1,565 research outputs found

    Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors:extending the indication to non-diabetic kidney disease?

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    This year the medical community was pleasantly surprised by the results of the first large outcome trial that primarily examined the renal effects of the sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor canagliflozin (CANA) in subjects with diabetes and impaired kidney function. The Evaluation of the Effects of Canagliflozin on Renal and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Participants With Diabetic Nephropathy (CREDENCE) trial showed that CANA, relative to placebo, reduces the risk for end-stage renal disease, doubling of creatinine or renal death by 34% [hazard ratio 0.66 (95% confidence interval 0.53-0.81]. These effects were consistent across baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and haemoglobin A1c subgroups. In this review we combine the results of the CREDENCE trial with those of several cardiovascular outcome trials with SGLT2 inhibitors and show that, unexpectedly, patients with lower eGFR levels may have greater benefit with respect to cardiovascular outcome than patients with normal kidney function. The cardio- and renoprotective effects of SGLT2 inhibitors seem to be independent of their glucose-lowering effects, as shown in several post hoc analyses. In this review we discuss the alleged mechanisms of action that explain the beneficial effects of this novel class of drugs. Moreover, we discuss whether these findings indicate that this class of drugs may also be beneficial in non-diabetic chronic kidney diseases

    The use and effectiveness of the eLib subject gateways: a preliminary investigation

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    Internet subject gateways were set up under the Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib) in order to address some of the problems of searching the Internet which have been identified by information professionals, i.e. locating relevant, good quality information. This preliminary study examines the extent to which academics in two universities use three eLib subject gateways (EEVL, OMNI and SOSIG). The results are generally encouraging for the eLib programme, but it is necessary for the gateways to be more effectively promoted. The study also found that academics do not have the same misgivings about the general search engines as the information professionals and seem to use them more readily than the gateways

    До питання мистецтвознавчого термінологічного словникарства: провідні терміни й поняття ювелірних прикрас кримських татар

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    Ще наприкінці XIX – початку XX ст. вчені, громадські та культурні діячі різних національностей, яки відзначали самобутність народного мистецтва кримських татар, говорили о необхідності збереження, розвитку матеріальної та художньої культури народу. Безцінні свідоцтва матеріальної та духовної культури народу розсіяні по музеях, зібраннях і приватних колекціях колишнього СРСР та за кордоном. Записуючі усні свідчення, вивчаючі письменні джерела, працюючі у архівах і фондах музеїв, частка яких набуває за межами України, проводилось дослідження, результатом якого є виведені з небуття назви творів кримськотатарського декоративного мистецтва, розроблений їх термінологічний лексикон, приведені дослівний переклад, коротка характеристика виробів, технік і прийомів їх виготовлення, значення у побутовому житті. Частка цього дослідження представлена у даної роботі

    New Diabetes Therapies and Diabetic Kidney Disease Progression:the Role of SGLT-2 Inhibitors

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    Purpose of Review Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors have emerged as a promising drug class for the treatment of diabetic kidney disease. Developed originally as glucose-lowering drugs by enhancing urinary glucose excretion, these drugs also lower many other renal and cardiovascular risk factors such as body weight, blood pressure, albuminuria, and uric acid. Results from the EMPA-REG OUTCOME and CANVAS trials show that these salutary effects translate into a reduction in cardiovascular outcomes and have the potential to delay the progression of kidney function decline. This review summarizes recent studies on the mechanisms and rationale of renoprotective effects. Recent Findings Effects of SGLT-2 inhibitors on the kidney are likely explained by multiple pathways. SGLT-2 inhibitors may improve renal oxygenation and intra-renal inflammation thereby slowing the progression of kidney function decline. Additionally, SGLT-2 inhibitors are associated with a reduction in glomerular hyperfiltration, an effect which is mediated through increased natriuresis and tubuloglomerular feedback and independent of glycemic control. Analogous to diabetic kidney disease, various etiologies of non-diabetic kidney disease are also characterized by single nephron hyperfiltration and elevated albuminuria. This offers the opportunity to reposition SGLT-2 inhibitors from diabetic to non-diabetic kidney disease. Clinical trials are currently ongoing to characterize the efficacy and safety of SGLT-2 inhibitors in patients with diabetic and non-diabetic kidney disease. Summary The glucose-independent hemodynamic mechanisms of SGLT-2 inhibitors provide the possibility to extend the use of SGLT-2 inhibitors to non-diabetic kidney disease. Ongoing dedicated trials have the potential to change clinical practice and outlook of high-risk patients with diabetic (and non-diabetic) kidney disease

    The perioperative patient experience of hand and wrist surgical patients: An exploratory study using patient journey mapping

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    Patient-centred care is becoming more important in healthcare. The success of patient-centred care can be assessed by exploring the patient experience through a patient journey map. As the number of outpatient surgeries is increasing, it is important to reveal the specific characteristics of this type of surgery. The perioperative patient experience is considered very important for outpatient surgery, because all perioperative activities are condensed in one day. To investigate this experience, we performed a case study of hand and wrist surgery. Six teams of two industrial design engineering students interviewed 40 patients in total in two private and two public hospitals in the Netherlands. All teams created a patient journey map, describing the patient experience. These maps were analysed by the authors to identify common themes among the six journeys. Four time-independent themes and four time-dependent themes were identified. Insecurity, reassurance by staff, loneliness, and lack of information were associated with the whole patient experience. Before surgery, lack of control was the most prominent experience. During surgery, acceptance and curiosity were present. After surgery, relief was the dominant experience. No significant differences between the public and private hospitals were discovered. Several suggestions are given on how to facilitate positive experiences and how to resolve negative experiences in outpatient surgery. These include suggestions for hospital policy and design interventions

