2,231 research outputs found

    Do Unpatented Oil Shale Mining Claims Exist?

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    A laboratory program to develop improved grazing incidence X-ray optics

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    Grazing incident double reflection X-ray telescop

    Environment, community & the individual; characterising the ecology of aquatic invasive alien plants in Ireland

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    The Irish freshwater environment is particularly vulnerable to invasion by alien species. Given the importance of invasive alien species as drivers and passengers of ecological change it is pertinent that the mechanisms and processes involved in the invasion of Irish aquatic habitats are better understood. The overarching aim of this research was to characterise the relevant traits, of the environment, biological communities and individuals, responsible for the successful dispersal, establishment and spread of alien macrophytes. To that end, invasive alien macrophyte species (including Elodea canadensis, Elodea nuttallii, Lagarosiphon major and Myriophyllum aquaticum) were studied in situ and ex situ, combining field surveys, comparative experiments and molecular techniques. Hypotheses relating to propagule pressure, habitat disturbance, resource availability, community invasibility, stress tolerance and cryptic invasions were tested. It was found that the occurrence and distribution of invasive alien species in standing waterbodies in Ireland is substantially greater than previously recorded. 54% of surveyed waterbodies were found to be invaded. The intensity of human amenity use was the best predictor of the occurrence of invasive alien species and there was a positive association between nutrient concentrations and the occurrence and abundance of some invasive species. The influence of alien species was additive to the native community, increasing the complexity of native assemblages in terms of richness, biomass, diversity and function of invaded ecosystems. It was found that those native species that were excluded by alien species tended to be morphologically similar. Most invasive species studied had high capacity to tolerate fragmentation and desiccation indicating their capacity to overcome barriers to reproduction, dispersal and colonization. Using a combination of lab and field based experiments, M. aquaticum was shown to utilise phenotypic plasticity in its tolerance of saline conditions, and was capable of colonising and invading brackish waters. A molecular investigation of alien Myriophyllum spp. in Ireland revealed genetic diversity amongst and between populations of the clonal species M. aquaticum. The discovery of multiple cryptic taxa (M. heterophyllum and M. sp. “red 1”) originating in the horticultural trade is of particular concern. Implications for the management of aquatic invasive species in Ireland are discussed

    Age Group Differences in Household Accident Risk Perceptions and Intentions to Reduce Hazards.

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    Very little is known about the extent to which seemingly vulnerable younger and older adults appraise household risks and relatedly whether safety information focused on raising risk awareness influences intentions to reduce hazards in the home. The present study assessed age differences in accident experience, risk attitudes, household accident risk perceptions, comparative optimism, personal control, efficacy judgements, and intentions to remove household hazards. It also examined the predictors of these intentions. Thirty-eight younger adults (aged 18 to 25) and forty older adults (aged 65 to 87) completed study booklets containing all measures. There were significant age group differences for all accident experience and risk-related variables. Younger adults experienced more accidents, had riskier attitudes, and had significantly lower cognitive risk perceptions (i.e., they were less likely to be injured due to a household accident). They also had lower affective risk perceptions (i.e., they were less worried) about their accident risk and perceived more personal control over the risk compared with older adults. Young adults were comparatively optimistic about their risk while older adults were pessimistic. Older adults had higher response efficacy and intentions to reduce hazards in the home. Only worry, response efficacy, and risk attitudes predicted intention, however, these relationships were not moderated by age or efficacy appraisal. Although tentative theoretical and practical implications are presented, further research is required in order to better understand the objective and subjective risk associated with household accidents, and to determine the factors that may improve safety, particularly for those most vulnerable

    SilagequalitÀten im Berggebiet: eine Praxisuntersuchung

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    Silage ist im Berggebiet eine wichtige Konservierungsform fĂŒr Raufutter. Um die Silierbarkeit verschiedener typischer PflanzenbestĂ€nde im Berggebiet zu bestimmen, wurden im Labormassstab Futter von vier PflanzenbestĂ€nden einsiliert und untersucht. Gleichzeitig wurden Grassilagen von 31 Praxisbetrieben aus der Bergregion Ybrig-Einsiedeln gesammelt und auf die QualitĂ€t analysiert. Die vier untersuchten PflanzenbestĂ€nde erwiesen sich gemĂ€ss der VergĂ€rbarkeitskoeffizienten aus den GrĂŒnfutterproben als leicht silierbar. Dennoch gab es Unterschiede bei der SilagequalitĂ€t. Dabei erwies sich ein hoher KrĂ€uteranteil fĂŒr die Herstellung einer qualitativ hochwertigen Silage nicht als Nachteil. Die QualitĂ€t der Silagen aus den Praxisbetrieben variierte sehr stark. Neben sehr guten Silagen gab es auch Silagen von schlechter QualitĂ€t. Dies kann vor allem durch die erhöhten ButtersĂ€uregehalte, die teilweise durch erhöhte Rohaschegehalte zustande kommen, erklĂ€rt werden. Im Durchschnitt erreichten die Silagen einen NEL-Gehalt von 5,5 MJ pro kg Trockensubstanz (TS). Hauptursache fĂŒr diese tiefen Werte waren erhöhte Fasergehalte, die auf ein spĂ€tes Nutzungsstadium zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren waren

