1,176 research outputs found

    Types of auctions, their prevalence and significance

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    A role of blood glucose levels in the development of interstitial collagen has been studied in 84 patients (53 women and 31 men, average age 60 ± 2.4 years) with coronary heart disease (CHD). All patients were divided into twocomparable groups: a study group including patients with coronary heart disease andtype 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and a control group consisting of patients with coronary heart disease without DM. All patients received standard medical therapy as recommended by the European Society of Cardiology. The level of blood glucose in both groups was assessed by the standard technique, a degree of interstitial collagen volume fraction (ICVF) was measured using the formula of J. Shirani et al. The data were processed by parametric and nonparametric statistical methods. It has been proved that hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes contributes to the development of ICVF, the degree of which increases with the rise of blood glucose level. A high level ofICVF in patients with coronary heart disease and diabetes type 2 can be a predictor of myocardial dyssynchrony development and heart failure progression, therefore, a close monitoring and timely correction of changes of blood glucose levelsare recommended to prevent the complication development. ICVF evaluation should become a routine diagnostic method in all patients with type 2 diabetes

    Личность в художественном творчестве романтизма. Взаимосвязь философии и литературы

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    У статті визначені причини романтичного світовідчуття в мистецтві та естетиці, ідея універсальної особистості в художній творчості та теорії мистецтва, досягнення романтизму в психологічному збагаченні художньої мови. Представлений самоцінний статус мистецтва в естетиці романтизму. Розглянуто взаємозв’язок філософії і літератури.In the article certain reasons romantic attitude in an art and aesthetics, idea of universal personality in artistic creation and theory of art, achievement of romanticism in the psychological enriching of artistic language. The presented valuable status of art is in aesthetics of romanticism. Intercommunication of philosophy and literature is considered.В статье определены причины романтического мироощущения в искусстве и эстетике, идея универсальности личности в художественном творчестве и теории искусства, достижения романтизма в психологическом обогащении художественной речи. Представленный самоценный статус искусства в эстетике романтизма. Рассмотрена взаимосвязь философии и литературы

    Secretory activity of gastroduodenal zone before and after cholecystectomia

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    Вивчено функціональні особливості секреторної активності гастродуоденальної зони до та піс­ля холецистектомії. Встановлено пригнічення ферментовидільної функції шлунка у хворих із постхолецистектомічним синдромом. З’ясовано, що наявність дуодено-гастрального рефлюксу свідчить про дуоденостаз і недостатність замикальної функції пілоричного сфінктера. У хворих видалення жовчного міхура призводить до аритмії циркадних і ультрадіадних ритмів усієї травної системи й, у тому числі, до порушень активності секреторних залоз шлунка.Изучены функциональные особенности секреторной активности гастродуоденальной зоны до и пис¬ля холецистэктомии. Установлено угнетение ферментовыводящей функции желудка у больных с постхолецистэктомический синдромом. Выяснено, что наличие дуодено- гастральной рефлюкса свидетельствует о дуоденостаз и недостаточность замыкательной функции пилорического сфинктера. У больных удаление желчного пузыря приводит к аритмии циркадных и ультрадиадних ритмов всей пищеварительной системы и, в том числе, к нарушениям активности секреторных желез желудка.Functional features of the gastroduodenal zone secretory activity before and after cholecystectomia were studied. The oppression of the stomach enzymatic secretion in patients with postcholecystectomia syndrome was established. The presence of duodeno-gastral reflux testifies to the duodenostasis and incompetence of closing function of the pyloric sphincter. Cholecystectomia entails the arrhythmia of circadian and ultradian rhythms of the whole digestive apparatus, including the derangements of the stomach secretory glands


