41 research outputs found

    Persebaran Layanan Dan Infrastruktur Telekomunikasi Provinsi Papua

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    Layanan dan infrastruktur telekomunikasi merupakan bagian penting dari kehidupan modern karena hampir di segala bidang membutuhkan hal tersebut seperti pendidikan, pemerintahan, ekonomi dan sebagainya. Oleh karena pentingnya sektor telekomunikasi di Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan maka perlu evaluasi tentang penyebaran layanan dan infrastrukturnya selain dilihat dari sisi fungsional dan perkembangan teknologinya. Provinsi Papua adalah provinsi terbesar di Indonesia namun justru memiliki layanan telekomunikasi yang paling sedikit dan terbatas. Demikian pula untuk penyebaran layanan ke kabupaten maupun ke distrik (kecamatan) masih belum merata. Hal tersebut terbukti dari laporan hasil distribusi pita frekuensi yang hanya 1,5% untuk kawasan Maluku dan Papua serta kerapatan layanan tiap kabupaten yang ditunjukkan pada hasil penelitian ini

    Penilaian Ekonomi Wisata Pesisir Kawasan Carocok Painan, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat

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    Carocok Painan merupakan salah satu kawasan yang potensial untuk tujuan wisata pesisir di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. Kawasan ini memiliki pantai yang indah, sumber daya pesisir dan situs sejarah yang dapat menarik wisatawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkirakan kondisi penawaran dan permintaan wisata pesisir Kawasan Carocok Painan. Kondisi penawaran berdasarkan analisis kualitas air, kesesuaian lahan, dan daya dukung menunjukkan bahwa Kawasan Carocok Painan sesuai untuk wisata pesisir. Analisis kondisi permintaan menunjukkan bahwa nilai ekonomi Kawasan Carocok Painan bagi wisatawan yang diestimasi dengan travel cost method adalah Rp41.521.536.000 per tahun, sedangkan nilai ekonomi bagi penduduk yang diestimasi dengan contingent valuation method adalah Rp347.756.632 per tahun

    Analisa Performansi Algoritma Admission CAC Dan Lucent Pada Berbagai Karakteristik Trafik

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    Jaringan Metro Ethernet umumnya didefinisikan sebagai bridge dari suatu jaringan atau menghubungkan wilayah yang terpisah bisa juga menghubungkan LAN dengan WAN atau backbone network yang umumnya dimiliki oleh service provider. Admission control adalah suatu mekanisme yang mencegah jaringan mengalami over-loaded. Jika QoS yang diminta tidak dapat disediakan, maka jaringan tidak akan mengirimkan tanda ke aplikasi untuk memulai mengirimkan data. Jika aplikasi telah memulai pengiriman data, maka sumber daya pada jaringan yang sudah dipesan aplikasi tersebut akan terus dikelola secara end-to-end sampai aplikasi tersebut selesai.  Didalam penelitian ini akan di lihat pengaruh Algoritma Lucent dan CAC pada Router Cisco yang di implementasikan dengan simulasi OPNET 14.0. Akan dilihat performansi dari 2 buah alogoritma tersebut, dengan karakteristik Distribusi trafik yang berbeda beda untuk 3 layanan, voice, video dan data


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    Title : Using Tea Extract and Vermicompost on Caisim (Brassica juncea L.) Cultivation. The aim of the research is to know the effect of tea extract and vermicompost on yield and growth of caisim (Brassica juncea L.). The research was conducted in February-March 2009 in Screen House in Agriculture Faculty Sebelas Maret University at 96 meter above sea level. The research was arranged on factorial design based on Complete Randomize Design. The treatment of the research was tea extract with concentration 0, 10, 20, and 30 g/L and dosage vermicompost 0, 4, 8 and 12 ton/acre (equal 0, 10, 20 and 30 g/crop). Each treatment was repeated 3 times, and each of them restating 2 crop unit. Data was analysized by analysis of variants with test of 0.05, if there was significant continued with test of Duncan 0.05. Research variable were plant height, leaf number, fresh and shoot biomass weight, fresh and biomass root weight, root volume, chlorophyll content, leaf area and root shoot ratio. Result of research show there is interaction between tea extract and vermicompost on shoot root ratio. Shoot root ratio increase by increasing tea extract concentration on caisim without vermicompost and with vermicompost 8 ton/acre. Application tea extract do not give significantly effect on growth and yield of caisim. Dose vermicompost 8 ton/acre gave the highest of average fresh weight and leaf number. Keywords: caisim, tea extract, vermicompostThe aim of the research is to know the effect of tea extract and vermicompost on yield and growth of caisim (Brassica juncea L.). The research was conducted in February-March 2009 in Screen House in Agriculture Faculty Sebelas Maret University at 96 meter above sea level. The research was arranged on factorial design based on Complete Randomize Design. The treatment of the research was tea extract with concentration 0, 10, 20, and 30 g/L and dosage vermicompost 0, 4, 8 and 12 ton/acre (equal 0, 10, 20 and 30 g/crop). Each treatment was repeated 3 times, and each of them restating 2 crop unit. Data was analysized by analysis of variants with test of 0.05, if there was significant continued with test of Duncan 0.05. Research variable were plant height, leaf number, fresh and shoot biomass weight, fresh and biomass root weight, root volume, chlorophyll content, leaf area and root shoot ratio. Result of research show there is interaction between tea extract and vermicompost on shoot root ratio. Shoot root ratio increase by increasing tea extract concentration on caisim without vermicompost and with vermicompost 8 ton/acre. Application tea extract do not give significantly effect on growth and yield of caisim. Dose vermicompost 8 ton/acre gave the highest of average fresh weight and leaf number. Keywords: caisim, tea extract, vermicompos

