80 research outputs found

    Geology of the Snap Lake kimberlite intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada: field observations and their interpretation

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    The Cambrian (523 Ma) Snap Lake hypabyssal kimberlite intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada, is a complex segmented diamond-bearing ore-body. Detailed geological investigations suggest that the kimberlite is a multi-phase intrusion with at least four magmatic lithofacies. In particular, olivine-rich (ORK) and olivine-poor (OPK) varieties of hypabyssal kimberlite have been identified. Key observations are that the olivine-rich lithofacieshas a strong tendency to be located where the intrusion is thickest and that there is a good correlation between intrusion thickness, olivine crystal size and crystal content. Heterogeneities in the lithofacies are attributed to variations in intrusion thickness and structural complexities. The geometry and distribution of lithofacies points to magmaticco-intrusion, and flow segregation driven by fundamental rheological differences between the two phases. We envisage that the low-viscosity OPK magma acted as a lubricant for the highly viscous ORK magma. The presenceof such low-viscosity, crystal-poor magmas may explain how crystal-laden kimberlite magmas (>60 vol.%) are able to reach the surface during kimberlite eruptions. We also document the absence of crystal settling and the development of an unusual subvertical fabric of elongate olivine crystals, which are explained by rapid degassing-induced quench crystallization of the magmas during and after intrusio


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    In practical situations, a bed of particles often has a wide range of sizes or is a mixture of differently sized components, and this allows a number of different segregation structures to form depending on local flow conditions. These vary systematically in tapered beds. This paper is an experimental investigation of the interaction between size segregation and the effects on local flows in a tapered bed

    Aquadi-u-chloro-bis(diethylenetriamine)dicopper(11) dichloride: A redetermination at 180 K

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    The structure of the title compound, [Cu2Cl2(C4H13N3)2(H2O)]Cl2, at 180 K is described in space group P21/n with a unit-cell volume twice that reported previously for the structure at 293 K [Willett (2001[Willett, R. D. (2001). Acta Cryst. E57, m605-m606.]). Acta Cryst. E57, m605-m606]. In the smaller unit cell, in space group P21/m, the complex has imposed mirror symmetry and unusually elongated displacement ellipsoids. At 180 K, refinement in the larger unit cell with no imposed symmetry resolves this issue. With room-temperature data collected from the same crystal, however, refinement using the larger unit cell gives no significant improvement, and the previously reported structure is considered to be most appropriate

    Tephra deposition and bonding with reactive oxides enhances burial of organic carbon in the Bering Sea

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    Preservation of organic carbon (OC) in marine sediments exerts a major control on the cycling of carbon in the Earth system. In these marine environments, OC preservation may be enhanced by diagenetic reactions in locations where deposition of fragmental volcanic material called tephra occurs. While the mechanisms by which this process occurs are well understood, site‐specific studies of this process are limited. Here, we report a study of sediments from the Bering Sea (IODP Site U1339D) to investigate the effects of marine tephra deposition on carbon cycling during the Pleistocene and Holocene. Our results suggest that tephra layers are loci of OC burial with distinct δ13C values, and that this process is primarily linked to bonding of OC with reactive metals, accounting for ∼80% of all OC within tephra layers. In addition, distribution of reactive metals from the tephra into non‐volcanic sediments above and below the tephra layers enhances OC preservation in these sediments, with ∼33% of OC bound to reactive phases. Importantly, OC‐Fe coupling is evident in sediments >700,000 years old. Thus, these interactions may help explain the observed preservation of OC in ancient marine sediments.Plain Language Summary: The burial of organic carbon (OC) in marine sediments is one of the major carbon sinks on Earth, meaning that it removes carbon dioxide from the ocean‐atmosphere system. However, the speed at which burial occurs varies across the globe, and is dependent on a range of factors, from the amount of nutrients in the water column, to the type of sediment. Despite evidence suggesting that when tephra is deposited to the seafloor carbon burial is enhanced, very little work has been done to investigate this process. We have therefore analyzed sediments from the Bering Sea, where volcanoes from the Aleutian Islands and Kamchatka regularly deposit tephra in the ocean. We found that OC burial is indeed associated with ash deposition, and importantly, that OC is preserved in the ash layers themselves. We show here that this carbon is preserved effectively because of chemical reactions between the OC and reactive iron, which is released by the ash, creating conditions which preserve carbon for hundreds of thousands of years.Key Points: Tephra layers are loci of marine organic carbon (OC) burial with distinct carbon isotopic compositions. Preservation primarily linked to association of OC with reactive iron phases, accounting for ∼80% of all OC in tephra layers. OC‐reactive Fe coupling is observed in sediments >700,000 years old, indicating long‐term persistence of these complexes.NER

