72 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the problem of developing definitions of research objects using cognitive methods and intellectual circuit techniques. The category “act of a literary hero” shows that there are a large number of definitions of this category, but there is no definition reflecting the fundamental essential characteristics of the hero’s act in the literature. To construct the definition of the category “act of the literary hero”, the method of two-level triadic decryption of the basic category was used, which is a tool of categorical system methodology. As a result, an exhaustive description of “the act of a literary hero” arising in the literature of a given historical period was obtained.El artículo aborda el problema del desarrollo de definiciones de objetos de investigación utilizando métodos cognitivos y técnicas de circuitos intelectuales. La categoría "acto de un héroe literario" muestra que hay un gran número de definiciones de esta categoría, pero no hay una definición que refleje las características esenciales fundamentales del acto del héroe en la literatura. Para construir la definición de la categoría "acto del héroe literario", se utilizó el método de descifrado triádico de dos niveles de la categoría básica, que es una herramienta de la metodología de sistemas categóricos. Como resultado, se obtuvo una descripción exhaustiva del " acto de un héroe literario " que surge en la literatura de un período histórico determinado.В статье рассмотрена проблема разработки определений объектов исследования с применением когнитивных методов и интеллектуальной схемотехники. На примере категории «поступок литературного героя» показано, что при наличии большого числа определений данной категории отсутствует дефиниция, отражающая фундаментальные сущностные характеристики поступка героя в литературе. Для конструирования определения категории «поступок литературного героя» использован метод двухуровневой триадической дешифровки базовой категории, являющийся инструментом категориально-системной методологии. В результате получено исчерпывающее описание рассматриваемой категории – поступка литературного героя, возникшего в литературе заданного исторического периода

    Chronotope of Russian Works about Robinson

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    The results of the study of the chronotope in Russian-language compositions based on the novel about Robinson’s adventures are presented. The material for the work was A. E. Razin’s novel “The Real Robinson” (1860) and Lev Tolstoy’s story “Robinson” (1862). The issues of the specifics of the representation of the chronotopic in the works of Russian writers are considered. The relevance of the study is due to the appeal to the universal of the chronotope, which contains an exhaustive toolkit for the artistic embodiment of images of space and time; as well as the search for new methods of literary analysis of the text. It is shown that in the analyzed texts, a kind of fusion of Russianlanguage compositions with a foreigncultural text in the aspect of a chronotope is realized. The similarities and differences in the rethinking of the story of Robinson are shown on the example of the model of textual connexity, the national specifics of the representation of the image of Robinson are indicated. It is noted that the external and internal chronotopes are retransmitted from work to work and create the basis for the emergence of the author’s intentions. It is proved that chronotopic analysis allows one to form an idea of the peculiarities of the Russian-language interpretation of the story of Robinson

    Results of Monitoring the Distribution of Chlorform in the Air Environment of Industrial Premises

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    В работе представлены результаты математического моделирования и экспериментальные данные распространения хлороформа в воздухе производственного помещения. Моделирование распространения хлороформа в помещении выполнено с использование программного комплекса. Получено распределение концентрации хлороформа на уровне слоя дыхания человека с учетом расположения источника загрязнения и рабочего места сотрудника. Технические средства контроля воздушной среды производственного помещения в момент появления хлороформа на рабочем месте сотрудника определили значение концентрации вещества. Результаты математического моделирования и экспериментального определения концентрации хлороформа показали, что полученные данные удовлетворительно согласуются между собой.The paper presents the results of mathematical modeling and experimental data on the distribution of chloroform in the air of industrial premises. The simulation of chloroform distribution in the room was performed using a software package. The distribution of chloroform concentration at the level of the human respiratory layer is obtained, taking into account the location of the pollution source and employee’s workplace. Technical means of monitoring the air environment of the industrial premises at the time of the appearance of chloroform at the employee’s workplace determined the concentration of the substance. The results of mathematical modeling and experimental determination of chloroform concentration showed that the obtained data are in satisfactory agreement with each other

