14 research outputs found

    Sleep loss and recovery after administration of drugs related to different arousal systems in rats

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    Sleep is homeostatically regulated suggesting a restorative function. Sleep deprivation is compensated by an increase in length and intensity of sleep. In this study, suppression of sleep was induced pharmacologically by drugs related to different arousal systems. All drugs caused non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep loss followed by different compensatory processes. Apomorphine caused a strong suppression of sleep followed by an intense recovery. In the case of fluoxetine and eserine, recovery of NREM sleep was completed by the end of the light phase due to the biphasic pattern demonstrated for these drugs first in the present experiments. Yohimbine caused a long-lasting suppression of NREM sleep, indicating that either the noradrenergic system has the utmost strength among the examined systems, or that restorative functions occurring normally during NREM sleep were not blocked. Arousal systems are involved in the regulation of various wakefulness-related functions, such as locomotion and food intake. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that activation of the different systems results in qualitatively different waking states which might affect subsequent sleep differently. These differences might give some insight into the homeostatic function of sleep in which the dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems may play a more important role than previously suggested

    A new type of lectin discovered in a fish, flathead (Platycephalus indicus), suggests an alternative functional role for mammalian plasma kallikrein*

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    A skin mucus lectin exhibiting a homodimeric structure and an S–S bond between subunits of ∌40 kDa was purified from flathead Platycephalus indicus (Scorpaeniformes). This lectin, named FHL (FlatHead Lectin), exhibited mannose-specific activity in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Although FHL showed no homology to any previously reported lectins, it did exhibit ∌20% identity to previously discovered plasma kallikreins and coagulation factor XIs of mammals and Xenopus laevis. These known proteins are serine proteases and play pivotal roles in the kinin-generating system or the blood coagulation pathway. However, alignment analysis revealed that while FHL lacked a serine protease domain, it was homologous to the heavy-chain domain of plasma kallikreins and coagulation factor XI therefore suggesting that FHL is not an enzyme but rather a novel animal lectin. On the basis of this finding, we investigated the lectin activity of human plasma kallikrein and revealed that it could indeed act as a lectin. Other genes homologous to FHL were also found in the genome databases of some fish species, but not in mammals. In contrast, plasma kallikreins and coagulation factor XI have yet to be identified in fish. The present findings suggest that these mammalian enzymes may have originally emerged as a lectin and may have evolved into molecules with protease activity after separation from common ancestors

    Identification of new participants in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) oocyte maturation and ovulation processes using cDNA microarrays

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    BACKGROUND: The hormonal control of oocyte maturation and ovulation as well as the molecular mechanisms of nuclear maturation have been thoroughly studied in fish. In contrast, the other molecular events occurring in the ovary during post-vitellogenesis have received far less attention. METHODS: Nylon microarrays displaying 9152 rainbow trout cDNAs were hybridized using RNA samples originating from ovarian tissue collected during late vitellogenesis, post-vitellogenesis and oocyte maturation. Differentially expressed genes were identified using a statistical analysis. A supervised clustering analysis was performed using only differentially expressed genes in order to identify gene clusters exhibiting similar expression profiles. In addition, specific genes were selected and their preovulatory ovarian expression was analyzed using real-time PCR. RESULTS: From the statistical analysis, 310 differentially expressed genes were identified. Among those genes, 90 were up-regulated at the time of oocyte maturation while 220 exhibited an opposite pattern. After clustering analysis, 90 clones belonging to 3 gene clusters exhibiting the most remarkable expression patterns were kept for further analysis. Using real-time PCR analysis, we observed a strong up-regulation of ion and water transport genes such as aquaporin 4 (aqp4) and pendrin (slc26). In addition, a dramatic up-regulation of vasotocin (avt) gene was observed. Furthermore, angiotensin-converting-enzyme 2 (ace2), coagulation factor V (cf5), adam 22, and the chemokine cxcl14 genes exhibited a sharp up-regulation at the time of oocyte maturation. Finally, ovarian aromatase (cyp19a1) exhibited a dramatic down-regulation over the post-vitellogenic period while a down-regulation of Cytidine monophosphate-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase (cmah) was observed at the time of oocyte maturation. CONCLUSION: We showed the over or under expression of more that 300 genes, most of them being previously unstudied or unknown in the fish preovulatory ovary. Our data confirmed the down-regulation of estrogen synthesis genes during the preovulatory period. In addition, the strong up-regulation of aqp4 and slc26 genes prior to ovulation suggests their participation in the oocyte hydration process occurring at that time. Furthermore, among the most up-regulated clones, several genes such as cxcl14, ace2, adam22, cf5 have pro-inflammatory, vasodilatory, proteolytics and coagulatory functions. The identity and expression patterns of those genes support the theory comparing ovulation to an inflammatory-like reaction