    A shallow earthquake swarm close to hydrocarbon activities: discriminating between natural and induced causes for the 2018–19 Surrey, UK earthquake sequence

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    Earthquakes induced by subsurface industrial activities are a globally emotive issue, with a growing catalogue of induced earthquake sequences. However, attempts at discriminating between natural and induced causes, particularly for anomalously shallow seismicity, can be challenging. An earthquake swarm during 2018–19 in south-east England with a maximum magnitude of ML 3.2 received great public and media attention because of its proximity to operating oilfields. It is therefore vital and timely to provide a detailed characterisation of the earthquake sequence at present, and to decide based on current evidence, whether the earthquakes were likely natural or induced. We detected 168 low-magnitude earthquakes and computed detailed source parameters of these events. Most earthquakes occurred at a shallow depth of 2.3 km, >1 km deeper than the geological formations targeted by the oilfields, and laterally >3 km away from the drill-sites. We combine the east-west trending cluster of the seismicity with 2-D seismic reflection profiles to find the causative fault system for the earthquakes. A b-value close to unity and strike-slip faulting mechanisms are consistent with tectonic reactivation along a pre-existing fault. Overall, we find no indicators in the earthquake parameters that would strongly suggest an induced source. Nor do we find any clear trends between seismicity and drilling activities based on operational logs provided by the operators. Injected volumes are near-zero and monthly production amounts are many orders of magnitude smaller than other reported cases of extraction-induced seismicity. On balance, and based on the available evidence, we find it currently unlikely that nearby industrial activities induced the seismic swarm. Most likely, the Surrey earthquakes offer a uniquely detailed insight into shallow seismicity within sedimentary basins. Nevertheless, self-reporting of injection and production times and volumes by operators, and the lack of easily- and publicly-available oilfield operational data continues to be a point of concern for local residents

    Subaerial volcanism is a potentially major contributor to oceanic iron and manganese cycles

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    Surface ocean availability of the micronutrients iron and manganese influences primary productivity and carbon cycling in the ocean. Volcanic ash is rich in iron and manganese, but the global supply of these nutrients to the oceans via ash deposition is poorly constrained. Here, we use marine sediment-hosted ash composition data from ten volcanic regions, and subaerial volcanic eruption volumes, to estimate global ash-driven nutrient fluxes. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we estimate average fluxes of dissolved Iron and Manganese from volcanic sources to be between 50 and 500 (median 180) and 0.6 and 3.2 (median 1.3) Gmol yr−1, respectively. Much of the element release occurs during early diagenesis, indicating ash-rich shelf sediments are likely important suppliers of aqueous iron and manganese. Estimated ash-driven fluxes are of similar magnitude to aeolian inputs. We suggest that subaerial volcanism is an important, but underappreciated, source of these micronutrients to the global ocean

    Initiation of a proto‐transform fault prior to seafloor spreading

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    Transform faults are a fundamental tenet of plate tectonics, connecting offset extensional segments of mid‐ocean ridges in ocean basins worldwide. The current consensus is that oceanic transform faults initiate after the onset of seafloor spreading. However, this inference has been difficult to test given the lack of direct observations of transform fault formation. Here, we integrate evidence from surface faults, geodetic measurements, local seismicity, and numerical modelling of the subaerial Afar continental rift and show that a proto‐transform fault is initiating during the final stages of continental breakup. This is the first direct observation of proto‐transform fault initiation in a continental rift, and sheds unprecedented light on their formation mechanisms. We demonstrate that they can initiate during late‐stage continental rifting, earlier in the rifting cycle than previously thought. Future studies of volcanic rifted margins cannot assume that oceanic transform faults initiated after the onset of seafloor spreading

    Rapid onset of mafic magmatism facilitated by volcanic edifice collapse: MAFIC MAGMATISM FACILITATED BY VOLCANIC EDIFICE COLLAPSE

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    Volcanic edifice collapses generate some of Earth's largest landslides. How such unloading affects the magma storage systems is important for both hazard assessment and for determining long-term controls on volcano growth and decay. Here we present a detailed stratigraphic and petrological analyses of volcanic landslide and eruption deposits offshore Montserrat, in a subduction zone setting, sampled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 340. A large (6–10 km3) collapse of the Soufrière Hills Volcano at ~130 ka was followed by explosive basaltic volcanism and the formation of a new basaltic volcanic center, the South Soufrière Hills, estimated to have initiated <100 years after collapse. This basaltic volcanism was a sharp departure from the andesitic volcanism that characterized Soufrière Hills' activity before the collapse. Mineral-melt thermobarometry demonstrates that the basaltic magma's transit through the crust was rapid and from midcrustal depths. We suggest that this rapid ascent was promoted by unloading following collapse