337,988 research outputs found

    Energy-momentum and angular momentum densities in gauge theories of gravity

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    In the \bar{\mbox{\rm Poincar\'{e}}} gauge theory of gravity, which has been formulated on the basis of a principal fiber bundle over the space-time manifold having the covering group of the proper orthochronous Poincar\'{e} group as the structure group, we examine the tensorial properties of the dynamical energy-momentum density GTkμ{}^{G}{\mathbf T}_{k}{}^{\mu} and the ` ` spin" angular momentum density GSklμ{}^{G}{\mathbf S}_{kl}{}^{\mu} of the gravitational field. They are both space-time vector densities, and transform as tensors under {\em global} SL(2,C)SL(2,C)- transformations. Under {\em local} internal translation, GTkμ{}^{G}{\mathbf T}_{k}{}^{\mu} is invariant, while GSklμ{}^{G}{\mathbf S}_{kl}{}^{\mu} transforms inhomogeneously. The dynamical energy-momentum density MTkμ{}^{M}{\mathbf T}_{k}{}^{\mu} and the ` ` spin" angular momentum density MSklμ{}^{M}{\mathbf S}_{kl}{}^{\mu} of the matter field are also examined, and they are known to be space-time vector densities and to obey tensorial transformation rules under internal \bar{\mbox{\rm Poincar\'{e}}} gauge transformations. The corresponding discussions in extended new general relativity which is obtained as a teleparallel limit of \bar{\mbox{\rm Poincar\'{e}}} gauge theory are also given, and energy-momentum and ` ` spin" angular momentum densities are known to be well behaved. Namely, they are all space-time vector densities, etc. In both theories, integrations of these densities on a space-like surface give the total energy-momentum and {\em total} (={\em spin}+{\em orbital}) angular momentum for asymptotically flat space-time. The tensorial properties of canonical energy-momentum and ` ` extended orbital angular momentum" densities are also examined.Comment: 18 page

    High-velocity gas towards the LMC resides in the Milky Way halo

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    To explore the origin of high-velocity gas in the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) we analyze absorption lines in the ultraviolet spectrum of a Galactic halo star that is located in front of the LMC at d=9.2 kpc distance. We study the velocity-component structure of low and intermediate metal ions in the spectrum of RXJ0439.8-6809, as obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) onboard HST, and measure equivalent widths and column densities for these ions. We supplement our COS data with a Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer spectrum of the nearby LMC star Sk-69 59 and with HI 21cm data from the Leiden-Argentina-Bonn (LAB) survey. Metal absorption towards RXJ0439.8-6809 is unambiguously detected in three different velocity components near v_LSR=0,+60, and +150 km/s. The presence of absorption proves that all three gas components are situated in front of the star, thus being located in the disk and inner halo of the Milky Way. For the high-velocity cloud (HVC) at v_LSR=+150 km/s we derive an oxygen abundance of [O/H]=-0.63 (~0.2 solar) from the neighbouring Sk-69 59 sightline, in accordance with previous abundance measurements for this HVC. From the observed kinematics we infer that the HVC hardly participates in the Galactic rotation. Our study shows that the HVC towards the LMC represents a Milky Way halo cloud that traces low-column density gas with relatively low metallicity. It rules out scenarios in which the HVC represents material close to the LMC that stems from a LMC outflow.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; submitted to A&A Letter

    Improvements in Cd stable isotope analysis achieved through use of liquid–liquid extraction to remove organic residues from Cd separates obtained by extraction chromatography

