22,327 research outputs found

    The Minimum Shared Edges Problem on Grid-like Graphs

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    We study the NP-hard Minimum Shared Edges (MSE) problem on graphs: decide whether it is possible to route pp paths from a start vertex to a target vertex in a given graph while using at most kk edges more than once. We show that MSE can be decided on bounded (i.e. finite) grids in linear time when both dimensions are either small or large compared to the number pp of paths. On the contrary, we show that MSE remains NP-hard on subgraphs of bounded grids. Finally, we study MSE from a parametrised complexity point of view. It is known that MSE is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the number pp of paths. We show that, under standard complexity-theoretical assumptions, the problem parametrised by the combined parameter kk, pp, maximum degree, diameter, and treewidth does not admit a polynomial-size problem kernel, even when restricted to planar graphs

    Stochastic make-to-stock inventory deployment problem: an endosymbiotic psychoclonal algorithm based approach

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    Integrated steel manufacturers (ISMs) have no specific product, they just produce finished product from the ore. This enhances the uncertainty prevailing in the ISM regarding the nature of the finished product and significant demand by customers. At present low cost mini-mills are giving firm competition to ISMs in terms of cost, and this has compelled the ISM industry to target customers who want exotic products and faster reliable deliveries. To meet this objective, ISMs are exploring the option of satisfying part of their demand by converting strategically placed products, this helps in increasing the variability of product produced by the ISM in a short lead time. In this paper the authors have proposed a new hybrid evolutionary algorithm named endosymbiotic-psychoclonal (ESPC) to decide what and how much to stock as a semi-product in inventory. In the proposed theory, the ability of previously proposed psychoclonal algorithms to exploit the search space has been increased by making antibodies and antigen more co-operative interacting species. The efficacy of the proposed algorithm has been tested on randomly generated datasets and the results compared with other evolutionary algorithms such as genetic algorithms (GA) and simulated annealing (SA). The comparison of ESPC with GA and SA proves the superiority of the proposed algorithm both in terms of quality of the solution obtained and convergence time required to reach the optimal/near optimal value of the solution

    Reduction of low- and high-grade cervical abnormalities associated with high uptake of the HPV bivalent vaccine in Scotland

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    In Scotland, a national HPV immunisation programme began in 2008 for 12-13 year olds, with a catch-up campaign from 2008-2011 for those under the age of 18. To monitor the impact of HPV immunisation on cervical disease at the population level, a programme of national surveillance was established.  We analysed colposcopy data from a cohort of women born between 1988-1992 who entered the Scottish Cervical Screening Programme (SCSP) and were aged 20-21 in 2008-2012.  By linking datasets from the SCSP and colposcopy services, we observed a significant reduction in diagnoses of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 1 (CIN 1) (RR 0.71, 95% CI 0.58 to 0.87, p=0.0008), CIN 2 (RR 0.5, 95% CI 0.4, 0.63, p<0.0001) and CIN 3 (RR 0.45, 95% CI 0.35 to 0.58, p< 0.0001) for women who received 3 doses of vaccine compared with unvaccinated women.  To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to show a reduction of low and high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia associated with high uptake of the HPV bivalent vaccine at the population level. These data are very encouraging for countries that have achieved high HPV vaccine uptake

    Fluctuation induces evolutionary branching in a modeled microbial ecosystem

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    The impact of environmental fluctuation on species diversity is studied with a model of the evolutionary ecology of microorganisms. We show that environmental fluctuation induces evolutionary branching and assures the consequential coexistence of multiple species. Pairwise invasibility analysis is applied to illustrate the speciation process. We also discuss how fluctuation affects species diversity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    RAD51 Is a Selective DNA Repair Target to Radiosensitize Glioma Stem Cells.

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    Patients with glioblastoma die from local relapse despite surgery and high-dose radiotherapy. Resistance to radiotherapy is thought to be due to efficient DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair in stem-like cells able to survive DNA damage and repopulate the tumor. We used clinical samples and patient-derived glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs) to confirm that the DSB repair protein RAD51 is highly expressed in GSCs, which are reliant on RAD51-dependent DSB repair after radiation. RAD51 expression and RAD51 foci numbers fall when these cells move toward astrocytic differentiation. In GSCs, the small-molecule RAD51 inhibitors RI-1 and B02 prevent RAD51 focus formation, reduce DNA DSB repair, and cause significant radiosensitization. We further demonstrate that treatment with these agents combined with radiation promotes loss of stem cells defined by SOX2 expression. This indicates that RAD51-dependent repair represents an effective and specific target in GSCs

    Late widespread skeletal metastases from myxoid liposarcoma detected by MRI only

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    Background Myxoid liposarcoma is the second most commonly occurring sub-type of liposarcomas. In contrast to other soft tissue sarcomas, it is known to have a tendency to spread toward extrapulmonary sites, such as soft tissues, retroperitoneum, and the peritoneal surface. Bony spread, however, is not as common. Case presentation We report an unusual case of diffuse skeletal metastases from myxoid liposarcoma occurring 13 years after treatment of the primary tumour in the left lower limb. The skeletal spread of the disease was demonstrated on MRI only after other imaging modalities (plain radiography, CT and TC99 bone scans) had failed to detect these metastases. Conclusion MRI is an extremely sensitive and specific screening tool in the detection of skeletal involvement in these types of sarcomas, and therefore, should be a part of the staging proces

    The Significance of the CC-Numerical Range and the Local CC-Numerical Range in Quantum Control and Quantum Information

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    This paper shows how C-numerical-range related new strucures may arise from practical problems in quantum control--and vice versa, how an understanding of these structures helps to tackle hot topics in quantum information. We start out with an overview on the role of C-numerical ranges in current research problems in quantum theory: the quantum mechanical task of maximising the projection of a point on the unitary orbit of an initial state onto a target state C relates to the C-numerical radius of A via maximising the trace function |\tr \{C^\dagger UAU^\dagger\}|. In quantum control of n qubits one may be interested (i) in having U\in SU(2^n) for the entire dynamics, or (ii) in restricting the dynamics to {\em local} operations on each qubit, i.e. to the n-fold tensor product SU(2)\otimes SU(2)\otimes >...\otimes SU(2). Interestingly, the latter then leads to a novel entity, the {\em local} C-numerical range W_{\rm loc}(C,A), whose intricate geometry is neither star-shaped nor simply connected in contrast to the conventional C-numerical range. This is shown in the accompanying paper (math-ph/0702005). We present novel applications of the C-numerical range in quantum control assisted by gradient flows on the local unitary group: (1) they serve as powerful tools for deciding whether a quantum interaction can be inverted in time (in a sense generalising Hahn's famous spin echo); (2) they allow for optimising witnesses of quantum entanglement. We conclude by relating the relative C-numerical range to problems of constrained quantum optimisation, for which we also give Lagrange-type gradient flow algorithms.Comment: update relating to math-ph/070200

    Superfluid to Mott insulator transition in one, two, and three dimensions

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    We have created one-, two-, and three-dimensional quantum gases and study the superfluid to Mott insulator transition. Measurements of the transition using Bragg spectroscopy show that the excitation spectra of the low-dimensional superfluids differ significantly from the three-dimensional case