158 research outputs found

    DETERMINANTS OF OUTSOURCING PRODUCTION: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach for Manufacturing Industries

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    The present paper investigates the determinants of outsourcing production using a panel of 93 Spanish manufacturing industries for the period 1993-2002. Outsourcing is measured as production tasks which are contracting out to independent suppliers, a more direct and suitable indicator. After controlling for unobserved heterogeneity and simultaneity, our results show a high persistence of the outsourcing intensity. Moreover, outsourcing of production is positively related to unit labour costs, skills requirements and national ownership.Outsourcing, Manufacturing Industries, Subcontracting, Unit Labour Costs

    Complements or substitutes? Immigrant and native task specialization in Spain

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    Learning about the impact that immigration has on the labor market of the receiving nation is a topic of major concern, particularly in Spain, where immigration has more than doubled from 4 percent to roughly 10 percent of the population within a decade. Yet, very little is known about the impact that large immigrant inflows have had on the labor market outcomes of Spanish natives. Furthermore, most studies assume that natives and immigrants are perfect substitutes within skill groups –a questionable assumption given recent findings in the literature. In this paper, we first document that foreign-born workers are not perfect substitutes of similarly skilled native Spanish workers, which may help explain why immigration has not significantly lowered natives’ wages. Instead, immigration has affected the occupational distribution of natives. Specifically, owing to the comparative advantage of foreign-born workers in manual as opposed to interactive tasks, natives relocated to occupations with a lower content of manual tasks –such as technical and alike professional occupations, clerical support jobs, and sales and service occupations. Yet, possibly owing to the significant and simultaneous reduction in the manual to interactive task supply resulting from the increase in the share of native female workers, the increase in the relative supply of manual to interactive tasks from foreign-born workers does not appear to have significantly changed the overall manual to interactive task supply in the Spanish economy

    Minimum consumption and transitional dynamics in wealth distribution

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    This paper investigates the evolution of wealth distribution in a one sector growth model along its transition path. A key feature of the model is that a household's consumption cannot fall below a positive level each period. This requirement introduces a positive association between the intertemporal elasticity of substitution and household wealth. Households only differ in their initial holdings of capital. The model is calibrated to match some key statistics of the US economy. The level of inequality in the wealth distribution of our artificial economy has a n inverted Ushape. The level of wealth inequality and its evolution resembles that of the US economy. However, our model illustrates that the existence of a Kuznets curve is very sensitive tothe sources of growth: whether it is driven by productivity growth or capital accumulation. Additionally, our model predicts an upsurge in wealth inequality following the productivity slowdown in the 1970's

    La Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales: posibilidades y limitaciones. Aplicación al estudio de la ocupación de la población inmigrante

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationEl artículo persigue tres objetivos. Por un lado, presentar las características principales de la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (MCVL) como fuente de información para el análisis del mercado de trabajo y de las trayectorias laborales. A continuación se pretende dar cuenta de las dificultades del tratamiento de esta información, originada como registro administrativo, para su uso en la investigación. Finalmente, y de forma principal, se trata de exponer los aspectos metodológicos y técnicos seguidos en una investigación sobre empleo e inmigración realizada por el Centro de Estudios Sociológicos sobre la Vida Cotidiana y el Trabajo (QUIT) y destinada a analizar la repercusión de los procesos migratorios sobre el mercado de trabajo y los cambios que provocan en el modelo de empleo español. De forma específica se insistirá en los conceptos y procedimientos seguidos para el análisis de la inserción y las trayectorias laborales comparadas entre inmigrantes y autóctonos.The article has three objectives. On the one hand, the goal is to present the main features of the Continuous Sample of Working Lives (MCVL) as a source of information for analysis of labor market, and labor trajectories. Then we explain the difficulties of processing this information, because originally it was an administrative record that now is used also with research purposes. Finally, and mainly, the article exposes the methodological and technical aspects followed in a research about employment and immigration conducted by the Center for Sociological Studies on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT). This research is designed to analyze the impact of migrant processes on labor market and the changes they cause in the Spanish employment model. In particular, we insist on the concepts and procedures used for the analysis of insertion and labor trajectories compared between immigrants and native people

