164 research outputs found

    Motor signature of autism spectrum disorder in adults without intellectual impairment

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    Motor signs such as dyspraxia and abnormal gait are characteristic features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, motor behavior in adults with ASD has scarcely been quantitatively characterized. In this pilot study, we aim to quantitatively examine motor signature of adults with ASD without intellectual impairment using marker-less visual-perceptive motion capture. 82 individuals (37 ASD and 45 healthy controls, HC) with an IQ > 85 and aged 18 to 65 years performed nine movement tasks and were filmed by a 3D-infrared camera. Anatomical models were quantified via custom-made software and resulting kinematic parameters were compared between individuals with ASD and HCs. Furthermore, the association between specific motor behaviour and severity of autistic symptoms (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule 2, Autism Spectrum Quotient) was explored. Adults with ASD showed a greater mediolateral deviation while walking, greater sway during normal, tandem and single leg stance, a reduced walking speed and cadence, a greater arrhythmicity during jumping jack tasks and an impaired manual dexterity during finger tapping tasks (p  0.48) compared to HC. Furthermore, in the ASD group, some of these parameters correlated moderately to severity of ASD symptoms. Adults with ASD seem to display a specific motor signature in this disorder affecting movement timing and aspects of balance. The data appear to reinforce knowledge about motor signs reported in children and adolescents with ASD. Also, quantitative motor assessment via visual-perceptive computing may be a feasible instrument to detect subtle motor signs in ASD and perhaps suitable in the diagnosis of ASD in the future

    Environmental Control of Charge Density Wave Order in Monolayer 2H-TaS2.

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    For quasi-freestanding 2H-TaS2 in monolayer thickness grown by in situ molecular beam epitaxy on graphene on Ir(111), we find unambiguous evidence for a charge density wave close to a 3x3 periodicity. Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we determine the magnitude of the partial charge density wave gap. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, complemented by scanning tunneling spectroscopy for the unoccupied states, makes a tight-binding fit for the band structure of the TaS2 monolayer possible. As hybridization with substrate bands is absent, the fit yields a precise value for the doping of the TaS2 layer. Additional Li doping shifts the charge density wave to a 2x2 periodicity. Unexpectedly, the bilayer of TaS2 also displays a disordered 2x2 charge density wave. Calculations of the phonon dispersions based on a combination of density-functional theory, density-functional perturbation theory, and many-body perturbation theory enable us to provide phase diagrams for the TaS2 charge density wave as functions of doping, hybridization and interlayer potentials, and offer insight into how they affect lattice dynamics and stability. Our theoretical considerations are consistent with the experimental work presented and shed light on previous experimental and theoretical investigations of related system

    Coupling to zone center optical phonons in VSe2 enhanced by charge density waves

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    We investigate electron phonon coupling EPC in the charge density wave CDW phase of VSe2 by Raman spectroscopy, angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy ARPES , and ab initio calculations. Zone folding induced by the 4 4 in plane CDW phase promotes the appearance of a Raman peak at amp; 8764;170cm amp; 8722;1. The suppression of ARPES intensity in parts of the Fermi surface is also a result of CDW induced zone folding and anticrossing of the electron energy bands. The appearance of the new Raman peak is in line with the ARPES observation of a kink feature in the spectral function at the same energy. A self energy analysis yields an EPC constant of amp; 955; 0.3. Our calculations of the EPC are in excellent agreement and reveal that the kink is caused by several optical phonon branches close in energy. Our paper highlights the CDW phase as a means of inducing EPC pathways to optical phonons that directly affect its Raman spectru

    Hedgehog Signaling in Tumor Cells Facilitates Osteoblast-Enhanced Osteolytic Metastases

