of neural progenitors. Injected human wt ZC4H2 rescued the mutant phenotype. Mutant zebrafish injectedwith human p.L66H or p.R213W mRNA failed to be rescued, while the p.R18K mRNA was able to rescue the interneuron defect. Our findings clearly support ZC4H2 as a novel XLID gene with a required function in interneuron development. Loss of function of ZC4H2 thus likely results in altered connectivity ofmany brain and spinal circuits

    Hawtreyan 'credit deadlock' or Keynesian 'liquidity trap'? Lessons for Japan from the great depression

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    This paper outlines the ideas of Ralph Hawtrey and Lauchlin Currie on the need for monetised fiscal deficit spending in 1930s USA to combat the deep depression into which the economy had been allowed to sink. In such exceptional circumstances of 'credit deadlock' in which banks were afraid to lend and households and business afraid to borrow, the deadlock could best be broken through the spending of new money into circulation via large fiscal deficits. This complementarity of fiscal and monetary policy was shown to be essential, and as such indicates the potential power of monetary policy - in contrast to the Keynesian "liquidity trap" view that it is powerless This lesson was not learned by the Japanese authorities in their response to the asset price collapse of 1991-92, resulting in a lost decade as ballooning fiscal deficits were neutralised throughout the 1990s by unhelpfully tight monetary policy with the Bank of Japan refusing to monetise the deficits

    Immunostimulation and Immunoinhibition of Premalignant Lesions

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    BACKGROUND: The immune reaction may be either stimulatory or inhibitory to tumor growth, depending upon the local ratio of immune reactants to tumor cells. HYPOTHESIS: A tumor-stimulatory immune response may be essential for survival of a neoplasm in vivo and for the biological progression from a premalignant lesion to a malignancy. Neither a positive nor a negative correlation between the magnitude of an immune-cell infiltrate and a cancer's prognosis can reveal whether the infiltrate was stimulating or inhibiting to the tumor's growth unless the position on the nonlinear curve that relates tumor growth to the magnitude of the immune reaction is known. DISCUSSION: This hypothesis is discussed in relation to the development of human malignant melanomas and colorectal cancers