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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan dan kepuasan kerja terhadap motivasi kerja dan dampaknya terhadap produktivitas kerja Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data primer yaitu berupa pengedaran kuesioner sehingga diperoleh responden sebanyak 89 orang responden yang merupakan Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala, pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara sensus, yaitu semua populasi dijadikan smapel, dengan kriterianya aktif pada Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala Badan Aceh dan tidak sedang tugas belajar dan izin belajar. Model analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi ditemukan bahwa Variabel kepemimpinan (X1), kepuasan kerja (X2) dan produktivitas kerja (X3) secara bersama-sama (simultan) mempengaruhi motivasi kerja Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh. Secara simultan variabel kepemimpinan tidak berpengaruh positif dan signifkan terhadap motivasi kerja Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala, variabel kepuasan kerja dan produktivitas kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap motivasi kerja Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala. Dari keempat variabel yang teliti variabel yang paling dominan mempengaruhi motivasi kerja Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala yaitu variabel produktivitas kerja. Keeratan hubungan antara variabel independen (kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja dan produktivitas kerja) terhadap variabel dependen (motivasi kerja) sangat erat. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh nilai koefisien korelasi (R) sebesar 0.863 (lebih besar dari 0,50). Selanjutnya nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,717 yang menunjukkan bahwa, sebanyak 71,7% variasi pada variabel motivasi kerja dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja dan produktivitas kerja terhadap motivasi kerja. Sementara sisanya sebesar 28.3% lainnya dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak digunakan dalam penelitian ini.Kata kunci:Kepemimpinan, Kepuasan Kerja, Produktivitas Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja


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    ABSTRAK Sistem Informasi adalah sistem pengolah data menjadi sebuah informasi yang berkualitas dan dipergunakan untuk suatu alat bantu pengambilan keputusan. Perkembangan informasi dan teknologi komunikasi tersebut juga telah membantu pengembangan perpustakaan digital (digital library), yang memungkinkan pemakai (User) untuk mengakses sumber–sumber informasi digital dari seluruh belahan dunia. perpustakaan digital adalah penerapan teknologi informasi sebagai sarana untuk menyimpan, mendapatkan, menyebarluaskan informasi ilmu pengetahuan dalam format digital. Perpustakaan digital gampong adalah sebuah sistem yang memiliki berbagai layanan dan obyek informasi yang mendukung akses objek informasi tersebut melalui perangkat digital Kata Kunci:sistem informasi, pustaka digital gampong, websit

    A Global Education Transition: Computer Simulation of Alternative Paths to Universal Basic Education

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    As an acknowledgment of the critical role of education in realizing other development targets, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of the United Nations include education in a framework of development targets. The MDG targets for education include achieving universal primary education and gender parities in all levels of education by 2015. Recent global campaigns have added to the momentum of the rapid progress of educational expansion, which began in roughly the 1960s. Countries with universal or near universal participation and completion in elementary education have started to look beyond primary, towards free and compulsory basic education- education up to lower secondary- for all their citizens. This dissertation will explore the progress towards, and viability of, meeting current and potential global targets at various stages of basic education. It will answer questions such as: What path is the world on in terms of meeting the MDG goal of universal primary education? Which regions and countries are at risk of falling short of that target? How will lower-secondary education unfold in different regions of the world? Will there be any disparity between boys and girls as the countries expand their primary and lower-secondary education? What needs to be done to meet the current MDG for universal primary education and to move the global system towards universal lower secondary at the global, regional, and country level? To find the answers, we developed a long-term educational forecasting model that represents the student and financial flows through the different levels of a formal educational system from primary to tertiary. The model is integrated within the broader International Futures model and represents the economic and demographic forces shaping the supply and demand of education. The broader International Futures system models the impacts of education on societal variables like fertility, productivity, and income, thus creating a feedback loop. According to our analyses, most of the developing countries will continue their educational expansion at a speed faster than the speed that the developed countries showed when they were at a comparable stage of development. However, some of the developing regions will still be far away from universal participation or gender parity in primary and lower secondary, largely due to the low initial condition in these regions. Forecasts from the base case of our educational model show the pace of progress will not be sufficient to meet the education MDGs. Two of the world regions, subSaharan Africa and South and West Asia, might not be able to enroll all their children in elementary schools by 2015. These two and one other UNESCO region, the Arab States, do not see universal lower secondary education in the horizon even at 2020. In the base case, all UNESCO regions but two will reach or be close to gender parity in primary education by 2015. While the Arab States will be close to parity by 2030, the subSaharan African index will not reach parity until mid-century. Latin America and the Caribbean, on the other hand, might experience a reverse gender bias favored towards girls by 2015, but will re-approach parity later. Lowering population growth will lessen the demand pressure in these countries and thus help them achieve better rates of participation in basic education. A better economy will help them spend more on education and thus get better results. Exploration of the recent growth patterns in access to and progress in education convinced us that there is room for some acceleration of the progress in these areas. We have combined these findings to develop an aggressive but realistic normative scenario, where growth targets in educational flow rates, rather than an absolute coverage, are pursued. Even with the improved results from the normative scenario, the world is unlikely to meet the 2015 MDG targets. However, the sub-Saharan African region, as a whole, would be sufficiently close to the target of universal primary education by 2020. All other regions meet the MDG of universal primary under the normative scenario, with South and West Asia just barely making it. Under the normative scenario, all but one world region, sub-Saharan Africa, reach 95 percent or higher gross participation rate in lower secondary by 2020. It is almost mid-century by the time sub-Saharan Africa reaches close to universal lower secondary. Substantial progress in terms of gender parity will occur under the normative scenario despite the goal being explicitly pursued under the normative scenario. As girls in developing regions catch up with boys these regions reach close to gender parity in primary education around 2015. By 2020, exact parity is obtained in all regions. While the reverse gender parity extant in regions like Latin America and the Caribbean will start to slide back starting in the 2020s, a similar reverse parity starts to show up in sub-Saharan Africa around that time. The transition to universal basic education is important for human development. It will take considerable time and efforts to complete the transition. While it is useful to coordinate the global efforts in making the transition, it is also important to take into account the differences across regions and nations in setting realistic targets and goalposts

