5,813 research outputs found

    Avaliação de leguminosas arbóreas, para recuperação de solos e repovoamento em áreas degradadas, Quixeramobim-CE.

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    Resumo: O modelo atual de exploração agropecuária na caatinga vem ausando conseqüências desastrosas sobre os recursos naturais, com perdas consideráveis dabiodiversidade de sua cobertura arbórea. Faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de alternativas para recuperação florestal de imensas áreas degradadas nos sertões nordestinos. Assim, foi conduzido, no período de 2003 a 2005, em Quixeramobim, CE, um experimento visando selecionar espécies leguminosas arbóreas simbiontes para a recuperação de áreas degradadas. Foram estabelecidas, por meio de mudas: Albizia lebeck, Gliricidia sepium, Caesalpinia ferrea, Mimosa hostilis, Leucaena leucocephala, Mimosa caesalpinifolia e Parkinsonia aculeata. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que para Quixeramobim, com exceção da Albizia lebeck, as demais leguminosas podem ser utilizadas em programas de recuperação florestal de áreas degradadas. [Leguminous trees avaliation for recuperation of soils and forestry recomposition of degraded areas, Quixeramobim-CE]. Abstract: The present model of agriculture and livestock exploration in the caatinga region is resulting in desastrous consequences on the natural resources, with high losses of the biodiversity of its tree cover. The development of alternatives for the forestry recuperation of immense areas in the Northeastern hinterland is strongly needed. Thus, an experiment was carried out in Quixeramobim, Ceará in order to select symbiont leguminous trees for reclamation of degraded areas. Albizia lebeck, Gliricidia saepium, Caesalpinia ferrea, Mimosa hostilis, Leucaena leucocephala, Mimosa caesalpinifolia e Parkinsonia aculeata were established by seedlings. The results indicated that except A. lebeck, all the species may be recommended for forestry recuperation for Quixeramobim and other similar regions in Northeastern Brazil.Edição dos Resumos do Congresso Brasileiro de Agroecologia, 5., Guarapari, ES de 01 a 04 de outubro de 2007

    Avaliação de leguminosas arbóreas para recuperação de solos e repovoamento em áreas degradadas, Irauçuba-CE.

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    Resumo: O modelo atual de exploração agropecuária na caatinga vem causando conseqüências desastrosas sobre os recursos naturais, com perdas consideráveis da biodiversidade de sua cobertura arbórea. Faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de alternativas para recuperação florestal de imensas áreas degradadas nos sertões nordestinos. Assim, foi conduzido, no período de 2003 a 2005, em Irauçuba, CE, um experimento visando selecionar espécies leguminosas arbóreas simbiontes para a recuperação de áreas degradadas. Foram estabelecidas, por meio de mudas: Albizia lebeck, Prosopis juliflora, Piptadenia macrocarpa, Caesalpinia bracteosa, Gliricidia sepium, Caesalpinia ferrea, Mimosa hostilis, Leucaena leucocephala, Bauhinia cheilantha, Erythrina velutina, Mimosa caesalpinifolia e Parkinsonia aculeata. Os resultados sugerem que para Irauçuba e outras regiões semelhantes no Nordeste Brasileiro, a P. juliflora, a M. hostilis, a C. ferrea e a G. sepium são recomendadas para programas de recomposição florestal. [Leguminous trees evaluation for recuperation of soils and forestry recomposition of degraded areas, Irauçuba-CE]. Abstract: The present model of agriculture and livestock exploration in the caatinga region is resulting in érrea1dia consequences on the natural resources, with high losses of the biodiversity of its tree cover. The development of alternatives for the forestry recuperation of immense 1érre in the Northeastern hinterland is strongly needed. Thus, na experiment was carried out in Irauçuba, Ceará in order to select symbiont leguminous trees for reclamation of degraded 1érre. Albizia lebeck, Prosopis juliflora, Piptadenia macrocarpa, Caesalpinia bracteosa, érrea1dia sepium, Caesalpinia 1érrea, Mimosa hostilis, Leucaena leucocephala, Bauhinia cheilantha, Erythrina velutina, Mimosa caesalpinifolia e Parkinsonia aculeata were established by seedlings. The results indicated that P. juliflora, M. hostilis, C. ferrea and G. sepium may be recommended for forestry recuperation for Irauçuba and other similar regions in Northeastern Brazil.Edição dos Resumos do Congresso Brasileiro de Agroecologia, 5., Guarapari, ES de 01 a 04 de outubro de 2007