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    Organic compounds released from resins that are commonly employed for trace element separations are known to have a detrimental impact on the quality of isotopic analyses by MC-ICP-MS. A recent study highlighted that such effects can be particularly problematic for Cd stable isotope measurements (M. Gault-Ringold and C. H. Stirling, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2012, 27, 449–459). In this case, the final stage of sample purification commonly applies extraction chromatography with Eichrom TRU resin, which employs particles coated with octylphenyl-N,N-di-isobutyl carbamoylphosphine oxide (CMPO) dissolved in tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP). During chromatography, it appears that some of these compounds are eluted alongside Cd and cannot be removed by evaporation due to their high boiling points. When aliquots of the zero-ε reference material were processed through the purification procedure, refluxed in concentrated HNO(3) and analyzed at minimum dilution (in 1 ml 0.1 M HNO(3)), they yielded Cd isotopic compositions (ε(114/110)Cd = 4.6 ± 3.4, 2SD, n = 4) that differed significantly from the expected value, despite the use of a double spike technique to correct for instrumental mass fractionation. This result was accompanied by a 35% reduction in instrumental sensitivity for Cd. With increasing dilution of the organic resin residue, both of these effects are reduced and they are insignificant when the eluted Cd is dissolved in ≥3 ml 0.1 M HNO(3). Our results, furthermore, indicate that the isotopic artefacts are most likely related to anomalous mass bias behavior. Previous studies have shown that perchloric acid can be effective at avoiding such effects (Gault-Ringold and Stirling, 2012; K. C. Crocket, M. Lambelet, T. van de Flierdt, M. Rehkämper and L. F. Robinson, Chem. Geol., 2014, 374–375, 128–140), presumably by oxidizing the resin-derived organics, but there are numerous disadvantages to its use. Here we show that liquid–liquid extraction with n-heptane removes the organic compounds, dramatically improving quality of the Cd isotope data for samples that are analyzed at or close to minimum dilution factors. This technique is quick, simple and may be of use prior to analysis of other isotope systems where similar resins are employed

    An extension of the Kac ring model

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    We introduce a unitary dynamics for quantum spins which is an extension of a model introduced by Mark Kac to clarify the phenomenon of relaxation to equilibrium. When the number of spins gets very large, the magnetization satisfies an autonomous equation as function of time with exponentially fast relaxation to the equilibrium magnetization as determined by the microcanonical ensemble. This is proven as a law of large numbers with respect to a class of initial data. The corresponding Gibbs-von Neumann entropy is also computed and its monotonicity in time discussed.Comment: 15 pages, v2 -> v3: minor typographic correctio

    Resource efficiency and economic implications of alternatives to surgical castration without anaesthesia

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    This paper presents an analysis of the economic implications of alternative methods to surgical castration without anaesthesia. Detailed research results on the economic implications of four different alternatives are reported. castration with local anaesthesia, castration with general anaesthesia, immunocastration and raising entire males. The first three alternatives have been assessed for their impact on pig production costs in the most important pig-producing Member States of the EU. The findings on castration with anaesthesia show that cost differences among farms increase if the anaesthesia cannot be administered by farmers and when the veterinarian has to be called to perform it. The cost of veterinarian service largely affects the total average costs, making this solution economically less feasible in small-scale pig farms. In all other farms, the impact on production costs of local anaesthesia is however limited and does not exceed 1 (sic)ct per kg. General anaesthesia administered by inhalation or injection of Ketamin in combination with a sedative (Azaperone, Midazolan) is more expensive. These costs depend heavily on farm size, as the inhalation equipment has to be depreciated on the largest number of pigs possible. The overall costs of immunocastration - including the cost of the work load for the farmer - has to be evaluated against the potential benefits derived from higher daily weight gain and feed efficiency in comparison with surgical castrates. The economic feasibility of this practice will finally depend on the price of the vaccine and on consumer acceptance of immunocastration, The improvement in feed efficiency may compensate almost entirely for the cost of vaccination. The main advantages linked to raising entire males are due to the higher efficiency of feed conversion, to the better growth rate and to the higher leanness of carcass. A higher risk of boar taint on the slaughter line has to be accounted for Raising entire males should not generate more than 2.5% of boar taint among slaughter pigs, in order to maintain the considerable economic benefits of better feed efficiency of entire males with respect to castrates
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