468 research outputs found

    Enhancing Hungarian students’ English language skills on the basis of literary texts in the three-dimensional space

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    In our paper we introduce a bilingual language learning material developed in the framework of the so-called three dimensional virtual library model (3DVLM). This model inspired by the history and organization of the famous ancient Library of Alexandria forms the basis of the virtual library project which started about eight years ago as part of the Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom) research. The current version of the 3DVLM uses the excellent 3D features of the MaxWhere Seminar System which makes it suitable for both individual learning and classroom use. In the following, we would like to introduce first the basic framework of our development, then describe in detail the data structure and organization of the developed bilingual language learning material. The basic idea of the material is to present selected phrases and contexts from classical literary works in English and from their parallel translations in Hungarian in order to improve both the language skills and background knowledge of Hungarian language learners at an advanced level. We found that using web technology was especially useful for developing the language learning material and the developed hypertext structure formed a scale-free network of interconnected nodes

    Radiotherapy for tumors of the stomach and gastroesophageal junction - a review of its role in multimodal therapy

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    There is broad consensus on surgical resection being the backbone of curative therapy of gastric- and gastroesophageal junction carcinoma. Nevertheless, details on therapeutic approaches in addition to surgery, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy or radiochemotherapy are discussed controversially; especially whether external beam radiotherapy should be applied in addition to chemotherapy and surgery is debated in both entities and differs widely between regions and centers. Early landmark trials such as the Intergroup-0116 and the MAGIC trial must be interpreted in the context of potentially insufficient lymph node resection. Despite shortcomings of both trials, benefits on overall survival by radiochemotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy were confirmed in populations of D2-resected gastric cancer patients by Asian trials. Recent results on junctional carcinoma patients strongly suggest a survival benefit of neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy in curatively resectable patients. An effect of chemotherapy in the perioperative setting as given in the MAGIC study has been confirmed by the ACCORD07 trial for junctional carcinomas; however both the studies by Stahl et al. and the excellent outcome in the CROSS trial as compared to all other therapeutic approaches indicate a superiority of neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy as compared to perioperative chemotherapy in junctional carcinoma patients. Surgery alone without neoadjuvant or perioperative therapy is considered suboptimal in patients with locally advanced disease. In gastric carcinoma patients, perioperative chemotherapy has not been compared to adjuvant radiochemotherapy in a randomized setting. Nevertheless, the results of the recently published ARTIST trial and the Chinese data by Zhu and coworkers, indicate a superiority of adjuvant radiochemotherapy as compared to adjuvant chemotherapy in terms of disease free survival in Asian patients with advanced gastric carcinoma. The ongoing CRITICS trial is supposed to provide reliable conclusions about which therapy should be preferred in Western patients with gastric carcinoma. If radiotherapy is performed, modern approaches such as intensity-modulated radiotherapy and image guidance should be applied, as these methods reduce dose to organs at risk and provide a more homogenous coverage of planning target volumes

    E-tananyagfejlesztés virtuális 3D környezetben

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    Az oktatás és a tanulás hatékony elektronikus tananyagai iránti igény az utóbbi időben szinte minden tudományterületen jelentősen megnőtt köszönhetően az elmúlt időszakban teret nyerő digitális oktatásnak. Tanulmányunkban egy új és reményeink szerint ígéretes technológiát szeretnénk bemutatni az e-tananyagok fejlesztésére és prezentálására, amely hatékonyan alkalmazható különféle tanulási környezetekben. Ez a technológia a MaxWhere rendszer oktatási célú felhasználásán alapul. A MaxWhere egy néhány évvel ezelőtt kifejlesztett 3D-s prezentációs eszköz, amely látványos és könnyen használható három dimenziós virtuális környezetet kínál a megjeleníteni kívánt tartalmaknak. A rendszert kiválóan lehet használni az e-tananyagok fejlesztéséhez és bemutatásához mind a tanítás, mind a tanulás területén. Esetünkben a tananyag fejlesztésének és prezentálásának lehetőségeit egy kiválasztott informatikai téma kidolgozásával szeretnénk bemutatni és elemezni a MaxWhere 3D virtuális környezetében

    Twins Bed Rest Project: LBNP/Exercise Minimizes Changes in Lean Leg Mass, Strength and Endurance

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    Decreases in muscle strength and endurance frequently are observed in non-weightbearing conditions such as bed rest (BR), spaceflight or limb immobilization. Purpose: Ow purpose was to determine if supine treadmill exercise against simulated gravity, by application of lower body negative pressure (LBNP), prevents loss of lean leg mass, strength and endurance during 30 d of 6deg head-down bed rest (BR). Methods: Fifteen pairs of monozygous twins (8 male, 7 female pairs; 26+/-4 yrs; 170+/-12 cm; 62.6+/-11.3 kg; mean+/-SD) were subjects in the present study. One sibling of each pair of twins was randomly assigned to either an exercise (EX) or non-exercise (CON) group. The EX twin walked/jogged on a vertical treadmill within LBNP chamber 6 d/wk using a 40-min interval exercise protocol at 40-80% of pre-BR VO(sub 2peak). LBNP was adjusted individually for each subject such that footward force was between 1.0 and 1.2 times body weight (-53+/-5 mmHg LBNP). The CON twin performed no exercise during BR. Subjects performed isokinetic knee (60 and 120deg/s) and ankle (60deg/s) testing to assess strength and endurance (End) before and after BR. They also had their lean leg mass (L(sub mass)) evaluated by DEXA before and after BR. Results: Changes in peak torque (T(sub pk)) were smaller for flexion (flex) than for extension (ext) after BR and did not differ between groups. The CON group had larger decreases (P<0.05) in L(sub mass), knee and ankle ext T(sub pk), and knee ext End