    The perioperative patient experience of hand and wrist surgical patients: An exploratory study using patient journey mapping

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    Patient-centred care is becoming more important in healthcare. The success of patient-centred care can be assessed by exploring the patient experience through a patient journey map. As the number of outpatient surgeries is increasing, it is important to reveal the specific characteristics of this type of surgery. The perioperative patient experience is considered very important for outpatient surgery, because all perioperative activities are condensed in one day. To investigate this experience, we performed a case study of hand and wrist surgery. Six teams of two industrial design engineering students interviewed 40 patients in total in two private and two public hospitals in the Netherlands. All teams created a patient journey map, describing the patient experience. These maps were analysed by the authors to identify common themes among the six journeys. Four time-independent themes and four time-dependent themes were identified. Insecurity, reassurance by staff, loneliness, and lack of information were associated with the whole patient experience. Before surgery, lack of control was the most prominent experience. During surgery, acceptance and curiosity were present. After surgery, relief was the dominant experience. No significant differences between the public and private hospitals were discovered. Several suggestions are given on how to facilitate positive experiences and how to resolve negative experiences in outpatient surgery. These include suggestions for hospital policy and design interventions

    The laminin β1-competing peptide YIGSR induces a hypercontractile, hypoproliferative airway smooth muscle phenotype in an animal model of allergic asthma

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    Background: Fibroproliferative airway remodelling, including increased airway smooth muscle (ASM) mass and contractility, contributes to airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma. In vitro studies have shown that maturation of ASM cells to a (hyper)contractile phenotype is dependent on laminin, which can be inhibited by the laminin-competing peptide Tyr-Ile-Gly-Ser-Arg (YIGSR). The role of laminins in ASM remodelling in chronic asthma in vivo, however, has not yet been established. Methods: Using an established guinea pig model of allergic asthma, we investigated the effects of topical treatment of the airways with YIGSR on features of airway remodelling induced by repeated allergen challenge, including ASM hyperplasia and hypercontractility, inflammation and fibrosis. Human ASM cells were used to investigate the direct effects of YIGSR on ASM proliferation in vitro. Results: Topical administration of YIGSR attenuated allergen-induced ASM hyperplasia and pulmonary expression of the proliferative marker proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Treatment with YIGSR also increased both the expression of sm-MHC and ASM contractility in saline-and allergen-challenged animals; this suggests that treatment with the laminin-competing peptide YIGSR mimics rather than inhibits laminin function in vivo. In addition, treatment with YIGSR increased allergen-induced fibrosis and submucosal eosinophilia. Immobilized YIGSR concentration-dependently reduced PDGF-induced proliferation of cultured ASM to a similar extent as laminin-coated culture plates. Notably, the effects of both immobilized YIGSR and laminin were antagonized by soluble YIGSR. Conclusion: These results indicate that the laminin-competing peptide YIGSR promotes a contractile, hypoproliferative ASM phenotype in vivo, an effect that appears to be linked to the microenvironment in which the cells are exposed to the peptide

    Autobiographical memory specificity, intrusive memory, and general memory skills in dutchindonesian survivors of the world war II era.

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    A lack of specific autobiographical memory may result from exposure to psychological trauma, intrusive memories of adverse events, and/or a general memory deficit. This study explored the role of these variables in 25 patients with various psychiatric diagnoses and 15 healthy controls. All participants had been exposed to war atrocities during their childhood in Indonesia. Patients produced significantly less specific memories than did controls. In addition, rather than performance on general neuropsychological memory tests, the frequent occurrence of intrusive memories and the avoidance of reminders of trauma predicted less autobiographical memory specificity. These results replicate and extend earlier findings on intrusive and nonspecific autobiographical memory in depressed samples to a group of people who experienced war atrocities in childhood. KEY WORDS: autobiographical memory specificity; overgeneral memories; intrusive memory; general memory skills; war survivors. When asked to recall specific events from their per-sonal history some people produce overgeneral autobio-graphical memories (Williams, 1996). That is, they refer to a class of situations (e.g., “going to soccer matches”) rathe

    European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases: update of the diagnostic guidance document for Clostridium difficile infection.

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    In 2009 the first European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) guideline for diagnosing Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) was launched. Since then newer tests for diagnosing CDI have become available, especially nucleic acid amplification tests. The main objectives of this update of the guidance document are to summarize the currently available evidence concerning laboratory diagnosis of CDI and to formulate and revise recommendations to optimize CDI testing. This update is essential to improve the diagnosis of CDI and to improve uniformity in CDI diagnosis for surveillance purposes among Europe. An electronic search for literature concerning the laboratory diagnosis of CDI was performed. Studies evaluating a commercial laboratory test compared to a reference test were also included in a meta-analysis. The commercial tests that were evaluated included enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) detecting glutamate dehydrogenase, EIAs detecting toxins A and B and nucleic acid amplification tests. Recommendations were formulated by an executive committee, and the strength of recommendations and quality of evidence were graded using the Grades of Recommendation Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system. No single commercial test can be used as a stand-alone test for diagnosing CDI as a result of inadequate positive predictive values at low CDI prevalence. Therefore, the use of a two-step algorithm is recommended. Samples without free toxin detected by toxins A and B EIA but with positive glutamate dehydrogenase EIA, nucleic acid amplification test or toxigenic culture results need clinical evaluation to discern CDI from asymptomatic carriage