19 research outputs found

    Is Experiential Marketing Important for the Hospital?

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    Experiential marketing is a hospital marketing to create a pleasant experience for patients, so that they would want to reuse the hospital services in the future. According to the inpatient satisfaction survey of UMM hospital, patients visiting hospitals usually complain about bathroom cleanliness, the food menu or the patient’s diet being less attractive, communication between doctor and patient or family being not so great. The existence of this complain indicates that experiential marketing conducted by Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Hospital has not been implemented properly. The purpose of this study is to reveal the experience of patients while undergoing inpatient at UMM hospital about experiential marketing. The method used in this research is qualitative phenomenology. In-depth interviews were conducted of eight informants considered to represent the patients on main class, class 1, class 2, class 3. In this study, only four of the five experiential marketing were found, that is, sense-, feel-, think-, and act marketing. Sense marketing obtained the patient’s experience of ease in finding information and directions. The feel marketing obtained that the officers provide services quickly when needed, the ease in the administration process, quiet and comfortable hospital environment, and cleanliness of rooms and bathrooms. The act marketing obtained the attention of paramedic to patients bygiving the medicine on time. The think marketing obtained trust and distrust of the doctor. In conclusion, most of the experience of inpatients found that UMM Hospital has provided a fun and interesting experiential marketing. Keywords: patient experience, experiential marketing, inpatien

    Penerapan Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka dalam Menunjang Disiplin Belajar Siswa Kelas Tinggi di Sdn Pontianak Tenggara

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    The application of Scouts extracurricular in support the discipline on study of the students in the high class of elementary school. Aims to get an information about the application of scouts extracurricular in support the discipline on study in elementary school in Southeast Pontianak . The metodh that used was description metodh. Theresult of this research was tool and infrastructure ofScouts extracurricular of elementary school in Southeast Pontianak Subdistrict was quite complete classified for support the application of Scouts extracurricular. There was about 92% of the exercise equippent has available in the school, 32% of the camping equipment, 50% of the administration equipment and 100% of the coach Scouts extracurricular. The applicationdid not workable optimal and maximal, and the contribution of the application Scouts extracurricular material good score where the implementation of theScouts extracurricular material all of them have character for support the discipline on Study in the School

    Penggunaan Albumen untuk Separasi Spermatozoa Epididymis Domba Garut

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas berbagai konsentrasi albumen untuk separasi spermatozoa epididymis Domba Garut. Penelitian ini menggunakan semen yang berasal dari cauda epididymis Domba Garut yang baru dipotong dan segera diolah di laboratorium.  Perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu media separasi menggunakan berbagai kombinasi konsentrasi albumen pada lapisan atas dan bawah terdiri dari 10%-30%, 10%-50%, 10%-70% dan kontrol (tanpa media separasi). Penelitian ini dirancang dengan menggunakan Rangcangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan dan lima kali ulangan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada lapisan atas kombinasi konsentrasi albumen berpengaruh nyata (p<0.05) dapat meningkatkan jumlah spermatozoa X dari rasio alamiahnya, dan pada lapisan bawah kombinasi konsentrasi albumen berpengaruh nyata (p<0.05) dapat meningkatkan spermatozoa Y dari rasio alamiahnya.  Disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi konsentrasi albumen yang digunakan cukup efektif digunakan untuk pemisahan spermatozoa X dan Y pada Domba Garut.Kata kunci:  albumen, separasi spermatozoa, Domba Garu

    The Contribution of Literature in the Humanization of the Law in Indonesia

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    Law and Literature movement has been developing in western countries since the first half of the twentieth century as the response of the isolation of law from other disciplines and the idea of humanizing law to have optimal function for the betterment of social order. This movement exerts great potentials in developing methods of teaching and interpreting legal texts resulting in the betterment of the performance of the law makers and the deeper understanding of law. The isolation also happens in Indonesia; however, there is not obvious echo of the movement in Indonesia. There is no place of literature in Indonesians law. Under the movement of law and literature, this qualitative research aims not at finding out the reason of excluding literature from law; instead it aims at demontrating and promoting that literature could give contribution in understanding and producing humanistic legal texts in Indonesia. Taking available data by heuristic model and comparative and descriptive analysis, this research concludes that literary works could provide sources of learning and understanding law, and literary theories could be applied in improving the making of more humanistic legal texts in Indonesia

    Hak Atas Properti Wanita dalam Hukum Komunitas Kulit Putih Amerika Serikat Bagian Selatan

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    This article aims at exploring the dynamics of women€™s property right in southern US culture, which is interwoven with and embroided by loss and victories, as well as accomodation and resistance. This study demonstrates that women€™s property right is greatly influenced by the masculinity and patriarchial power of southernmen. Tulisan ini bertujuan menelaah dinamika perkembangan hak wanita atas properti di AS bagian selatan yang dihiasi sulaman kemenangan dan kekalahan serta akomodasi dan resistensi. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa hak wanita atas properti sangat dipengaruhi oleh maskulinitas dan kekuasaan patriarkal suami-suami di daerah Selatan

