382 research outputs found

    Recovering the mass and the charge of a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole by an inverse scattering experiment

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    In this paper, we study inverse scattering of massless Dirac fields that propagate in the exterior region of a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole. Using a stationary approach we determine precisely the leading terms of the high-energy asymptotic expansion of the scattering matrix that, in turn, permit us to recover uniquely the mass of the black hole and its charge up to a sign

    Conformal scattering for a nonlinear wave equation on a curved background

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish a geometric scattering result for a conformally invariant nonlinear wave equation on an asymptotically simple spacetime. The scattering operator is obtained via trace operators at null infinities. The proof is achieved in three steps. A priori linear estimates are obtained via an adaptation of the Morawetz vector field in the Schwarzschild spacetime and a method used by H\"ormander for the Goursat problem. A well-posedness result for the characteristic Cauchy problem on a light cone at infinity is then obtained. This requires a control of the nonlinearity uniform in time which comes from an estimates of the Sobolev constant and a decay assumption on the nonlinearity of the equation. Finally, the trace operators on conformal infinities are built and used to define the conformal scattering operator

    Simple Three-Integral Scale-Free Galaxy Models

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    The Jeans equations give the second moments or stresses required to support a stellar population against the gravity field. A general solution of the Jeans equations for arbitrary axisymmetric scale-free densities in flattened scale-free potentials is given. A two-parameter subset of the solution for the second moments for the self-consistent density of the power-law models, which have exactly spheroidal equipotentials, is examined in detail. In the spherical limit, the potential of these models reduces to that of the singular power-law spheres. We build the physical three-integral distribution functions that correspond to the flattened stellar components. Next, we attack the problem of finding distribution functions associated with the Jeans solutions in flattened scale-free potentials. The third or partial integral introduced by de Zeeuw, Evans and Schwarzschild for Binney's model is generalised to thin and near-thin orbits moving in arbitrary axisymmetric scale-free potentials. The partial integral is a modification of the total angular momentum. For the self-consistent power-law models, we show how this enables the construction of simple three-integral distribution functions. The connexion between these approximate distribution functions and the Jeans solutions is discussed in some detail.Comment: 14 pages, 7 postscript figures, to appear in Monthly Notice

    Local energy decay of massive Dirac fields in the 5D Myers-Perry metric

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    We consider massive Dirac fields evolving in the exterior region of a 5-dimensional Myers-Perry black hole and study their propagation properties. Our main result states that the local energy of such fields decays in a weak sense at late times. We obtain this result in two steps: first, using the separability of the Dirac equation, we prove the absence of a pure point spectrum for the corresponding Dirac operator; second, using a new form of the equation adapted to the local rotations of the black hole, we show by a Mourre theory argument that the spectrum is absolutely continuous. This leads directly to our main result.Comment: 40 page

    A data-driven approach for quality analytics of screwing processes in a global learning factory

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    Quality problems of screwing processes in assembly systems, which are an important issue for operation excellence, needs to be quickly analyzed and solved. A network can be very beneficial for root cause analysis due to different data from various factories. Nevertheless, it is difficult to obtain reliable and consistent data. In this context, this paper aims to develop a method for data-driven oriented quality analytics of screwing processes considering a global production network. Firstly, the overview of data structure is introduced. Further, the data transformation is modelled for edge- and cloud-based analytics across the global production network. Lastly, the rules for analyzing are identified. A joint case study based on Learning Factory Global Production (LF) in Germany and I4.0 Innovation Centre and Artificial Intelligence Innovation Factory (IC&AIIF) in China is used to validate the proposed approach, which is also a new teaching method for quality analysis in the framework of learning factory

    Probing a regular orbit with spectral dynamics

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    We have extended the spectral dynamics formalism introduced by Binney & Spergel, and have implemented a semi-analytic method to represent regular orbits in any potential, making full use of their regularity. We use the spectral analysis code of Carpintero & Aguilar to determine the nature of an orbit (irregular, regular, resonant, periodic) from a short-time numerical integration. If the orbit is regular, we approximate it by a truncated Fourier time series of a few tens of terms per coordinate. Switching to a description in action-angle variables, this corresponds to a reconstruction of the underlying invariant torus. We then relate the uniform distribution of a regular orbit on its torus to the non-uniform distribution in the space of observables by a simple Jacobian transformation between the two sets of coordinates. This allows us to compute, in a cell-independent way, all the physical quantities needed in the study of the orbit, including the density and in the line-of-sight velocity distribution, with much increased accuracy. The resulting flexibility in the determination of the orbital properties, and the drastic reduction of storage space for the orbit library, provide a significant improvement in the practical application of Schwarzschild's orbit superposition method for constructing galaxy models. We test and apply our method to two-dimensional orbits in elongated discs, and to the meridional motion in axisymmetric potentials, and show that for a given accuracy, the spectral dynamics formalism requires an order of magnitude fewer computations than the more traditional approaches.Comment: 13 pages, 18 eps figures, submitted to MNRA

    The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Catalog of stellar proper motions in the OGLE-II Galactic bulge fields

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    We present a proper motion (\mu) catalogue of 5,080,236 stars in 49 Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment II (OGLE-II) Galactic bulge (GB) fields, covering a range of -11 deg. <l< 11 deg. and -6 deg. <b<3 deg., the total area close to 11 square degrees. The proper motion measurements are based on 138 - 555 I-band images taken during four observing seasons: 1997-2000. The catalogue stars are in the magnitude range 11 < I < 18 mag. In particular, the catalogue includes Red Clump Giants (RCGs) and Red Giants in the GB, and main sequence stars in the Galactic disc. The proper motions up to \mu = 500 mas/yr were measured with the mean accuracy of 0.8-3.5 mas/yr, depending on the brightness of a star. This catalogue may be useful for studying the kinematic of stars in the GB and the Galactic disk.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Scattering theory for Klein-Gordon equations with non-positive energy

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    We study the scattering theory for charged Klein-Gordon equations: \{{array}{l} (\p_{t}- \i v(x))^{2}\phi(t,x) \epsilon^{2}(x, D_{x})\phi(t,x)=0,[2mm] \phi(0, x)= f_{0}, [2mm] \i^{-1} \p_{t}\phi(0, x)= f_{1}, {array}. where: \epsilon^{2}(x, D_{x})= \sum_{1\leq j, k\leq n}(\p_{x_{j}} \i b_{j}(x))A^{jk}(x)(\p_{x_{k}} \i b_{k}(x))+ m^{2}(x), describing a Klein-Gordon field minimally coupled to an external electromagnetic field described by the electric potential v(x)v(x) and magnetic potential b⃗(x)\vec{b}(x). The flow of the Klein-Gordon equation preserves the energy: h[f, f]:= \int_{\rr^{n}}\bar{f}_{1}(x) f_{1}(x)+ \bar{f}_{0}(x)\epsilon^{2}(x, D_{x})f_{0}(x) - \bar{f}_{0}(x) v^{2}(x) f_{0}(x) \d x. We consider the situation when the energy is not positive. In this case the flow cannot be written as a unitary group on a Hilbert space, and the Klein-Gordon equation may have complex eigenfrequencies. Using the theory of definitizable operators on Krein spaces and time-dependent methods, we prove the existence and completeness of wave operators, both in the short- and long-range cases. The range of the wave operators are characterized in terms of the spectral theory of the generator, as in the usual Hilbert space case