    Institutional Origins of Protective COVID-19 Public Health Policy Responses: Informational and Authority Redundancies and Policy Stringency

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Now Publishers via the DOI in this recordIn this essay, we argue that institutional systems that allow redundancies in information channels and in policy-making are more likely to generate a rapid policy response to crises such as the onset of COVID-19 pandemic than more streamlined systems. Since democracies and decentralized polities feature higher informational and authority redundancies, we theorize improved crisis response in democracies, and in more decentralized democracies. To assess our theoretical expectations, we construct an original data set of stringency of policy measures that were adopted in response to COVID-19 by governments at different levels in 64~countries between January and May 2020. We find that democracies and liberal democracies responded to COVID-19 stronger and faster. Federalism and decentralization in addition to democratic institutions played a less uniform, but still a positive role. Beyond their other acknowledged merits, democratic institutions have superior capacity to mount a quick policy response to unqualified threats

    COVID-19 Policy Response and the Rise of the Sub-National Governments

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from University of Toronto Press via the DOI in this recordData availability: The data used in this article are available as online Appendices C–G.We examine the roles of sub-national and national governments in Canada and the United States vis-à-vis the protective public health response in the onset phase of the global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This period was characterized in both countries by incomplete information as well as by uncertainty regarding which level of government should be responsible for which policies. The crisis represents an opportunity to study how national and sub-national governments respond to such policy challenges. In this article, we present a unique dataset that catalogues the policy responses of US states and Canadian provinces as well as those of the respective federal governments: the Protective Policy Index (PPI). We then compare the United States and Canada along several dimensions, including the absolute values of subnational levels of the index relative to the total protections enjoyed by citizens, the relationship between early threat (as measured by the mortality rate near the start of the public health crisis) and the evolution of the PPI, and finally the institutional and legislative origins of the protective health policies. We find that the sub-national contribution to policy is more important for both the United States and Canada than are their national-level policies, and it is unrelated in scope to our early threat measure. We also show that the institutional origin of the policies as evidenced by the COVID-19 response differs greatly between the two countries and has implications for the evolution of federalism in each

    Federal Institutions and Strategic Policy Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this recordData Availability Statement: The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.This essay examines the policy response of the federal and regional governments in federations to the COVID-19 crisis. We theorize that the COVID-19 policy response in federations is an outcome of strategic interaction among the federal and regional incumbents in the shadow of their varying accountability for health and the repercussions from the disruptive consequences of public health measures. Using the data from the COVID-19 Public Health Protective Policy Index Project, we study how the variables suggested by our theory correlate with the overall stringency of public health measures in federations as well as the contribution of the federal government to the making of these policies. Our results suggest that the public health measures taken in federations are at least as stringent as those in non-federations, and there is a cluster of federations on which a bulk of crisis policy making is carried by subnational governments. We find that the contribution of the federal government is, on average, higher in parliamentary systems; it appears to decline with the proximity of the next election in presidential republics, and to increase with the fragmentation of the legislative party system in parliamentary systems. Our analysis also suggests that when the federal government carries a significant share of responsibility for healthcare provision, it also tends to play a higher role in taking non-medical steps in response to the pandemic

    Билатеральная нефробластома у детей: клиника, диагностика, лечение (собственные наблюдения за период 1964—2007 гг.)

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    Bilateral nephroblastoma is a rare malignant tumor which is considered to be a hereditary disease. Specific proportion of bilateral nephroblastomas is 5—10% of all renal malignant tumors in children. From 1964 t 2007, 92 children with bilateral nephroblastomas received treatment in the surgical department of thoracoabdominal oncology of Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology of N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center. Diagnosis was confirmed by morphologic study in all patients. Our study enrolled 83 children, because in remaining 9 patients early dissemination of disease was revealed and they died from disease progression without being treated. Depending upon strategy and tactic of the treatment all patients were subdivided into 2 groups of historic control: first group included patients treated from 1964 to 1979, and second group—from 1980 to 2007. Clinical manifestations of disease and diagnostic algorithm are analyzed. The issues of surgical tactics, pre and post-operative treatment and radiotherapy are discussed. Overall survival rate of children of 2nd group was 79,2%, which is 3 times higher than outcomes in patients who received treatment from 1964 to 1979. Disease free survival rate in patients with bilateral nephroblastoma of 2nd group was 70,2%.