    Workshop dan Pelatihan Social Commerce untuk Siswa-Siswi Sekolah Menengah Atas di Surabaya

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    Social commerce merupakan bentuk metode pemasaran moderen khususnya di Indonesia, lebih dari 60% masyarakat Indonesia adalah pengguna media sosial. Peran informasi memegang peranan penting khususnya melalui konten-konten yang&nbsp; disajikan di media sosial beserta dengan dampak sosial yang menyertainya .Pelatihan dan workshop ini memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran para anak muda dalam memanfaatkan media sosial tidak hanya sebagai sarana aktualisasi diri namun juga sebagai sarana pemasaran untuk mengembangkan usaha kecil yang berdampak bagi mereka maupun lingkungan sekitar mereka sesuai dengan kemampuan dan minat yang mereka miliki. Peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan ini merupakan para tamu undangan dari tiga sekolah menengah atas di provinsi Jawa Timur. Pelatihan dan workshop ini dilakukan di aula lantai 1 Institut Informatika Indonesia dan rangkaian acara diawali dengan seminar mengenai peran media sosial dalam memanfaatkan jejaring komunitas untuk meningkatkan kualitas dari strategi pemasaran dan dilanjutkan dengan melakukan workshop pada laboratorium desain dan programming yang ada di Institut Informatika Indonesia. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah para siswa antusias dalam mengikuti acara ini terbukti dengan banyaknya pertanyaan yang diajukan dan mereka juga memahami dan mampu untuk menerapkan konsep pemasaran dengan menggunakan media sosial pada area lingkungan mereka masing-masing sesuai dengan bidang dan kompetensi yang dikuasai

    Is Experiential Marketing Important for the Hospital?

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    Experiential marketing is a hospital marketing to create a pleasant experience for patients, so that they would want to reuse the hospital services in the future. According to the inpatient satisfaction survey of UMM hospital, patients visiting hospitals usually complain about bathroom cleanliness, the food menu or the patient's diet being less attractive, communication between doctor and patient or family being not so great. The existence of this complain indicates that experiential marketing conducted by Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Hospital has not been implemented properly. The purpose of this study is to reveal the experience of patients while undergoing inpatient at UMM hospital about experiential marketing. The method used in this research is qualitative phenomenology. In-depth interviews were conducted of eight informants considered to represent the patients on main class, class 1, class 2, class 3. In this study, only four of the five experiential marketing were found, that is, sense-, feel-, think-, and act marketing. Sense marketing obtained the patient's experience of ease in finding information and directions. The feel marketing obtained that the officers provide services quickly when needed, the ease in the administration process, quiet and comfortable hospital environment, and cleanliness of rooms and bathrooms. The act marketing obtained the attention of paramedic to patients bygiving the medicine on time. The think marketing obtained trust and distrust of the doctor. In conclusion, most of the experience of inpatients found that UMM Hospital has provided a fun and interesting experiential marketing. Keywords: patient experience, experiential marketing, inpatien

    Pengembangan Media Interaktif Augmented Reality Berbasis Android dalam Pengenalan Jenis Minuman Kopi

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    Kopi merupakan salah satu minuman yang paling sering dikonsumsi di seluruh dunia. Kopi dapat dinikmati dengan banyak cara penyeduhan dan penambahan elemen lainnya, yang dapat menghasilkan cita rasa yang berbeda. Tumbuh pesatnya jumlah penikmat kopi baru tanpa disertai edukasi menyeluruh tentang varian rasa kopi membuat hanya sedikit penikmat kopi yang dapat mengenal dan mengapresiasi rasa kopi dengan cara yang berbeda. Media interaktif dirancang untuk mengenalkan banyak varian minuman kopi pada masyarakat. Untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan pengguna media interaktif, diterapkan teknologi Augmented Reality untuk memvisualisasikan pengenalan varian kopi. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memberikan gambaran jelas terhadap jenis varian kopi agar mempermudah pengguna memahami informasi diberikan serta memberikan pengalaman visual learning yang lebih dalam. Aplikasi media interaktif ini memanfaatkan smartphone berbasis Android yang dikembangkan menggunakan Unity 3D dan Vuforia Qualcomm Augmented Reality Software Development Kit, serta menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML) untuk membantu analisis pengembangan sistem. Pengujian dilakukan dengan metode black box testing dan kuisioner yang menyimpulkan bahwa aplikasi Coffee AR ini dapat membantu mengenalkan varian menu minuman kopi secara interaktif. Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil 30 responden yang menggunakan aplikasi Coffee AR