99 research outputs found
Tailoring Dielectric Properties of Multilayer Composites Using Spark Plasma Sintering
A straightforward and simple way to produce well-densified ferroelectric ceramic composites with a full control of both architecture and properties using spark plasma sintering (SPS) is proposed. SPS main outcome is indeed to obtain high densification at relatively low temperatures and short treatment times thus limiting interdiffusion in multimaterials. Ferroelectric/dielectric (BST64/MgO/BST64) multilayer ceramic densified at 97% was obtained, with unmodified Curie temperature, a stack dielectric constant reaching 600, and dielectric losses dropping down to 0.5%, at room-temperature. This result ascertains SPS as a relevant tool for the design of functional materials with tailored properties
Quantum deformations of associative algebras and integrable systems
Quantum deformations of the structure constants for a class of associative
noncommutative algebras are studied. It is shown that these deformations are
governed by the quantum central systems which has a geometrical meaning of
vanishing Riemann curvature tensor for Christoffel symbols identified with the
structure constants. A subclass of isoassociative quantum deformations is
described by the oriented associativity equation and, in particular, by the
WDVV equation. It is demonstrated that a wider class of weakly (non)associative
quantum deformations is connected with the integrable soliton equations too. In
particular, such deformations for the three-dimensional and
infinite-dimensional algebras are described by the Boussinesq equation and KP
hierarchy, respectively.Comment: Numeration of the formulas is correcte
On the Genus Two Free Energies for Semisimple Frobenius Manifolds
We represent the genus two free energy of an arbitrary semisimple Frobenius
manifold as a sum of contributions associated with dual graphs of certain
stable algebraic curves of genus two plus the so-called "genus two G-function".
Conjecturally the genus two G-function vanishes for a series of important
examples of Frobenius manifolds associated with simple singularities as well as
for -orbifolds with positive Euler characteristics. We explain the
reasons for such Conjecture and prove it in certain particular cases.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures, V2: the published versio
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Results of the ontology alignment evaluation initiative 2019
The Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI) aims at comparing ontology matching systems on precisely defined test cases. These test cases can be based on ontologies of different levels of complexity (from simple thesauri to expressive OWL ontologies) and use different evaluation modalities (e.g., blind evaluation, open evaluation, or consensus). The OAEI 2019 campaign offered 11 tracks with 29 test cases, and was attended by 20 participants. This paper is an overall presentation of that campaign
Menelaus relation and Fay's trisecant formula are associativity equations
It is shown that the celebrated Menelaus relation and Fay's trisecant formula
similar to the WDVV equation are associativity conditions for structure
constants of certain three-dimensional algebra.Comment: Talk given at the Conference " Mathematics and Physics of Solitons
and Integrable Systems", Dijon, 28.6-2.7, 2009. Minor misprints correcte
The structure of 2D semi-simple field theories
I classify all cohomological 2D field theories based on a semi-simple complex
Frobenius algebra A. They are controlled by a linear combination of
kappa-classes and by an extension datum to the Deligne-Mumford boundary. Their
effect on the Gromov-Witten potential is described by Givental's Fock space
formulae. This leads to the reconstruction of Gromov-Witten invariants from the
quantum cup-product at a single semi-simple point and from the first Chern
class, confirming Givental's higher-genus reconstruction conjecture. The proof
uses the Mumford conjecture proved by Madsen and Weiss.Comment: Small errors corrected in v3. Agrees with published versio
Stability data, irregular connections and tropical curves
We study a class of meromorphic connections nabla(Z) on P^1, parametrised by the central charge Z of a stability condition, with values in a Lie algebra of formal vector fields on a torus. Their definition is motivated by the work of Gaiotto, Moore and Neitzke on wall-crossing and three-dimensional field theories. Our main results concern two limits of the families nabla(Z) as we rescale the central charge Z to RZ. In the R to 0 ``conformal limit'' we recover a version of the connections introduced by Bridgeland and Toledano Laredo (and so the Joyce holomorphic generating functions for enumerative invariants), although with a different construction yielding new explicit formulae. In the R to infty ``large complex structure" limit the connections nabla(Z) make contact with the Gross-Pandharipande-Siebert approach to wall-crossing based on tropical geometry. Their flat sections display tropical behaviour, and also encode certain tropical/relative Gromov-Witten invariants
Spectroscopic Characterization of Galaxy Clusters in RCS-1: Spectroscopic Confirmation, Redshift Accuracy, and Dynamical Mass–Richness Relation
We present follow-up spectroscopic observations of galaxy clusters from the first Red-sequence Cluster Survey (RCS-1). This work focuses on two samples, a lower redshift sample of ∼30 clusters ranging in redshift from z ∼ 0.2–0.6 observed with multiobject spectroscopy (MOS) on 4–6.5-m class telescopes and a z ∼ 1 sample of ∼10 clusters 8-m class telescope observations. We examine the detection efficiency and redshift accuracy of the now widely used red-sequence technique for selecting clusters via overdensities of red-sequence galaxies. Using both these data and extended samples including previously published RCS-1 spectroscopy and spectroscopic redshifts from SDSS, we find that the red-sequence redshift using simple two-filter cluster photometric redshifts is accurate to σz ≈ 0.035(1 + z) in RCS-1. This accuracy can potentially be improved with better survey photometric calibration. For the lower redshift sample, ∼5 per cent of clusters show some (minor) contamination from secondary systems with the same red-sequence intruding into the measurement aperture of the original cluster. At z ∼ 1, the rate rises to ∼20 per cent. Approximately ten per cent of projections are expected to be serious, where the two components contribute significant numbers of their red-sequence galaxies to another cluster. Finally, we present a preliminary study of the mass–richness calibration using velocity dispersions to probe the dynamical masses of the clusters. We find a relation broadly consistent with that seen in the local universe from the WINGS sample at z ∼ 0.05
Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence, global mirror symmetry and Orlov equivalence
We show that the Gromov-Witten theory of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces matches, in
genus zero and after an analytic continuation, the quantum singularity theory
(FJRW theory) recently introduced by Fan, Jarvis and Ruan following ideas of
Witten. Moreover, on both sides, we highlight two remarkable integral local
systems arising from the common formalism of Gamma-integral structures applied
to the derived category of the hypersurface {W=0} and to the category of graded
matrix factorizations of W. In this setup, we prove that the analytic
continuation matches Orlov equivalence between the two above categories.Comment: 72pages, v2: Appendix B and references added. Typos corrected, v3:
several mistakes corrected, final versio
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