604 research outputs found

    R-matrix calculation of differential cross sections for low-energy electron collisions with ground and electronically excited state O2 molecules

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    Differential cross sections for electron collisions with the O2_2 molecule in its ground X3Σg−{X}^{3}\Sigma_g^- state, as well as excited a1Δg{a}^{1}\Delta_g and b1Σg+{b}^{1}\Sigma_g^+ states are calculated. As previously, the fixed-bond R-matrix method based on state-averaged complete active space SCF orbitals is employed. In additions to elastic scattering of electron with the O2_2 X3Σg−{X}^{3}\Sigma_g^-, a1Δg{a}^{1}\Delta_g and b1Σg+{b}^{1}\Sigma_g^+ states, electron impact excitation from the X3Σg−{X}^{3}\Sigma_g^- state to the a1Δg{a}^{1}\Delta_g and b1Σg+{b}^{1}\Sigma_g^+ states as well as '6 eV states' of c1Σu−{c}^{1}\Sigma_u^{-}, A′3Δu{A'}^{3}\Delta_u and A3Σu+{A}^{3}\Sigma_u^{+} states is studied. Differential cross sections for excitation to the '6 eV states' have not been calculated previously. Electron impact excitation to the b1Σg+{b}^{1}\Sigma_g^+ state from the metastable a1Δg{a}^{1}\Delta_g state is also studied. For electron impact excitation from the O2_2 X3Σg−{X}^{3}\Sigma_g^- state to the b1Σg+{b}^{1}\Sigma_g^+ state, our results agree better with the experimental measurements than previous theoretical calculations. Our cross sections show angular behaviour similar to the experimental ones for transitions from the X3Σg−{X}^{3}\Sigma_g^- state to the '6 eV states', although the calculated cross sections are up to a factor two larger at large scattering angles. For the excitation from the a1Δg{a}^{1}\Delta_g state to the b1Σg+{b}^{1}\Sigma_g^+ state, our results marginally agree with the experimental data except for the forward scattering direction

    Properties of Type II Plateau Supernova SNLS-04D2dc: Multicolor Light Curves of Shock Breakout and Plateau

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    Shock breakout is the brightest radiative phenomenon in a Type II supernova (SN). Although it was predicted to be bright, the direct observation is difficult due to the short duration and X-ray/ultraviolet-peaked spectra. First entire observations of the shock breakouts of Type II Plateau SNe (SNe IIP) were reported in 2008 by ultraviolet and optical observations by the {\it GALEX} satellite and supernova legacy survey (SNLS), named SNLS-04D2dc and SNLS-06D1jd. We present multicolor light curves of a SN IIP, including the shock breakout and plateau, calculated with a multigroup radiation hydrodynamical code {\sc STELLA} and an evolutionary progenitor model. The synthetic multicolor light curves reproduce well the observations of SNLS-04D2dc. This is the first study to reproduce the ultraviolet light curve of the shock breakout and the optical light curve of the plateau consistently. We conclude that SNLS-04D2dc is the explosion with a canonical explosion energy 1.2×10511.2\times10^{51} ergs and that its progenitor is a star with a zero-age main-sequence mass 20M⊙20M_\odot and a presupernova radius 800R⊙800R_\odot. The model demonstrates that the peak apparent BB-band magnitude of the shock breakout would be mB∼26.4m_{\rm B}\sim26.4 mag if a SN being identical to SNLS-04D2dc occurs at a redshift z=1z=1, which can be reached by 8m-class telescopes. The result evidences that the shock breakout has a great potential to detect SNe IIP at z\gsim1.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Subaru FOCAS spectroscopic observations of high-redshift supernovae

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    Journal ArticleWe present spectra of high-redshift supernovae (SNe) that were taken with the Subaru low-resolution optical spectrograph, FOCAS. These SNe were found in SN surveys with Suprime-Cam on Subaru, the CFH12k camera on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, and the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope. These SN surveys specifically targeted z > 1 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). From the spectra of 39 candidates, we obtained redshifts for 32 candidates and spectroscopically identified 7 active candidates as probable SNe Ia, including one at z = 1.35, which is the most distant SN Ia to be spectroscopically confirmed with a ground-based telescope. An additional 4 candidates were identified as likely SNe Ia from the spectrophotometric properties of their host galaxies. Seven candidates are not SNe Ia, either being SNe of another type or active galactic nuclei. When SNe Ia were observed within one week of the maximum light, we found that we could spectroscopically identify most of them up to z = 1.1. Beyond this redshift, very few candidates were spectroscopically identified as SNe Ia. The current generation of super red-sensitive, fringe-free CCDs will push this redshift limit higher

    Constraints on core-collapse supernova progenitors from explosion site integral field spectroscopy