    Respostas do estrato herbáceo à adubação organo-mineral em planossolo háplico no município de Irauçuba, Sertão Cearense.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o incremento da produção de fitomassa e as mudanças na composição florística do estrato herbáceo da vegetação em um planossolo háplico, na região de Irauçuba, Ceará. Parcelas de 6,0 x 3,0 m foram demarcadas e receberam por sorteio os seguintes fertilizantes ou suas combinações: nitrogênio (N, 400 kg/ha), fósforo (P, 100 kg/ha), potássio (K, 60 kg/ha) NK, NP, PK e NPK. Foi também aplicado o equivalente 5,0 t/ha de esterco de cabra, interessando à metade de cada parcela. Os resultados indicaram que o capim panasco responde à aplicação de nitrogênio ou deste mineral associado ao potássio e ao fósforo, porém, não apresenta aumentos da produção de fitomassa com a aplicação de fósforo separadamente e de matéria orgânica. A erva de ovelha apresenta excelentes aumentos de produção de fitomassa, quando adubada com fósforo, matéria orgânica ou com a combinação destes dois fertilizantes. A adubação orgânica só ou associada a NPK pode ser usada na recuperação de áreas degradadas sob planossolo háplico, com resultados positivos sobre a produção de fitomassa, mudanças benéficas na composição florística, com possíveis incrementos na biodiversidade da vegetação herbácea. Responses of herbaceous organic-mineral fertilization in the municipality of Planosol haplic Irauçuba, Hinterland Cearense. Abstract: The paper deals with the determination of the increment on the phytomass production and changes on the botanical composition of the herbaceous cover of the vegetaion on haplic planossol in Irauçuba region, Ceará. Plots, measuring 6,0 x 3,0 m were staked out and recieved the following fertilizer or their mixture: nitrogen (N, 400 kg/ha), phosphorus (P, 100 kg/ha), potass (K, 60 kg/ha), NK, NP, PK and NPK. Goat manure was also apllied on half of each plot at a rate of 5,0 t/ha. The results indicated that panasco grass responds to the application of nitrogen or of this mineral combined with potass and phosphorus, but, it does not show increase of phytomass production with the application of phosphorus separately and of organic matter. Erva de ovelha presents excellent increases of phytomass production with the application of phosphorus, organic matter or with the combination of these fertilizers. Organic fertilization alone, or associated with NPK may be used to the recuperation of degraded areas on haplic planossols with positive results on the phytomass production, beneficial changes on the floristic composition and with possible increments on the biodiversity of the herbaceous cover

    Influência da cultivar de morangueiro sobre as populações do ácaro-rajado e do predador Neosiulus californicus.

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    Este traalho teve por objetivo determinar a influência de diferentes cultivares de morangueiro sobre as populações do ácaro predador Neoseiulus californicus (Phytoseiidae) e do ácaro-rajado (Tetranychus urticae), em cultivo orgânico de morangueiro.Resumo expandido

    Atividade antifúngica de escopoletina sobre Rhizoctonia solani.