    Optimization of Activation Methods for Mouse Oocytes Using Calcium-free CZB Medium, SrCl2, and Cytochalasin B in Vitro

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    Embryonic stem cells can be obtained by generating an embryo through fertilization; however, an embryo can also be generated asexually through parthenogenesis. This procedure will overcome the ethical issues regarding the use of embryos initially generated for reproductive purposes. The aim of this study was to obtain an optimized oocyte activation method through parthenogenesis by using mice oocytes as a model. Ten mM SrCl2 and 5 µg/ml Cytochalasin B (CB) in calcium-free Chatot Ziomek Bavister (CZB) were used as a medium for an in vitro activation of mouse oocytes. Treatment combinations for the oocyte activation methods were (A) activation in CZB & SrCl2 (prepared in stock) for two hours and in CZB & CB for four hours; (B) activation in CZB & SrCl2 (fresh medium) for two hours and in CZB & CB for four hours; and (C) activation in CZB & CB & SrCl2 (fresh medium) for six hours. The results show that the activation rate of  mouse oocytes  with  method C has  been  the best among all the protocols. This optimized protocol clearly provides a new insight in the generation of embryos for further use, particularly for producing embryonic stem cells

    Formation of germline chimera Gaok chicken used circulation primordial germ cells (circulation PGCs) fresh and thawed

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    Formation of germline chimeras by transfer of chicken primordial germ cells (PGCs) is one of the effective techniques for preservation and regeneration of genetic resources in chickens. This study attempted to form germline chimeras of Gaok chicken buy purifying circulated PGCs of donor embryo before it is transferred to the recipient (White Leghorn chickens=WL) and studied the ability of recipient embryo on survival in incubators, and hatchability. This study used 200 fertile eggs of Gaok and 90 fertile WL breed all of the eggs was incubated at 380C and 60% humidity in a portable incubator. PGCs-circulation of the blood collected Gaok embryos at stage 14-16 were taken from the dorsal aorta, and then purified by centrifugation method using nycodenz. PGCs-circulation results further purification frozen in liquid nitrogen before being transferred to the recipient embryo. The results showed that for the development of embryos transferred to the fresh circulation of PGCs-circulation as many as 25 cells can survive up to day 14, while one of the transferred of 50 and 100 cells into recipient embryos was hatched (10%). On the contrari recipient embryos that are transferred to the frozen PGCs-circulation the embryos development was shorter, and only survived until day 10th (treatment 25 cells), day 14th (treatment of 50 cells) and day 17th (treatment of 100 cells). It is concluded that the amount of PGCs-circulation embryos transferred to the recipient is one factor that influence the success of the development germline chimeras. Key Words: Gaok Chicken, White Leghorn Chicken, Circulated PGCs, Transfer, Germline Chimer

    Rederivation of transgenic mice from iPS cells derived from frozen tissue

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    In mice, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells with embryonic stem (ES)-like characteristics have been derived by ectopic expression of four transcription factors in somatic cells: Sox2, Oct3/4, Klf4 and/or c-Myc. To date, iPS cells have only be made from freshly harvested tissues and cells. However, if iPS cells could be derived from frozen tissues and cells, then cryopreservation of tissues such as mouse tails could conceivably become a reliable alternative to the more traditional formats, like germplasm and ES cells, for the archiving of genetically altered mouse lines. To test this hypothesis, we sought to demonstrate that a live transgenic mouse line could be recovered from transgenic iPS cells derived from cryopreserved mouse tissues. Tails and tail-derived fibroblasts from a DsRED transgenic mouse were cryopreserved in the presence of 5% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in liquid nitrogen for 1Ā week and 1Ā month, respectively. Afterward, tissues and cells were thawed and underwent nuclear reprogramming by molecular transfection to derive iPS cells which generated germline confirmed transgenic mice. Our results demonstrate for the first time that iPS cells can be efficiently derived from frozen-stored-thawed tail tissue and fibroblasts and used to re-establish a transgenic mouse line. Therefore, this study provides conclusive evidence that, as a practical matter, frozen tails and fibroblasts can be used as an effective and reliable alternative to frozen germplasm and ES cells for the storage, maintenance, and distribution of genetically-altered mutant mice