    Protective Policy Index (PPI) global dataset of origins and stringency of COVID 19 mitigation policies

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    This the final version. Available on open access from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordData Records: We have created a Github repository (https://github.com/COVID-policy-response-lab/PPI-data) to store the datasets with the Public Health Protective Policy Index and its components. A copy of the included datafiles, as described below, was deposited with openICPSR15. It presently requires creating an account with the depository. Data access is free. Data location is at https://www.openicpsr.org/openicpsr/project/123401. The datasets are stored as csv files with five types of layouts. “PPI_country_m1.csv” is a file with country-level aggregates of region-level PPIs, computed using method 1, and their components. Each row corresponds to a country-date. The rows are identified using the country name (cname), numeric and 2-letter ISO 3166-1 codes (isocode and isoabbr respectively), as well as a date variable. The names of the policy variables contain four components: the name of the broader category, the name of the category, the level of issuing government (“nat” refers to the national policies, “reg” refers to the subnational policies, and “tot” refers to the combination of national and subnational policies), as well as suffix “ave”. For example, the average Total PPI is denoted as “ppi.all.tot.ave”, and the average stringency of the closures of air borders by the national government is denoted as “borders.air_bord.nat.ave”. See the codebook for the complete list of variables. “PPI_country_m2.csv” is a file with country-level aggregates of region-level PPIs, computed using method 2, and their components. The identifying variables and the naming convention for the policy variables is the same as in “PPI_country_m1.csv”, with the addition of suffix “0.2” at the end of the policy variable names. “PPI_regions_XX_m1.csv” (replace XX with the 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country codes) are country-specific files with region-specific PPIs, computed using method 1, and their components. The identifying variables include the numeric and 2-letter ISO 3166-1 codes of the country (isocode and isoabbr respectively), the name of the region (state_province), its ISO 3166-2 code (iso_state), as well as a date variable. The names of the policy variables contain three components: the name of the broader category, the name of the category, and the level of issuing government (“nat” refers to the national policies, “reg” refers to the subnational policies, and “tot” refers to the combination of national and subnational policies). For example, the average Total PPI is denoted as “ppi.all.tot”, and the stringency of the closures of air borders by the national government is denoted as “borders.air_bord.nat”. “PPI_regions_XX_m2.csv” (replace XX with the 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country codes are country-specific files with region-specific PPIs, computed using method 2, and their components. The identifying variables and the naming convention for the policy variables is the same as in “PPI_regions_XX_m1.csv”, with the addition of the suffix “0.2” at the end of the policy variable names. “changes_regions_m1.csv” is an auxiliary file that describes the changes in the policy states, as recorded in the “PPI_regions_XX_m1.csv” files. Each row in this file corresponds to a change in a value of a policy state variable in a region and of a specific government level. The case identifying variables include the name of the country (cname), the numeric and 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the country (isocode and isoabbr, respectively), the name of the region (state_province) and its ISO 3166-2 code, date, policy dimension, and a marker of policies issued by a regional government (subnational). Among others, the attributes included in this file include the branch of the government (branch) and the date when the change was announced (report_date).Code availability; The code used to produce our calculations is available at https://github.com/COVID-policy-response-lab/PPI-dataWe have developed and made accessible for multidisciplinary audience a unique global dataset of the behavior of political actors during the COVID-19 pandemic as measured by their policy-making efforts to protect their publics. The dataset presents consistently coded cross-national data at subnational and national levels on the daily level of stringency of public health policies by level of government overall and within specific policy categories, and reports branches of government that adopted these policies. The data on these public mandates of protective behaviors is collected from media announcements and government publications. The dataset allows comparisons of governments’ policy efforts and timing across the world and can serve as a source of information on policy determinants of pandemic outcomes–both societal and possibly medical