1,389 research outputs found

    Grand unification through gravitational effects

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    We systematically study the unification of gauge couplings in the presence of (one or more) effective dimension-5 operators cHGG/4MPl, induced into the grand unified theory by gravitational interactions at the Planck scale MPl. These operators alter the usual condition for gauge coupling unification, which can, depending on the Higgs content H and vacuum expectation value, result in unification at scales MX significantly different than naively expected. We find non-supersymmetric models of SU(5) and SO(10) unification, with natural Wilson coefficients c, that easily satisfy the constraints from proton decay. Furthermore, gauge coupling unification at scales as high as the Planck scale seems feasible, possibly hinting at simultaneous unification of gauge and gravitational interactions. In the Appendix we work out the group theoretical aspects of this scenario for SU(5) and SO(10) unified groups in detail; this material is also relevant in the analysis of non-universal gaugino masses obtained from supergravity.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, 8 tables, 1 appendix, revtex; v2: introduction and conclusion expanded, references added, minor changes, version published in PR

    InP solid state detector and the observation of low energy solar neutrinos

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    A large volume radiation detectors using a semi-insulating Indium Phosphide (InP) wafer have been developed for Indium Project on Neutrino Observation for Solar interior (IPNOS) experiment. The volume has achieved to 20mm3 , and this is world largest size among the detector observed gammas at hundred keV region. Although the depletion layer, most of charge are generated by an induction, and the charge collection efficiency achieves 50 to 60%, which is determined by the detector thickness and the carrier drift length (Ld = 120μm). The energy resolution is obtained by 25%. We measured actual backgrounds from 115 In beta decay, and also the effect of radiative Bremsstrahlung from those betas. No significant event was found in the measurement and the radiation such as Bremsstrahlung from InP detector could be negligible

    Perturbative SO(10) Grand Unification

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    We consider a phenomenologically viable SO(10) grand unification model of the unification scale MGM_G around 101610^{16} GeV which reproduces the MSSM at low energy and allows perturbative calculations up to the Planck scale MPM_P or the string scale MstM_{st}. Both requirements strongly restrict a choice of Higgs representations in a model. We propose a simple SO(10) model with a set of Higgs representations {2×10+16ˉ+16+45}\{2 \times {\bf 10} + {\bf \bar{16}} + {\bf 16} + {\bf 45} \} and show its phenomenological viability. This model can indeed reproduce the low-energy experimental data relating the charged fermion masses and mixings. Neutrino oscillation data can be consistently incorporated in the model, leading to the right-handed neutrino mass scale MRMG2/MPM_R \simeq M_G^2/M_P. Furthermore, there exists a parameter region which results the proton life time consistent with the experimental results.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, section5 was slightly modifie

    Tight--binding description of the quasiparticle dispersion of graphite and few--layer graphene

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    A universal set of third--nearest neighbour tight--binding (TB) parameters is presented for calculation of the quasiparticle (QP) dispersion of NN stacked sp2sp^2 graphene layers (N=1...N=1... \infty) with ABAB stacking sequence. The QP bands are strongly renormalized by electron--electron interactions which results in a 20% increase of the nearest neighbour in--plane and out--of--plane TB parameters when compared to band structure from density functional theory. With the new set of TB parameters we determine the Fermi surface and evaluate exciton energies, charge carrier plasmon frequencies and the conductivities which are relevant for recent angle--resolved photoemission, optical, electron energy loss and transport measurements. A comparision of these quantitities to experiments yields an excellent agreement. Furthermore we discuss the transition from few layer graphene to graphite and a semimetal to metal transition in a TB framework.Comment: Corresponding author: A. Gr\"uneis Tel.: +49 351 4659 519 e--mail: [email protected]

    Fine-tuning the functional properties of carbon nanotubes via the interconversion of encapsulated molecules

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    Tweaking the properties of carbon nanotubes is a prerequisite for their practical applications. Here we demonstrate fine-tuning the electronic properties of single-wall carbon nanotubes via filling with ferrocene molecules. The evolution of the bonding and charge transfer within the tube is demonstrated via chemical reaction of the ferrocene filler ending up as secondary inner tube. The charge transfer nature is interpreted well within density functional theory. This work gives the first direct observation of a fine-tuned continuous amphoteric doping of single-wall carbon nanotubes

