169 research outputs found

    HIF-1 alpha-independent hypoxia-induced rapid PTK6 stabilization is associated with increased motility and invasion

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    © 2014 Landes Bioscience. PTK6/Brk is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase overexpressed in cancer. Here we demonstrate that cytosolic PTK6 is rapidly and robustly induced in response to hypoxic conditions in a HIF-1-independent manner. Furthermore, a proportion of hypoxic PTK6 subsequently re-localized to the cell membrane. We observed that the rapid stabilization of PTK6 is associated with a decrease in PTK6 ubiquitylation and we have identified c-Cbl as a putative PTK6 E3 ligase in normoxia. The consequences of hypoxia-induced PTK6 stabilization and subcellular re-localization to the plasma membrane include increased cell motility and invasion, suggesting PTK6 targeting as a therapeutic approach to reduce hypoxia-regulated metastatic potential. This could have particular significance for breast cancer patients with triple negative disease

    Produção de frutos de pedra-ume-caá em função de condições meteorológicas em Manaus-AM.

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento da produção de frutos de pedra-ume-caá, espécie medicinal amazônica, em função das variações das condições meteorológicas em Manaus-AM

    Treatment of patients with aortic atherosclerotic disease with paclitaxel-associated lipid nanoparticles

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    OBJECTIVE: The toxicity of anti-cancer chemotherapeutic agents can be reduced by associating these compounds, such as the anti-proliferative agent paclitaxel, with a cholesterol-rich nanoemulsion (LDE) that mimics the lipid composition of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). When injected into circulation, the LDE concentrates the carried drugs in neoplastic tissues and atherosclerotic lesions. In rabbits, atherosclerotic lesion size was reduced by 65% following LDE-paclitaxel treatment. The current study aimed to test the effectiveness of LDE-paclitaxel on inpatients with aortic atherosclerosis. METHODS: This study tested a 175 mg/m2 body surface area dose of LDE-paclitaxel (intravenous administration, 3/3 weeks for 6 cycles) in patients with aortic atherosclerosis who were aged between 69 and 86 yrs. A control group of 9 untreated patients with aortic atherosclerosis (72-83 yrs) was also observed. RESULTS: The LDE-paclitaxel treatment elicited no important clinical or laboratory toxicities. Images were acquired via multiple detector computer tomography angiography (64-slice scanner) before treatment and at 1-2 months after treatment. The images showed that the mean plaque volume in the aortic artery wall was reduced in 4 of the 8 patients, while in 3 patients it remained unchanged and in one patient it increased. In the control group, images were acquired twice with an interval of 6-8 months. None of the patients in this group exhibited a reduction in plaque volume; in contrast, the plaque volume increased in three patients and remained stable in four patients. During the study period, one death unrelated to the treatment occurred in the LDE-paclitaxel group and one death occurred in the control group. CONCLUSION: Treatment with LDE-paclitaxel was tolerated by patients with cardiovascular disease and showed the potential to reduce atherosclerotic lesion size


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    This work deals with the image capture for close-range photogrammetry in the context of the modelling of a round tower with repetitive texture (made of bricks), both inside and outside. For that purpose we test different acquisition strategies that differ in terms of camera path (straight or circular) and number of images acquired at each camera position, that is with or without oblique images. Besides, the formula to compute the curvilinear base according to a given overlap rate between successive frontal photos are written for each strategy. The comparisons rely on the observation of the aspect of the different dense point clouds (noise, holes), the deformation seen in the orthomosaics and values extracted from the photogrammetric projects such as metric accuracies with GCP. Our results confirm some art rules

    Compósitos de colagénio/apatite de origem marinha para aplicação em engenharia de tecidos mineralizados

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    Devido ao aumento de lesões associadas ao envelhecimento da população, a regeneração do tecido ósseo tem sido alvo de estudo. Apesar da vasta investigação neste sentido, os auto-enxertos continuam a prevalecer como tratamento de primeira linha, apesar das suas limitações. A extração de compostos de recursos marinhos para uso em abordagens de engenharia de tecidos emerge como uma alternativa promissora para regeneração de lesões ósseas. Neste capítulo apresenta-se um biomaterial promissor para aplicação em engenharia de tecidos duros tendo como base uma estratégia de valorização de sub-produtos marinhos, nomeadamente pele e dentes de tubarão.Os autores agradecem o apoio financeiro recebido da União Europeia através do Programa INTERREG—POCTEP, no âmbito dos Projetos 0687_NOVOMAR_1_P e 0245_IBEROS_1_E, através do Programa de cooperação transnacional Espaço Atlântico, no âmbito do Projeto MARMED (2011-1/164) e através do 7º Programa-Quadro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (FP7), através do Projeto POLARIS (REGPOT-CT2012-316331). Os autores gostariam de agradecer também ao Centro Tecnológico del Mar (CETMAR, Vigo, Espanha) e COPEMAR SA (Espanha) pelo fornecimento dos subprodutos de tubarão. G.S.D agradece ao Programa Norte2020 (Portugal2020) pela bolsa de doutoramento (NORTE-08-5369-F SE-000044) e R.P. agradece à Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia pelo contrato IF/00347/2015

    Marine collagen/apatite composite scaffolds envisaging hard tissue applications

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    The high prevalence of bone defects has become a worldwide problem. Despite the significant amount of research on the subject, the available therapeutic solutions lack efficiency.  Autografts, the most common used approaches to treat bone defects have limitations such as donor site morbidity, pain and lack of donor site. Marine resources emerge as an attractive alternative to extract bioactive compounds for further use in bone tissue engineering approaches. On one hand they can be isolated from by-products, at low costs, creating value from products that are considered waste for the fish transformation industry. One the other hand, religious constraints will be avoided. We isolated two marine origin materials, collagen from shark skin (Prionace glauca) and calcium phosphates from teeth of two different shark species (Prionace glauca and Isurus oxyrinchus), and further proposed to mix them to produce 3D composite structures for hard tissue applications. Two crosslinking agents, EDC/NHS and HMDI, were tested to enhance scaffoldsâ properties, with EDC/NHS resulting in better properties. The characterization of the structures showed that the developed composites could support attachment and proliferation of osteoblast-like cells. A promising scaffold for the engineering of bone tissue is thus proposed, based on a strategy of marine by-products valorisation.This work was funded by INTERREG under the POCTEP Project 0687_NOVOMAR_1_P and the Atlantic Area Transnational Cooperation Programme Project MARMED (2011-1/164), as well as by European Union FP7 under the project POLARIS (REGPOT-CT2012-316331).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using self-organizing maps to investigate environmental factors regulating colony size and breeding success of the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)

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    We studied variations in the size of breeding colonies and in breeding performance of White Storks Ciconia ciconia in 2006–2008 in north-east Algeria. Each colony site was characterized using 12 environmental variables describing the physical environment, land-cover categories, and human activities, and by three demographic parameters: the number of breeding pairs, the number of pairs with chicks, and the number of fledged chicks per pair. Generalized linear mixed models and the self-organizing map algorithm (SOM, neural network) were used to investigate effects of biotic, abiotic, and anthropogenic factors on demographic parameters and on their relationships. Numbers of breeding pairs and of pairs with chicks were affected by the same environmental factors, mainly anthropogenic, which differed from those affecting the number of fledged chicks per pair. Numbers of fledged chicks per pair was not affected by colony size or by the number of nests with chicks. The categorization of the environmental variables into natural and anthropogenic, in connection with demographic parameters, was relevant to detect factors explaining variation in colony size and breeding parameters. The SOM proved a relevant tool to help determine actual dynamics in White Stork colonies, and thus to support effective conservation decisions at a regional scale