29,976 research outputs found

    Covariant nucleon wave function with S, D, and P-state components

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    Expressions for the nucleon wave functions in the covariant spectator theory (CST) are derived. The nucleon is described as a system with a off-mass-shell constituent quark, free to interact with an external probe, and two spectator constituent quarks on their mass shell. Integrating over the internal momentum of the on-mass-shell quark pair allows us to derive an effective nucleon wave function that can be written only in terms of the quark and diquark (quark-pair) variables. The derived nucleon wave function includes contributions from S, P and D-waves.Comment: 13 pages and 1 figur

    Annual and interannual variations of Earth-emitted radiation based on a 10-year data set

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    The method of empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) was applied to a 10-year data set of outgoing longwave radiation. Spherical harmonic functions are used as a basis set for producing equal area map results. The following findings are noted. The first EOF accounts for 66 percent of the variance. After that, each EOF accounts for only a small variance, forming a slowly converging series. The first two EOF's describe mainly the annual cycle. The third EOF is primarily the semiannual cycle although many other EOF's also contain significant semiannual parts. These results reaffirm those based on a shorter data set. In addition, a much stronger spring/fall mode was found in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean for the second EOF than was found earlier. This difference is attributed to the use of broadband radiometer data which were available for the present study. The earlier study used data from a window channel instrument which is not as sensitive to water vapor variations. The fourth EOF describes much of the 1976 to 1977 and 1982 to 1983 ENSO phenomena. There is typically a gap in the spectrum between a semiannual peak and the annual cycle for all but the first EOF. A semiannual OLR dipole straddles the Asian-Australian monsoon track

    Hypervelocity impact facility for simulating materials exposure to impact by space debris

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    As a result of man's venturing into space, the local debris contributed by his presence exceeds, at some orbital altitudes, that of the natural component. Man's contribution ranges from fuel residue to large derelect satellites that weigh many kilograms. Current debris models are able to predict the growth of the problem and suggest that spacecraft must employ armor or bumper shields for some orbital altitudes now, and that, the problem will become worse as a function of time. The practical upper limit to the velocity distribution is on the order of 40 km/s and is associated with the natural environment. The maximum velocity of the man-made component is in the 14-16 km/s range. The Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) has verified that the 'high probability of impact' particles are in the microgram to milligram range. These particles can have significant effects on coatings, insulators, and thin metallic layers. The surface of thick materials becomes pitted and the local debris component is enhanced by ejecta from the debris spectrum in a controlled environment. The facility capability is discussed in terms of drive geometry, energetics, velocity distribution, diagnostics, and projectile/debris loading. The facility is currently being used to study impact phenomena on Space Station Freedom's solar array structure, other solar array materials, potential structural materials for use in the station, electrical breakdown in the space environment, and as a means of clarifying or duplicating the impact phenomena on the LDEF surfaces. The results of these experiments are described in terms of the mass/velocity distribution incident on selected samples, crater dynamics, and sample geometry

    Time evolution of the Partridge-Barton Model

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    The time evolution of the Partridge-Barton model in the presence of the pleiotropic constraint and deleterious somatic mutations is exactly solved for arbitrary fecundity in the context of a matricial formalism. Analytical expressions for the time dependence of the mean survival probabilities are derived. Using the fact that the asymptotic behavior for large time tt is controlled by the largest matrix eigenvalue, we obtain the steady state values for the mean survival probabilities and the Malthusian growth exponent. The mean age of the population exhibits a t1t^{-1} power law decayment. Some Monte Carlo simulations were also performed and they corroborated our theoretical results.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 1 postscript figure, published in Phys. Rev. E 61, 5664 (2000

    Boundary Crossing in School Governing Bodies: Perspectives from the Business Community

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    Policy changes to school governance have led to Governing Bodies (GBs) increasingly appointing skilled professionals from the business community. Research into these GBs views governors from business as a threat to lay governors and the stakeholder model (Young, 2017). Whilst there has been exploration of the contributions of business governors, the ways in which business volunteers develop into their new roles as business governors have not been captured. This paper is drawn from an evaluation of Lloyds Banking Group’s (LBG) school governance programme where 18 LBG employees were interviewed throughout the first year in their governor roles. Adapting Young’s (2017) categorisation of knowledge as ‘managerial’, ‘educational’ and ‘lay’, this paper articulates how LBG governors acquired ‘educational’ and ‘lay’ knowledge to transform their practices and how this was underpinned by ‘authenticity’ associated with the stakeholder model (Connolly, 2017). The paper presents perspectives from other GB stakeholders which suggest that the transformation of the LBG governors’ practice impacted upon GBs, with them crossing boundaries between landscapes of practice (Wenger-Trayner and Wenger-Trayner, 2014). The implications are that, within the context of performativity, the wider business sector has a role to play in school governance and understanding governor professional development is key to this

    Padronização de uma bateria para a avaliação de fatores de risco psicossociais trabalhistas em trabalhadores colombianos