    Lattice QCD calculation of the proton decay matrix element in the continuum limit

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    We present a quenched lattice QCD calculation of the \alpha and \beta parameters of the proton decay matrix element. The simulation is carried out using the Wilson quark action at three values of the lattice spacing in the range a\approx 0.1-0.064 fm to study the scaling violation effect. We find only mild scaling violation when the lattice scale is determined by the nucleon mass. We obtain in the continuum limit, |\alpha(NDR,2GeV)|=0.0090(09)(^{+5}_{-19})GeV^3 and |\beta(NDR,2GeV)|=0.0096(09)(^{+6}_{-20})GeV^3 with \alpha and \beta in a relatively opposite sign, where the first error is statistical and the second is due to the uncertainty in the determination of the physical scale.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Continuation of Methotrexate Resulted in Better Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes Than Discontinuation upon Starting Etanercept in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: 52-week Results from the JESMR Study

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    ABSTRACT. Objective. The aim of the Efficacy and Safety of Etanercept on Active Rheumatoid Arthritis Despite Methotrexate Therapy in Japan (JESMR) study is to compare the efficacy of continuation versus discontinuation of methotrexate (MTX) when starting etanercept (ETN) in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods. In total, 151 patients with active RA who had been taking MTX were randomized to either ETN 25 mg twice a week with 6-8 mg/week MTX (the E+M group), or ETN alone (the E group). The primary endpoint at Week 52 was the radiographic progression assessed by van der Heijde-modified Sharp score. Results. The mean progression in total score at Week 52 was not significantly different, statistically, between the E+M group and the E group (0.8 vs 3.6, respectively; p = 0.06). However, a significant difference was observed in radiographic progression between Weeks 24 and 52 (0.3 vs 2.5; p = 0.03), and the mean progression of the erosion score was negative in the E+M group, which was significantly better than the E group at Week 52 (-0.2 vs 1.8; p = 0.02). Clinically, the cumulative probability plot of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR)-N values at Week 52 clearly demonstrated a superior response in the E+M group than in the E group. ACR20, 50, and 70 response rates at Week 52 in the E+M group (86.3%, 76.7%, and 50.7%) were significantly greater than those in the E group (63.8%; p = 0.003, 43.5%; p < 0.0001 and 29.0%; p = 0.01, respectively). Conclusion. MTX should be continued when starting ETN in patients with active RA

    MTX and ETN Personal non-commercial use only

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    ABSTRACT. Objective. The aim of the Efficacy and Safety of Etanercept on Active Rheumatoid Arthritis Despite Methotrexate Therapy in Japan (JESMR) study is to compare the efficacy of continuation versus discontinuation of methotrexate (MTX) when starting etanercept (ETN) in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods. In total, 151 patients with active RA who had been taking MTX were randomized to either ETN 25 mg twice a week with 6-8 mg/week MTX (the E+M group), or ETN alone (the E group). The primary endpoint at Week 52 was the radiographic progression assessed by van der Heijde-modified Sharp score. Results. The mean progression in total score at Week 52 was not significantly different, statistically, between the E+M group and the E group (0.8 vs 3.6, respectively; p = 0.06). However, a significant difference was observed in radiographic progression between Weeks 24 and 52 (0.3 vs 2.5; p = 0.03), and the mean progression of the erosion score was negative in the E+M group, which was significantly better than the E group at Week 52 (-0.2 vs 1.8; p = 0.02). Clinically, the cumulative probability plot of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR)-N values at Week 52 clearly demonstrated a superior response in the E+M group than in the E group. ACR20, 50, and 70 response rates at Week 52 in the E+M group (86.3%, 76.7%, and 50.7%) were significantly greater than those in the E group (63.8%; p = 0.003, 43.5%; p < 0.0001 and 29.0%; p = 0.01, respectively). Conclusion. MTX should be continued when starting ETN in patients with active RA