161 research outputs found

    Self-assembled hydrogel fibers for sensing the multi-compartment intracellular milieu

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    Targeted delivery of drugs and sensors into cells is an attractive technology with both medical and scientific applications. Existing delivery vehicles are generally limited by the complexity of their design, dependence on active transport, and inability to function within cellular compartments. Here, we developed self-assembled nanofibrous hydrogel fibers using a biologically inert, low-molecular-weight amphiphile. Self-assembled nanofibrous hydrogels offer unique physical/mechanical properties and can easily be loaded with a diverse range of payloads. Unlike commercially available E. coli membrane particles covalently bound to the pH reporting dye pHrodo, pHrodo encapsulated in self-assembled hydrogel-fibers internalizes into macrophages at both physiologic (37°C) and sub-physiologic (4°C) temperatures through an energy-independent, passive process. Unlike dye alone or pHrodo complexed to E. coli, pHrodo-SAFs report pH in both the cytoplasm and phagosomes, as well the nucleus. This new class of materials should be useful for next-generation sensing of the intracellular milieu

    Atypical strain of Toxoplasma gondii causing fatal reactivation after hematopoietic stem cell transplantion in a patient with an underlying immunological deficiency

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    International audienceIn immunocompromized patients, including hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients, life-threatening toxoplasmosis may result from reactivation of previous infection. We report a case of severe disseminated toxoplasmosis that developed early after allogeneic HSCT for T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma in a 15-year-old Toxoplasma gondii-seropositive boy with Nijmegen breakage syndrome, a rare genetic DNA repair disorder associated with immunodeficiency. The donor was the patient's HLA-identical brother. Prophylaxis with cotrimoxazole was discontinued a day before the HSCT procedure. Signs of lung infection appeared as early as day 14 post-HSCT. The presence of tachyzoite-like structures on Giemsa-stained bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid smears suggested toxoplasmosis. Real-time PCR targeted at the T. gondii AF146527 gene revealed extremely high parasite burdens in both blood and BAL fluid. Although immediate introduction of specific treatment resulted in a marked reduction of the parasite load and transient clinical improvement, the patient deteriorated and died of multiple organ failure on day 39 post-HSCT. Direct genotyping of T. gondii DNA from blood and BAL fluid with the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism method revealed type II alleles with SAG1, SAG2, and GRA6 markers but alleles of both type I and type II with GRA7. Additional analysis with 15 microsatellite markers showed that the T. gondii DNA was atypical and genetically divergent from that of the clonal type I, II, and III strains. This is the first report of increased clinical severity of toxoplasmosis associated with an atypical strain in the setting of immunosuppression, which emphasizes the need to diagnose and monitor toxoplasmosis by quantitative molecular methods in cases of reactivation risk

    Maternal Serologic Screening to Prevent Congenital Toxoplasmosis: A Decision-Analytic Economic Model

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    We constructed a decision-analytic and cost-minimization model to compare monthly maternal serological screening for congenital toxoplasmosis, prenatal treatment, and post-natal follow-up and treatment according to the current French protocol, versus no systematic screening or perinatal treatment. Costs are based on published estimates of lifetime societal costs of developmental disabilities and current diagnostic and treatment costs. Probabilities are based on published results and clinical practice in the United States and France. We use sensitivity analysis to evaluate robustness of results. We find that universal monthly maternal screening for congenital toxoplasmosis with follow-up and treatment, following the French (Paris) protocol, leads to savings of 620perchildscreened.Resultsarerobusttochangesintestcosts,valueofstatisticallife,seroprevalenceinwomenofchildbearingage,fetallossduetoamniocentesis,incidenceofprimaryT.gondiiinfectionduringpregnancy,andtobivariateanalysisoftestcostsandincidenceofprimaryT.gondiiinfection.Giventheparametersinthismodelandamaternalscreeningtestcostof620 per child screened. Results are robust to changes in test costs, value of statistical life, seroprevalence in women of childbearing age, fetal loss due to amniocentesis, incidence of primary T. gondii infection during pregnancy, and to bivariate analysis of test costs and incidence of primary T. gondii infection. Given the parameters in this model and a maternal screening test cost of 12, screening is cost-saving for rates of congenital infection above 1 per 10,000 live births. Universal screening according to the French protocol is cost saving for the US population within broad parameters for costs and probabilities