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    A battery of questionnaires to assess psychosocial risk factors at work was developed in 2010 in response to Resolution 2646 created by the Colombian Ministry of Social Protection. However, this battery presents some theoretical and practical limitations. A new battery of instruments has been designed and validated that includes instruments and risk indicators of the demand-control-social support and the effort-reward imbalance models. Other factors, not included in these models, but that Resolution 2646 suggests should be assessed, have also been added, and with this additional information, the new battery allows us to also calculate a “global indicator” of demand, control, and social support; family and social risk conditions, coping and personality; and health and wellbeing. The new battery was administered to a sample of 16,095 workers from different occupations and representative Colombian regions. An analysis of the various domains indicates that internal consistency of the various scales is high. The new battery has the following properties: it is simple to use in paper format or when administered by computer, it enables comparison between occupations, it offers unified scores for each variable, and provides information to assess the risk factors suggested by Resolution 2646. In addition, it will make it possible to compare the results obtained when analyzing Colombian workers with those obtained from studies of workers from other countries.Em 2010, desenvolveu-se uma bateria de instrumentos para avaliar fatores psicossociais trabalhistas de risco para a saúde, em resposta à Resolução 2 646 do Ministério da Proteção Social da Colômbia. Contudo, esta conta com algumas limitações que, a partir da construção e da validação de uma nova bateria, neste estudo se pretendem superar. Além disso, a nova bateria oferece recursos adicionais para a avaliação desses fatores: a presente bateria incorpora os instrumentos e os indicadores centrais dos modelos demanda-controle-apoio social e desiquilíbrio esforço-recompensa e os fatores internos do trabalho não considerados nesses modelos, mas que a Resolução considera necessários, mediram-se com testes preexistentes ou desenvolvidos pelos autores. Com os dados coletados, é possível calcular indicadores globais de demanda, controle e apoio social; além de condições familiares e sociais de risco, enfrentamento, personalidade e indicadores de saúde e bem-estar. Para a validação, a bateria foi aplicada a uma amostra de 16 095 trabalhadores de diferentes cargos e municípios colombianos. As anál i ses de consistência interna e validade permitem afirmar que a bateria é simples de aplicar em papel ou digital, permitirá comparar cargos, obter pontuações unificadas por variável, oferecer um diagnóstico de um número importante das variáveis sugeridas na Resolução bem como permitirá comparar os resultados dos trabalhadores colombianos com os de outros países. Palavras-chave: fatores trabalhistas de risco psicossocial, Resolução 2 646 de 2008, modelo demanda-controle-apoio social, modelo desiquilíbrio esforço-recompensa, estresse profissional, avaliação.En 2010 se desarrolló una batería de instrumentos para evaluar factores psicosociales laborales de riesgo para la salud, en respuesta a la Resolución 2646 de 2008 del Ministerio de la Protección Social de Colombia. Sin embargo, esta cuenta con algunas limitaciones que, a partir de la construcción y validación de una nueva batería, en el presente estudio se buscan superar. La nueva batería ofrece recursos adicionales para la evaluación de estos factores: incorpora los instrumentos e indicadores centrales de los modelos demanda-control-apoyo social y desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa, y los factores intralaborales no contemplados en dichos modelos, pero que la Resolución considera necesarios, se midieron con pruebas preexistentes o desarrolladas por los autores. Con los datos recolectados es posible calcular indicadores globales de demanda, control y apoyo social; además de condiciones familiares y sociales de riesgo, afrontamiento, personalidad e indicadores de salud y bienestar. Para la validación, la batería se aplicó a una muestra de 16.095 trabajadores de diferentes ocupaciones y municipios colombianos. Los análisis de consistencia interna y validez permiten afirmar que la batería es sencilla de aplicar en papel o por computador, permitirá comparar ocupaciones, obtener puntuaciones unificadas por variable, ofrecer un diagnóstico de un número importante de las variables sugeridas en la Resolución y comparar los resultados de los trabajadores colombianos con los de otros países

    Rotational Correlation Functions of Single Molecules

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    Single molecule rotational correlation functions are analyzed for several reorientation geometries. Even for the simplest model of isotropic rotational diffusion our findings predict non-exponential correlation functions to be observed by polarization sensitive single molecule fluorescence microscopy. This may have a deep impact on interpreting the results of molecular reorientation measurements in heterogeneous environments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Using novel palaeolimnological techniques to define lake conservation objectives (Phase 1)

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    This is the final report to Natural England on Contract No: SAE03/02/054 ‘Using novel palaeolimnological techniques to define lake conservation objectives’. The primary objective of this project is to use existing and recently developed palaeoecological techniques to define reference conditions and assess the condition of selected SSSIs in England, and thereby to assist in the setting of conservation objectives and management goals. The eight selected sites are Aqualate Mere, Hawes Water (Silverdale), Cunswick Tarn, Over Water, Sunbiggin Tarn, Malham Tarn, Semer Water and Hornsea Mere. The project is divided into four main tasks with Task 1 essentially involving the collection, processing and dating of cores from the study sites. To date only the latter has been funded and this report describes the outputs of this task

    The dissipative effect of thermal radiation loss in high-temperature dense plasmas

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    A dynamical model based on the two-fluid dynamical equations with energy generation and loss is obtained and used to investigate the self-generated magnetic fields in high-temperature dense plasmas such as the solar core. The self-generation of magnetic fields might be looked at as a self-organization-type behavior of stochastic thermal radiation fields, as expected for an open dissipative system according to Prigogine's theory of dissipative structures.Comment: 4 pages, 1 postscript figure included; RevTeX3.0, epsf.tex neede