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    A comparative assessment of the effect of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists on changes in galectin 3 and matrix metalloproteinase 1 fibrosis markers has been carried out on 106 examinations (average age (69 + 10.37) years) with type 2 DM and CCF of ischemic nature of I-IV FC according to NYHA with retained systolic function of the left ventricle and manifestations of myocardium dyssynchrony. All the patients were divided into 3 groups depending on the intake of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. Myocardium dyssynchrony was assessed according to the generally accepted technique; the volume faction of interstitial collagen was measured using the formula of J. Shirani et al.; galectin-3 and matrix metalloproteinase-1 levels – using the immunoenzyme method according to the manufacturer’s manual. The data was processed using the methods of parametric and non-parametric statistics. It was discovered that the myocardium dyssynchrony development percentage in the group of patients not taking mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists was higher than in the group of patients taking spironolactone or eplerenone. An increase in fibrosis marker levels was shown in the spironolactone intake group compared with the group of patients taking eplerenone. Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist intake requires blood potassium level control and case monitoring of manifestations of dyssynchrony and myocardial fibrosis

    Development of the A/H6N1 influenza vaccine candidate based on A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (H2N2) master donor virus and the genome composition analysis using high resolution melting (HRM)

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    The avian influenza viruses of H6N1subtype present a potential danger for humans. The cold-adapted (ca) reassortant influenza virus А/17/herring gull/Sarma/2006/887 (H6N1) was obtained in chicken embryos by the genetic reassortment based on the coldadapted A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (H2N2) master strain. The genome composition of the obtained reassortant was analyzed by means of real-time PCR with the high resolution melting (HRM) analysis using the intercalating fluorescent dye EvaGreen. Analysis of the gene segments showed that the reassortant А/17/herring gull/Sarma/2006/887 (H6N1) contains the internal proteins coding genes (PB2, PB1, PA, NP, M, and NS) of the master donor virus and the surface antigens coding genes of the A/herring gull/Sarma/51c/2006 (H6N1) avian influenza virus. The study of the phenotypic properties showed that the virus А/17/herring gull/Sarma/2006/887 (H6N1) is temperature sensitive (ts), ca in chicken embryos, and attenuated in mice when administered intranasally. This reassortant can be recommended as a live influenza vaccine candidate for humans.The avian influenza viruses of H6N1subtype present a potential danger for humans. The cold-adapted (ca) reassortant influenza virus А/17/herring gull/Sarma/2006/887 (H6N1) was obtained in chicken embryos by the genetic reassortment based on the coldadapted A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (H2N2) master strain. The genome composition of the obtained reassortant was analyzed by means of real-time PCR with the high resolution melting (HRM) analysis using the intercalating fluorescent dye EvaGreen. Analysis of the gene segments showed that the reassortant А/17/herring gull/Sarma/2006/887 (H6N1) contains the internal proteins coding genes (PB2, PB1, PA, NP, M, and NS) of the master donor virus and the surface antigens coding genes of the A/herring gull/Sarma/51c/2006 (H6N1) avian influenza virus. The study of the phenotypic properties showed that the virus А/17/herring gull/Sarma/2006/887 (H6N1) is temperature sensitive (ts), ca in chicken embryos, and attenuated in mice when administered intranasally. This reassortant can be recommended as a live influenza vaccine candidate for humans

    Geophysical studies with laser-beam detectors of gravitational waves

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    The existing high technology laser-beam detectors of gravitational waves may find very useful applications in an unexpected area - geophysics. To make possible the detection of weak gravitational waves in the region of high frequencies of astrophysical interest, ~ 30 - 10^3 Hz, control systems of laser interferometers must permanently monitor, record and compensate much larger external interventions that take place in the region of low frequencies of geophysical interest, ~ 10^{-5} - 3 X 10^{-3} Hz. Such phenomena as tidal perturbations of land and gravity, normal mode oscillations of Earth, oscillations of the inner core of Earth, etc. will inevitably affect the performance of the interferometers and, therefore, the information about them will be stored in the data of control systems. We specifically identify the low-frequency information contained in distances between the interferometer mirrors (deformation of Earth) and angles between the mirrors' suspensions (deviations of local gravity vectors and plumb lines). We show that the access to the angular information may require some modest amendments to the optical scheme of the interferometers, and we suggest the ways of doing that. The detailed evaluation of environmental and instrumental noises indicates that they will not prevent, even if only marginally, the detection of interesting geophysical phenomena. Gravitational-wave instruments seem to be capable of reaching, as a by-product of their continuous operation, very ambitious geophysical goals, such as observation of the Earth's inner core oscillations.Comment: 29 pages including 8 figures, modifications and clarifications in response to referees' comments, to be published in Class. Quant. Gra