    Specific circulating immune complexes in acute chagas' disease

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    The presence of circulating immune complexes formed by IgM and IgG (CIC-IgM and CIC-IgG) was investigated, using antigen-specific enzyme-immunoassays (ELISA), in 30 patients with acute Chagas' disease who showed parasitemia and inoculation chagoma. Control population consisted of patients with chronic T. cruzi infection (30), acute toxoplasmosis 10), leishmaniasis (8), rheumatoid arthritis (3) and healthy individuals with negative serology for Chagas* disease (30). Acute chagasic patients were 100% CIC-IgG and 96.66% CIC-IgM positive whereas immunofluorescence tests yielded 90% and 86.66% of positivity for specific IgG and IgM antibodies, respectively. Chronic patients were 68% CIC-IgG and 0% CIC-IgM positive. The 30 negative and the 21 cross-reaction controls proved negative for ELISA (CIC-IgM and CIC-IgG). The high sensitivity of ELISA assays would allow early immunologic diagnosis, as well as prompt treatment, of acute T. cruzi infection, thus eliminating the problem of the false-positive and false-negative results which affects traditional methods for detection of circulating antibodies

    Chemical profile identification of fugitive and confined particle emissions from an integrated iron and steelmaking plant

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    International audienceThe aim of this study is to obtain the characteristic inorganic chemical profile of important particle sources identified in the integrated iron and steel process: sintering, blast furnace, steelmaking and desulfurization slag processing. A complete chemical and physical characterization program was developed: particle size distribution, chemical analysis, XRD, SEM-EDX and TGA/DTA. The sample collected from the sinter stack showed high levels of K and Cl(-), followed by Fe, NH4(+), Ca, Na and Pb. The profile of the dust samples taken from the sinter cake discharge zone was quite different, showing higher amounts of Fe, Ca and Al, and lower amounts of K, Cl(-), Na and Pb. Dust samples collected from the blast furnace (BF) and steelmaking cast house may be distinguished from each other based on the higher levels of Fe (hematite and magnetite) and lower levels of Ca, Zn and C (graphite) found in BF dust. High levels of Ca and Fe were found in samples taken from the desulfurization slag processing area. Such information can be useful for source apportionment studies at receptor sites that could be influenced by iron and steelmaking plant emissions

    Immuno-modulating properties of Tulathromycin in porcine monocyte-derived macrophages infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus.

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    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a positive-stranded RNA virus that grows in macrophages and causes acute pneumonia in pigs. PRRSV causes devastating losses to the porcine industry. However, due to its high antigenic variability and poorly understood immunopathogenesis, there is currently no effective vaccine or treatment to control PRRSV infection. The common occurrence of PRRSV infection with bacterial infections as well as its inflammatory-driven pathobiology raises the question of the value of antibiotics with immunomodulating properties for the treatment of the disease it causes. The macrolide antibiotic Tulathromycin (TUL) has been found to exhibit potent anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties in cattle and pigs. The aim of this study was to characterize the anti-viral and immunomodulating properties of TUL in PRRSV-infected porcine macrophages. Our findings indicate that blood monocyte-derived macrophages are readily infected by PRRSV and can be used as an effective cellular model to study PRRSV pathogenesis. TUL did not change intracellular or extracellular viral titers, not did it alter viral receptors (CD163 and CD169) expression on porcine macrophages. In contrast, TUL exhibited potent immunomodulating properties, which therefore occurred in the absence of any direct antiviral effects against PRRSV. TUL had an additive effect with PRRSV on the induction of macrophage apoptosis, and inhibited virus-induced necrosis. TUL significantly attenuated PRRSV-induced macrophage pro-inflammatory signaling (CXCL-8 and mitochondrial ROS production) and prevented PRRSV inhibition of non-opsonized and opsonized phagocytic function. Together, these data demonstrate that TUL inhibits PRRSV-induced inflammatory responses in porcine macrophages and protects against the phagocytic impairment caused by the virus. Research in live pigs is warranted to assess the potential clinical benefits of this antibiotic in the context of virally induced inflammation and tissue injury
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