2,548 research outputs found

    Dense agent-based HPC simulation of cell physics and signaling with real-time user interactions

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    Introduction: Distributed simulations of complex systems to date have focused on scalability and correctness rather than interactive visualization. Interactive visual simulations have particular advantages for exploring emergent behaviors of complex systems. Interpretation of simulations of complex systems such as cancer cell tumors is a challenge and can be greatly assisted by using “built-in” real-time user interaction and subsequent visualization.Methods: We explore this approach using a multi-scale model which couples a cell physics model with a cell signaling model. This paper presents a novel communication protocol for real-time user interaction and visualization with a large-scale distributed simulation with minimal impact on performance. Specifically, we explore how optimistic synchronization can be used to enable real-time user interaction and visualization in a densely packed parallel agent-based simulation, whilst maintaining scalability and determinism. We also describe the software framework created and the distribution strategy for the models utilized. The key features of the High-Performance Computing (HPC) simulation that were evaluated are scalability, deterministic verification, speed of real-time user interactions, and deadlock avoidance.Results: We use two commodity HPC systems, ARCHER (118,080 CPU cores) and ARCHER2 (750,080 CPU cores), where we simulate up to 256 million agents (one million cells) using up to 21,953 computational cores and record a response time overhead of ≃350 ms from the issued user events.Discussion: The approach is viable and can be used to underpin transformative technologies offering immersive simulations such as Digital Twins. The framework explained in this paper is not limited to the models used and can be adapted to systems biology models that use similar standards (physics models using agent-based interactions, and signaling pathways using SBML) and other interactive distributed simulations


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    Non-Ossicular Signal Transmission in Human Middle Ears: Experimental Assessment of the Acoustic Route with Perforated Tympanic Membranes

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    Direct acoustic stimulation of the cochlea by the sound-pressure difference between the oval and round windows (called the acoustic route ) has been thought to contribute to hearing in some pathological conditions, along with the normally dominant ossicular route. To determine the efficacy of this acoustic route and its constituent mechanisms in human ears, sound pressures were measured at three locations in cadaveric temporal bones [with intact and perforated tympanic membranes (TMs)]: (1) in the external ear canal lateral to the TM, PTM; (2) in the tympanic cavity lateral to the oval window, POW; and (3) near the round window, PRW. Sound transmission via the acoustic route is described by two concatenated processes: (1) coupling of sound pressure from ear canal to middle-ear cavity, H PCAV ≡ PCAV PTM, where PCAV represents the middle-ear cavity pressure, and (2) sound-pressure difference between the windows, HWPD ≡ (POW - PRW) PCAV. Results show that: H PCAV depends on perforation size but not perforation location; HWPD depends on neither perforation size nor location. The results (1) provide a description of the window pressures based on measurements, (2) refute the common otological view that TM perforation location affects the relative phase of the pressures at the oval and round windows, and (3) show with an intact ossicular chain that acoustic-route transmission is substantially below ossicular-route transmission except for low frequencies with large perforations. Thus, hearing loss from TM perforations results primarily from reduction in sound coupling via the ossicular route. Some features of the frequency dependence of H PCAV and HWPD can be interpreted in terms of a structure-based lumped-element acoustic model of the perforation and middle-ear cavities

    Sources of nonlinearities, chatter generation and suppression in metal cutting

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    The mechanics of chip formation has been revisited in order to understand functional relationships between the process and the technological parameters. This has led to the necessity of considering the chip-formation process as highly nonlinear, with complex interrelations between its dynamics and thermodynamics. In this paper a critical review of the state of the art of modelling and the experimental investigations is outlined with a view to how the nonlinear dynamics perception can help to capture the major phenomena causing instabilities (chatter) in machining operations. The paper is concluded with a case study, where stability of a milling process is investigated in detail, using an analytical model which results in an explicit relation for the stability limit. The model is very practical for the generation of the stability lobe diagrams, which is time consuming when using numerical methods. The extension of the model to the stability analysis of variable pitch cutting tools is also given. The application and verification of the method are demonstrated by several examples

    The Context of Temporal Processing Is Represented in the Multidimensional Relationships between Timing Tasks

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    In the present study we determined the performance interrelations of ten different tasks that involved the processing of temporal intervals in the subsecond range, using multidimensional analyses. Twenty human subjects executed the following explicit timing tasks: interval categorization and discrimination (perceptual tasks), and single and multiple interval tapping (production tasks). In addition, the subjects performed a continuous circle-drawing task that has been considered an implicit timing paradigm, since time is an emergent property of the produced spatial trajectory. All tasks could be also classified as single or multiple interval paradigms. Auditory or visual markers were used to define the intervals. Performance variability, a measure that reflects the temporal and non-temporal processes for each task, was used to construct a dissimilarity matrix that quantifies the distances between pairs of tasks. Hierarchical clustering and multidimensional scaling were carried out on the dissimilarity matrix, and the results showed a prominent segregation of explicit and implicit timing tasks, and a clear grouping between single and multiple interval paradigms. In contrast, other variables such as the marker modality were not as crucial to explain the performance between tasks. Thus, using this methodology we revealed a probable functional arrangement of neural systems engaged during different timing behaviors

    Telepresence and the Role of the Senses

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    The telepresence experience can be evoked in a number of ways. A well-known example is a player of videogames who reports about a telepresence experience, a subjective experience of being in one place or environment, even when physically situated in another place. In this paper we set the phenomenon of telepresence into a theoretical framework. As people react subjectively to stimuli from telepresence, empirical studies can give more evidence about the phenomenon. Thus, our contribution is to bridge the theoretical with the empirical. We discuss theories of perception with an emphasis on Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Gibson, the role of the senses and the Spinozian belief procedure. The aim is to contribute to our understanding of this phenomenon. A telepresence-study that included the affordance concept is used to empirically study how players report sense-reactions to virtual sightseeing in two cities. We investigate and explore the interplay of the philosophical and the empirical. The findings indicate that it is not only the visual sense that plays a role in this experience, but all senses

    Valgus and varus deformity after wide-local excision, brachytherapy and external beam irradiation in two children with lower extremity synovial cell sarcoma: case report

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    BACKGROUND: Limb-salvage is a primary objective in the management of extremity soft-tissue sarcoma in adults and children. Wide-local excision combined with radiation therapy is effective in achieving local tumor control with acceptable morbidity and good functional outcomes for most patients. CASE PRESENTATION: Two cases of deformity after wide-local excision, brachytherapy and external beam irradiation for lower-extremity synovial cell sarcoma are presented and discussed to highlight contributing factors, time course of radiation effects and orthopedic management. In an effort to spare normal tissues from the long-term effects of radiation therapy, more focal irradiation techniques have been applied to patients with musculoskeletal tumors including brachytherapy and conformal radiation therapy. As illustrated in this report, the use of these techniques results in the asymmetric irradiation of growth plates and contributes to the development of valgus or varus deformity and leg-length discrepancies. CONCLUSIONS: Despite good functional outcomes, progressive deformity in both patients required epiphysiodesis more than 3 years after initial management. There is a dearth of information related to the effects of radiation therapy on the musculoskeletal system in children. Because limb-sparing approaches are to be highlighted in the next generation of cooperative group protocols for children with musculoskeletal tumors, documentation of the effects of surgery and radiation therapy will lead to improved decision making in the selection of the best treatment approach and in the follow-up of these patients