467 research outputs found

    Bogoliubov Coefficients of 2D Charged Black Holes

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    We exactly calculate the thermal distribution and temperature of Hawking radiation for a two-dimensional charged dilatonic black hole after it has settled down to an "equilibrium" state. The calculation is carried out using the Bogoliubov coefficients. The background of the process is furnished by a preexisting black hole and not by collapsing matter as considered by Giddings and Nelson for the case of a Schwarzschild black hole. Furthermore, the vanishing of the temperature and/or the Hawking radiation in the extremal case is obtained as a regular limit of the general case.Comment: 9 pages, 1 eps figur

    On dynamical mass generation in three dimensional supersymmetric U(1) gauge field theory

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    We investigate and contrast the non-perturbative infra red structure of N=1 and N=2 supersymmetric non-compact U(1) gauge field theory in three space-time dimensions with N matter flavours. We study the Dyson-Schwinger equations in a general gauge using superfield formalism; this ensures that supersymmetry is kept manifest, though leads to spurious infra red divergences which we have to avoid carefully. In the N=1 case the superfield formalism allows us to choose a vertex which satisfies the U(1) Ward identity exactly, and we find the expected critical behaviour in the wavefunction renormalization and strong evidence for the existence of a gauge independent dynamically generated mass, but with no evidence for a critical flavour number. We study the N=2 model by dimensional reduction from four dimensional N=1 electrodynamics, and we refine the old gauge dependence argument that there is no dynamical mass generation. We recognize that the refinement only holds after dimensional reduction.Comment: 32 pages RevTeX; 3 axodraw figures include

    Gauge Coupling Instability and Dynamical Mass Generation in N=1 Supersymmetric QED(3)

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    Using superfield Dyson-Schwinger equations, we compute the infrared dynamics of the semi-amputated full vertex, corresponding to the effective running gauge coupling, in N-flavour {\mathcal N}=1 supersymmetric QED(3). It is shown that the presence of a supersymmetry-preserving mass for the matter multiplet stabilizes the infrared gauge coupling against oscillations present in the massless case, and we therefore infer that the massive vacuum is thus selected at the level of the (quantum) effective action. We further demonstrate that such a mass can indeed be generated dynamically in a self-consistent way by appealing to the superfield Dyson-Schwinger gap equation for the full matter propagator.Comment: 14 pages ReVTeX; four axodraw figures incorporate

    Immunofluorometric quantitation and histochemical localisation of kallikrein 6 protein in ovarian cancer tissue: a new independent unfavourable prognostic biomarker

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    Human kallikrein 6 protein is a newly discovered human kallikrein. We determined the amount of human kallikrein 6 in extracts of 182 ovarian tumours and correlated specific activity (ng hK6 mg−1 total protein) with clinicopathological variables documented at the time of surgical excision and with outcome (progression free survival, overall survival) monitored over a median interval of 62 months. Thirty per cent of the tumours were positive for human kallikrein 6 (>35 ng hK6 mg−1 total protein). Human kallikrein 6-specific immunohistochemical staining of four ovarian tissues that included benign, borderline and malignant lesions indicated a cytoplasmic location of human kallikrein 6 in tumour cells of epithelial origin, although the intensity of staining was variable. Tumour human kallikrein 6 (ng hK6 mg−1 total protein) was higher in late stage disease, serous histotype, residual tumour >1 cm and suboptimal debulking (>1 cm) (P<0.05). Univariate analysis revealed that patients with tumour human kallikrein 6 positive specific activity were more likely to suffer progressive disease and to die (hazard ratio 1.71 (P=0.015) and 1.88 (P=0.022), respectively). Survival curves demonstrated the same (P=0.013 and 0.019, respectively). Multivariate analysis revealed that human kallikrein 6 positivity was retained as an independent prognostic variable in several subgroups of patients, namely those with (low) grade I and II tumours (hazard ratio progression free survival 4.3 (P=0.027) and overall survival 4.1 (P=0.023)) and those with optimal debulking (hazard ratio progression free survival 3.8 (P=0.019) and overall survival 5.6 (P=0.011)). We conclude that tumour kallikrein 6 protein levels have utility as an independent adverse prognostic marker in a subgroup of ovarian cancer patients with otherwise apparently good prognosis

    Activation and enzymatic characterization of recombinant human kallikrein 8.

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    Human kallikrein 8 (hK8), whose gene was originally cloned as the human ortholog of a mouse brain protease, is known to be associated with diseases such as ovarian cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Recombinant human pro-kallikrein 8 was activated with lysyl endopeptidase-conjugated beads. Amino-terminal sequencing of the activated enzyme demonstrated the cleavage of a 9-aa propeptide from the pro-enzyme. The substrate specificity of activated hK8 was characterized using synthetic fluorescent substrates. hK8 showed trypsin-like specificity, as predicted from sequence analysis and enzymatic characterization of the mouse ortholog. All synthetic substrates tested containing either arginine or lysine at P1 position were cleaved by hK8. The highest kcat/Km value of 20x10(3)M-1 s-1 was observed with Boc-Val-Pro-Arg-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin. The activity of hK8 was inhibited by antipain, chymostatin, and leupeptin. The concentration for 50% inhibition by the best inhibitor, antipain, was 0.46 microM. The effect of different metal ions on the enzyme activity was analyzed. Whereas Na+ had no effect on hK8 activity, Ni2+ and Zn2+ decreased the activity and Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ had a stimulatory effect. Ca2+ was the best activator, with an optimal concentration of approximately 10 microM

    On the Stability of the Classical Vacua in a Minimal SU(5) 5-D Supergravity Model

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    We consider a five-dimensional supergravity model with SU(5) gauge symmetry and the minimal field content. Studying the arising scalar potential we find that the gauging of the U(1)RU(1)_R symmetry of the five-dimensional supergravity causes instabilities. Lifting the instabilities the vacua are of Anti-de-Sitter type and SU(5) is broken along with supersymmetry. Keeping the U(1)RU(1)_R ungauged the potential has flat directions along which supersymmetry is unbroken.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Phantom with Born-Infield type Lagrangian

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    Recent analysis of the observation data indicates that the equation of state of the dark energy might be smaller than -1, which leads to the introduction of phantom models featured by its negative kinetic energy to account for the regime of equation of state w<−1w<-1. In this paper, we generalize the idea to the Born-Infield type Lagrangian with negative kinetic energy term and give the condition for the potential, under which the late time attractor solution exists and also analyze a viable cosmological model in such a scheme.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Reference updated, the final version will be published in Phys. Rev.

    Cosmological Evolution of a Brane Universe in a Type 0 String Background

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    We study the cosmological evolution of a D3-brane Universe in a type 0 string background. We follow the brane-universe along the radial coordinate of the background and we calculate the energy density which is induced on the brane because of its motion in the bulk. We find that for some typical values of the parameters and for a particular range of values of the scale factor of the brane-universe, the effective energy density is dominated by a term proportional to 1(loga)4\frac{1}{(loga)^{4}} indicating a slow varying inflationary phase. For larger values of the scale factor the effective energy density takes a constant value and the brane-universe enters its usual inflationary period.Comment: 25 pages,1 figure,LaTex file,final version to appear in Phys. Rev.