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    Observationally, supernovae (SNe) are divided into subclasses pertaining to their distinct characteristics. This diversity reflects the diversity in the progenitor stars. It is not entirely clear how different evolutionary paths leading massive stars to become a SN are governed by fundamental parameters such as progenitor initial mass and metallicity. This paper places constraints on progenitor initial mass and metallicity in distinct core-collapse SN subclasses, through a study of the parent stellar populations at the explosion sites. Integral field spectroscopy (IFS) of 83 nearby SN explosion sites with a median distance of 18 Mpc has been collected and analysed, enabling detection and spectral extraction of the parent stellar population of SN progenitors. From the parent stellar population spectrum, the initial mass and metallicity of the coeval progenitor are derived by means of comparison to simple stellar population models and strong-line methods. Additionally, near-infrared IFS was employed to characterise the star formation history at the explosion sites. No significant metallicity differences are observed among distinct SN types. The typical progenitor mass is found to be highest for SN Ic, followed by type Ib, then types IIb and II. SN IIn is the least associated with young stellar populations and thus massive progenitors. However, statistically significant differences in progenitor initial mass are observed only when comparing SNe IIn with other subclasses. Stripped-envelope SN progenitors with initial mass estimate lower than 25~M⊙M_\odot are found; these are thought to be the result of binary progenitors. Confirming previous studies, these results support the notion that core-collapse SN progenitors cannot arise from single-star channel only, and both single and binary channels are at play in the production of core-collapse SNe. [ABRIDGED]Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted to A&

    The Quasar-LBG Two-point Angular Cross-correlation Function at z ~ 4 in the COSMOS Field

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    In order to investigate the origin of quasars, we estimate the bias factor for low-luminosity quasars at high redshift for the first time. In this study, we use the two-point angular cross-correlation function (CCF) for both low-luminosity quasars at −24<M1450<−22-24<M_{\rm 1450}<-22 and Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs). Our sample consists of both 25 low-luminosity quasars (16 objects are spectroscopically confirmed low-luminosity quasars) in the redshift range 3.1<z<4.53.1<z<4.5 and 835 color-selected LBGs with zLBG′<25.0z^{\prime}_{\rm LBG}<25.0 at z∼4z\sim4 in the COSMOS field. We have made our analysis for the following two quasar samples; (1) the spectroscopic sample (the 16 quasars confirmed by spectroscopy), and (2) the total sample (the 25 quasars including 9 quasars with photometric redshifts). The bias factor for low-luminosity quasars at z∼4z\sim4 is derived by utilizing the quasar-LBG CCF and the LBG auto-correlation function. We then obtain the 86%86\% upper limits of the bias factors for low-luminosity quasars, that are 5.63 and 10.50 for the total and the spectroscopic samples, respectively. These bias factors correspond to the typical dark matter halo masses, log (MDM/(h−1M⊙))=(M_{\rm DM}/(h^{-1}M_{\odot}))=12.712.7 and 13.513.5, respectively. This result is not inconsistent with the predicted bias for quasars which is estimated by the major merger models.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    SN 2016jhj at redshift 0.34: extending the Type II supernova Hubble diagram using the standard candle method

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    Although Type Ia supernova cosmology has now reached a mature state, it is important to develop as many independent methods as possible to understand the true nature of dark energy. Recent studies have shown that Type II supernovae (SNe II) offer such a path and could be used as alternative distance indicators. However, the majority of these studies were unable to extend the Hubble diagram above redshift z = 0.3 because of observational limitations. Here, we show that we are now ready to move beyond low redshifts and attempt high-redshift (z ≳ 0.3) SN II cosmology as a result of new-generation deep surveys such as the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam survey. Applying the ´standard candle method´ to SN 2016jhj (z = 0.3398 ± 0.0002; discovered by HSC) together with a low-redshift sample, we are able to construct the highest-redshift SN II Hubble diagram to date with an observed dispersion of 0.27 mag (i.e. 12-13 per cent in distance). This work demonstrates the bright future of SN II cosmology in the coming era of large, wide-field surveys like that of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.Fil: de Jaeger, T.. University of California at Berkeley; Estados UnidosFil: Galbany, L.. University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown; Estados UnidosFil: Filippenko, A. V.. University of California at Berkeley; Estados UnidosFil: González Gaitán, S.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Yasuda, N.. University of Tokio; JapónFil: Maeda, K.. University of Tokio; JapónFil: Tanaka, M.. University of Tokio; JapónFil: Morokuma, T.. University of Tokio; JapónFil: Moriya, T. J.. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan; JapónFil: Tominaga, N.. University of Tokyo; JapónFil: Nomoto, Ken’ichi. University of Tokyo; JapónFil: Komiyama, Y.. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan; JapónFil: Anderson, J. P.. European Southern Observatory; ChileFil: Brink, T. G.. University of California at Berkeley; Estados UnidosFil: Carlberg, R. G.. University of Toronto; CanadáFil: Folatelli, Gaston. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. University of Tokyo; JapónFil: Hamuy, M.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Pignata, G.. Universidad Andrés Bello; ChileFil: Zheng, W.. University of California at Berkeley; Estados Unido
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