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    The remodeling process in bone yields numerous cytokines and chemokines that mediate crosstalk between osteoblasts and osteoclasts and also serve to attract and support metastatic tumor cells. The metastatic tumor cells disturb the equilibrium in bone that manifests as skeletal complications. The Hedgehog (Hh) pathway plays an important role in skeletogenesis. We hypothesized that the Hh pathway mediates an interaction between tumor cells and osteoblasts and influences osteoblast differentiation in response to tumor cells. We have determined that breast tumor cells have an activated Hh pathway characterized by upregulation of the ligand, IHH and transcription factor GLI1. Breast cancer cells interact with osteoblasts and cause an enhanced differentiation of pre-osteoblasts to osteoblasts that express increased levels of the osteoclastogenesis factors, RANKL and PTHrP. There is sustained expression of osteoclast-promoting factors, RANKL and PTHrP, even after the osteoblast differentiation ceases and apoptosis sets in. Moreover, tumor cells that are deficient in Hh signaling are compromised in their ability to induce osteoblast differentiation and consequently are inefficient in causing osteolysis. The stimulation of osteoblast differentiation sets the stage for osteoclast differentiation and overall promotes osteolysis. Thus, in the process of developing newer therapeutic strategies against breast cancer metastasis to bone it would worthwhile to keep in mind the role of the Hh pathway in osteoblast differentiation in an otherwise predominant osteolytic phenomenon

    Role of PACAP and VIP Signalling in Regulation of Chondrogenesis and Osteogenesis

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    Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) are multifunctional proteins that can regulate diverse physiological processes. These are also regarded as neurotrophic and anti-inflammatory substances in the CNS, and PACAP is reported to prevent harmful effects of oxidative stress. In the last decade more and more data accumulated on the similar function of PACAP in various tissues, but its cartilage- and bone-related presence and functions have not been widely investigated yet. In this summary we plan to verify the presence and function of PACAP and VIP signalling tool kit during cartilage differentiation and bone formation. We give evidence about the protective function of PACAP in cartilage regeneration with oxidative or mechanically stress and also with the modulation of PACAP signalling in vitro in osteogenic cells. Our observations imply the therapeutic perspective that PACAP might be applicable as a natural agent exerting protecting effect during joint inflammation and/or may promote cartilage regeneration during degenerative diseases of articular cartilage

    Bioinformatic identification of proteins with tissue-specific expression for biomarker discovery

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is an important need for the identification of novel serological biomarkers for the early detection of cancer. Current biomarkers suffer from a lack of tissue specificity, rendering them vulnerable to non-disease-specific increases. The present study details a strategy to rapidly identify tissue-specific proteins using bioinformatics.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Previous studies have focused on either gene or protein expression databases for the identification of candidates. We developed a strategy that mines six publicly available gene and protein databases for tissue-specific proteins, selects proteins likely to enter the circulation, and integrates proteomic datasets enriched for the cancer secretome to prioritize candidates for further verification and validation studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using colon, lung, pancreatic and prostate cancer as case examples, we identified 48 candidate tissue-specific biomarkers, of which 14 have been previously studied as biomarkers of cancer or benign disease. Twenty-six candidate biomarkers for these four cancer types are proposed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We present a novel strategy using bioinformatics to identify tissue-specific proteins that are potential cancer serum biomarkers. Investigation of the 26 candidates in disease states of the organs is warranted.</p

    Cold-inducible proteins CIRP and RBM3, a unique couple with activities far beyond the cold

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    Ovarian cancer immunotherapy: opportunities, progresses and challenges

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    Due to the low survival rates from invasive ovarian cancer, new effective treatment modalities are urgently needed. Compelling evidence indicates that the immune response against ovarian cancer may play an important role in controlling this disease. We herein summarize multiple immune-based strategies that have been proposed and tested for potential therapeutic benefit against advanced stage ovarian cancer. We will examine the evidence for the premise that an effective therapeutic vaccine against ovarian cancer is useful not only for inducing remission of the disease but also for preventing disease relapse. We will also highlight the questions and challenges in the development of ovarian cancer vaccines, and critically discuss the limitations of some of the existing immunotherapeutic strategies. Finally, we will summarize our own experience on the use of patient-specific tumor-derived heat shock protein-peptide complex for the treatment of advanced ovarian cancer