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    Na região Norte, a queima foliar (Rhizoctonia solani) destaca-se entre as doenças da cultura do maracujazeiro principalmente no período chuvoso, cujos danos são ocasionados pela intensa desfolha em plantas mais afetadas. A utilização de substâncias extraídas de plantas têm mostrado resultados promissores no controle de fitopatógenos. A escopoletina é uma cumarina encontrada em grande número de espécies vegetais. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de escopoletina sobre o crescimento de Rhizoctonia solani. A substância foi incorporada ao meio de cultura Batata Dextrose Ágar (BDA) nas concentrações de 0, 10, 20, 30,40 e 50 ppm. Após a solidificação do meio, depositou-se um disco de 8 mm de diâmetro de micélio do fungo no centro de cada placa. A determinação do crescimento micelial foi realizada diariamente com auxílio de um paquímetro. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com 6 tratamentos e 5 repetições. Todos os tratamentos reduziram significativamente o crescimento micelial de Rhizoctonia solani, sendo que as concentrações de 30, 40 e 50 ppm apresentaram controle acima de 80,34% em relação a testemunha

    Public perceptions of hazards associated with Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa) : evaluation of risk within an European context

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    One of the most important economic plants of the Amazon is the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa). Brazil nuts for international trade are mainly obtained from wild collection rather than from plantations, often cited as one of the most important products of extractive reserves in Amazonia. The European Commission (2003/493/EC) has imposed strict regulations on the import from Brazil of Brazil nuts in their shells, as the shells have been found to contain high levels of aflatoxins, which can lead to liver cancer. This may have a negative impact on the Brazilian exports of shelled Brazil nuts, due to possible public awareness. The aim of the present research is to assess public perceptions regarding Brazil nuts and to contrast these with other nuts in general through the use of the Portuguese version of the Perceived Food Risk Index (PFRI). A sample of 418 consumers was drawn through a door-to-door interview using a random route walk procedure and following a quota sampling controlled for sex, age and location. Consumers were asked to choose the most relevant quality and preservation characteristics and to identify their consumption patterns for Brazil nuts and for nuts in general. Risk perception was evaluated over ten risk characteristics, for each of the following hazards: i) aflatoxins; ii) biological contaminants; iii) organoleptic changes; iv) fragments and strange bodies and v) microbial contamination. Additionally, subjects were asked to rate the probability of each hazard occurring in Brazil nuts or in nuts in general. Results show high consumptions of nuts in general, and a reduced consumption of Brazil nuts, although with low differences on the dimensions of risk perception. Concluding, this work adds to knowledge about the perceptions of risk connected to Brazil nuts consumption, namely that consumers perceive Brazil nuts as safe as nuts in general

    Geochemical characterization of the hydrous pyrolysis products from a recent cyanobacteria-dominated microbial mat

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    Hydrous pyrolysis experiments were performed on a recent microbial mat sample from Lagoa Vermelha, Brazil, to determine whether crude oil can be generated and expelled during artificial maturation of the Organic Matter (OM). The experiments were conducted at 280ºC, 330ºC and 350ºC during 20h. Two types of liquid pyrolysis products, assigned as free oil and bitumen, were isolated and analyzed. Free oil represents free organic phase released by hydrous pyrolysis, whereas bitumen was obtained by extraction from the solid pyrolysis residue with dichloromethane. Changes in the OM maturity were determined using Rock-Eval parameters and biomarker maturity ratios of original sample and pyrolysis products. Biomarker compositions of original sample extract and liquid pyrolysates were used for determination of dominant bacterial source. The yields of free oil and bitumen showed that a microbial mat OM has a high liquid hydrocarbons generation potential. Rock-Eval maturity parameters, biopolymer and biomarker compositions indicate a significant increase of the OM maturity during hydrous pyrolysis. At 280ºC the release of free, adsorbed and occluded compounds was observed; however, without a cracking of the OM. At 330ºC the generation of bitumen and free oil is mostly related to the OM cracking. The highest yield of free oil was recorded at this temperature. Distribution of biomarkers in the extract of original sample and liquid pyrolysates confirms cyanobacteria-dominated microbial mats, whereas the identification of long chain n-alkane series, with max