    Enhancing Hungarian students’ English language skills on the basis of literary texts in the three-dimensional space

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    In our paper we introduce a bilingual language learning material developed in the framework of the so-called three dimensional virtual library model (3DVLM). This model inspired by the history and organization of the famous ancient Library of Alexandria forms the basis of the virtual library project which started about eight years ago as part of the Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom) research. The current version of the 3DVLM uses the excellent 3D features of the MaxWhere Seminar System which makes it suitable for both individual learning and classroom use. In the following, we would like to introduce first the basic framework of our development, then describe in detail the data structure and organization of the developed bilingual language learning material. The basic idea of the material is to present selected phrases and contexts from classical literary works in English and from their parallel translations in Hungarian in order to improve both the language skills and background knowledge of Hungarian language learners at an advanced level. We found that using web technology was especially useful for developing the language learning material and the developed hypertext structure formed a scale-free network of interconnected nodes

    Correction to the Clausius-Mosotti equation: the dielectric constant of nonpolar fluids from Monte Carlo simulations

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    We examine the dielectric constant of nonpolar fluids by direct Monte Carlo simulations on the basis of the polarizable hard sphere (PHS) model, where the spheres carry molecular polarizabilities. Point dipoles are induced in the spheres partly by an external electric field and partly by other molecules. It has been known that the Clausius–Mosotti equation needs a correction due to mutual polarization between molecules. We reproduce the qualitative behavior found in experiments: the correction increases with increasing density, reaches a maximum, and decreases at high densities. We show that the classic theory of Kirkwood and Yvon is quantitatively correct for the PHS model. © 2009 American Institute of Physic

    Beyond Cookie Monster Amnesia:Real World Persistent Online Tracking

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    Browser fingerprinting is a relatively new method of uniquely identifying browsers that can be used to track web users. In some ways it is more privacy-threatening than tracking via cookies, as users have no direct control over it. A number of authors have considered the wide variety of techniques that can be used to fingerprint browsers; however, relatively little information is available on how widespread browser fingerprinting is, and what information is collected to create these fingerprints in the real world. To help address this gap, we crawled the 10,000 most popular websites; this gave insights into the number of websites that are using the technique, which websites are collecting fingerprinting information, and exactly what information is being retrieved. We found that approximately 69\% of websites are, potentially, involved in first-party or third-party browser fingerprinting. We further found that third-party browser fingerprinting, which is potentially more privacy-damaging, appears to be predominant in practice. We also describe \textit{FingerprintAlert}, a freely available browser extension we developed that detects and, optionally, blocks fingerprinting attempts by visited websites

    Hypoxia-activated prodrug and antiangiogenic therapies cooperatively treat pancreatic cancer but elicit immunosuppressive G-MDSC infiltration

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    We previously showed that ablation of tumor hypoxia can sensitize tumors to immune checkpoint blockade (ICB). Here, we used a Kras+/G12D TP53+/R172H Pdx1-Cre-derived (KPC-derived) model of pancreatic adenocarcinoma to examine the tumor response and adaptive resistance mechanisms involved in response to 2 established methods of hypoxia-reducing therapy: the hypoxia-activated prodrug TH-302 and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) blockade. The combination of both modalities normalized tumor vasculature, increased DNA damage and cell death, and delayed tumor growth. In contrast with prior cancer models, the combination did not alleviate overall tissue hypoxia or sensitize these KPC tumors to ICB therapy despite qualitative improvements to the CD8+ T cell response. Bulk tumor RNA sequencing, flow cytometry, and adoptive myeloid cell transfer suggested that treated tumor cells increased their capacity to recruit granulocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells (G-MDSCs) through CCL9 secretion. Blockade of the CCL9/CCR1 axis could limit G-MDSC migration, and depletion of Ly6G-positive cells could sensitize tumors to the combination of TH-302, anti-VEGFR-2, and ICB. Together, these data suggest that pancreatic tumors modulate G-MDSC migration as an adaptive response to vascular normalization and that these immunosuppressive myeloid cells act in a setting of persistent hypoxia to maintain adaptive immune resistance


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    Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease with a significant economic and public health impact, which particularly affects humans and animal species in developing countries relying on livestock production. This study was conducted to provide asero-prevalence of bovine brucellosis in the central part of Cameroon. Sera from randomly collected blood samples were screened for Brucella antibodies using the rapid Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT) and the indirect Enzyme Linked Immuno­-Sorbent Assay(i-ELISA). A questionnaire was administered to butchers to trace the origin of each animal sampled and know the age and sex of these animals. Statistical significance was determined by Chi-Square test using SPSS v 20 software. A total of 460 cattle (both male and female) were screened. RBPT detected Brucella antibodies in 67 (14.63%) With iELISA, 41 (9, 4%) samples tested positive for detecting Brucella LPS antibodies for confirmation. Data such as animal ageand their origin were not significant; however, the sexwas statistically significant. Animals from Ngaoundere were found to be more affected than animals from Bertoua. Therefore, the overall sero-prevalence obtained was 67 (14.63%) for RBPT and 41 (9, 4%) for i-ELISA.