    System Design of Administrative Letter Sign in PT. Inhutani I

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    Pengagendaan process more efficient and effective letter because the process is only done once at the Directorate General, recording more orderly, the distribution of data throughout the unit more quickly if it is possible to develop kepaparless. Search data faster, supports the work atmosphere of mutual support (Synergistic)


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    ABSTRACT Unimodal systems have limited information that can be used for identity recognition systems. The multimodal system was created to improve the unimodal system. The multimodal system used in this study is the combination of the face and palms at the matching score level. Matching scores is done using the Weighted Sum Rule method. Extract features from each sample using the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) method. Meanwhile, large data dimensions are reduced by using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method. The distance between face and palm data is measured using the closest distance, namely the Euclidean Distance method. Benchmark dataset using ORL, FERET and PolyU. Based on testing on each database, an accuracy rate of 98% (ORL and PolyU) and 95% (FERET and PolyU) is obtained. The test results show that the multimodal system using the Hybrid method (PCA and LBP) biometric system runs well and optimally. Keywords: Artificial intelegency, recognition, LBP, multimoda

    The power of context in networks: Ideal point models with social interactions

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    Game theory has been widely used for modeling strategic behaviors in networked multiagent systems. However, the context within which these strategic behaviors take place has received limited attention. We present a model of strategic behavior in networks that incorporates the behavioral context, focusing on the contextual aspects of congressional voting. One salient predictive model in political science is the ideal point model, which assigns each senator and each bill a number on the real line of political spectrum. We extend the classical ideal point model with network-structured interactions among senators. In contrast to the ideal point model\u27s prediction of individual voting behavior, we predict joint voting behaviors in a game-theoretic fashion. The consideration of context allows our model to outperform previous models that solely focus on the networked interactions with no contextual parameters. We focus on two fundamental problems: learning the model using real-world data and computing stable outcomes of the model with a view to predicting joint voting behaviors and identifying most influential senators. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model through experiments using data from the 114th U.S. Congress

    Hemat Bahan Bakar dengan Aplikasi Teknologi Pelumasan Udara pada Kapal Sep-Hull BV 1

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    Kapal Sep-Hull adalah kapal dengan menggunakan tipe Surface Effect Planning Hull, mempunyaidua bentuk “ V ” hull dan flat hull pada bagian tengahnya. Namun ini adalah bentuk badan kapal yang biasa dan sudah banyak, yang istimewa dari kapal ini adalah teknologi yang digunakan yaitu teknologiair lubrication ( teknologi pelumasan udara ). Melalui uji coba pada prototipe kapal ini dilakukan observasi tentang efektifitas teknologi pelumasan udara terhadap penghematan bahan bakar. Uji coba dilakukan dengan mengasumsikan indikator mesin ( trottle ) pada posisi tetap, pengukuran kecepatan dan konsumsi bahan bakar pada waktu pelayaran bervariasi serta pada dua kondisi yaitu berlayar tanpa teknologi pelumasan udara dan kondisi menggunakan teknologi tersebut. Dari hasil uji coba diperoleh informasi bahwa terdapat peningkatan kecepatan hingga 25 % dan pada saat yang lain diperoleh informasi bahwa terjadi penghematan bahan bakar hingga 13,34 %

    Faktor-Faktor Dalam Koordinasi Lintas Sektoral Pengelolaan Drainase Di Kota Semarang

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    This research was to study and analyze the coordination of drainage management in Semarang city and also to determine the factors in intersectoral coordination of drainage management in Semarang city. Drainage management in Semarang is managed by intersectoral SKPD. This research is a qualitative descriptive which data collected through interviews, literatures, and study documents. Information was collected from BAPPEDA, Dinas PSDA & ESDM, DTKP, and DKK. Researcher used indicators of coordination and factors of intersectoral coordination to examine coordination of drainage management in Semarang. The result showed that factors in intersectoral coordination of drainage management in Semarang is still not optimal. It is also found that coordination indicators awareness of the importance of coordination, the competence of human resources involved, and continuity planning has been running well, but for communications and agreements; commitment; and initiative in coordinating the management of the drainage in Semarang is not optimal. Moreover, some factors in the intersectoral coordination as employment and discipline has been running well, but the for unity of action and the division of labor in the management of the drainage is not optimal. Based on the results, it can be concluded that in general the intersectoral coordination of drainage management in Semarang is quite good, although there are some indicators / dimensions that must be enhanced and improved. Researcher suggest to opmimalize the use of ICT, manufacturing of manual procedure, more creative and initiative leader, to increasing quantity of human resources, establishment of drainage management agency, in cooperation with the private sector, and resource optimization
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