276 research outputs found

    Broadband observations of the X-ray burster 4U 1705-44 with BeppoSAX

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    4U 1705-44 is one of the most-studied type I X-ray burster and Atoll sources. This source represents a perfect candidate to test different models proposed to self-consistently track the physical changes occurring between different spectral states because it shows clear spectral state transitions. The broadband coverage, the sensitivity and energy resolution of the BeppoSAX satellite offers the opportunity to disentangle the components that form the total X-ray spectrum and to study their changes according to the spectral state. Using two BeppoSAX observations carried out in August and October 2000, respectively, for a total effective exposure time of about 100 ks, we study the spectral evolution of the source from a soft to hard state. Energy spectra are selected according to the source position in the color-color diagram (CCD) Results. We succeeded in modeling the spectra of the source using a physical self-consistent scenario for both the island and banana branches (the double Comptonization scenario). The components observed are the soft Comptonization and hard Comptonization, the blackbody, and a reflection component with a broad iron line. When the source moves from the banana state to the island state, the parameters of the two Comptonization components change significantly and the blackbody component becomes too weak to be detected. We interpret the soft Comptonization component as emission from the hot plasma surrounding the neutron star, hard Comptonization as emission from the disk region, and the blackbody component as emission from the inner accretion disk. The broad feature in the iron line region is compatible with reflection from the inner accretion disk.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    Boundary Terms, Spinors and Kerr/CFT

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    Similarly as in AdS/CFT, the requirement that the action for spinors be stationary for solutions to the Dirac equation with fixed boundary conditions determines the form of the boundary term that needs to be added to the standard Dirac action in Kerr/CFT. We determine this boundary term and make use of it to calculate the two-point function for spinor fields in Kerr/CFT. This two-point function agrees with the correlator of a two dimensional relativistic conformal field theory.Comment: 15 page

    Multitrace deformations, Gamow states, and Stability of AdS/CFT

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    We analyze the effect of multitrace deformations in conformal field theories at leading order in a large N approximation. These theories admit a description in terms of a weakly coupled gravity dual. We show how the deformations can be mapped into boundary terms of the gravity theory and how to reproduce the RG equations found in field theory. In the case of doubletrace deformations, and for bulk scalars with masses in the range −d2/4<m2<−d2/4+1-d^2/4<m^2<-d^2/4+1, the deformed theory flows between two fixed points of the renormalization group, manifesting a resonant behavior at the scale characterizing the transition between the two CFT's. On the gravity side the resonance is mapped into an IR non-normalizable mode (Gamow state) whose overlap with the UV region increases as the dual operator approaches the free field limit. We argue that this resonant behavior is a generic property of large N theories in the conformal window, and associate it to a remnant of the Nambu-Goldstone mode of dilatation invariance. We emphasize the role of nonminimal couplings to gravity and establish a stability theorem for scalar/gravity systems with AdS boundary conditions in the presence of arbitrary boundary potentials and nonminimal coupling.Comment: 14 pages, references added, introduction change

    AdS space compactification and holographic mapping in the AdS/CFT correspondence

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    Physical consistency of quantum fields in anti-de Sitter space time requires that the space must be compactified by the inclusion of a boundary where appropriate conditions are imposed. An interpretation for the presence of this boundary is found taking AdS as a limiting case of the space generated by a large number of coincident branes. The compactification of AdS leads to a discretization of the spectrum of bulk fields. As a consequence, we find a one to one mapping between the quantum states of scalar fields in AdS bulk and boundary. Using this mapping as an approximation for the dual relation between string dilaton field and scalar QCD glueballs the high energy QCD scaling is reproduced. We also use this map to estimate the ratio of scalar glueball masses.Comment: 5 pages, talk presented at "Renormalization Group and Anomalies in Gravity and Cosmology", Ouro Preto, Brazil, March 200

    Rigidly Supersymmetric Gauge Theories on Curved Superspace

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    In this note we construct rigidly supersymmetric gauged sigma models and gauge theories on certain Einstein four-manifolds, and discuss constraints on these theories. In work elsewhere, it was recently shown that on some nontrivial Einstein four-manifolds such as AdS4_4, N=1 rigidly supersymmetric sigma models are constrained to have target spaces with exact K\"ahler forms. Similarly, in gauged sigma models and gauge theories, we find that supersymmetry imposes constraints on Fayet-Iliopoulos parameters, which have the effect of enforcing that K\"ahler forms on quotient spaces be exact. We also discuss general aspects of universality classes of gauged sigma models, as encoded by stacks, and also discuss affine bundle structures implicit in these constructions.Comment: 23 pages; references added; more discussion added; v4: typos fixe

    Mixed RG Flows and Hydrodynamics at Finite Holographic Screen

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    We consider quark-gluon plasma with chemical potential and study renormalization group flows of transport coefficients in the framework of gauge/gravity duality. We first study them using the flow equations and compare the results with hydrodynamic results by calculating the Green functions on the arbitrary slice. Two results match exactly. Transport coefficients at arbitrary scale is ontained by calculating hydrodynamics Green functions. When either momentum or charge vanishes, transport coefficients decouple from each other.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    The Spin of Holographic Electrons at Nonzero Density and Temperature

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    We study the Green's function of a gauge invariant fermionic operator in a strongly coupled field theory at nonzero temperature and density using a dual gravity description. The gravity model contains a charged black hole in four dimensional anti-de Sitter space and probe charged fermions. In particular, we consider the effects of the spin of these probe fermions on the properties of the Green's function. There exists a spin-orbit coupling between the spin of an electron and the electric field of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. On the field theory side, this coupling leads to a Rashba like dispersion relation. We also study the effects of spin on the damping term in the dispersion relation by considering how the spin affects the placement of the fermionic quasinormal modes in the complex frequency plane in a WKB limit. An appendix contains some exact solutions of the Dirac equation in terms of Heun polynomials.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; v2: minor changes, published versio

    Purified and specific cytoplasmic pollen extract: a non-hormonal alternative for the treatment of menopausal symptoms

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    Research into non-hormonal, alternative therapies is necessary for women for whom menopausal hormone therapy is contraindicated or for women who do not wish to take hormones. This review focuses on one such non-hormonal option, namely, purified and specific cytoplasmic pollen extract, or PureCyTonin (R). This extract has been evaluated in several preclinical and clinical studies, where it demonstrated its value as a safe and non-estrogenic alternative for menopause. This review presents the beneficial effects of PureCyTonin (R) in the treatment of menopausal symptoms (e.g. hot flushes) in healthy women, as well as in premenstrual syndrome. We discuss the mechanism of action of PureCyTonin (R), an SSRI-'like' therapy. The lack of estrogenic effect demonstrated in preclinical studies suggests that PureCyTonin (R) may also be a suitable option for the management of menopausal symptoms in women with breast cancer