    Immigrants’ Responsiveness to Labor Market Conditions and Their Impact on Regional Employment Disparities: Evidence from Spain

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    Using data from the Spanish Labor Force Survey (Encuesta de Población Activa) from 1999 through 2007, we explore the role of employment opportunities in explaining the growing immigrant flows of recent years. Subsequently, we investigate whether immigrant inflows have helped reduce regional employment disparities. Our results indicate that immigrants choose to reside in regions with higher employment rates for their particular skills. However, perhaps owing to its recent nature or the ability of the production infrastructure to absorb the increase in immigrant labor, immigration does not seem to have significantly helped employment convergence across regions.

    Dibarrart-en kantu baten aldaketa

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    Iurretako euskal lore jokoetan, 1891an, aurkeztua izan zen kantu bat, titulutzat "Euskaldunen loriak" zeukana. Hamahiru bertsu, bakoitzak hamahiru silabako (7+6) lau neurtitz, itxuraz beraz Iparraldetik etorria, airea "Adio Euskal Herria" edo "Gernikako arbola", hona zein diren kantu horren ezaugarriak. Hiru urteren buruan, Donibane Lohizuneko euskal bestetako sortu zuten kantu zeingehiagokara, Dibarrart, Baigorriko elizako xantreak, igorri zuen kantu bat Eskuara, Eskualdunak eta heien loriak deitua. Gaia berbera edo bederen idurikoa, lehen neurtitza adibidez, hitz baten aldaera bakarrik dauka guziz / zahar eta bi kantuak konparatuz ez da dudarik Dibarrart izan zela Iurretako kantuaren egilea eta, aldaketa zenbait eginik, aurkeztu zuela kantu bera Donibane Lohizunen 1894an

    Application of Public Private Partnerships to the Spanish Airport System

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    The current deficit situation of the Spanish airport system suggests the need to manage this in a more efficient and profitable way. One of the possible options is through private management and being able to do this through Public Private Partnerships (PPP). This study analyzes the situation of the sector and its economic importance and the different possibilities for introducing private management in a public company, specifying the situation in the case of airports, presenting the advantages and disadvantages of these possibilities, and aiming at results obtained in other places where it has been applied. It is proposed that the ideal model for the introduction of private management would be through PPP models tailored to each airport, but having common characteristics according to the group they belong to. Finally, we observe that not all airports are commercially attractive, so that the PPP concept does not apply to all of them. In some cases even the operability itself is not viable at all, and that should be considered separately in order to avoid creating a private monopoly while trying to enhance competition among them

    Precios, costes laborales unitarios y márgenes: Un análisis para las regiones españolas

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    El objetivo de esta comunicación es analizar los márgenes en las regiones españolas en el periodo 1978-2008. Para ello partimos de un modelo para la inflación, donde dicha variable se define como un margen sobre los costes laborales unitarios y los precios de importación. El análisis empírico realizado, utilizando una nueva base de datos, se ha basado en la metodología econométrica de la cointegración y en la correspondiente modelización dinámica. Los resultados sugieren que: 1) los costes laborales unitarios parecen ser el determinante fundamental de la inflación en las regiones españolas; 2) los márgenes regionales son contracíclicos o acíclicos

    Replacement echoes in the vintage capital growth model

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    This paper is concerned with a non-standard source of fluctuations, called echoes effects, i.e. the ability of an economy to reproduce its own past behaviour. In the sixties, growth theorists believed that this property could arise in vintage capital growth models, taking the form of replacement echoes. This line of research was stopped after the publication of Solow et al. (1966), who showed that echoes should vanish in a Solow growth model with vintage capital. In this paper, we claim that this result has nothing to do with vintages and comes directly from the constancy of the saving rate at equilibrium inherent to Solow growth models. We show that echoes do not vanish in the Ramsey vintage capital growth model with linear instantaneous utility function