    Locomotor speed control circuits in the caudal brainstem

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    Locomotion is a universal behaviour that provides animals with the ability to move between places. Classical experiments have used electrical microstimulation to identify brain regions that promote locomotion, but the identity of neurons that act as key intermediaries between higher motor planning centres and executive circuits in the spinal cord has remained controversial. Here we show that the mouse caudal brainstem encompasses functionally heterogeneous neuronal subpopulations that have differential effects on locomotion. These subpopulations are distinguishable by location, neurotransmitter identity and connectivity. Notably, glutamatergic neurons within the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus (LPGi), a small subregion in the caudal brainstem, are essential to support high-speed locomotion, and can positively tune locomotor speed through inputs from glutamatergic neurons of the upstream midbrain locomotor region. By contrast, glycinergic inhibitory neurons can induce different forms of behavioural arrest mapping onto distinct caudal brainstem regions. Anatomically, descending pathways of glutamatergic and glycinergic LPGi subpopulations communicate with distinct effector circuits in the spinal cord. Our results reveal that behaviourally opposing locomotor functions in the caudal brainstem were historically masked by the unexposed diversity of intermingled neuronal subpopulations. We demonstrate how specific brainstem neuron populations represent essential substrates to implement key parameters in the execution of motor programs

    EEG effect of orexin A in freely moving rats

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    Orexin A and orexin B are neuropeptides produced by a group of neurons located in the lateral hypothalamus which send widespread projections virtually to the whole neuraxis. Several studies indicated that orexins play a crucial role in the sleep-wake regulation and in the pathomechanism of the sleep disorder narcolepsy. As no data are available related to the EEG effects of orexin A in healthy, freely moving rats, the aim of the present experiments was to analyze EEG power changes in the generally used frequency bands after intracerebroventricular orexin A administration.Orexin A administration (0.84 and 2.8 nM/rat) differently affected fronto-occipital EEG waves in the different frequency bands recorded for 24 hours. Delta (1–4 Hz) and alpha (10–16 Hz) power decreased, while theta (4–10 Hz) and beta (16–48 Hz) power increased. Decrease of the delta power was followed by a rebound in case of the higher orexin A dose. This complex picture might be explained by the activation of several systems by the orexin A administration. Among these systems, cortical and thalamic circuits as well as the role of the neurons containing corticotrophin-releasing factor might be of significant importance

    A subcortical inhibitory signal for behavioral arrest in the thalamus

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    Organization of behavior requires rapid coordination of brainstem and forebrain activity. The exact mechanisms of effective communication between these regions are presently unclear. The intralaminar thalamic nuclei (IL) probably serves as a central hub in this circuit by connecting the critical brainstem and forebrain areas. We found that GABAergic and glycinergic fibers ascending from the pontine reticular formation (PRF) of the brainstem evoked fast and reliable inhibition in the IL via large, multisynaptic terminals. This inhibition was fine-tuned through heterogeneous GABAergic and glycinergic receptor ratios expressed at individual synapses. Optogenetic activation of PRF axons in the IL of freely moving mice led to behavioral arrest and transient interruption of awake cortical activity. An afferent system with comparable morphological features was also found in the human IL. These data reveal an evolutionarily conserved ascending system that gates forebrain activity through fast and powerful synaptic inhibition of the IL