    Saltmarshes on peat substrate on the southwest coast of Ireland: edaphic parameters and plant species distribution

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    Abstract. Saltmarshes on peat substrate are common along the western Atlantic coast of Ireland. The peat which underlies these marshes was formed under freshwater conditions in post glacial times, after which these systems were subjected to a marine transgression. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between edaphic factors, substrate type and saltmarsh vegetation, specifically investigating the role of edaphic factors in determining the distribution of saltmarsh species Atriplex portulacoides in Ireland. Edaphic parameters measured for each substrate included pH, moisture content, ammonium and nitrate. The peat was found to differ markedly from other substrates. Using canonical correspondence analysis it was found that pH and ammonium were the major drivers in influencing saltmarsh vegetation on peat substrate. Under both in situ and ex situ conditions Atriplex portulacoides showed an affinity for drier substrate and its absence from fringe marshes in Ireland is likely due to a combination of both biotic and abiotic factors, including intolerance to high soil moisture levels

    Ökobilanzanalyse weide- und graslandbasierter Milchproduktionssysteme : Serie Systemvergleich Hohenrain II

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    Im Rahmen des Projekts «Optimierung von graslandbasierten Milchproduktionssystemen auf Basis von Eingrasen (Hohenrain II)» haben wir die Umweltwirkungen von drei Systemen anhand der Ökobilanzmethode SALCA miteinander verglichen: Vollweide mit saisonaler Abkalbung, sowie zwei Varianten von Eingrasen mit unterschiedlichem Kraftfuttereinsatz (< 500 kg/Kuh/ Jahr und 800–1200 kg/Kuh/Jahr). Systeme mit höherem Kraftfuttereinsatz weisen im Vergleich zu Systemen mit niedrigerem Kraftfuttereinsatz höhere und somit ungĂŒnstigere Werte in den Kategorien Kalium-Ressourcenbedarf und ÖkotoxizitĂ€t und teilweise in den Kategorien Phosphor- Ressourcenbedarf sowie Abholzung auf. Beim Treibhauspotenzial, bei der Ozonbildung und bei der LandschaftsĂ€sthetik weist das System mit höherem Kraftfuttereinsatz hingegen teilweise gĂŒnstigere Werte auf als das Vollweide-System. In einigen weiteren Wirkungskategorien sind aufgrund der hohen VariabilitĂ€t zwischen den untersuchten Betrieben und Jahren keine deutlichen Unterschiede zwischen den Systemen ersichtlich. Die wichtigsten Einflussfaktoren auf die Umweltwirkungen der Milch sind die Futterverwertung (kg Futter/kg energiekorrigierte Milch [ECM]), die Zusammensetzung der Futterration, die Zufuhr von Kraftfutter, die Remontierung von KĂŒhen sowie die DĂŒngung

    Parabens as Urinary Biomarkers of Exposure in Humans

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    BACKGROUND: Parabens appear frequently as antimicrobial preservatives in cosmetic products, in pharmaceuticals, and in food and beverage processing. In vivo and in vitro studies have revealed weak estrogenic activity of some parabens. Widespread use has raised concerns about the potential human health risks associated with paraben exposure. OBJECTIVES: Assessing human exposure to parabens usually involves measuring in urine the conjugated or free species of parabens or their metabolites. In animals, parabens are mostly hydrolyzed to p-hydroxybenzoic acid and excreted in the urine as conjugates. Still, monitoring urinary concentrations of p-hydroxybenzoic acid is not necessarily the best way to assess exposure to parabens. p-Hydroxybenzoic acid is a nonspecific biomarker, and the varying estrogenic bioactivities of parabens require specific biomarkers. Therefore, we evaluated the use of free and conjugated parent parabens as new biomarkers for human exposure to these compounds. RESULTS: We measured the urinary concentrations of methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, butyl (n- and iso-), and benzyl parabens in a demographically diverse group of 100 anonymous adults. We detected methyl and n-propyl parabens at the highest median concentrations (43.9 ng/mL and 9.05 ng/mL, respectively) in nearly all (> 96%) of the samples. We also detected other parabens in more than half of the samples (ethyl, 58%; butyl, 69%). Most important, however, we found that parabens in urine appear predominantly in their conjugated forms. CONCLUSIONS: The results, demonstrating the presence of urinary conjugates of parabens in humans, suggest that such conjugated parabens could be used as exposure biomarkers. Additionally, the fact that conjugates appear to be the main urinary products of parabens may be important for risk assessment
